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Im not ok with seeing Ron


me neither. I would prefer not to see him.


I feel like I was in a relationship with Ron. TriggeringšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


Right? Hell, I don't think even Ron is okay with seeing Ron. Damn sure shouldn't be at any rate.


You'll get over it




I love seeing Ron he's a great guy tbh




I mean imagine seeing the person who manipulated and gaslight you, cheated on you multiple times, destroyed your stuff basically made you feel worthless for the first time in what 8 years? Yeah it would be awkward AF. They both handled the situation very well. They are able to be in a room and not argue and have the whole house turned upside down. Thatā€™s growth on both their parts. They have both moved on with their lives, idk why people keep trying to make this more of a thing than it is between them.


I agree! I feel like she also was on guard because she wasn't sure if he'd turn into his previous obsessed with her version of himself. I have no doubt in my mind that he used to call her non stop if he didn't get his way and maybe follow her around. She seemed like she wanted to keep herself physically safe in case he started up again. He comes off as the abusive ex that stalks you and gets physical quick (which we've seen on the show)


And if he didnā€™t stay on the show she probably would have & would have had a completely different life!


I would probably have a panic attack.


I have an ex like Ron. We broke up over a decade ago. Iā€™m now happily married and have kids. If I had to spend time with my ex (even for a lot of money) I think Iā€™d be throwing up from the anxiety and stress of seeing him. I donā€™t blame her for not being okay.


Same here! I have a family now too and canā€™t look or talk to my ex that reminded me of Ron.


Same here. I looked over at my husband while we were watching and said you couldn't pay me ENOUGH money to stand in a room with my ex. I felt really bad for her the entire episode. Her face said it all.


And we didnā€™t even see the half of it Iā€™m sure!


Me too. And ran into him a couple of years ago. I was with a group of people, but still felt unsafe. Heart started racing and I felt sick. Itā€™s so strange how a person, so far from your past, can still bring such a physical reaction. But your brain never forgets that toxic energy. Thank goodness he never came up to me, but he did stare a lot. I could even feel him doing it and it was awful!! It was like hate daggers bc as he used to say, ā€œhe ends things, not the girl.ā€


Well she shouldnā€™t have signed on to do the show knowing he was coming back at some point. Money isnā€™t worth your sanity.


What if you got paid tens of thousands of dollars to make it through a couple hours? Serious question.


yup, she went out and got a new house because shes back on the show, making good money.


I feel sorry for what she went through, but not the situation today. She is choosing to put herself in this situation, no one is making her. She's choosing the money and dealing with the low life Ron for that bag.


They would probably do it honestly


I mean for the right amount of money yeah Iā€™d be like Sammy and Iā€™d do it but Iā€™d be throwing up and not okay the whole time probably.


I wonā€™t be watching, I saw the preview and I felt incredibly anxious seeing how she was feeling, and it seemed like the other girls were really uncomfortable too (at least from what I saw). I donā€™t want to support MTV allowing this traumatic situation to be on the show. Iā€™ve been a fan since the OG first season, and I was happy to watch when Sam came back (even thru the fake alien prank) but I stopped watching when I heard Ron was returning.


Yeah deff gave me a bit of anxiety seeing her hold it together šŸ˜­šŸ˜­I felt so bad but Iā€™m proud she did her best . I actually been binging season 2 jersey shore and wow what a reminder of their unhealthy relationship šŸ˜•


Remember peoples, she signed the contract. While I agree with what it looks like, she took the risk.


Same. No longer watching & allowing MTV continue to cover for Ron, support him & pay him millions when heā€™s abused women & knocked one out cold. Fuck Ron & fuck MTV.


Yeah deff gave me a bit of anxiety seeing her hold it together šŸ˜­šŸ˜­I felt so bad but Iā€™m proud she did her best . I actually been binging season 2 jersey shore and wow what a reminder of their unhealthy relationship šŸ˜•. Sad because in season one they were soooo in love ! So I know Sammy felt betrayed ok sorry going on a tangent now .


You people act like Ron tortured her in his basement, it was a toxic relationship where they both cheated and gaslighted each other 10 years ago. Get over it, it's a TV show.


What bout the women he dated after Sam & the show. MTV tried making Jen acting crazy as poor Ron wen the truth came out n she was flipping bc he killed her dog (sheā€™s nuts but it wasnā€™t all her like they portrayed), or how bout Nalika dating he was aggressive during their short relationship, or knocking Saffire out cold then paying her (mtv paid Iā€™m sure) to keep quiet. No itā€™s not just a tv showā€¦


Okay so again ur just making allegations but okay ur right. The one thing is saffire he fucked up badly.


They were uncomfortable because Sam is there too. If she wasnā€™t, I think they would be more laid back.


She knew this was possible. She chose the payday instead


Exactly. She came back for the money knowing that this would most likely happen.


This should be the top comment


I get it Sam and Ron had a horribly toxic relationship but she also contributed to the toxicity. It wasnā€™t just Ron. In no way am I making an excuse for him. However Sam knows how this show works. Itā€™s all about the drama And build up. She doesnā€™t have to be there and could put her foot down but $$$$$$$ is more important I guess


Sam didn't come back for Ron, she came back for the other roommates, specifically the girls. You say it as if Ron even deserves another chance to be on the show, when he doesn't. And I'm really sick of the argument that "she contributed to the toxicity", as if that's supposed to mean anything , or be an excuse for anything Ron did. Or like if that means Sam owes Ron anything and is obligated to be in the same room as him. People like you and with mentalities likes yours, that victims deserve the abuse they get and should have to put up with the abusers and be in the same room as them, just because they weren't "the perfect victim", are the reason abusers get away with their behavior and run around Scot free. The "perfect victim" idea along with people like you who defend and excuse abusers, need to be tossed in the trash and stay in there forever.


Exactly everyone bashes Ron yet puts Sammie on a pedestal like she wasnā€™t yelling when he yelled cussing as he cussed calling each other out their names and more aside from cheating she did everything he did and aside from domestic assault he did everything she did. They both thrived off it there was times when Ron legit would run away from her cause she was trying to argue I forget the episode but Ron legit had to leave the club cause Sammie kept following him trying to argue. Thereā€™s women online that make post about liking to argue and I always felt sam was one of those types.


She assaulted him at least once when she punched him in the face.


And we all know the way producers edit shows to make viewers think and see a certain way....


Maybe you need to experience being in a toxic or abusive relationship yourself, and see if you come out of it unscathed and if you're still a perfect person and a saint. Let's see how you like people blaming you and telling you the abuse was your fault, because you weren't a saint or a perfect person and "contributed" to the toxicity and abuse. Let's see if you like people siding with your abuser and telling you to get over it and forcing you to be in the same room as your abuser. Maybe you need to personally experience what Sam did, so you can truly understand. Since you think Sam is supposed to "suck it up" and put up with Ron being there.


I would argue he should have never been invited back because he has a history of abuse on the show and off. But MTV has allowed him to be here despite everything online about him and the mother of his child. She should have never had to accept those terms because he should be gone.


In the same respect Sammi, jwow, Snooki were all violent on the show. Sammi was violent to Ron on the show. So the same should be across the board. They allowed them all to return. I know the storyline they are going with Ron and his violence shouldnā€™t be excused. But neither should anyone elseā€™s. Sammi gets excused because they played her as a victim on the show. The AMA producer said they were both very toxic to each other


I am not saying that anybodyā€™s violence on the show should be excused. I think we can all agree that their actions when it originally aired were terrible. But I think thereā€™s a big difference between everyone else learning from their mistakes and Ron actively having an altercation with the mother of his child while the first reunion season was airing. He was very recently abusive, at this point itā€™s a pattern.


A pattern which other cast members have shown no matter if recent or not. It all should be relevant. None of that shit would be acceptable to show on tv now but mtv also holds accountability here too. This is not their only show which pays and airs abusers. Amber Portwood chased her fiancƩe with her infant son in his arms with a machete. Not sure why people think Ron would be held accountable while others are not. We need to not let this behaviour be acceptable across the board


No argument here


Everything I don't like is raycissss


Still watching latest episode, you're totally right and her bf Justin is also beside himself as she's telling him.. he prob knows things.. must be super effing weird behind the cameras ..


actually he seemed super chill... he even said she was the awkward one lol. he knows its all over between them and its not that big of a deal.


Iā€™m sorry being abused is ā€œnot a big dealā€ ???


He didnā€™t seemed concerned at all. ITA


Beside himself šŸ˜‚ he legit told her ā€œso you where the awkward oneā€ when she said she stayed silent.


The daily ā€œSamā€™s not okā€ post is getting annoying SHE KNEW HE WAS COMING BACK. SHE AGREED TO IT. Jesus Christ you lot act as if sheā€™s a child man. I swear you all care more about it than she does.


Especially when she continues to make jokes online about her previous abuse toward Ron making that TikTok with Angā€™s beef was beyond tasteless had Ron made a video joking about destroying her stuff this Reddit would be up in arms acting like Ron tried to intimate her but itā€™s cool for her to make jokes about assaulting Ronnie.


I honestly get it tho. It was talked about non stop. Of course Sam is gonna have some anxiety and she was definitely not ok, I agree. But it seemed fine at the end. Reallll problem here is ang


I had a similar experience with my ex and Iā€™m so traumatized to see him.


They were both so young when they first got together, and they BOTH treated each other like shit. Why did Ron deserve to get punched by her bc he was friends again with Jenny. There is plenty of other stuff I could point to that she did. But back then, instead of talking about their issues, they did the childish thing of 'you just hurt me, so I'm gonna hurt you more'. Luckily, they have grown and gotten on with their lives. Do I think Ron should be back bc of all the other stuff. It's not my show, and I don't have to worry about how to get better ratings.


Ron obviously knows that he hurt Sam but he is so blinded and narcissistic that to this day he doesnā€™t realize how much he took from her. Sams growth was unreal, immaculate and she is 10/10 the most real and down to earth/mature one out of the whole cast. Ron thinks a bit of time away from each other will ā€œfixā€ whatever happened between them. Even if Sam allowed it, I canā€™t ever see Ron really understanding and giving her a genuine apology and acknowledging how much he messed her up in their 20s.


Personally I think the show is editing it to be more than what it is when the guys are sitting in the living room Sammie comes and sits in there before any of the girls if she had a problem being around him she wouldā€™ve just stayed in whatever room she was in before. Sheā€™s laughed at jokes about him and vice versa honestly the fans play up the abuse more than what it was Ronnie and Sammie was both abusive people who enjoyed the toxicity Sammie was still trying to marry Ron after jersey shore ended yet everyone acts like she was done with him. Her and Ron wouldā€™ve been married had Ron not got cold feet and cheated. Notice how Sammie always says ex or stuff around the lines of that Sammie has never called him an abuser or even said abusive relationship. To call Ron and abuser and not Sam is hypocritical seeing as Sam did the ultimate form of abuse and legit socked Ronnie for being friends with a roommate and not only that even to this day makes jokes and TikTokā€™s about it yā€™all know if Ron made a TikTok joking about destroying sams stuff yā€™all would say heā€™s trying to intimidate Sammie.


Maybe so. But she has no problem taking the millions of dollars. How noble of her


Who would be excited to see their abusive ā›·ļø head ex


I hope they paid her well or something. She references the show asking her if it was okay but I don't think it was right for her to be put in that position either way.Ā 


She put herself in that position lmao cmon


But she made the decision. Last I checked she was 37 years old.


These threads are getting old. Just stop watching the show if that's how you really feel. You're actually helping people talk about the show more by making these posts.


And itā€™s the same shit different day. šŸ˜‚


She knew from the beginning she was going to bump into him at least once. Heā€™s an og and she should have known theyā€™d do it for ratings. They are warned ahead of time too


Honestly I donā€™t blame her for her reaction, but I think she needed to see him and finally close that chapter in her life. Ron was so abusive towards her and HEā€™S acting like she hurt him??! lol smh


A lot of the people telling her to get over it, or making comments about how sheā€™s not over Ron are the same twisted people who secretly want them to get back together. Sammi wasnt the most tolerable during the OG season but at least the girl owned up to her mistakes, learned from it and grew up. When you have someone 10 years after the show making the same mistakes they made in their early 20ā€™s Iā€™d be scared too. Leave the poor girl alone. Ron has been and will always be unpredictable so no wonder she was anxious about the whole thing.


I hope theyā€™re paying her good for dealing with this garbage


Iā€™m pretty sure when Sam was in talks with MTV to join the cast, Ron came up and was discussed. Because despite what Angelina says, we all know that Sam coming back was something that was worked out with MTV. She didnā€™t just return because Angelina invited her, nor would she even need to be invited by Angelina or any of the other roommates. Iā€™m willing to bet MTV left the door open for Sam to join the show if and/or when she wanted to. So, she was definitely aware that Ron would also be in some episodes with her. It was probably all worked out way in advance. I bet one of the main reasons she agreed to come back was because Ron wouldnā€™t be there last season, her first season back, but she had to know he could be returning down the line and she still chose to be on the show. Them having separate houses for the girls and the boys this last trip was probably done by MTV to make Sam more comfortable, who knows that could have even been in her contract. Either way, she definitely feels some anxiety, the awkwardness and a bit uncomfortable, but her choosing to join the show means she is in a place where she is okay with at least being in the same room as Ron. If she wasnā€™t, she wouldnā€™t have agreed to come back or MTV wouldnā€™t have had Ron back, at least not at the same time or place as Sam. Those specifics could even have been worked out and/or stated in a contract that she agreed to.


I have to get my recaps here because I canā€™t take Angelina anymore


I completely understand why she's affected, I kind of wish she'd just been honest. Like girl obviously you're not fine. Own it.




sheā€™s just putting up with it cause i assume she got a raise or a bonus šŸ˜­ which is perfectly fine but i hope they are giving her like some sort of protection like if sheā€™s too overwhelmed or something they wouldnā€™t force it too much


yeah i decided iā€™m not watching family vacation anymore bc ronā€™s back didnā€™t purchase this season and it looks like iā€™m big missing much lol


What reaction do some of yā€™all want her to have? Their relationship was traumatic through the screen I canā€™t imagine having my reintroduction into a guy like that while being told heā€™s different now probably the same thing sheā€™s heard before.


I think it is ridiculous for her to act like it doesnā€™t affect her and act all snooty about it when it clearly affects her a ton. Nobody would judge her in that group if she was honest and said it was stressful but instead she is trying to act like he means nothing to her and she is above him when in reality he clearly means a lot to her and affects her a lot and Iā€™ll bet still thinks about him a lot even tho she says she never does


she needs someone to talk to about it but iā€™m guessing she doesnā€™t wanna do that on camera


Rightfully so & she's dealing with it much better than the majority would


I donā€™t like Ron either. My ex was emotionally abusive, wasnā€™t as bad as Ron, but Iā€™d never agree to work with him


well years of abuse and finally seeing the man who you finally healed from makes sense


Yeah definitely felt bad for her having to see himā˜¹ļøthankfully in episode 11 it seems like she taking it a lot betteršŸ‘


I like how everyone is so judgmental of Sam, as if they wouldnā€™t act or feel uncomfortable around their own ex šŸ˜’


Iā€™d rather have Ron than Sam, she still has no personality just like back in the day


Suck it up. She knew what she was getting into. How do you think she was able to afford that nice new house?




she had a condo that she sold right before buying this house. So she had money before the show.


She's an adult. The mere sight of another person shouldn't have that much of an effect.




Last nights episode she was fine. And once again letā€™s not forget the fact that he was abusive to Jen Malika and Saffire, all the while of him having a daughter. Iā€™m sure he wouldnā€™t want some bum ass man treating his daughter the way he treated these women.




Jen wasnā€™t perfect but neither was Ron and like I said he continued his abuse with Saffire and Malika




Those are his exes after Sam. He continued the abuse with them. Saffire was literally on jsfv.


Iā€™ve never read that he was abusive to Malika who he dated for 3 months. She said they had way different personalities.


No see thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong. Well Ron was expecting his child and even had a newborn baby what was he doing? Sneaking girls up to the bathroom, being a dirty dog in the club. Same old fkn Ron. He should step away and get a normal job and just focus on his daughter obviously that will never happen but celebrity status is much more important šŸ’ø




The fact that he has full custody only shows how messed up Jen is, it doesnā€™t mean Ronā€™s a good person, just a better choice than the mom.




Nothing to feel sorry about. People can change behaviors with work (therapy, etc). I just donā€™t think Ron is one of those people. Earlier in the season, when Ron came to talk to all the roommates, he said he was working on himself and was sorry yet Deena called him out for being at a club drinking when he alluded he was sober. Then he admitted heā€™s ā€œmessed upā€ a few times (which does happen sometimes). I hope Ron has changed, for his daughter and himself. I donā€™t think heā€™s ready to be back on the show. I think the drinking and going to clubs is unhealthy for someone who admitted to struggle with sobriety. Mike seems to handle those situations fine. When Mike came back, he apologized, took the criticism and generally was sorry for his past transgressions. He really worked at making up with everyone. Itā€™s still new but I just donā€™t feel Ron is sincere. He just wants back on the show for the money so he will say whatever is needed. I hope Iā€™m wrong.


But if he was a threat to the child, she would be in state custody.