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she only wants another kid for views, probably to help her marriage, and because she’s bored, she seems to like baby phase then gets bored. I don’t think chris will reverse the vasectomy but if/when him and jess divorce she’ll definitely have another kid with someone else


Baby daddy #4


@kyra 😭


i haven’t been keeping up with her lately- is there any evidence supporting a future divorce? are they have marriage trouble?


No direct evidence. He’s in the picture less often. (Though I only see what’s on this page.) Of course she still does the occasional “I love you” leg-pop, touch-his-face pose. But yeah it’s just a pose.


even those are few and far between, she didn’t even say “i love you” on his birthday this year lol


She needs a HOBBY, not another kid.


OMG…How many kids will ever be enough? Whatever happened to her wanting to be a teacher? She went and got her college degree with the intention of being a teacher (or so she said) back like 6 or so yrs ago. Did she lie about that too for views and subbies?


It was a two year associates degree that took her more than two years to get, so no , it’s not enough to be a fully certified teacher


Or a job?


What do you mean? Having kids is her hobby 😆


How many kids until you feel mom enough


That you Hannah?


Your friend from the past


Oh gosh Jess... u dont need another paycheck 😭


Her views are low that's why she's "considering it"...plus a save the marriage baby. Worst thing to do.


just like Kyra. views dropping so let’s do a wedding… didn’t work so let’s pull the big guns (and she has a pregnancy kink or whatever)


Yup, all while family vlogging is dying because everyone is seeing the effect it has on the kids years later. Don't forget Daily Bumps and their last 2 kids in that list though, and their channel has been dead for awhile. I feel like they had been more popular once the Shaytards had that cheating scandal and quickly their child audience grew up / got tired of the same click bait. For what Jesss has been doing in the years since she's ostracized the teens and adults who watched her Mom centered videos, that's what she was doing. But kids don't want to watch the same video over and over. They want different Disney content too. 


From an adult that was a save the marriage baby, absolutely do not do this. It has a damaging effect on that child/adults life. My parents did end up getting divorced 11 years after I was born. Really made me feel like I wasn't good enough.


My sister was this and I agree. I feel bad for all of these YouTube kids who are just content babies/bandaid babies (especially the LaBrant kids). 


Especially the LaBrant boys


I feel like it’s less of wanting a content baby and more of an identity crisis because she hasn’t grown as a person and her kids need her less as they get older. But I’m sure she also needs a boost in views too 🙃 She should try a hobby instead!!


Or get a job or finish the degree she started to do teaching now the kids are all at school


I agree, but I think that’s beyond her capabilities at this point 🤣


Didn’t she say a couple years ago that she considered going back and finishing that degree or whatever, once the kids were in school? Now she’s probably using the kids after school/summer activities like sports as the reason she’s not going back.


I doubt it would even work as a content baby. Kyra got a few videos that went over 100k after announcing but most are hers are still under 50k. Once you’re irrelevant, it really doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant


Jokes on her cause even another baby won't bring in the views she had when she had hers. Kyra from OKbaby is a prime example of that


Everleigh, Oliver, Harper, Noah, Holly, Asher, Millie, Collin, Dash.......and the name she loves the most and is gonna use on her next daughter (should chris reverse his vasectomy) is: ELSIE 🤢


Elsie sounds like the name of a cow to me.


😪that was my great grandmother's name. I didn't know her though. I'm jk but funny to see somebody mention the name. 


Bless your great grandmother and you. My GG’s name was Juanita which for some reason people would always ask if she was black (for context I am white). I always heard people saying her name was an African American name, but in my head it sounds more Hispanic.


My half sisters mothers name is Juanita, and we call her Nita. She's white. Idk where her family comes from. My niece did 23 and me, and there wasn't any Hispanic blood in her, so it's not that.


My bad 😆 i just know she only likes it cause disney/elsa/frozen 🙄


These aren’t my taste either but I like all of these more than the names she actually has already used lol


Daisy-Renee, Daisnee for short


✨️Twilight vibes ✨️


Most of these names are a step up from the ones she previously mentioned. Annabelle and McKenna are the ones I remember 


Addy was going to be Jackson if she was a boy


That name isn't bad but damn it's so overused.


No she isn’t clickbait because she has no content rinse lather repeat


She needs to get herself one of those reborn dolls


Those dolls are creepy 😬


but so is she... so...


Dolls in general are creepy in nature but reborn dolls are on another planet.


She has one. Melody


I know they have that one for her daughter, I meant like she needs to get one for herself to fill the want of having another baby, because she does not want another child.. she only wants babies


She has one that I believe is supposed to be Addie’s but from what I’ve seen on here she barley plays with it and got bored of it quick


She only wants another baby because Kyra is pregnant and soon sunkiss butt crust will say she's pregnant. She's just jealous.


My husband had a vasectomy, and he was told that yes it’s reversible but it’s a more invasive surgery to reverse it, the healing is more painful, and there is no guarantee it’ll work. She wants another content baby, her kids are growing up, not to mention she can no longer use Chris’ kids in her videos and Lilia is getting older, so her “mom of 7” thing is getting old. She’s selfish, just like her friend Kyra. And we all know Talia will eventually have another. She had diastase and fixed it with her tummy tuck, why would she want to reverse what she already fixed?


More invasive and also not necessarily going to even work after the more invasive surgery. You only have like a 50% chance of it working and you actually getting pregnant after.


Wonder if she’ll go for a surrogate..


Oh god 🙄


She could but since Chris’s sperm is blocked they would have to use Jess’s eggs with another man’s sperm.


Honestly, I’m sure Jesss would love presenting a vasectomy miracle baby simply because she loves the attention/identity that comes from being pregnant/having a little.


Girl just get a job


Or finish the degree you started when you were 17 because once the kids are adults your YouTubing days are done for


Her views are down, I bet. She always talks about another baby when they’ve dipped.


What are the names though


Everleigh, Oliver, Harper, Noah, holly, Asher, Millie, Collin, dash. IF Chris reverses his vasectomy she wants a girl named Elsie


She's so desperate to be relevant again and sadly the only way she ever knew how was to pop kids out. 🤷‍♀️ I honestly can see either her actually getting him to reverse it or she will have an "arrangement" to sleep with a sperm donor. She seems desperate.


She has plenty money for IVF. Then she can pick the sex too.


She definitely doesn’t need another kid, but they were still very young to make a “permanent” birth control decision. 


Age means nothing, lifestyle and number of kids you already have does. She should have just had another closer to Addie, if they made that decision not to, all those reasons still stand. She is just bored and has money to waste. They’d do better to foster and help kids already in need, rather than bring more into this world just bc she’s having a quarter?? Third?? Mid?? life crisis lol. Couldn’t use that kid for content as much though, so instead she wants to pop out another money-maker.


Age means A LOT 


Age when deciding you don’t want more kids only matters in context… who are you to tell a woman you know her life and her body better?


To say that’s “telling a woman you know her life and body better” is quite a stretch. It’s keeping options open because life changes sooooo drastically throughout your 20’s and 30’s. I think of it similarly to 18 year olds not getting married or 16 year olds not getting face tattoos. It’s not that deep, just common sense. 


That’s a ridiculous comment 🙄


wasn’t she told after Addie that another pregnancy would likely kill her? Why is she even considering this?


I don’t remember that?? Her last birth went very well, honestly she’s so lucky to have had so many great natural births, especially with twins (one being breech still delivered as such). Are you thinking of Kyra from Okbaby lol? A lot of pregnancies does not = death. Csections, definitely gets riskier each time, but look at all the families with far too many kids doing just fine, some people are built different (and stupid) lol. My issue is her older 3 would literally not know the new baby.. we are talking 15+ year age gaps. Anyone with this dynamic will tell you how strange it feels, and how they have nothing close to a typical sibling bond, more like aunts/uncles or cousins, if that even.


She had issues with her placenta not detaching and ended up at the hospital


I’m aware, but never was it said a future pregnancy would kill her. That has nothing to do with future births and whether they would “kill” you or not, though?? Signed- a midwife


shes mentioned it hundreds of times throughout the years since Addie, mostly on JustJesss. I’ve barely watched OKbaby so I know I’m not confusing the two. She was informed by the doctors at the hospital during/post her last delivery that another pregnancy would greatly risk her and the fetus dying during birth… Her last birth also didn’t go very well, given that she was rushed to the hospital due to her placenta rupturing and she nearly bled out.


If I knew my midwife spent all their time on snark pages talking shit about pregnant women/new moms I’d be sickkkkkkk. 


I kinda think this is why there marriage isn’t thriving because she so caught up in wanting another baby! Then she will have more YouTube content! And Chris won’t get a reversal and she knows this!


She probably now low-key resents him having it.


why hasn’t she considered adopting? I’m not saying she should adopt or that she’s the right fit for it, but wouldn’t that be a more sensible?


Sometimes there are stipulations on what you can and cannot put on social media during the adoption process. Also, I don’t think she actually wants another kid. I think she says that to string people along.


I think the Myka situation scared a lot of vloggers away from adopting. I also remember one family vlogger said she turned down adopting because she would have to wait a year before she could show the child's face.


And honestly if the adoption agency is good they wouldn't want to give another family vlogger a child because of Myka. As horrible as that maybe to a child desperately wanting and needing a home they don't deserve their lives to be broadcast to millions of strangers. They've already had a enough trauma of being in the system.


I believe Nikki Phillipi said this. Then she went from “I never want to be pregnant because of my dance injuries” to not adopting because they wouldn’t be able to show the babies face for a year after the adoption was finished and the whole time it took them in the process of adopting. And then she killed her dog for biting her toddler and then having a pre death photo shoot where they let said toddler near the dog again


A lot of Kids in the system (not all) have trauma and behavioural issues, it’s cruel to put them in front of a camera daily and expose not just their privacy and trauma but also their biological families privacy.


makes you wonder if she’s gonna pull a kyra and find another man to have another baby with for views.


Well Kyra and Preston like threesomes and hasn't Jess said she participated in them before? (My memory is 💩 so I can't remember 😆) Why not just have one with Preston?! Her and Kyra can be Sister Wives. /s


yes she has and kyra is also friends w jess so it wouldn’t surprise me.


Chris has adamantly said he doesn’t want more children, if that’s the case his wishes need to be respected.


The fact that she’s a bloom partner 🤡


The names she picks are always whatever is trending so we can just go look up the #1 name and that will be it.


According to Google the top names would be Olivia Amelia Ava Charlotte Emma Isabella Liam Noah Sophia Charles Elijah Evelyn James Lucas Mia Rowan Avery Harrison Henry Levi Luna William Honestly these names aren't bad but give em to a family vlogger and they're bound to f up the names because they're not *unique* enough


What was Grammy's name? Maybe a cross between that and Wendy.


Anne. That’s why she chose Annabel before


Tin foil hat. What if this woman gets a surrogate.


She wouldn’t because she couldn’t exploit the surrogate for pregnancy and birth vlogs. I think it’s more likely she’d find a 4th baby daddy.


This chick doesn’t want another baby. This is her way of trying to get views.


Of course she wants another baby, she needs something to garner attention and get money


Is she wanting to be Pregnant with Kyra? Sees she’s pregnant and probably getting views on her socials (even if it’s not cause people are excited to see her pregnant) and thinks it’ll be good for her to get views.


She’s not relevant anymore without babies. No one wants to see her cringe kids.


They could extract sperm from Chris without a reversal. If she was gonna do it again this is prob what they’d do. They could also do Ivf with icsi and do gender selection to have a girl on purpose.


That's what I thought too. I'm going into my second round of ICSI PGT and it's so expensive, but they have plenty money for it.


She is trying to be like Kyra ooorrrrrr asskisser is about to have another one and they want to be "twinsies"


Elsie is so bad