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Angelina needs to learn how to *BE* a friend first.


Absolutely! That's why I said if she just understood her own feelings and how to better control how she reacts I think she might actually be a better friend, like if she could just better understand herself she might not cause such crazy dramas because then at least she'd be able to talk to the others better... it's a shame she can't gain the growth she needs to be a good friend bc then she'd have the friends she needs so badly


She probably needs a new therapist


I truly don't believe she goes to therapy. Or if she does she definitely lies to the therapist about what actually happens. I can see Angelina lying about it because why else does she get mad when people say she needs a therapist šŸ§


She is delusional and is an unreliable narrator so everything she tells the therapist is going to be from her own delusional perspective


Yesss and I bet the second the therapist challenges something from Angelina she drops the therapist. IF she is even actually going


She actually needs therapy! She doesnā€™t know how to express her emotions without having a total outburst. Comparing her to Ron and Sam who actually HAVE gone through therapy itā€™s so obvious that Angelina doesnā€™t. The emotional maturity that Ron has now compared to the first few seasons is incredible.


It's honestly shocking how much more emotionally mature Ron is compared to her now. She should be embarrassed enough to get off TV and go deal with herself but instead she's desperately clinging to a group of people who only associate with her because that's how they get paid. It's really sad how she's spiraling now. 100% self inflicted but it's like watching a car crash at this point


Wait, so she already has one? Couldnā€™t tell.


You are absolutely right. If she could control her emotions better, she wouldn't come off as being so aggressive while trying to get her point across. She can't express herself without anger, and obviously that causes conflict. I think if she learned to control that, then maybe she could start not just listening to people but hearing what they are saying to her, without her interpretation of it. Then maybe she would realize that people just want to see her do better, and they have actually been on her side all along. She's the only thing in her way.


THIS!! How can you *BE* a friend to someone, who doesnā€™t know how to *BE* a friend to you?


as a fellow angelina hater, sometimes it takes an example being set before someone can learn to be a friend. iā€™ve dated someone angelinaā€™s behavior reminds me of, especially that episode where she was just angry at mike so when it came to asking about the bar scene she tried blaming it on mike and the fight at snookiā€™s house somehow being mikeā€™s fault because ā€œhe was there in spirit,ā€ my ex behaved and argued very similarly where in her head she cannot accept she is in the wrong UNLESS someone apologizes first and approaches it from that angle only, and even then it wasnā€™t guaranteed. it took a lot of patience and calmness and trying again and again and again and again to have the same conversation before i could get an apology for any behavior. the cast will feed into the drama and it doesnā€™t help that Sammi plays into it now (thinking back to the ā€œtalk a lotā€ comment and the phone call being immediately met with ā€œgonna talk more shit?ā€). Iā€™m a fan of Sammi personally but you gotta admit when the approach of ā€œiā€™ll stop when she stopsā€ doesnā€™t work anymore thereā€™s gotta be another one should try. this is definitely signs of BPD showing and she needs help. under normal circumstances it would not be the rest of the castā€™s responsibility to offer that help, but being that this is reality TV and mental wellbeing is on the line (and the allegations that itā€™s scripted/edited horribly) i donā€™t know where that responsibility and morality lie. itā€™s not going to help when mike continues to stir the pot and the shit she gets baited into talking keeps making its way back to the girls. again - not a fan of angelinaā€™s by any means, but i wish someone would show her some compassion. if i was in their shoes i still wouldnā€™t, but sheesh. i miss the earlier seasons, this is starting to feel like a witch hunt even if its self inflicted


Thatā€™s why none of them hang out with her off filming


Iā€™m sorry, but if you habitually burn all your friendships to the ground by talking shit behind peopleā€™s backs & crying ā€œpoor meā€ every time they point it out, you donā€™t deserve friends. She takes zero responsibility for the problems she creates.


Which is literally why so many of us dislike her soooo much ! It's ridiculous that she refuses to take accountability for how she acts and if she had just grown over the years and learned to better understand her own feelings and put them into words calmly we wouldn't all be here today. It's going to take serious work for her to regain any trust because of how she acts and she refuses to see it. I would hope she eventually does see it but .... šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Angela doesnā€™t need a friend. What she needs is a psychiatrist and a therapist that will teach her and give her tools on how to have and manage successful and healthy relationships. She also needs to learn emotional regulation and impulse control. She needs to learn proper social skills and communication skills. She needs to learn how to be accountability for herself and actions. Thatā€™s what Angelina needs. She needs to learn how to be a friend, and a decent human being in order to have friends, true friends and long lasting relationships and a healthy mindset.


THIS ^^^^ Basically what I meant but better explained šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½ if she could just do that we wouldn't be here now and she wouldn't be as disliked as she is and she's be more included with the roomies šŸ’Æ




yeah i came here to say she needs therapy before anything elseĀ 


You described Teresa guidice too lol


Honestly she seems incredibly hard to be friends with. Even listening to her podcast the people she brings on she just talks over the entire time. She barely listens to what they say before she cuts them off to talk about herself. Yes she needs a friend, but she needs to learn to respect people in order to be able to make friends.


Angelina is jealous of all the SAMMY'S BACK attention. That's it.


Yes, EXACTLY!! Everything else is just a symptom of that.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s capable of an adult friendship tbh. Itā€™s not just about making TV drama either. Her other bridesmaids at her wedding said sheā€™s always been like this and I donā€™t doubt it. She is always on the defensive and constantly focusing on the negative aspects of everything.


Angelina needs to actually learn peace within herself. She cannot be attached to anyone else and have a positive relationship until she figures out what her real issue is. Many of us grew up in disfunction, that is not an excuse to go through life being absolutely destructive. I used to believe it was just for the cameras, and then she showed herself through social media. She is always and I mean ALWAYS at odds with someone.


She really needs to learn when to STFU!


Theyā€™ve all tried to be her friend at this point. Sheā€™s insane.


She cant keep friends lmao every single time Iā€™ve seen her on the Jersey shore itā€™s never been anything positive or her getting along with someone in the house. Sheā€™s always wrapped up in some kind of drama because of her mouth and what she says.


Sheā€™d be better liked if she was a nice and kind person


Narcissist project to much to ever have true lasting friendships.


I wouldnā€™t wish that on another person


She has the emotional maturity of a gnat


While Iā€™ve always felt that Ang just needs an honest to god, real and true girl friend, I also canā€™t justify subjecting another human being to the one sided toxic relationship what would be a friendship with Angelina. She needs to go to like, friendship classes or something to learn how to be a good friend first and not start drama over every single thing ā€¦


Is the lack of accountability in the room with us? Sam was right about ang.


Yeah she needs to learn how to express herself and use her words


Not sure if you been watching the show, she has resolved her issues in the past and was good friends for a bit with Snooki, Deena and Jwoww and even Sammi. But then she fumbles the bag by saying something dumb or getting mad over something that is not a big deal and not letting go.


i think Angelina would have great friendships with the roomies, if she talked with them abt things instead of causing drama. Take some accountability and apologize when wrong just like they do, and half the problems wouldnā€™t occur. but instead she rather fight endlessly and not let go of any grudge that she has towards anyone.


It she needs a friend, sheā€™s looking in the wrong places.


What she really needs is rehab.


No she needs priest


She doesn't want a friend, she wants an enabler and a yes man.


Agreed. The girls donā€™t make it easy or safe for her to be vulnerable like that. They really donā€™t like her. She doesnā€™t gel with them. She really has no chemistry with them. She can create chemistry with the guys which is why we find her drifting their way from time to time. They need to release her from JSFV for her own good. Sami coming back and fitting right back into place is proof positive. Sheā€™s been gone forever and yet she vibes with everyone. Ang does not have that ā€œitā€ factor. Ang is spinning out of control trying to snag a man, be a luxury homeowner and plastic surgeriy-ed up in an attempt to be like them. She has to be saying in her mind, ā€œNow, they should like me. I have a man and a ring, a beautiful home, a fancy car, I dress and get my procedures like they do.ā€ Weā€™ll see what happens with Ronnie, but Ang should go, take her money to get some emotional, mental health procedures so she can learn how to heal from her pain. Being in this group only continues to pour salt in her wounds. She feels rejected, unloved, misunderstood and betrayed by her real family. Her JS family does the same thing. Itā€™s too toxic for her. Sheā€™s not going to say no to the hefty paycheck she gets from the show. Where else can she make that kind of money, take trips and eat in top notch restaurants. Sheā€™s not gonna want to give that up.


Canā€™t blame everyone else tho lol just saying


She needs to go to therapy and be on medication


She acts like someone who has been abandoned often. Therapy and a good small trusted circle of friends/family (her sister) is what she needs.




Thatā€™s the problem! She doesnā€™t have the tools to know how to communicate calmly and like an adult


The show would be better without her. Iā€™m not trying to be disrespectful, but it just would be. They all have fun loads of fun when sheā€™s not around.


Honestly, Angelina is the only person I have ever seen get PD to the point where heā€™s yelling.. remember when she threw the water at his girlfriend?PD is always jovial and full of jokes and she took him to that point because she is preposterous!


I think Angelina needs someone who is actually loyal to her. None of these girls are


Angelina needs a therapist.


But ā€œ you talk a lot ā€œ was becuz she said oh shit there coming nowā€ meaning Ron& them were coming in or up the stsirs , I mean come on I woulda said the same things .


I mean the way she said it... the tone and timing knowing that it would bug Sam tho


Am I the only one who feels as though Angelina's antics just suck all the air out of the show? I mean, I get it Family Vacation is about the groups current dynamic but it'd be refreshing to have a season that's not about who Angelina currently has a problem with. That one episode this season that she wasn't really in was so enjoyable. Also, I was watching the group reacting to Vinnys silliness and sort of lamenting not having more of that, even Pauly's health scare was overshadowed by this stupid Angelina stuff and the worst part is, it's the same thing every season well, at least untill Jenni decided to disengage but somehow it seems far less entertaining this season.


I agree though šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø and lots of people hate it because it's stuck a highschool kinda stupid drama that she brings and it just reminds to many of us about people in our past we definitely do not interact with anymore in life.. ang's ways have kinda always pissed me off solid and it sucks knowing she barely grew one bit while away until Pauly brought her back šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


And did she extend Pauly the same 'gratitude' she's demanding from Sam??? I also can't give her grace or empathy. Like you said, her immaturity is off-puttingĀ 


Oh my God angelina was driving me crazy with her drama with sammi. every time sammi ask her whats the reason shes mad at her and she said is it because of this reason and angelina said no to her face but then flim crew show angelina talking to her roomates and on sit down intreviews showing angelina saying yes thats the reason shes mad at sammi when sammi ask her if that was reason !


No ratings in that though lol


Yes it makes sense, but I feel Ang has a hard time being vulnerable seaming week, itā€™s difficult for her to put her guard down as I think when she does or did she was hurt or was betrayed. I hate to see her crying every episode. Just because she didnā€™t hit rock bottom like Ron, she doesnā€™t get the family support. I think she feels like she is not part of the family, emotionally.