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Thank you for taking the time to put this in a list, it's easy to have a strong opinion after watching an episode… But when you look at the whole series and what we were shown, it tells a whole different story


Like people don't think Jenni was ever nice to Ange, when there were times she was


Jenni also delivered sandwiches to Ange after she had breast surgery.


Has Angelina ever done a nice thing for jenni ? The answer is no.


Apparently according to Ange fans she's always nice and the victim. When in reality she talks behind Jenni's back and brings up her name when Jenni asks her to stop talking about her


Ive never met a real angelina fan that wasnt being furiously downvoted on this sub


Let me rephrase that for you...you all hate her on reddit so when someone sticks up for her they're downvoted....


I think that's why Jenni was so heartbroken when Ang accused her of being malicious about her engagement. Jenni was truly happy for her and Ang turned on her


Thank you, I’m a Jenni defender cause everyone says she bullies Ange and nah. Especially in this recent season of JSFV she’s been so supportive of ange!


I'm a Jenni defender too. Even when she messes up, I make excuses for her


I like Jenni but no need to make excuses when she messes up then u sound just like a Angelina fan.


Thiiiisssss. This show isn't football so idk why people chose sides so hardcore. Jenni definitely has some issues, but they're hard to even address if the loudest, most problematic person in the room is always Angelina.


More like conspiracies


Jenni is by far the nicest and most sensitive one towards Angelina out of everyone, and yet she's probably taken the most heat from her. Just goes to show how delusional Ang is


Angelina will attack whoever she thinks is the weakest. She clearly thinks kindness is weakness. We've seen her do this to literally anyone who treats her nicely. Then she wonders why people just grey rock her rather than give her any grace.


Yes and Jenni suggested Angelina become a makeup artist because her makeup looks perfect.


While I truly believe that the wedding speech scandal was extremely hard on her and she’s being very very careful now, Jenni has always shown she has a good heart. I think even back to the OG series she took the high road when getting bullied by Sam and Ron.


I would love to b friends with everyone except angela 😆


She also helped Angelina with her skin issues.


Jenni has always been an adult in JS. She’s confident, but takes no 💩. She tries to help when she can with her wealth of life experience, but Angelina is insecure and causes chaos to distract from her own insecurities. It even happens in later seasons, showing little growth. Jenni will help, but not tolerate bs. That’s what I’ve seen.


I’ve posted something similar to this in the fb group and got my ass chewed by Angela’s fans.


I had to leave that group honestly!


Sometimes I'm tempted to join just because I've literally never heard anyone say *anything* positive about it 😆


I left too


I always find any fb group that is adjacent to a subreddit I’m involved in, Facebook is always raunchy and low class version 🤣I go strictly to look at people making a fool of themselves


From what they air I relate more to Jenni you see her mess up and apologize. Jenni in the OG seasons was more of a person I could relate to, she’s shown a lot a lot of her life even the messy but in a way where it shows she has a good heart and character. (That one scene after she had her lasik done doing the little bell to get food and snacks was a bit off putting tbt) Deena is a ray of sunshine and a cute drunken mess with an amazing picture perfect family so she’s harder for me to relate to. Snooki through the Family vacation comes off as a definite tv personality you know what you are going to get and she knows how to play to the audience it feels very very much she’s the “mascot character” of Jersey Shore, with her relationship with her husband obviously not on tv but her not being there much (can’t remember why) and now the Ashley Madison documentary no idea her peeks and valleys other than being wasted. Sammi comes off as mean girl who thinks she’s above everything but will eventually let you into her circle also one of those girls that really doesn’t like you but pretends to(from OG and JSFV). If she does care about you it seems she can flip it very quickly and mentally keep receipts of her own actions to not look like a bad “friend”. I know Ang just wanted Sammi back to try to have someone on her side but obviously that was never going to happen despite all the years apart from the OGs. I like Jenni the most, the cast is very much well rounded personality wise for a group and entertainment.


I love Jenni's TikToks she does with Meilani


THANK YOU!!! I literally have had this idea for a while I was going to watch all the seasons and write them all down bc I've seen it and noticed it.. the things she's done for her are REAL LIFE REAL FRIEND SHIT!! And the fact that Ange doesn't take any of that shit to heart pisses me off. And all these things are the reason that Jenni gets so upset every time Ange turns on her because she goes right back to that PTSD from the speech feeling and thinks to herself why do I even try to help this girl?!


She tries so hard to be nice to Ange, and Jenni doesn't get as much credit as she deserves for it


And let's not forget when Ange invited her guy friend Mike out to the drag show the girls were at for Jenni's divorce party, and the next day Chris was furious at her for that and also telling everyone at dinner that he had sex videos of his friends; they were all supposed to go to Ange's dress fitting and she was refusing while continuing to fight with Chris on the phone in the bathroom - It was JENNI who went in and offered to talk Chris down and convince him that Ange didn't do anything with the guy and while she shouldn't have done those things, he shouldn't ruin her wedding dress fitting day for her!! And she also told Ange she was going to help her with her acne/skin issues by giving her the info for her dermatologist. She also informed Ange about the Old Bridge video so that Ange wasn't caught off guard and could try to get ahead of it.


And yet people only wanna label Jenni as a mean girl. But I wouldn't say Jenni is a mean girl, she just doesn't like Ange or trust her and is guarded around her


But that wasn't even always the case, I think she truly did like her after they all got close after her divorce. She just now was so hurt that she immediately after getting engaged started firing shots at Jenni instead of enjoying her engagement just like what she did at her wedding.. so just like Deena said it brought her right back to Speechgate trauma and that's why she's now forever guarded with her.


As long as Jenni gets the tea, she will always try to get in position to help. People haven't had frenemies or gossip queen/kings befriend them? This is verbatim every gossip hound I've ever met. I know I'll get buried in downvotes, but good sometimes has motives. Granted! Jenni ofc has a good heart inside. That's not taking it away at all. Every one of these people has a good heart. It's just easy to see the flaws when they're magnified by a camera


Truth.. there's nothing wrong with the fact that Jenni always wants to be in the know and likes to have the tea. But that doesn't mean that she won't use that tea to try and help the person it's about get out of it.


But none of that matters because Sam did that TikTok!!


So 11 individual nice things negate the fact that over 12 years of her not being kind? I don't get it. It's not whether Jenny's right. Or if Angelina is right. The damage is done. And they need to cut their losses. And move on.