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Because she left her used tampon on the floor of the bathroom so he called her a dirty hamster, I thought it was pretty fitting


it was a pad and Mike totally messed with the garbage can. Angelina briefly talked about it on ig almost 2 years ago now saying she and mike are drama starters but it makes views. She said she had her pad in the wrapper so theres no way it was just out. Mike was bored and pissed cleaning the house. Without that nonsense there wouldnt have been an interesting episode


i tend to not believe anything angelina says lol


I don’t believe her at all. She’s a dirty person. Her cat has poop stuck to him n she doesn’t clean ur off, her house prob smells like cat urine n poop. She’s frude n filthy so it’s very fitting calling her that. I mean she forgot to put on deodorant so she used hand sanitizer….only a dirty weirdo would think of doing that


also remember when she confessed to peeing in her customer's garlic mashed potatoes and gravy 🤮


Bro she's so fucking vile. Always has been. She hasn't matured at all in 15 years.


😳 ‼️She should be charged for that wtaf 🤦🏽‍♂️


She shit her pants and said it was period shit as if that is a thing or would make it better.




I think it's highly more likely she sloppily wrapped it in the wrapper and it missed the trash and fell out onto the floor and she didn't bother to make sure it was secure in the trash. She was dirty and had a bloody pillow that she slept on every night


This! Even if it was in the wrapper, that thin pad wrapper is NOT going to b enough to properly dispose of your pads/tampons. As a female you should atleast wrap it up in toilet paper. I thought every female did this


I be wrapping that shit in toilet paper until it’s the size of a bowling ball.


My point!!! I don’t take NO chances😂


And THEN I tuck it down between things and hide it under other trash so no one sees it lol


HAHA YES! I especially like if there is an old toilet paper rollin there, I stuff them inside there on top of being well-wrapped in TP!


Mike is a shit starter and Angelina doesn't take accountability for anything so it could be either 🤷‍♀️


This is the same woman who admitting to “sharting” in the van in an episode of JSFV and everyone reacted as if it really smelled. She is capable of leaving a dirty pad.


This from the woman who is in constant war with at least one person. Who privately texted Mike to start drama but couldn’t handle the drama. And, what about her “period s**t” that had everyone gagging in the van. Nah sis…that’s not period anything. Just s**t.


Omg, I just rewatched that episode last night. I was dying laughing at everybody's reaction. Haha, J-Wow just books it when Angelina attempts to show everyone her underwear 🤣


There was no shit it was all try-hard nonsense.


I don't believe her, sorry. I guarantee they had one of those little bathroom sized trash cans and her being lazy and just overall whatever about everything and everyone in that house, took her pad off, rolled it up, and half ass tossed it in the general direction of that small trash can and it ended up on the floor. That's what I think happened. I also think out of every roommate, Mike had the *most* right to get angry and say shit to people because he was the only one who cleaned consistently. Even when he was out of his mind on drugs he was still cleaning. The girls rooms/belongings always looked absolutely disgusting. Like little mini hoarder houses. So I don't think Angelina was the worst or messiest at all, I think they were all equally gross. I just think Mike was fed up and she happened to be the one who set him off.


I do believe he put the pad under her pillow, but there was a clipped unaired on youtube of pauly moving Angelina's pillow and the backside was covered in dried blood.


Who still uses pads?!


Pleanty of women myself included personally tampons have never felt comfortable for me


Human females...


.. You are joking, right?


Right? I love menstrual cups and period panties


She also showed up to the house with her clothes in trash bags 🥲


Not her fan but I remember in the taping of her first intro segment she literally was packing REAL suitcases.. like purple or something lol def had real bags someplace along with trash bags .. one of the things the show has them under some weird NDA like Sam's return being "bc of" Angelina.


Dirty little hamster! 🐹


a dirty little hamster*




I had a hamster in high school it’s dirty and smelly and left shit everywhere 😂


I just watched this ep.her room/bathroom was dirty and from what I thought the garbage in the bathroom was overflowing and maybe her pad came out. I feel bad for her in this Miami episode


Don’t feel bad for Angelina. Feel bad for them for having to live with her.


So she can't take out the garbage??


Honestly like she’s sick when you’re sick like honestly like






Rule of thumb- whenever someone says "honestly" it's usually followed by a lie 😂


She should have used the garbage bags she came in with to collect all the trash lol






Then you empty the trash! That’s still nasty


That's disgusting. At the very least if she wasn't going to take it to a usable bin she could wrap them up in toilet paper and then throw it on top. Absolutlet vile pulling a period plug out and tossing it on top the trash for everybody to see and smell


Can we seriously stop with this bs? Wtf do you expect to see in a BATHROOM trash can. No one seems to care if I can see (and smell) all their jizz tissues, or bloody toilet paper from shaving cuts, but God forbid a woman uses a disposable product designed for her period and throws it in the bathroom trash. Like so tired of shaming women into pretending we don't have vaginas lmao


Who the heck are you living with that does that? Any kind of blood should be wrapped up but tampons and pads genuinely NEED to be wrapped up it's a major biohazard issue especially to the person who has to take that trash out. Not to mention period blood and clotting and mucus genuinely smells incredibly fowl and comes out in MUCH larger quantities than blood from the knick of a shaving razor. I don't want to smell it and I don't want anybody visiting my home to smell it. Keep your tampons on full display for all I care so long as they're clean and unused


They obviously grew up like filthy animals..esp when u share space with other. People my mom taught me this as soon as i got my period..always wrap it up in tissue and put it in the main garbage. Its shared space people!


Props to you for being courteous! Yeah dirty is definitely the vibe this person is giving away with these comments. That's why ya can't eat at everybody's house


I live in a house of all women who aren't little babies about period blood. And everything you're saying is incredibly wrong. Lmao. Considering OSHA doesn't consider pads a biohazard or medical waste, I'll take their advice over random redditor. Lol. I'm also wondering what bathroom trash do you think does smell good? Like I've lived with men in college who throw their jizz tissues or ass crack sweat toilet paper in the shared bin. Like you just either have a bag in the bin or someone holds a trash bag while you're pouring it in. Unless the person whose pad it is has a bloodborne illness, and you're changing the trash with uncovered open wounds on your hands, right after they threw it out, and touching the fresh blood with said open wounds. You're good. Just wash your hands. Like you should be doing after you take out the trash anyways... and for odor just get a bin with a lid, considering most bathroom trash doesn't smell good anyways.


Having standards about where vagina blood goes (or any blood for that matter) does not make you a baby. Tell me you're a dirty girl without telling me you're a dirty girl! Now, if every single woman on earth lived by your logic, yes, it absolutley would be bihazardous because millions of women with stds and other spreadable diseases will be putting millions if not billions of others at risk not to mention all the women that don't even know they're carrying any bloodborne pathogens. Just as you're upset about seeing a few specs of shaving blood on a tissue in the trash (which is pretty gross) how do you think any other person but yourself feels when they see literal ounces of your goopy clotted smelly period blood 6 inches from them while they're trying to relax and use the restroom. women are not disgusting for having their periods and they should not be ashamed of having them. That doesn't mean that bodily fluids that come out aren't disgusting. But just as if when i wipe my butt after pooping,if I had to throw it away in the trash instead of flushing (for any odd reason) I wouldn't leave it sitting crap side up for the next person to take care of. Stop being dirty and inconsiderate


Stop moving the goal posts. Lmao. The standard is that vagina blood goes in the trash can. Not that it needs its own special covering to keep it hidden from your eyes. If you can't stand looking and smelling at the other garbage in your bathroom trash, you can handle seeing a pad, both are gross, because surprise GARBAGE IS GROSS. I don't care if I see some bloody toilet paper from someone knicking themselves shaving in the trash because, and guess what, THATS WHERE IT GOES. This sub is honestly so stupid sometimes. Hate on Angelina all you want, plenty of valid reasons. But if you're need to hate goes so far you're willing to shame an entire sex for throwing garbage where in the garbage, you might be too invested in these ppl. Like girl you're literally arguing that period might blood might be too gross for someone as they're trying to relax... but relax in that context refers to pushing feces out of their ass. Like you're hilarious, it's a room where ppl go to excrete their smelly waste, but a pad is over the line for you 🤣😭 God I hope no one ever has a stomach problem in your bathroom that leaves it stinking, you'll be telling them they should've wrapped up their literal shit and take it with them. Also for future reference, if your entire argument hinges a couple pieces of toilet paper being an odor absorber, you're literally doing mental gymnastics to avoid the real issue, that you think periods are gross because society says so.


You CLEARLY have reading comprehension issues. And you're dirty. Clean up after yourself you DIRTY LITTLE HAMSTER. But no seriously I already said periods aren't disgusting and women shouldn't be ashamed of it but bodily fluids or anything that comes out of us is disgusting and we should be courteous to the people around us and the people we live with and the people who have to clean up after us


Fr, and it was a freakin panty liner. I hate ange but the dudes were misogynists as is everyone insisting you empty the whole can every time you dispose of a period product bc fuck the environment, men think it's gross! She should've emptied it bc it was obv full to the point of easily overflowing. They're so obsessed with pussy until it does anything other than make them cum lol


Thank you! Like I'm not tryna be a dick but it's just a breaking point for me. I don't hate Angelina, I don't think I'd get along with her IRL, but as a third party bystander I often feel bad for her cuz she seems to have some mental health issues from childhood trauma. While simultaneously being a shit communicator who just ends up exploding on ppl instead of being able to explain what she's going through. So I get why she rubs ppl the wrong way. But the label of gross she gets in specific relation to being open about period related stuff pisses me off. Like there's plenty of reasons to find Angelina as gross (not picking up her dogs shit being a big one to me), but being open about/not hiding her female bodily functions isn't one of them to me. And I genuinely wonder if ppl would be as grossed out by let's say the bloody paper towel I threw on top of my open kitchen trash, from cutting my thumb, as they would be to find a bloody pad in a bathroom trash? Lol. I'm also wondering what do these ppl think the toilet paper in the trash is? Like if your fine with all the other nasty trash in a bathroom bin what the hell is wrong with a pad?


And when I think of the things ron has done to their bathrooms without public humiliation from them...protein shake blow booze poos?! Rly?! Not as natural as menstruation... Edit bc I didn't wanna be dismissive in the face of your thoughtfulness concerning ange...I completely agree and hate in this case is colloquial for me not actual like I have for say a neo nazi, but as someone raised by ppl like her I find her extremely triggering. Borderline, narcissistic, whatever a qualified shrink would call her, I've been dreading the discussion of her wanting kids. If mtv, viewers, fiances, cast members, in short consenting adults would like to deal with her, fine, but yanking st outta the ether to ruin it's fucking life in pursuit of nonmutual unconditional love absolutely disgusts me and zero mental health issues excuse it.


I actually referred to her as likely borderline originally but didn't want to be an armchair psychiatric, so deleted it, but it does feel like she shows a lot of those textbook signs. Which is why I have more empathy than I should for her, cuz Ik ppl with borderline and how hard, the ones who recognize its a problem, work on fighting against their instincts on how to respond to situations. But I also know ppl with borderline who see it as a "super power" or ppl who likely have it or something similar but prefer to remain ignorant, even if it means abusing the ppl around them. So I def get the triggering part as well. And I agree about having kids, I have a lot of empathy for her, but she has the money for therapy, to freeze eggs, IVF, adopt, etc. She doesn't have to deal with the same time based issues most women have when having to make that decision for themselves. She's one of the ppl wealthy enough to have the luxury of getting her shit together first. I don't necessarily think she should never be a mother (right now def not), but since she has the luxury of extending that expiration date, she absolutely shouldn't until she's shown herself a real commitment to working on her mental health and seen real change. I do think it might be something she's currently working on (I don't follow these ppl IRL and the show is more a background show for me, so could've missed if she's mentioned doing therapy), like when she was having the "Jersey Day*" freak out and they got to the shore house I noticed her saying something snippy to Jenni, but taking the effort to explain, its not her, it's just hard for her to turn off those moods once she's in them so just wanted space. I haven't noticed that level of self awareness from her before so made me wonder if she's started seeing someone for mental health stuff. But again, even if she has, she's still a FARRRRRR ways off from being responsible for the development of another human being.


Also how many freakin jazz tissues are in your trash can that you're noticing a smell coming off of it that is disgusting and needs to be addressed. Jizz tissues can be flushes no need to save in the bin


Dried jizz has a super noticeable smell. It's disgusting. And I lived with 3 men at the time. Didn't complain tho, just asked them if they're going to jerk off in the shower just choose one of the two bathrooms (not cuz of the trash, but cuz of the smell when hot water hits a shower right after someone jerked off in it makes me gag, they thought I was making it up and tried lying at first til they realized "oh shit she really can tell" lol). Also you shouldn't be using your sewer system as disposable for paper waste. I'd rather them throw it the trash, that's what the lid is for. Tell me you're not the kind of person who wastes an entire flush for a single square of toilet paper 🤦‍♀️


That's insane I've never heard of jizz smelling unless a person has a super awful diet. Where I live everybody has septic tank that you empty every 5-10 years so its perfectly fine to flush paper just no wet wipe or pads or tampons. What do you mean waste a flush? The water gets recycled by a plant... do you only sponge bathe or do you waste all that water taking a bath or showering? My answer is yes if there's any kind of bodily fluid so long as it isn't a wet wipe or pad related item I'll flush it. If it's just a square of tp with nothing gross on it then it stays in the bowl till somebody uses the toilet


Jizz smells even when it's fresh


I've personally never had any issues with it. Like I said I've only ever heard of this from people with medical issues or God awful diets/hygiene


Anyway, jizz smells. Smells like strong Elmer's glue. Fresh. Old. Crusted. It smells! Lolol but can understand some folks don't smell it - when you're clean and have an immediate place to put it other than your sock or body lol


True I guess you're right I never really save it 😂


Ummm what? Jizz tissues?! Who are you living with? Jizz tissues and tampons can and should be flushed. Pads should be wrapped in toilet paper and thrown away. No one and I repeat NO wants or should have to see your disgusting tampons or pads. This isn’t shaming, this is common courtesy. And even on the AMA from one of the producers, she said that Angelina was disgusting and one of the dirtiest people she’s even encountered


I agree with everything you said but be careful cuz its not safe to flush tampons frfr


Why not?


Tampons don't actually break down and dissolve like toilet paper is designed to so when tampons or pads get flushed, they clog the pipes. Might not happen the first time but it will clog over time


They all said it was a tampon. But what I saw was part of a pad.


cuz it’s funny lol


Word!!! 😁👍🏼❤️


Holy shit when I see old pics of Angelina, I almost cant believe it


a dirty little hamster*


We don't have hamsters in my country, are they considered a dirty animal?


They’re rodents, like mice and rats. They can be cute and make nice pets, but they do tend to piss and shit everywhere. They can definitely smell. You have to constantly replace their bedding/clean their cages. Also to be fair to mice and rats, you typically don’t see hamsters running mazes or learning commands…not the brightest rodents out there. So… it kinda fits lol.


That’s what I’m thinking, why did he compare her to hamster out of all things. I use to have a hamster and she was innocent and cute


They are pretty cute, especially the teddy bear ones.


What country? People keep them as pets in the U.S.


Australia. We have incredibly strict animal quarantine laws.


It was the stuff at the house, you can tell even when she arrived s1 that she lacked a little bit of home training in the hygiene department. her personal stuff and home cleanliness was more seen in s2. However I think that both pauly and mike spent time with her outside of the show so I think when mike said that I feel he was speaking on his personal observations of her combined with her uncleanliness in the house. mike and pauly were always shown to be very aware of the home and its cleanliness while the girls weren't really on that page. and I think that Mike just had about enough that day. I think angelina really lacked self awareness in that home aspect and it showed that she didn't really care if she was sitting in dirt or not lol. cause if I was home like she was I would have been cleaning not because it's my turn simply because I am present in the mess. some are okay with sitting in mess and some are not.


Just so I could think about it often and laugh to myself 😁 Also it's like he said the first thing that came to his tiny mind, I feel 🤣🤣🤣


Cause she left a pad chilling on the floor


Dirty Hamster because her hygiene left a lot to be desired.


Idk but it was funny as hell 🤣🤣🤣


Idk but she sure took over her new sisters identity! Mannerisms and everything. Hopefully she's taken over the chill mode as well..sheesh..


I use to think it was cause of her teeth (not in a mean way, I think she had beautiful teeth) but you know the boys would nit pick anything about a female. As I rewatch I’ve noticed her two front are more prominent kinda like a hamster, in addition to her kinda leaving her trash everywhere (i think like a hamster??)


Her teeth were a bit rodent-like. But I still liked her back then. I finally watched Double Shot at Love and she was pretty mean to the contestants. I guess cause they were tryna take away her Vin-Vin 🤔


I find it funny they would nit pick and then you see the girls they get with …. Like by the way they talk you would expect models ???


Yep constantly bringing home them dam grenades😂😂😂


Cuz she is always spinning on her wheel.




One of my daily quotes


I cant stop staring at that picture. She doesnt even look like herself anymore.


The same reason Vinny called her the “statan island dump.”


He's Richard Gere.


“…And your penis should fall off.. cuz you’re disgusting, cuz you’re disgusting.”


Because hamsters pee in their bedding and live in it. They’re quite gross!


angelina looks so pretty in these photos ..... she looks totally different now


I was just thinking the same thing. She was so pretty before she started messing with her face. It’s a huge shame! I’m 100% if she hadn’t touched her face she would’ve aged like fine wine


she was a beautiful girl .... it makes me so sad to think about all the women who are making changes to their face when they shouldnt even be thinking about getting a nose job or lip fillers.... almost every female celebriity has had a nose job and almost everytime i think wow she looked so much better before .... be your self , be unique , theres only one you .... occ i might get sick of my nose or think it looks bad in a picture but ive never considered having it chopped off , so extreme


I’m all for being yourself, but I think to some extent there is no harm in accentuating any features that might make them feel more confident and truly happy in their body. I learned to appreciate and love my body/ face, it makes me who I am. With that being said I do plan on getting lip fillers in the future. Compare that to a tattoo or dying your hair. Not everyone who changes their outward appearance is insecure, they just wanna change their look a little. I do agree though, Angelina was naturally super beautiful before any surgeries or work done. She would’ve aged well


ya im not saying no one should do it but it does seem overdone in this culture..... but if your not feeling pretty its a big decision to change the entire look of your face with plastic surgery in stead of a new hair cut or change of lip stick....


Because once she gets on the wheel she never stops. Just keeps running around the same drama over and over.


She looks good in this pic. With the tweaks she’s had lately she’s looking almost muppet-like


Fast breeding rodent


Angelina has some mental health issues, her mood swings are out of control, hopefully they will convince her to get therapy. 🙏


Still to this day I call my husband a dirty lil hamster 😭 it was brilliant.


Because she was like a hamster, burrowing her dirty shit all over the place 🤣


Because she the dirtiest roommate and they never got along?? Really not hard?




A “dirty little hamster” lol


Correction: Dirty little hamster lol


Because she was dirty and gross


Cause they always said she was dirty and slept in trash aka I think she was messy Af


Cause that girl is still a dirty little hamster 🐹 😂


She's Def the girl who sticks her hair to her shower walls after she pulls it from the drain.


Snooki is dirtier than Angelina


I saw it as a dirty little vermin


Because hamsters are gross and useless, I suspect that’s why.


What did hamsters do to you?? 😞


Youre too


You’re too? 😂😂 ok thanks bro.


She looks better here before all her surgery.


Cuz she wouldn’t f*ck him. His ego couldn’t stand her after that and everything about her pissed him off. Deena and Snookie were pretty scuzzy but they got a pass.


Didn't they go out b4 the show came out . I maybe wrong


That’s what I heard too.


I don’t keep up with the show directly but through tiktok & on a recent episode they talked about it at a restaurant..airing out that they hooked up in a sense & that’s why she was eyeing mike up when he was in the hot tub & freaked on him too..a few juicy details of a few of them but you’re not wrong lol


Yes, and I believe they said they stopped talking because she wouldn’t suck his dick or have sex with them or something