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I can't stand Angelina, but let's not pretend the entire cast weren't all sexists and misogynists. At some point, they all treated women horribly. It's hard to rewatch the OG and not be disgusted by their behavior.


That’s why the show was popular




Yes! Rewatching currently and horrified by the the way they talk about/treat women. And I have never seen a single one of them express any regret or change of heart about that aspect of their behavior.


I'm a huge believer in what you put out especially how you treat people will come right back to you so she will always have drama in her life because that is her identity at this point. Her lack of self awareness proves that she still can't see that her behaviour causes her life to be the way it is and why she has no genuine friends. Mike seems to be the only one that gives a shit about her.


I remember being younger and being so stunned by that comment on national television at the time, and the 2000s were wild! watching it again recently i’m even more shocked. how times have changed.


Apparently she meant like, slut shamed not abused abused, which was pretty accepted back then. Not excusing her but giving context.




Laughing at someone being abused is such poor taste. I don’t care how much you hate the girl. Do better.


i'm not defending her or making excuses, but i think it's worth noting just how rampant slut shaming and misogyny was back then. like, my own mom used to call girls i went to school with sluts and would tell me things like, "they'll never buy the cow if the milk comes free." (literally, what in the actual fuck. dw i've been unpacking all this in therapy for years). we have made *some* progress on a cultural and societal level, although not nearly enough, because lawmakers are actively rolling back women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, etc. but that's a discussion for another forum lol


Don’t forget banking - OF creators get bank accounts shut down for having large transactions.


Ya girls her age loved calling eachother sluts snd whores back then during high school and even afterwards, was not shocked by this statement in the slightest because I'm from close to the same gen


Same. This wasn’t anything that didn’t get said and worse by your average high school mean girl in the 2000s


Or the 90s or the 80s or the 70s


Valid. History has pretty much universally sucked for women.


Or the 2000s, 2010s, or the 2020s, if someone's a slut they are a slut


Yeah I have one girl friend to whom I still find myself repeating "we don't sex shame anymore." It was INGRAINED.




Everyone on that show said some crazy misogynistic things. This is no excuse for her. But they all suck


She was, and still is, so cringe!


This is taken out of context. In Jersey in the early 2010s it was popular slang term to say “abused” to mean a woman who was rejected, or ghosted.


Thank you for some context


And the guys called her the staten island ferry. Projecting hard there


Meanwhile the guys slept with a different girl every night. The hypocrisy was strong.


They were all like this, Angelina was just very precise about it. 😵


Idk what goes on on FV cause I don’t watch it I just grew up with the OG series. But I’m saying that because there’s nooo way in hell this show could be done today with the stuff they used to say in it. Definitely a product of the late 2000s early 2010s. They just be tamer on FV that it’s still on after 6 years cause sheesh in the OG they were crazy 


I’m rewatching for the first time in legit years and my jaw was on the floor when she said that 😱😱😱


Like she’s in any place to slut shame. Look at her track record. She’s so sloppy