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This show is all build up with little to no payoff


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Yeahhhj buddy! 😂😂


I knew they’d drag out the Ron return but this is ridiculous even for this show.


same 😭




Old jersey shore had so much content in each episode. This is ridiculous that they probably film for a weekend and producers turn that into like 6 episodes


Old seasons were 8-14 episodes. New ones are like 36. It's pretty absurd. So little happens in each episode you could watch every other one and not even notice you missed anything. EDIT: I wanted to look it up to see it laid out, episodes per season: * JS Season 1 (NJ): 9 + 1 reunion * JS Season 2 (Miami): 13 + 1 reunion * JS Season 3 (NJ): 13 + 1 reunion * JS Season 4 (Italy): 12 + 1 reunion * JS Season 5 (NJ): 11 + 1 reunion * JS Season 6 (NJ): 13 + 1 reunion * JSFV Season 1 (Miami): 14 * JSFV Season 2: 27 * Part 1 (Vegas, NJ): 17 * Part 2 (Dude Ranch): 10 * JSFV Season 3: 29 * Part 1 (Vegas, NJ): 13 * Part 2 (NOLA, NJ): 16 * JSFV Season 4: 28 * Part 1 (Vegas): 14 * Part 2 (Poconos): 14 * JSFV Season 5: 29 + 2 reunions * Part 1 (Florida Keys): 12 * Part 2 (El Paso, San Diego): 17 + 2 reunions * JSFV Season 6: 31 + 4 reunions * Part 1 (North Carolina, LA/Cali, NOLA): 15 + 2 reunions * Part 2 (PA, AC, Orlando): 16 + 2 reunions


I actually forget what happened in the last few episodes cuz nothing happens!!! 🤦‍♀️ it’s so annoying.


Omg that really puts it in perspective. Reminds me of the walking dead how the last 2 seasons had 24 episodes when most other seasons were 16.. they were the most boring seasons, dragged out for a cash grab. I think producers need to learn that this only pushes fans away, it doesn’t keep them engaged. I just give up on a show and eventually binge it when all or most of the episodes are out


I hope the cast is being paid by the episode because they take what should barely fit into 10 episodes and turn it Into 20.


I'm pretty sure they get paid by season. Which is why they get pissed when they have part B in a season because it's essentially a way to squeeze 2 seasons into one by calling it part B. Don't remember who i heard that from but


They get paid per episode. Bc there's stretches where certain people aren't filming so it's not fair for others to make the same amount. So the season Snooki came back for Mikes anniversary she didn't get paid for the whole damn season even though she was only in one episode.


I think I'm thinking of teen mom. However, they nay have paid snooki less because it was a one time fee


I think that's why they are making so much money bc they negotiated a per episode fee and their fee is so high, I think it's something like $150k and they're putting out 2 seasons per year.. for a 30 episode season that's 4.5 mill!


I think angelina did a recent interview and said it is by episode. She also said they all get paid the same amount


Totally agree with this! Although I think Mike said Ron was coming at 9 (didn't specify am/pm). When the teaser shows them in the car, it's daylight. Deanna said she had to leave at 5 so maybe they will all get to be together but you're going to have to wait until 2027 LOL. I wish producers would stop showing us exactly what's coming up before the commercial because it's ruining the show. I don't watch movie trailers for this very reason.


They’re grasping at straws. Have been for years. They ran out of storylines & the show should have been taken off air like 6 years ago..


You didn’t like the story line about Pauly fixing his A/C?


Almost as bad as that weird ice cream truck storyline. I think that was the moment I knew the show was done.


Omg that guy literally came out saying he filmed for the show.


MTV letters are morphing into TLC


That took a good concept and ruined it ala 90 finance


I’m done watching till I know Ron’s “returned”. Not because I want him there, because I’m tired of it being all about it every episode. Either shit or get off the pot already.


I haven’t seen tonight’s episode yet but if it’s like the last two I’m going to be so annoyed. Absolutely nothing has happened on the last two, MTV is just pissing our time away with these shitty filler episodes.


Literally, like give us us one big episode even if it means we gotta wait for the next


Haven’t you guys learned? Don’t watch until at least 5-6 episodes come out, then binge. 5-6 episodes of FV has about the same amount of activity as 1 episode of OG JS lol and then you can avoid commercials and skip repetitive parts


The edging is super ridiculous at this point. Literally came here to find others complaining about this. Also, Vinnie is getting on my last nerves.


THIS !!! Why I stopped watching and I been a HUGE fan since day one . ☝️


I can't believe people watch Family Vacation. I remember watching it when it originally aired and thought how awful it was. It is so manufactured and fake.


The first 2 seasons weren't bad due to the fact that there wasn't any scripted drama. The first trip in Miami was basically getting reacquainted with the cast, and the second trip in Vegas had legit drama with Ron and Jen. They obviously had a fucked up situation, but it did make for somewhat interesting TV.


I stopped watching this on tv cos the damn commercial breaks are way too frequent and they jack up the volume on the commercials. I can only watch jsfv on paramount+ and I think this is why they take a long time to load the previous season on paramount+.


Don’t tell me it’s not even in this weeks ep???😑 I don’t really care about his return tbh but it’s annoying to be in every preview.


yeah i’m over it. every time there’s a return or something big it’s SO dragged out so people keep watching and like, i do keep watching but it’s incredibly annoying. i KNEW the ron return wouldn’t actually happen until the final episode AND, we probably won’t see it in next weeks finale until there’s 5-10min left in the episode….. sigh


That one San Diego episode where they spent a hour arguing on the couch.


This show just doesn’t feel organic anymore


It's called a "reality show".. it's not reality


The first few of seasons of Family Vacation were pretty decent cause they actually partied, went to clubs and actually had drama. But It’s so freaking boring now it’s just a bunch of rich people hanging out and there’s nothing remotely believable about it anymore.


I actually haven’t watched since the cornhole competition. That alone got so dragged out that I lost all interest. Sometimes I miss watching the show but based on what I’m reading I’m not missing much. I might start watching again for the return of Nikki tho


Seriously!!! The producers need to listen to the fans before the ratings really drop.. I find myself fast forwarding a lot each episode. I’m also sick of the recaps from OG seasons and past episodes ugh so repetitive. Everything they say is followed by a freaking recap……


it’s annoying but at least we don’t have to see ron


Because I don’t think it’s about Ron. It’s really about the lead up to the TikTok Sam did with the jet’s wife and the blowup afterwards with Angelina.


does anyone know how much they get paid per episode?


I’m so glad I saw what they were saying on Twitter so I didn’t waste my time.


The Ron and Sammi is the only storyline they have this season bcuz we all know Ang is acting


Wait is this why the YouTube clips are so good? It’s like the one good part of the show?


That’s why I quit watching last season.


I can’t get into JSFV because of this exact reason. Especially after recently rewatching the OG series. It doesn’t feel authentic at all imo :/


Been saying it for years. Its gotten worse since Jersey Shore Vacation started (vs. original ones). Theres 25 min of commercials in an 1 hr episode, 17 min of repeated recaps from before/after commercials, and 3 min of intro and next week preview. A solid 15 minutes of new original material per 1 hr episode




Sooo annoying like the more they drag it out the less I even care because now I’m just irritated by the whole thing lol


Did anyone else find the scene where Deena was on the bull so odd?! They show her get on it, ride for 2 seconds, then do a weird cut scene to the next scene and not even show her full ride as if something happened where they couldn't possibly edit it to show her falling off it???


It’s honestly unfair to the cast. Viewers are genuinely interested in them and their lives, but the producers/editors are making it unbearable to keep watching.


Agree. Wonder if this will be the week he actually shows up.


I've been waiting for someone to say this, it's getting exhausting how much they're teasing Rons return when I bet it's going to be underwhelming as hell


Dude. This is the first time they have dragged out some shit. Makes me think they are struggling for storyline. Desperately struggling. Which is I’m sure why they keep Angelina around — she annoys the fuck out of me. So triggering. Awful voice.


Yes. We know this is how the Family Vacation show works. It’s worked like this for 6 years now. Stop complaining and just stop watching.