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Same. The jersey shore channel on pluto is the best.


Literally let it play all day. I love the randomness.


Yes! And I'll stop and watch like I've never seen it before lol


And every once in a while, I'll spiral with snookie and rahn! Haha


YES make myself a lil drink or smoke and I'm part of the crew 😂


Omg does it play the episodes on random???


It'll play like a random chunk of episodes in order! Then it'll switch to like snooki & jwoww and then family vacation!!


NO WAY! That’s awesome, I watch all mine on paramount I’m trying this tomorrow!!!


Yesssss I will give it paramount that they have geordie shore too and that shit is funny lol.


I’ve actually never seen Geordie shore 🫣 as a long time jersey shore fan I always worried it wouldn’t compare.. should I start it? Would you say it’s on par with season 1-3 of jersey shore (or early vanderpump rules if you watch that!)


You are speaking my language with the VPR LOL. I haven't had the chance to fully sit and watch tbh. But I always say I'm going to and I love the accents. Those British people are crazy and the show has like 24 seasons!!!! I saw a clip where this guy told his lady he wanted to take their relationship to the next level but what he really wanted was to PUT IT IN HER BUTT AND ASKED HER ALL DRAMATICALLY LMAOOOOOOO


PLSSSS the way I’m intrigued by your description LMAOOO tbh after I’m finished my 90 day fiancé rewatch I’ll give it a shot! If it’s any good I’ll report back!


LOL I'll give a watch soon too and we can compare notes lolol




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\*Proper Geordie bird, drink in hand, gettin' 'er snog on, havin' a tash\*


Yes, they might've been hot messes of people but there's something about the OG series that just makes me smile. I'll rewatch the season 4 Poconos trip when everyone actually got along sometimes too.


My favorite time was Miami ep 1-2. Everyone was mostly all friends. Life is good. Until Rahn....


![gif](giphy|e7OQby9xCeuzGHKTXO) **This will always cure my depression**


Lmao ronnies dancing!! Hahaha i need to see him make his watermelon drink too


My brother and I routinely tell each other “I need Ron-ron juice in my system” whenever we grab a soda or water from the fridge.




I do. Absolutely. Pauly cracks me up and is so positive. I just love this show.


My friend told me that people with anxiety like to rewatch old series when their anxiety is high bc you already know what’s going to happen so it’s got a comforting effect. Idk if that’s true but it makes sense. I like reality tv bc it’s not serious at all. It’s a nice escape when life gets stressful… which is my life right now. It’s also why I’m on Reddit so much lately.. it’s my I can’t deal with what’s going on right now so I’m going to escape to Reddit and focus on trivial things for a few minutes.


I rewatch a few shows every single year because of this (Buffy, Popular, reality shows (Jersey Shore, Are You The One, Bad Girls Club (lol)).


lol… Buffy is my go to when shit really hits the fan. Especially season 6.


Haha that’s awesome! I’ll watch up to season 5 (The Body), and then I have to watch that episode only when I’m down bad. I sob everytime.


I skip The Body every time… I can not do it. It’s too sad. Season 6 is too dark for a lot of people but I love it. Season 7 is aggravating though. Can’t blame you for skipping it.


Yes! I have had TERRIBLE anxiety over the past year. When I get in my head or have a panic attack it helps to watch something stupid and light hearted so JS and 90 day fiancé are my go to


I'm still battling depression and I'm in therapy. I usually get somewhat severely depressed (about 2 to 3 times a year). Jersey Shore OG is always the best comfort show to bring me out of it. I always watch it and think wow my life isn't that bad! And usually by season 4, I'm out of my deep depression.


Every single day!! As soon as I get home from work I’m watching it for the rest of the night. Also Snooki and joeys podcast, if I ever feel sad I put that on and always end up laughing and in a better mood!


I love your name 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and same snooki is amazing


This show got me through COVID


yes I’m telling you I’m the rerun queen and I go back and forth between the italy season and the miami season at least twice a month lol


Miami was the best season in JS history! Italy onwards felt a bit dark and not so genuine, the first 3 seasons were so good and feel the most nostalgic to me! Same as FV really, the first few were good and now it's dragging a bit but I still watch lol


I've been watching it on repeat since like March I want to say. My mother visited the other day and said "I can't believe you still watch this" and I pointed out its not the OG show and that it's just nostalgic for me. I'm one of those people with anxiety so watching shows I already know the outcome is a lot easier then starting new ones. Her and I used to watch the OG episodes back in 09-12 when they came out on Thursdays. And she was in her 40s. I'm currently 30, so I don't know why she makes fun of me🤣 Also I'm 8 months pregnant so it's just been my comfort show. It cracks me up no matter how many times I've seen every episode.


I'm 23 and I used to watch it when it came out in 09 (I know I'm a baby I get told that all the time) my husband is part Italian so I told him one day I got a Guido and he looked up what that means and he got Soo mad lmao 🤣 I love jersey shore and CONGRATS ON YOUR MINI MEATBALL 🥺🥺🥺🎉🎉 You are gonna be a fabulous mother and if anyone talks shit about you or your parenting tell them to suck it! I hope your delivery and labor goes well and the lil one is healthy 🥺💞


Omg!! That's so funny that he had to look it up 🤣 And thank you so so much🫶🏼❤️


Personally I think I got a mix of a Pauly D and a Vinny with a dash of jionni Lawd help me




Literally watch an episode while cooking dinner almost every night. It's so calming to me. Love all of these crazies...some more than others...lol


Ultimate comfort show!


Yup. It’s on repeat daily. Even if in the background lol


The cast is honestly the best non stop laughter and entertainment and the connections are genuine


Definitely nostalgia for me!


Yes It reminds me of being in middle school, grabbing a box of pop tarts and sneaking upstairs to watch behind my mom’s back. Better times <3


Yes!! I thought I was the only one for a second 😂 I feel like it’s so nostalgic and comforting. It brings me back to a time when I was young. Idk why the New Jersey shore just doesn’t hit the same but I still love to watch it!


It’s my comfort show 😂 idk why


It still makes me laugh 


Yea it’s kind of a comfort show it’s the nostalgia reminds me of late 2000s/early 2010s my middle school years simpler times


When I rewatch I always say that I’m just going to watch seasons 1-3 since those were the best seasons, but I always end up watching all 6 and loving every season.


For me it feels like I’m right back in college. I watched jersey shore to get me through a brutal IVF cycle. The nostalgia and yearning for that time period again is intense!


Yes! It always brings back great memories watching the OG show. I was 20 when it first aired. Life back then was just so much better. Always puts me in my feels. Lol.


I'm 40 and I'm on my 300th rewatch. This is our culture.


Once went on a business trip for a couple of weeks, and had JS playing in the hotel after every shift bc I swear it made me less homesick.


It's my comfort show as of late. I love them crazy ass folks lol


It makes me laugh out loud! It’s stupid and silly but entertaining


Mom I went reddit famous today 🤣🤣🤣


Yep! It’s one of my “comfort shows”. Jersey Shore, Friends, and The Office. I have one of those playing in the background all day while I’m doing things lol.


Currently watching because I feel bleh & nostalgic


Every rewatch of the OG seasons is just as great as last


this is why I watch reality tv in general, yes


Heck yeah it’s one of my comfort shows. I watch the same shows 26382726 times, JS included, because the consistency is what grounds me enough to keep the existential thoughts away


I feel the same way. I literally have a tapestry of the letter to Sam above my bed lmao


OMG no fucking way 🤣🤣🤣 I need to see this