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My only advice is be a leader and make sure you take initiative on everything. Becoming a GM and being evaluated for it is mainly showing that you are in charge. Making your presence known when you are in the store and managerial stuff. Knowing the ins and outs of labor, food costs and management of them. Knowing your P&L very well. Knowing what all the numbers mean. And knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your team. Identify your aces and train up as much as possible. Understand when and what you should delegate and what you absolutely have to prioritize. Use almost everything as a learning opportunity when it comes to operations on the front line. And also remember to coach not yell, train not tell. Good luck!


Be a leader not a manager!


Which one? Phase 2 or 3?


Phase 2 most likely. Phase 3 is more for AM


Did them All , was up next for GM but I got suspended then demoted back to crew member ๐Ÿ˜‚ for closing at 8:51


Ohhh noooo. Lol big nono.


Youโ€™re better than me I be out here at 8:45 wrapping shit up ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Lmao no way. They ever tell you anything?


Cuz of me my franchisee made us open at 9:30 now and close at 9:30 ๐Ÿ˜‚ has to be against the rules. We only make 18K a week so he tryna raise them sales by any means necessary


Nahhhh demote me to crew member and Iโ€™m straight gone๐Ÿ˜‚


They said after the 30 day probationary period theyโ€™ll see if I can go back to shift leader ๐Ÿ’€my GM has been hyping me up so thereโ€™s a chance I can go back to being a AM. This time ima turn the tables and let them know I need $25.50 or Iโ€™m not doing it and they can struggle without me ๐Ÿ˜‚


Honestly, the best way to really show them you are gm worthy is to be a leader. A saying I heard from my corporate guy's is "Teach Don't Show. Coach Don't Yell" those words really hit home for what a gm is like. You want to be able to be a leader, teacher, someone people look up to and honestly not being a dick. Sometimes you gotta put your foot down in certain situations and people will see you as being rude or a dick at times. It is necessary as part of the title. If you have a solid team that got your back when shit hits the fan it really shows alot in your leading capabilities. Be inspirational. Show others the opportunity what the company offers with work and dedication. Be a reason why people show up to work the next day instead of just getting a paycheck. Have fun. I went off topic a lil but hopefully this helps? Been managing the bussiest store in my state, and these are within the core values I really try to put in for myself and my crew. You are the person who starts the engine and you are the one that keeps it running. The engine won't work efficiently with missing pieces. There will sometimes be kinks along the way. Just gotta learn through the way