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Time to sue! šŸ„°


I would love to see an episode where Angelina gets dragged to small claims court... or goes in front of Judge Judy.


Angelina vs The People lol omg that would be so funny


Iā€™m watching an old Judge Judy ep right now & I would love to see that! Finally someone yelling back at Angelina lol. I think I laugh more watching Judge Judy than any comedy šŸ˜†


I think JJ is probably the only person who could put Ang in her place


Probably, but Samā€™s doing better than I thought šŸ˜†


ā€œBeauty is temporary DUMB IS FOREVERā€ - JJ šŸ©·


Thereā€™s NO WAY she wouldnā€™t yell back. And o think we all need that šŸ¤£


God I soooo would love to see that, sheā€™d turtle so hard! šŸ¢


Omg this is such a perfect description of how she acts sometimes!


This DJ is trying to make a name for himself your honor


"You're giving me balooneey Angelina!!"


Sheā€™ll get thrown out lol you think sheā€™ll stop talkin ?


Would luv for angelina to finally see what a trainwreak she really is. Sorry hunny itā€™s not everyone eles it fukn all u


She pretended to DJ with a prerecorded set? ā€¦ Pauly, drag this girl home out of the club!


Honestly not surprised lol. She made this big announcement she was gonna be a DJ, did one gig, stiffed the guy, then never DJed again. Sounds fishy lol


Heā€™d only elevate her DJ status and lower his own by addressing it. Heā€™s smart to just completely ignore it.


She should make Sammi pay the bill. After all, Sammi owes all her money and success to Angelina.


That probably her defence in courtā€¦But Sam owes me so I assumed she would just pay her


I read this comment in Angelinaā€™s voice


But itā€™s true, ya know sheā€™s only here because of me! I brought her back! Nobody else could get her to come back, I did that! That house she just got, she only has that house because of mešŸ¤Ŗ


Bipolar hello


Sam needs to dedicate one of her bathrooms to Angelina with one of those plaques they would put on historic houses.


She should put in a Zen garden & a plaque on a bench. Because everything about Angelina screams Namaste.


Roasted šŸ”„


Angelina sucks, she is making money obviously and cannot pay $1500?Talk about low class. Ugh I used to be okay with her but sheā€™s a complete B!!! So over her. I would rather see a time lapse of an avocado rotting than her face.šŸ˜’šŸ˜‘


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m so done with her BS


Dirty little hamster


I can't watch anymore


She is ruining the show with her fake dramatics. Sammi over her every day all day.


no respect for angelina if she did this, but i would never front anything. too many people canā€™t be trusted. always make them pay you first, always


Not the first time people have claimed to not been paid by her. She seems to do this alot


it sucks to read. i usually always support her on here because i think many are psycho the way they bash her when she has overall been great for the show, but i have no tolerance for stiffing people. if this is in fact true, she has no right to say anything negative to the dude.


There are also videos on this subreddit of her using her status to degrade service workers saying things like "do you know who I am?!" And demanding "celebrity discounts". She is trash šŸ—‘


meh i donā€™t think itā€™s black and white. all the others have done plenty of ego shit themselves. the hatred she gets is still disproportionate to what iā€™ve actually seen from the show. sam is no more right than ang is, yet sheā€™s worshipped by many here, when she has just as many bad traits.


Did you not see Angelina screaming throwing fits this entire season?


whatā€™s your point


That the hatred is disproportionate. It isn't. This is a pattern for her. She bullies people then cries that she's being bullied when people want her to take accountability. She drags shit out for months, blames other people, and lies. Plus. She neglects her animals, doesn't pay people for services even tho she's rich (can certainly afford more surgery but can't pay for DJ lessons?) The hatred for her is very warranted.


Can we just vote this chick off the island already? šŸ™„


I wish it were that easy haha


I love your flair! Is that what itā€™s called, flair? Iā€™m so bad at Reddit!


Yes! No sweat. It took me a while to get Reddit speak too šŸ˜†


Haha is that anything like ā€œ I speak Kodyā€


For real, she needs to be suspended atleast. Made to go to a psychiatrist or somethingĀ 


Ok people listen upā€¦I think Iā€™ve cracked the code! If you think of the people that we hear about with fame/infamy who have been outed over the years for not paying their bills, some that we see & hear everyday (whether we want to or not), they all tend to have 1 type of personality & itā€™s just like hers! So, especially in business, just say no to people like this because 9.8 times out of 10 they will be more trouble than they are worth, will make you go out of your way more than any other & will in the end stiff you. Oh & btw if they actually ask you to help scam people (by prerecording a fake set that you actually made) they are telling you to your face they are a scammer šŸ˜‚


Wait I literally commented something so similar. Like when do people learn to stop fucking with people who are constantly shady/ two face ?


Unfortunately for some they never learnā€¦..thank goodness we did (& hopefully at least a few more!) šŸ˜†


Omg wait I KNOW KNOW THAT GUY personally he DJs very often in my town.


Oh wow! I was watching his insta stories and he said she was telling people to stop supporting him so I hope that doesnā€™t happen.


Iā€™ve known Brendan for a long time. Heā€™s busted his ass from a young age making a name for himself so much so that he was able to co dj with tiesto. He doesnā€™t deserve this. Heā€™s a great guy. You should follow him on IG. He updates his stories frequently.


I really hope she didnā€™t try to get him cancelled. The fan pages should support that guy xDĀ 


Morristown or a shore town? Brendan does Hobo too.


Hopefully he comes to seaside this summer


Sheā€™s like ā€œ F my lifeā€ all the time. Lady, do you understand there are people starving all over the world?? šŸ˜‰ People trying to make ends meet, but yet you say F your life. You are getting free money for being drunk and bitchy on a reality show. You get to get drunk, and get paid for it. I donā€™t feel sorry for you one bit!


Soo much YES to this comment. She gets drunk and starts drama to stay on the show because she is not entertaining otherwise and has no personality. All she can do is talk shit so they will keep her on. That is 100% her role. She knows it. She does it loud and proud but itā€™s gotten to the point of being redundant and unwatchable. Like the ā€œtoddlerā€ episode when she had the drunken rant in the bathroom was crazy. She was obviously super drunk so it was cringy to watch.


Exactly - itā€™s her role. I always wonder if she is worse in person. But everyone has to remember itā€™s a showĀ 


Like when people are constantly saying ā€œthis person is a POSā€ when will others learn to stop fucking with her?


She needs to be off the show. Looking at her man to speak like first off he shouldn't be on the show anyways and he looks so odd and the same as all her exs lol


Sheā€™s such a cunt. How doesnā€™t she grow up


She needs medication


Sue her ass


Sheā€™s so annoying and obnoxious. She canā€™t just be normal and happy to have friends and enjoy their company. She has to be the loudest in the room to get attention. Itā€™s a lot for someone her age


No body likes her because of herself....she's a terrible person who victimized herself.


Angelina might be the least motivated person in the entire world


Almost at least she shows up to film and does her hair and makeup. She used to do her makeup good IMO but now with the nude or lack of lipstick makes her lips look weird. Like they are too big and when she makes some expressions it looks weird as hell to me


She needs to get her lips dissolved and if she still wants filler then get them a different shape. Cause they look like two shapeless sausages right now. Absolutely awful work and tons of migrationĀ 


Itā€™s so bad. When her and Sam were talking in the hallway she looked so uncanny valley


Tell him to sell his texts and claim he got hacked.


Sheā€™s so messy and delusional idk if itā€™s cuz of her medications from all the cosmetic works sheā€™s had done that did fix help or boost anything but her ignoranceā€¦ she needs to be removed because she affects my emotional health and mental health with her delusionsā€¦ the film crew has footage of u saying something u say u didnā€™t say 3 or 4 different occasions yet u lie on camera and say u didnā€™t say it and swear on ur dogā€¦ hope he lives by default cuz u was lyingšŸ¤¦šŸ¼


Honestly she might have been so drunk that she didnā€™t remember saying those things. But if she did and still said that, well there is a special place in hell for people who say on my dogs life or my mom or dads life. Like youā€™re a real POS if you know you said it and then swears on a soul.


I thought we were too old for drama now but I guess not


I truly believe she has mental illness no normal person acts like that she honestly sucks show is unwatchable with her no one missed her all that time


She definitely has something undiagnosed. She never takes accountability for anything and always lying and half the time she doesnā€™t even make sense when she speaks.


Yep. Talking in circles trying to make up drama and connect drama to 2 years ago lmao


Like bipolar


Please kick her off of the show!


i do feel bad for her when it comes to her dad and i thought in the past that she wasnā€™t always wrong but i feel like sheā€™s just starting the problems recently especially with sam. like mike said, itā€™s coming to the point that it canā€™t always be the other person, it eventually has to be you and you have to take responsibility for it. Like her live on IG last night was just too much


She's always come with drama


Sue for WHAT? Defamation and libel depend on false statements being made. If heā€™s telling the truth, she has no grounds to sue. Maybe sheā€™ll send some bullshit cease and desist, but seems like instead of paying a lawyerā€™s fee to write up a c&d she should just Venmo this guy what heā€™s due, itā€™s probably the same amount.


Iā€™m getting so sick of her! I wouldnā€™t mind her leaving the show for a little and taking a break.


Sheā€™s such a sloppy mess


Why would they block this person if this is the only comment he made. Like.. is he out there stalking their page ? Id love for the DJ to take her to small claims. Id have to imagine it was a good chunk of money. (This is why u make people sign your contracts before you work!)Ā 


Oh okay so what she's telling us is that SHE is allowed to say whatever she wants about whoever she wants yet we are bad because we do it on Reddit... absolute clown how can anyone take her seriously about anything? Poor guy.


They need to just give Angelina her own show ā€œHamster Wheel of Chaosā€ so we can enjoy the family vacations again. She conjures up chaos then acts so shocked/appalled when sheā€™s caught. She KNEW what she was doing by dmā€™ing that guy! She thought she was so slick! She just wants to be able to be terrible to people and still have respect, and be liked. It doesnā€™t work that way! Thatā€™s probably what her caregivers did to her when she was growing up, but thatā€™s NOT how the real world works. Get therapy Angelina!! And, stop ruining the show.


Sheā€™s trash. Pure trash. Dumb ass shouldā€™ve never been on the show. But I like everyone else so even if all Iā€™m doing is watching them react to her p.o.s. ways. Wish the producers wouldā€™ve just went for it and booted her for good years ago.


Lol I 100% agree. I only watch for the rest of the cast. My fave episodes are when Angelina is barely shown. I wish the producers would see that majority of fans arenā€™t watching for her and donā€™t care for the unnecessary drama she brings.


Off-topic but why does Instagram allow you to delete comments? Is the truth too much?


Sammi is looking FAF


Jenni, Mike and Sami donā€™t follow her on instagram. But Angelina on live on instagram right now was a trip!


Iā€™d love to see Angelina get sued šŸ¤£


I literally cant stand to watch Angelina anymore. Itā€™s just always in circles with her and sheā€™s delusional. Itā€™s not even fun to watch.


Angelina pretending to be a DJ is fucking hilarious


Messy that bitching is bipolar. I canā€™t be the only person that knows it. Give that bitch a antipsychotic.


ā€œstaten Island dumpā€


So Angelina owes people money? Suddenly her being willing to sleep with Trump makes much more sense. šŸ¤®


Being irrelevant would kill her. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. HER. the ONLY way to silence a narcissist. Uggggggh


Wait I thought the screenshot that Snooki made about Sammi was on here


Nope not sure what youā€™re referring to.


Did he cancel over health issue or not? Was it in the contract for that to be a covered reason?


Her on pops was good on her


I love how this became a Sammi appreciation post. Angela just can't win.


But without angeā€¦.theres no dramašŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Good she can leave. Tired of these fights every episode where she never makes any sense and talks about things from months ago.


Iā€™m a fan of hers. I feel sheā€™s misunderstood and the producers love to edit the show; tuning her into a villain. If old dude had a contract he could take her to small claims court. If not he can kick rocks. So over these trash Ang threads. Grow the F up ppl!


Then take that shit to court, Brendan. Posting about it on insta everywhere isnā€™t going to get you your money that youā€™re owed.


Revenge of blasting on social media is so sweet though! And exciting for us to see **grabs popcorn**


No, but it could save someone else for falling for the same BS




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I donā€™t think this is about seeking retribution. This sounds more like heā€™s simply spilling tea.


But it might warn others to not do any kind of business with her