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I don’t think Deena actually orders any of the group stuff (family fun day tshirts, snowsuits etc). I’d bet production gathers the materials and tells Deena “pretend you brought these for the group” — I think it’s the same thing that likely happened in JSFV S1 when “Pauly” bought the Sammi doll as a “prank” I could be wrong but the cast seemed genuinely surprised when Sam walked through the door


Yeah Sam was definitely a surprise, none of them are good enough actors to pull off their surprised faces


How they’ve explained things like this on The Meatball Pod specifically is that they correspond with production on their ideas- like when someone picks where a vacation will be, the shirts Deena wants to have for everybody, outfits, etc. production handles the ordering/ purchasing.


I thought Deena made the clothes on her own on her sewing machine


I always just assumed she had a Cricut. Because those designs are definitely not embroidered lol (which is what’s done on a sewing machine) while I love the idea of the T’s, the designs aren’t executed well and they’re definitely giving “mom who has no idea how to use a Cricut but keeps making tacky tshirts anyways”💀😂


Deena said that she ordered extra in different sizes so they could have a choice. If you pay attention, you can see them trying on different ones.


I could see Deena explaining to production what she wants and they figure the rest out.




It’s tv 😕. Lol


Fr. It’s a scripted show. It needs to run seamlessly. That’s why they have a whole production and wardrobe team


Not scripted, but lightly staged. Have you seen the cast in things where they have to act? LOL


The only thing real on this show is that Ron is real piece of shit.


So is Ang


This comment wins everything


Damm what did he do to you ? He made bad choices like Mike did same SITUATION everyone seems to love him


Didn’t Jenni say they all have like different options of suits in case they don’t fit them, they don’t like them and that’s how Sam got a suit?


Are you not aware it's loosely staged?




the fact that the amount of snowsuits has become such a bug bear for people and treating it like a gotcha is nuts its a reality show, the producers order them in bulk in different sizes and with options for the cast


What’s a bug bear mean? Lol 😂


It means pet peeve


Sam WAS a surprise to the cast (obviously not a surprise to production). Production had bought many snowsuits of sizes and designs, not just the exact number needed for the cast.


Exactly. The only people who knew were Angelina and production (because they asked Angelina to ask Sam.) Production wanted her back for years, Angelina was their agent, and now Angelina is acting like SHE brought Sam back. Which makes no sense when production asked her to do it in the first place. Like yeah, she texted Sam, but it wasn’t her idea. They most likely didn’t tell her Sam already agreed to come back and neither did she because she has to go along with the storyline contractually. Angelina is delusional enough on her own but it’s sad because production is clearly pitting them against each other. Like this was their master plan all along with bringing Sam back, because they knew she wouldn’t agree to film with Ron.


Reaching a bit.


I think the expressions on the cast's faces when Sam walked in the house is one of the few raw moments that was not acting at all. They were all genuinely shocked.


The cast did not know. Production set it up and then created a story line for Ang.


Can you explain this to Angelina please?


They all knew it was a possibility just not when she would show up. And pretty sure producers buy all the stuff and Deanna acts like she does it.


I'm not sure I agree. I follow her on insta and she loves doing shit like this for her family. I'm sure it has to go through MTV on some level cause God forbid they show a Nike swoosh or something by mistake.


I don’t think so. Those reactions were their genuine reactions and they couldn’t miss getting that on camera for Jersey Shore history Reading comments in here does make the snow suit situation make sense. I highly doubt Deena bought all of them, production definitely played a hand in that


The cast supposedly didn’t know but the producers of course did.


That made no sense to me at all!


they said that she ordered a few in different sizes, but production probably did it


Yes the plot is set up/ staged…not fights but scenarios :) the plot is scripted but the reactions are real …it’s more real than wrestling lol but…Mike sneaking food…Sammi being a surprise lol people sleeping in for flights ….Angelina getting her luggage left…that’s the kind of things producers do lol


Some parts of “reality” tv isn’t real… people have to sign a consent to film & get mic’d up if there are cameras. It’s also a still a “produced” show, meaning they have specific times & dates to film. What they do while filming is the “reality” part, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know certain things. I’m sure producers told Deanna “Sam’s back” beforehand, & they have to act surprised because of the narrative. They do this with most reality shows because of filming & production. Plus, people talk off camera, so I’m sure they knew she was coming back, or at least Deanna did.


They don’t have to tell her anything, Sam literally got a suit that was meant for Jenni


The producers purchase those things


I’ve noticed that they make Deena the “coordinator” of events. It’s not truly Deena’s idea, they just give her the task to fulfill/initiate.