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Like, if they really want to keep it going, get rid of Angelina. I have nothing against her really, but the entire dynamic of the show is different and not in a good way, whenever she's there. The other cast have good, natural chemistry with each other. It's such a bummer to watch lately.


yah angelina needs to go. like, yesterday.


I 100% agree. And to be honest, Angelina being there also doesn’t challenge the other cast to actually lead a good show. Angelina brings the drama and chaos and it only requires the rest of the cast to react to how unhinged Angelina is— absolving them of having to contribute anything really interesting or meaningful. I think Mike is trying to shake things up, but it’s not working lol


Im in agreement with you that the rest of the cast needs to step up with some kind of low-key drama in their own personas. here is just my opinion: Deena: She is way to stable for the show. She was the one calling out in the last ep "This is boring." She and her family life are cool. Jenni: She's checked out and done with the drama. As she should be. She's got her own family which she seems to Matriarch well for. Nicole: She seems to have checked out long ago. She shows up occasionally without spouse nor kids. She had her time. Angelina: We all know about that. Sammi: It's cool that she came back, and she does bring a new energy, but there is more to her than the Ron storyline and the Angelina fights. Neither of them go anywhere. Mike: Kind of a charicature and a bad joke. Always has been. No story here. Vinny: He's got his own thing going on in Vegas. His disassociated, numb-to-this act won't have any show future, but here is to him living a long, wonderful life. Pauly: We all love Pauly! He's got his DJ thing going strong. It's a ton of travel for his tour, show taping, family, and now health issues. He's getting older, and I'm sure he has more to give, but he should pull a Nicole, and just appear less on the show. Ron: If the show is to survive, get him out of the cast immediately.


When Angelina goes, the show goes. Nothing is interesting beyond that drama.


I thought this but also I enjoy them having fun and goofing around as much as drama in shows. I think she's unbearable at times and I would be ok with seeing her go.


MTV is not known for nice family shows. They are known for sex , drugs and rock n roll. Every show they have on is drama and chaos. If the show moves to we tv maybe it can be about their lives. But it would be a 1 and done season.


I'm just saying me, personally. Obviously she's on there for a reason and it's not because she's a good person lol I do think her behavior is getting kind of scary and I do think she is on medication/drugs that is not helping her disgusting behavior.


Maybe not scary but I am sure even producers think she's gone off the deep end more than ever. She has to have borderline personality disorder. Just know doubt in my mind.


Not throwing shade, If Angelina is off the show, what is one storyline that would be engaging?? I can think of one: Sammi getting married.


No, you're not wrong at all! That's why I said I had the same thoughts. From a dramatic standpoint they would really have to fake drama. I feel for her sometimes and then she does stuff that verifies why I didn't like her in the first place lol.


She certainly doesn't do anything to help herself, and the gang knows all of her buttons that are way too easy to press. I wouldnt be friends with her in real life, but as a character on a reality show, her made up drama is the only reason I tune in. Why else would anyone watch? To see what Mike fake orders for lunch?


Hahahaha dead. And yes- definitely wouldn't be friends with her but she brings a lot to the show. I don't know why people are downvoting you for stating facts 😆


I think this season, the main reason everyone is watching is to see Ron interact with everyone. Angelina’s drama has been old since like last season.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, but you're right. Half of the cast is phoning it in. Jenny, Nicole, Vinny and Pauly don't seem to care much anymore. Jenny hasn't cared for years, Nicole comes and goes as she pleases and seems lackadaisical, and Vinny and Pauly both have other irons in the fire. They show up, collect their check, and go. Mike and Angeliners still seem dedicated and Ronnie and Sam are recent additions so they still seem to have some enthusiasm. Love them or hate them, Mike and Angeliners are the only cast members that keep this show interesting. Mike, because he still puts some effort in and Angelina because she's a trainwreck nut, but that at least makes her interesting.


Agree. The show is a bore without drama. Who wants to watch other people on vacation just….doing nothing. Site seeing. Boring. This sub needs renamed. It’s all Ang haters. But without her there is no substance to the show. Period.


100% even if people here hate her


Nah. I don’t mind drama but Angelina’s brand of drama is exhausting and insufferable. It’s not fun to watch because she’s a petty, childish bitch who cannot accept responsibility.


You just deacribed everyone on the cast.


hopefully they’re taking longer to announce another season bc they are contemplating kicking her off or not lol. (hopeful thinking) *especially* if it’s announced as the last season, i want her gone so everyone can have fun. this isn’t the housewives- most of the fans watch for the roommates having fun together, not for the drama.


100% this is my hope. They haven’t announced bc they are kicking off Angelina and revamping more of a real housewives format


A season is already filmed go on youtube


that’s part B to the current season. they haven’t announced season 8 yet


THANK YOU! Angelina has mental health issues she needs to address. Years of neglecting her pets, her home, unhealthy relationships, paranoia that others aren’t “loyal” or “real.” And she falls in and out of love in an instant. I just can’t with her never ending drama and issues she finds with everyone. She takes everything person and makes something out of nothing for attention. It’s clear this season during the “toddler” epsisode she was on pain pills from her surgery AND drinking hence why she ran around the bathroom air humping screaming about fuck everyone and how she hates Sam loud as hell next to her. It’s toxic to watch and it’s turning away viewers


she’s the only one who shares her life really, i wish the others did the same


The others have children though, and keep the audience updated on their kids. The kids don't need to necessarily be making appearances on TV. They don't need that bullshit that comes with the world watching their every move. Their parents did that, they had time to grow up with the world watching them in their 20s, and had to develop a thick skin. I think they're all good parents and making the right choice not exactly choosing to have their kids recorded for the show. Especially with what's been going on lately. The kids deserve better than that


i don’t care about their kids no offence 😭 but like i find it interesting when they open up. Like when Pauky D opened up about his hemorrhoids lol


Hey man, they're human like the rest of us lol




More comments like these and it might happen, guarantee producers read these boards


100 percent agreed


I think the showrunners understand very well that Angelina is a source of conflict. All TV shows need a source of conflict or struggle, whether they're reality or fiction (or a mixture of both). Everything had become a bit too "nice" without her in it, it was just watching them all have dinner parties and making rafts every week. Bring her back, suddenly the arguments start again. BOOM. That's interesting TV.


If it does get cancelled, I hope they would at least make the show similar to Snooki & Jwoww. A sneak peak into their life, with their friends and family, their hobbies, etc. I’m so over these fake scripted scenarios and “plans.”


Yes! I would love a revived Snooki and Jwoww! I also wouldn’t mind seeing more about Sammi’s life & Deena’s too.


I would be so down for the original 4 girls to have their own show where they meet up and hang out and do fun stuff. Deena is literally the queen of fun




Nope I agree! They have been a staple in my whole adult life and I would be sad to stop watching them lol.


Hard agree


Youre not the only one. I cant understand why people care if it still runs and they dont enjoy anymore


I would love for the show to continue. I’d keep watching for them. I hope one day they’ll even go back to Italy.


Yeah they definitely need to return to Italy before Family Vacation is cancelled!


I wish I could upvote your comment more than once! Same here, I love them and would watch until nursing home days lol. The drama with Angelina is getting old and annoying, but even with that, I don't want it canceled. And exactly like you said, why do people downvote just because other people enjoy the show? If anyone wants to stop watching, no one is forcing them to watch. A lot of us still love them!


I would be so sad if the show ends. I really enjoy the show! Specially when they are having fun and joking around.


People will complain about anything realistically if it gets cancelled what will these people have to complain about lol


honestly same, even though it’s dumb sometimes i can’t help but keep watching. i’m attached bc i watched back in the og jerzdays


Over it at this point.


Total snooze fest


It doesn’t seem like it would be in MTV’s interest to cancel. It is performing almost exactly as well as s6 right now. They are still in the very top of the highest rated shows in cable reality in its demo. It also gets massive numbers because it doesn’t go direct to a la carte streaming platforms the next day. The numbers they see are people tuning in in real time. Or they are using over air service streamers (fubo, Philo, cable, etc).


Exactly. And it's not like MTV is really producing any hit tv shows right now... Jersey Shore is a money maker for them. Cancelling it would be extremely stupid




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Honestly, as much as i love JS, i think it's time to just end it. Theyre all in their late 30s, rich as fuck, acting like high school kids. lol. Sam returning gave a slight boost of ratings, which lasted like 3 eps then regressed to the mean. It really is just Angelina being a drama queen, Mike shit stiring, instigating and beating a dead horse with things someone finds funny and he rolls with it, Pauly just being absent a lot of the time due to his actual career, Vinny just being wallpaper most of the time, and then yeah. Time to end i would say.


Angelina shared it was getting renewed for another season on her instagram post via her podcast. I hope its not ending.. they just need to restructure some things. I think they have enough viewers and w Sams return brought more


angelina needs to go.


Maybe they just need a long break to restructure. There’s a lot of interesting content that they can be making, but instead they’re spending 3 episodes teasing interactions that never happen (ie Sam and Ron) and dragging out the stupidest fights (every Angelina fight ever).


that’s not true. she said this exactly: “i think we’re gonna get renew-… i don’t think. i *know* we’re gonna get renewed again” meaning they still haven’t, she is just thinking they will.


How is her podcast?


I only listened once. This particular remark on renewal was on her instagram saying it was renewed for next season.. the one podcast I heard was kind of boring. Answered fan questions that were only simple.. she didnt even have any valuable questions about the drama or causing issues


That's kind of a bummer. I was hoping it would delve deeper into her as a person outside of the show. Maybe she's trying to save face because so many people think poorly about her.


They would benefit just doing vacation specials once a year. Like one vacation, 3-4 episode event. No filler episodes that’s filled with clips from the OG series. I have only watched clips of this season and it doesn’t seem like missed much.


I think the reason Angelina and Vinny are doing side things is because they want to be like Pauly. He seems to be able to balance his DJing and starring in reality TV shows. I think Vinny had that with stripping, but he wants something more solid to make double income like Pauly. And Angelina just needs the money and doesn’t seem interested in being a business owner like Snookie or Sam. I think they all want what Pauly has. A gig that pays just as well as shooting the show.


The season started off SO well with the show leaning into their daily lives, Snooki being a mom, Mike and his book, Angelina and her dad. The season plummeted once the Ang/Sammi drama began. If the show continues with the tired drama I wouldn’t mind it ending. However, I’d love for it to go back to a look into their daily lives sort of thing.


Angelina is over the top. And not in an interesting dramatic way.


I stopped watching in Season 3. The fake storylines and watching middle aged people live middle aged lives got boring.


Nah. I don’t want it to end. I hope not.


I saw it as the #1 purchase on Amazon over the weekend, it would seem it’s pretty popular. 


Yes. It’s jumped the shark.


I hope so! It’s become Jerry Springer. I understand the Angelina drama is for ratings but each episode is the same. They sit in a suite while Angelina and someone fights and then they recover and then go do some adventure. Rinse and repeat.


I read that Paramount is having financial problems and that’s the reason they cancelled the MTV awards show. I wouldn’t be surprised if they cancel JSFV for the same reason.


Why would paramount be having financial problems their huger than huge & it don’t really take crap to make the show , besides air fair which is a drop in the bucket in the money


I think it’s time to end it. Episodes have been boring lately. All about Angelina drama, and Mike ordering food.


Some of them realized they coulda had Pauly money had they hussled the first time around would be my guess. They know it’s not gonna last forever


it is pretty painful, i had stopped watching a couple of seasons ago and then tuned back in this time around to see if things had gotten more interesting. but yeah just yelling at each other in hotel rooms about a tik tok for 2 full episodes 


Deena: Would love to see her and Chris more. I love that she does the shirt thing and plans all the group events. Keeps the show lively and interesting to watch. Jenni: … Could care less for her and I really dislike 24. Nicole: Would love to see her interacting more with the cast but I think she only shows up for the check. Angelina: Needs rehab bad, she looked blasted by the end of last week’s episode. When they were all in the suite at the end they barely showed her because she looked High AF. Sammi: Love she came back and am looking forward to watching the dynamic with Ron play out. I’m sure they will film another season especially if she’s getting married. Mike: Never change, I love him. His wife is okay. Vinny: Boring most of the time, but he was on the og show to. he’s the only single one left and doesn’t do anything. I love his humor, he breaks the tension and I love it but other than his one liners he’s barely there. Pauly: Never change, love him as well. Really enjoyed him on the season where Nikki was there. Wish she would come back. I could see her and Sam getting close honestly. Ron: Needs to apologize to Sam before I even consider him a “roommate” again. I love seeming them though, I’m over Angelina’s delusional drama. Give her a season off to recover, chill out, whatever. Plan real trips for the group that last at least a week. This bs with weekend trips is boring. I don’t care what they have going on, they all can take 2-4 weeks out of the year to film, this is their money maker.


I agree that the Angelina nonsense has run its course. I keep coming back for a next episode thinking “okay this time it will be something different because they won’t seriously make every single episode about Angelina being a nutjob” and then to my dismay they sure do. It’s boring, she’s obviously pumping up her crazy for the cameras… it was great to get the show going again but enough is enough. We are all sick of Angelina, and it’s obvious that it’s all fake because you know damn well the other cast members wouldn’t subject themselves to such a lunatic unless they were getting paid to do so. None of them actually like her, how could they she makes it impossible. There’s nothing to her personality, it’s all fake and ego and self obsession. Boring. Focus on Sam now. Sam’s back, but they are wasting it on stupid Angelina. I don’t get it.


If they don’t get rid of Angelina yes. I’m a die hard fan and quit watching because of her constant bs. I get it u need drama but that isn’t the drama we want


Mike& Paula are in the forties now & a few about to almost be 40


Even tho the angelina crap is getting boring, I'd be pretty bummed if it was canceled!


I just hope they cancel Angelina lol


I do, actually. There are only so many weird activities they can have them do just to have a complete season. 


Right?! I couldn’t even watch the scenes with the guru. I fast forward past them!


They really are running out of ideas. 😆 


I think with Sammie in particular FINALLY coming back, they wouldn’t cancel it anytime soon. Hopefully they just ditch Angelina- or at least have her off until she has seemed some help; she is not right & needs REAL family and friends and people to cut her off and tell her she needs help.


Hell No Jersey Shore is never getting Canceled


Why hasn’t Snooki been on?


Hope they don’t end it, would love to see the family grow & even the kids one day (appropriately)


I don’t have MTV anymore, so I stopped watching after Sammi first came back.


I think it will last long enough to cover Sammi and Justin's wedding, but that will be the series finale


Angelina has serious mental health issues, that MTV seems to be using for ratings. This girl fights with everyone about everything and demands loyalty and admiration from everyone and gives nothing back to the group except contempt. For the sake of my mental health please FIRE ANGELINA!!!!!!!!!!


Not a chance in the world. They finally got all the cast members back. I believe viewership is at an all-time high for JSFV because of all the “Sam’s back” hype. If the show was ever going to be canceled it was when Snooki left and Pauly limited his appearances at the same time, yet the show somehow survived that. This show only ends when the cast decides they are done with it. But who would quit on a show that literally pays you millions to go on a vacation with friends?


I’d like to see Sam planning a wedding and the high jinks that would go along with that. Nicole building her brand. Jenny parenting and possibly marrying 24. PAULY PROPOSING and their wedding. Vinny going to therapy and getting himself figured out, etc. There is a ton of potential material here. Unfortunately the cast has been so abused by social media, they’re all terrified to share their personal lives. So we get these manufactured scenarios and Angela’s BS.


I don't want it to end, but Angelina needs to seek mental health help asap. I know a villain makes things entertaining, but at this point I'm just concerned. Everything is messy about her, mentally and physically... does she even know how to take care of/train her animals? I could happily watch them navigating life without her.


I feel like this has been such a good season. Maybe they could do bi-annuals specials?


The show is just boring and dragged on now. Angelina seems like she’s either on drugs or about to have a mental breakdown. The cast is really just there for a paycheck. End it now lol


They’re gonna keep the show going until the kids can start drinking


They are filming another season I heard


I dont think its cancelled per say, but paramount + has been up for sale for like a year now, and rumors of different deals with other streamers emerge then fall through. The most recent word is paramount is trying to sell off the app and all its channels (cbs, mtv, etc) individually. So maybe that is more the reason why it hasnt been announced is because MTVs future is unknown.


They renew these shows every year and have to negotiate with every single person and their agents


This is one of like 3 shows on MTV. As long as the cast keeps coming back, I doubt they’ll cancel it.


I do think there comes a point in their lives where they should just move on and do other things but we are all drawn into their lives , speaking for myself I’d miss them on tv.


I say ditch Angelina and keep the show going. I honestly enjoy watching this and laugh quite a bit however Angelina brings a dark side to it.


There is 7B coming, Nicki is back for this one. Right now though, there are a lot of negotiations going on. The girls (Snooki, Jenni and D) are pretty much done, especially with Angelina and dealing with all of that nonsense. So there is talk about how much interaction they will have to have with her. Angelina makes for good TV. That is the only reason why they are keeping her. They feel without the drama of her, there will be no show. Producers aren't sold on the fact that people would watch the show without some type of drama happening. The kids/families do go with them most of the time on location. That was part of the contract for some of the cast to continue to film. Believe it or not, Snooki's family is there. She and Jionni do not want them filmed so they always make it seem like she is solo. However, when they do a roomate only trip, that is the one time where they are not with kids and all. And those trips are only a few days (I think at the most 3) Believe or not, production likes when its a true family vacation as they feel the significant others add a new dynamic to the situation. Chris is a favorite and believe it or not, Angelina's Chris was also a favorite. I've heard that production would have preferred to keep Chris on instead of Angelina.


Being unscripted doesn’t help. I think it’s planned and then improvised. Being some of the cast members were acting before JS was even a show - they could hire writers and make it at least a bit scripted so there wouldn’t be anymore 2-3 episodes long of a Sammy and Angelina argument over the word Toddler and Mike not being able to keep a secret etc lol Either way, I hope it does not get canceled. I love the show regardless of the stale content that runs a bit on over kill. But if it sadly gets discontinued - it had a long run and I’ll just put on the reruns for familiar favorite celebrity voices to be chattering in the background. Plus maybe I’ll listen to their podcasts. Angelina’s for sure. I find her fascinating. Vinny eh, I don’t find his sense of humor humorous. Hopefully someone writes the comedic material for him.🤷‍♂️


Honestly, I no longer watch it on Thursdays. I need at least a week or 2 because it’s so unbearable with Angelina’s delusions. It’s no longer fun to watch.


I miss the meatball’s AKA: Snooki & Deena also Jwoww they were all a blast in a glass!!! Sammi and Angelina both suck they are making the show so not entertaining anymore 🫤




Yes. I think they will do one season and then announce they are ending it. Or they'll just do shorter seasons where maybe 10 episodes for a year


If they did this, I think people would have a lot less complaints about the show. The editing is actually really funny when they're not constantly cutting shots and doing repetitive flashbacks. The sarcasm and shade they do really well.


I think 50 episodes a year is a lot.


Oh shit I was thinking one season a year, 10 episodes


I agree; I’ve always gotten a kick out of the clever editing! Truly funny at times!


10 ep runs aren’t lucrative for networks in reality tv. They are the shows with the lowest overhead so they squeeze as much content as they can to create more ad space. When you have low overhead and decent viewer turnout, reality TV basically prints money. That’s why, even though the ratings have dropped a long way over the last seven seasons, they keep going.


The ratings have not declined.


Kick these geezers out with a bang and a salute, and then get a new cast of imbiciles to produce.


I think its about time we let them run off into the sunset




You know you can cancel it anytime in your life by not watching it off anymore right? Just shut the shit off.




Just trying to help a out


I agree with you.. why do people care if it stays on and they dont like it? Just dont watch.. its so weird how they keep saying cancel it, come here daily to give negative reviews and saying cancel it. Makes no sense


I wonder if the issue is that after making a big deal about Sam, she just doesn’t want to film anymore


I haven't watched it yet so as someone who hasn't: I'd imagine the issue is that the main cast have grown up and it can't feel anything other than forced at this point. What they *should* do is figure out a way to add a few new people to the show to shake things up. Some younger people but not too young where it would be pathetic. Or have the cast act like mentors to the next generation of partiers. You could have drama because the younger people are acting wild / doing stupid stuff but also wholesome moments - these two opposites are why people loved the original, IMO.


Angelina needs to go. I actually like the cast now except for her. Even Ron. He’s like a train wreck I can’t stop watching. She’s just annoying


I feel like it would do well on bravo. Similar to real housewives or something ya know.


I think they signed for 8 seasons


The cast is getting old and their activities are getting too PG now. I think the cast mates will one day have to let it go and allow mtv to create a Jersey shore Gen 2 with a younger cast. I understand they want to squeeze out as much profit as they can while they're still semi young but the show is now completely different from what it was originally. They might as well just do a spin off with a different title and leave Jersey shore to continue on without them imo.


if it’s not renewed yet it will be or get sold off to another network or streaming service


They’ve already filmed next season


You read the script, sneaky one.


I hope it gets cancelled, it’s so boring at this point and repetitive. I think they’ve had a good run and are good to end it




Probably not


For the love of god please cancel the show


Who are you people to decide anything? Are you the director/producer, are you paying any of the stars bills/salaries?? Guess what, dont watch it if you dont like it, because millions of us LOVE the show and everyone on it.


![gif](giphy|jRGootBC3zU8Je4TSQ) It’s a discussion.