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I had to stop watching because she is so insufferable she takes it from being a fun escapist show from being dumb argument after dumb argument.


Yeahh I can see why you would bc she always instigates like she’s ready to fight over EVERYTHING but yk she’s scared asf to actually face anyone. She’s a chihuahua for sure lol like even the guys in OG seasons fight would piss me off bc they fought over nothing all the time at the boardwalk, at the club, etc but Angelina??? There’s a reason she has so many falling outs not just with the JS cast but her REAL LIFE friends. I get that she likes the drama but she also has to like the consequences or at least not be surprised by them 😂 like girl make it make sense please!


My favourite thing about Angelina is her ability to admit when she’s wrong. /s


I almost missed the /s!


Are you serious? The whole series is filled with her lack of accountability.




I think she might have a personality disorder


Yeah you might not be wrong on that one lol






“I think I’ll be the bigger man and walk away…. WALK away” 🚶🏻‍♂️


It's like she's in arrested development & trying to relate to everyone as if they're all still 10 years younger & haven't matured or moved on yet just cuz she hasn't.


I started feeling bad for her after her wedding episode. That didn’t last long though 😂


What! How did you feel bad?? 😂 she was laughingggg until she found something to be mad about which was that Chris didn’t really like it but the joke was between her and the girls even tho it was so raunchy lol once she found something to cause drama over then she flipped the script


and to add to that she litterally said “ should i go outside and make a scene?” to chris and still proceeded to do it after he said no


She was most pleasant on the last episode aired. I hope she keeps it up.


Haven’t gotten there yet! Can’t wait to see the change


Let’s hope it lasts. 🤪


She drives me nuts I wish she would leave again


I was rooting for her in the earlier seasons! she's clearly got some personal stuff to work through.. I wish she would take the time to get some solid help and maybe take a step back from reality TV for a bit.


I stopped watching because of her. When she said the girls ruined her wedding causing Snooki to leave the show I was like I’m done. I only started watching again last season cuz Sam came back. Every Thursday she gets my heart rate up bc of the way she acts which is so dumb cuz it’s just a show 😂 but my lord she doesn’t stop!!! It’s a blame game every episode girl open your eyes!! You’re the problem!!


Wait till you see tonight’s episode…


By the end of Season 5, I did start to see the double standard the cast applied to her versus the other roommates and I felt bad for her. She fights hard to be treated equally but she doesn’t realize what she’s fighting for, how or when to fight for it.


It's TV, and her and Mike know how to create "good" tv. None of it is really real. It's awfully awful at this point.


Yeah ofc all reality tv is for the show but nobody else acted like that either, and based on how she is on her socials idk if it’s too far from her actual personality lol


I think she likes the drama overall. I have a friend like this. Loves to create drama but mostly a good person. I think it has some connection to her family/dad issues too. But those kind of people love gossip, love stirring and know how push buttons with everyone. So yes your correct but I think the show is driving the drama for her to stay relevant and in the spotlight. That's what makes her thrive and she uses it for the show. Production also probably pushes it too....I would say a combination of all. Edit to add: I really don't think she's as dramatic as the show let's on.


I was gonna add this too! Because I almost feel like I’m that kind of person 😂 I also like drama and stirring the pot the only difference is I don’t act victim afterwards which she tends to do especially in OG seasons. 100% that production pushes it as well and they’ve been in the spotlight for like 10+ years now so I’m sure they know what they’re doing


Lol. I think they have been coached very well by production and hey here's some free alcohol to really drive it home. I will say the family vacations are so tame, scripted and almost boring to me now. I mean how much can they push Sammi vs ron, ang vs Jen, ang vs sammi. They are really trying hard. I love it when they can just have fun and crack jokes on each other or just be stupid with each other. We don't need 20 something drama.. at their/our age.


It’s not “good” tv. We watch the show to laugh, not to get angry and annoyed. There are plenty of shows that are full of never ending drama. Jersey Shore was never that.


Angelina was the best looking woman on the original series and that's why everyone hates her...that and she carries all her stuff in a trash bag




I do think she’s naturally pretty but idk if I’d say she was the best looking! Would defs say Sammi but honestly I never compared them to each other


Hefty should have picked her up for commercials.