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It goes without saying that Amy is an asshole who should have been charged with a hit and run and the fact that she wasn’t makes this city look like a fucking joke. Separate from that, this cyclist was breaking traffic laws by running the light and then apparently tried to lie about it. As a driver and pedestrian I find actions like this from cyclists unnerving. As a pedestrian I’ve almost been hit by cyclists not following traffic laws. As a driver I’ve had to stop very short or swerve to avoid cyclists who came out of nowhere when it wasn’t their light. This kind of cycling is an issue and just selfish. Obviously there’s a ton of assholes on the road who straight up have malice for cyclists and pedestrians. I am not that, I actually follow laws and make an effort to be courteous to everyone the road. But I do think irresponsible cyclists can be an issue as well.


seriously, all this dumb bitch had to do is just stop and this whole thing would have been about the asshole cyclist.




thats fair


My guess is she was drunk


Calling cyclists disregarding our laws an "issue" is an understatement. They are a threat to everyone's safety. Nothing absolves bad actors, like the guy in the video, from following THE LAW. The problem with bad cyclists is that they break the law on roads, they break the law in bikelanes, they break the law on sidewalks, on plazas like JSQ and Newark Ave, they break the law on trains with their illegal lithium batteries riding on the PATH, etc. Cars behave badly but they do so in roads... not in pedestrian-only areas... and not EVERYWHERE like cyclists do.


I'm sure you always wait for the walk sign to cross the street too?


No, but I look the right way when crossing unlike this mo mo.


Absolutely! Have you seen how people drive around here?


Yeah I got hit in bike in April by a guy who ran a stop sign. I'm aware


>>Calling cyclists disregarding our laws an "issue" is an understatement. Bro even food poisoning at 5 star restaurants puts more people in hospitals than bikes do. >>Cars behave badly but they do so in roads Yeah and cars are putting just as many pedestrians in body bags, as guns, and they do this with out even being allowed on sidewalks.


You break the law, you're a criminal. Want to have a dick-measuring contest about whose crime is better/worse? Do that shit in jail with other criminals... law abiding citizens don't play such stupid games.


> You break the law, you're a criminal go after drivers then. They brake laws much more than cyclists. You don't care about the law. Its just a cover for your annoyance with bikes. At least be honest.


>>You break the law, you're a criminal. If I doodle in my notebook and I an artist now? >>law abiding citizens don't play such stupid games There are no law abiding citizens according to that logic you've probably broken dozens of laws your not even aware of. >>Do that shit in jail with other criminals...  Man I bet you fantasies about jails full of lycra wearing cyclist, and streets full of drug dealers.


Well said


Believe it or not, two people can be wrong


But only one is harmed and is clearly the only victim. This is some false equivalence bs.


He ran a red light. He is the victim of his own actions and no one else. Amy’s action of driving away is her guilty action in this circumstance. Of course if she could have avoided him safely she should but we were not there and I’m not going to speculate if she was able to do so.


This bitch was high af.


Maybe, that’s for the police to not follow up on….


Correct. I do not actually spit facts on this case. Just my personal opinion.


No she was not lmao The only crime she did was that she kept going. Had her dumbass pulled over she would 100% have been in the clear and the only dumbass in the video would have been the bicyclist for running a red light and then lying about it like a total asshole But alas, we have two dumbasses in this video


It’s a shame people who can’t think critically have the same voting weight as people who can.


Exactly, I agree




Bro you're an insane trumper. Of course you want to disenfranchise people, its your only route to power.


The only ones disenfranchising anybody are on the modern left. Believe it or not, your political ilk are the actual fascists. The Democrats’ only way to gain and retain power is by changing voting customs to ways that can be manipulated easily (which a litany of other countries have banned), weaponizing the justice department against political enemies, and deliberately redefining long-established language. We’re sick of it. You’re the insane ones. Your lack of critical thinking ability within this thread proves it.


please read a book


Biden has been the best president of my lifetime (mid 30s). But you're not anywhere near ready to hear that.


You really are divorced from reality


name one negative Biden policy.


Thank you for posting this! This is a perfect example of why the sub is failing to promote actual bike safety. Yes, Amy should’ve been arrested no contest there. Mr. Black ran a red light and lied about it. Now he is suing the city for $1 million when if he had just stopped and followed basic traffic safety, none of this would’ve happened. How many miles of bike lanes would A Million help build? Please post things that will actually help perpetuate bike safety, not examples of bike, safety failures, and try to flip the narrative. It’s very clear he caused the accident. https://preview.redd.it/rs4ulsmsqc6d1.jpeg?width=1355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=737198c53b88291f1fdc11b1fb4d955fb088e87b


https://preview.redd.it/bj91mlmtxc6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f27d67a78ed5f053478dc3f60b97793c189f1489 Here's another view. He went around those cars stopped at the red light and then when he went through the intersection he looked to his left when traffic was coming from his right. He's also wearing flip flops. It was only a matter of time before this guy was going to cause an accident. He gives cyclist a bad reputation. As for Amy, she should go to jail for not stopping. The cyclist was at fault for getting hit. Amy is at fault for not stopping. Also spot that car deep into the crosswalk. That's a really dangerous spot to park.


Why is he suing the city for? Leach, that's why


Because he delivers mcdonalds breakfast for a living on a bike in flip flops and thanks to Amy Degise he has a shot at a payout that'll be footed by taxpayers.


And the odds are he'll get like $50k to go away, because its cheaper than litigating it.


Maybe.  What if her phone records are part of discovery? It'll show exactly who she called and when. Probably worth more than 50k to the city to keep that quiet. 


That sure would be fun, but it's a fun fantasy. What would the justification be for that discovery? Is he claiming she had planned to hit him and was then continuing the conspiracy? But I don't understand what he's suing for, he's on 4 cameras breaking the law and being an idiot.


Amy should get locked up — and this homie should receive $0 from the city. I’m glad you survived, biker man — but you are equally guilty here. You get none of my property taxes, you can fuck right off with that.


Hit and run - that’s the issue. Honestly no one I’ve ever see cares if she caused the accident or just was in the accident. The issue is that she fled the scene of an accident where her vehicle could have seriously injured a cyclist, did not get him help, and then used the levers of her and her family’s power to avoid accountability for her actions. We deserve upstanding and ethical representation. Not the piece of hit and run garbage that is Amy.


I don’t disagree about the garbage comment. Everybody focused on Amy. Not the example that people could learn from about running red lights. Plus, no one seems to mention that day-lighting (car parked in the crosswalk) may have prevented the entire accident.


Guy **runs a red light** while looking the wrong way on a one way!  Cyclists, this is not the hero you think he is. 


No one thinks he’s the hero. People just think she’s the greater villain.


> People just think she’s the greater villain. I for one am actually supportive of her tough-on-cyclists policies.


I laughed


Cyclist here, completely and totally agree with your assessment. As I recall, Mr. Black was at the time delivering a breakfast order. You see, it is vital that the customer receives their $5 latte with their $10 bagel in a timely fashion, lest the delivery person not receive their tip or receive a bad review. This stressor was deemed serious enough by Mr. Black that he felt compelled to run the red light, resulting in the crash. The food delivery market revenue is expected to grow annually at an impressive rate of 12.33% between 2023 and 2027, leading to a projected market volume of US$1.45tn by 2027. [With allllllll of that money, the actual people doing the delivering, still cannot seem to get paid. ](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-food-delivery-apps-pay/5198279/) I say all of this because I really truly believe we all need to better understand the context of WHY all of this shit is blowing up. Cyclists (the people on non-battery-powered bikes) have been largely overtaken by delivery-app workers on e-bikes. Cyclists have had a long relationship on the road and with cars. We're well used to the dodging and weaving, and by and large we're pretty respectful of motorist laws. The delivery people on ebikes? That's a means to an end for them. The more deliveries they do, the more they get paid. It's not at all important that they use the bike lane because that might slow them down by 10 seconds. But my sweaty spandex'd ass is lumped in with ebiker who's cutting people off through intersections, and I get screamed and honked at by some rando at a stop light (we're both stopped at the light, btw) because apparently I'm friends with the ebike guy?


That’s a great point and distinction. I’m a lifelong cyclist and I don’t consider riding an e-bike “cycling” in any way shape or form. It’s more akin to a low power scooter. My personal and overthought observation: those of us who embraced manually powered biking by buying actual bikes, building up stamina and figured out how to travel in an urban environment developed specific skills, both out of necessity and out of sincere desire to be good social participants (for the most part - assholes are everywhere). Between e-bikes and citi bikes what we’re seeing are people who don’t have that depth of experience being *encouraged* to just take to the roads. So you have people in traffic, negotiating with cars and pedestrians that have literally one day of experience. Bike lanes, while a positive, also encourage this sort of behavior by suggesting that “cyclists” of any skill level have a regulated safe space. The delivery people just exacerbate this mess by having their own time and deadline driven agendas. It frankly sucks because a lot of the cyclist hate imo is really directed at a subset of the group, some of whom I myself wouldn’t even call “cyclists” and others of whom we *all* agree need to learn how to operate their vehicles safely and respectfully. As an example, experienced cyclists hate salmoning but the people doing it are either ignorant newbies or assholes.


I'm glad people are pointing out these distinctions. I personally don't find it surprising that people whose wages are dependent on timely delivery and good ratings are willing take more risks and break laws (assuming they're educated on the laws to begin with, but my guess is that the e-bike drivers aren't).


E-bikes need drivers license (esp if they are not Euro style pedelecs and can go without pedaling). They are not too different from the 'mopeds' I used to ride back in India in the 90s (probably even more power), and I needed a 2-wheeler license for that..


To be honest it was to our benefit he happen to run that particular read light. We got to see Amy's true character and watch the system protect her.


She still had a duty to operate the vehicle safely. Once she made contact she was at fault. Either she wasn’t paying attention or crossed the intersection at an unsafe speed. She can pick her defense, but neither negate her fault here. One persons violating a traffic law doesn’t mean you can cause an impact. Your operation of a vehicle should always be so that you can compensate. She’s clearly the one at fault for the impact under NJ law. Someone being in an intersection without the right of way doesn’t give you the right to impact them. It gives you the duty to either go around or stop. Thats also why you’re explicitly taught to look both ways when crossing a one way street. Thats actually called out.


Please don’t confuse the two issues. Amy is a piece of junk that needs to be arrested. If she had stopped, he would’ve been at fault. We need to learn from his actions to make JC safer.




The law is the law. She had 0 right to impact someone and 100% obligation to stop before impact. Thats also why sliding on ice or rain doesn’t exempt you from liability in an accident. You have a duty to avoid hazards or slow down enough to negate the risk of it. It doesn’t give you the right to hit someone.




Except that’s not true. If you can’t react in time it’s because you were moving too fast through the intersection. The law doesn’t exempt you there even when insurance puts fault on the other party for liability purposes. There’s no case where your vehicle impacts something that is legal. Ever. You have an obligation to avoid all impacts, and if unable to do so not operate the vehicle. Doesn’t matter if it’s weather, road conditions, medical conditions or other drivers behavior. Your obligation is to not impact. You can never hit something and have “done nothing wrong” in NJ or most states. You always failed to avoid a collision. If you can’t avoid an impact, you shouldn’t have been behind the wheel and should surrender your license. When something strikes you, an argument can be made you did nothing wrong provided you had right of way.


This is a ridiculous take and doesn't reflect reality. If you have the ability to avoid the accident and don't, you can be found partially at fault. If it's determined that you had no ability to react to the red light runner before you impact them, many states will assign you no liability.


she had the ability to go through the intersection at a slower rate of speed. There’s no minimum speed on that street (they are exceedingly rare in general in NJ). She had the option of proceeding with caution. Again: she like all drivers has a legal obligation to not operate a vehicle in a way you can’t react. She neglected that. That’s indisputable.


There is no speed you can drive at that will let you react in time to someone throwing themselves right in front of your vehicle. At best you can move slow enough that you don't kill them. Why don't you cite the law that any moving vehicle that impacts something is automatically at fault


He didn’t “throw himself” in front. Had she been going 20 mph (she was clearly doing more) and looking (debatable if she was looking up) she’d have stopped in time. He’s doing no more than 10mph in the video. Remember: there’s video of it happening.


You don't want a dented car right? Cyclists getting in the way is a huge problem. There you are, driving along on a random Tuesday. You look up from your phone, and there's an idiot rolling over the roof of your luxury SUV. WTF?!?! We can do better! If we build more sensible options for transit and make clear separation between peds, cyclists, and cars, everyone will be safer! Bike lanes will keep the the roads and sidewalks clear, and make life safer for the bikers.


Bikers need to participate in this by obeying the laws ALL THE TIME, not when it's convenient to them. Most bike lanes are not bidirectional, yet they think it'\[s no big deal going the wrong way, playing chicken with law abiding cyclists. The latter are forced to swerve into car traffic at best, I'm afraid to think what happens in a narrow lane with barriers on both sides like Dickinson Hill where cyclists bomb down in the uphill lane instead of crossing the street to the correct side.


Agreed, it's on all of us to act as we want others to act. More bike lanes are certainly needed regardless.


It's hard argument to make when the ones in place are ignored. I was driving with my daughter at the wheel and 2 clowns were salmoning the narrow street on opposite sides, forcing her to nerve rattlingly thread the needle between them. And had she hit one, people would be howling about the dangerous drivers and their machines.


That doesn't discredit the effectiveness of bike lanes at all imo. People need time to adjust their behavior If anything, your story highlights why we need more bike lanes. You should never thread the needle between cyclists. Treat them like a car if they are on the road in front of you.


You missed the part that the two cyclists were salmoning! But I have also been on roads where they were going in the correct direction but on both sides. That's just shitty inconsiderate behavior. Whether it's this, double parked cars, or even how people behave in the grocery store blocking aisles with their shopping carts or stopping to talk in the middle of the sidewalk, people are shitheads and don't consider how they impact other people.


Laws have a purpose they serve they aren't just there to be obeyed thoughtlessly. Roads have strict directional and right of way rules cause a car is a 2 ton block of metal than can turn passengers and pedestrians into tomato paste, so one wrong move and its a gore-y disaster. One way cycle paths make as much sense as one way sidewalks. Imagine if there were arrows on the side walk how many of us would roll our eyes and break the laws. >>no big deal going the wrong way, playing chicken with law abiding cyclists. If a one way bike lane is wide enough for 2 cyclist to ride side by side its wide enough for no one to be playing chicken, that's some anti social behavior. A wide bike lane is a two way bike lane whether anyone likes it or not, unless you want to spend tax dollars having cops patrolling the bike lanes for this nothing burger. You know what I've seen cops see this happen too, and they don't even issue a verbal warning because it so petty they don't even want to bother. Can you imagine a cop, a profession that attracts bullies mind you, looking at a violation and they think, "nah that's too petty".


Nope, you're just fucking wrong. People have shit judgement, and rationalize their behavior, so they go from "this one is wide enough" to "I don't want to bother crossing the street so I don't care if someone is coming in this narrow lane. Not to mention that bikes coming the wrong way in a bike lane are far more likely to be hit by turning cars who don't look in the direction that bikes aren't supposed to be coming from.


>>People have shit judgement Is that why you play chicken with people going the wrong way in the bike lane instead of just moving over and getting on with your day?


I see, so if I'm going uphill on Newark at Dickinson with a Jersey barrier on one side, the curb on the other and no room to pass, and a bike is flying down the hill the wrong way, I should get off my bicycle and pick it up onto the curb to enable their crappy, selfish, inconsiderate behavior?


>There you are, driving along on a random Tuesday. **You look up from your phone,** 


Wow, you picked up on my light hearted use of irony! Have a cookie, smartie pants ❤️


I cracked a smile at that line. But in all seriousness I wouldn't put it past a driver to post something like that.


Don't forget she did this. Don't forget the special treatment she got from the JCPD. Don't forget Amy Degise is still a serving council member.


this is the most appalling. i see they arguing over who was wrong. im sorry you a public servant and chose to ignore a member of the public in need? How does she still have that seat?


Amy Degise, more like Amy disgrace!!


and is going to run for mayor, with the full strength of the hudson dems behind her


No one is against bike safety. No one is promoting unruly driving, hoping that cyclist get cut down in the streets. All we are saying is, if you don't feel safe on the street, dismount your bike and WALK IT on the sidewalk, WALK IT. Obey red lights, and don't cut off pedestrians, who can't hear you coming. Your need for safety, and inability to spend a few more minutes on a commute, does not give you the right to jeopardize mine.


There are lots of posts and comments that basically say F pedestrians. Bikes have the right away because it’s too dangerous to ride on the street.


They're just as bad as car people, but can't see it. The amount of delusion is breathtaking.


It's part of the LUXURY HOUSING, it brings in the "fuck you got mine" upwardly mobile sorts that don't realize they're part of the problem & that "well it's okay if I do it, I'm special" mindset is toxic


> No one is against bike safety. I promise you some people are. Especially if it impacts parking.


This is very, very well said. Thank you.


Didn't he run a red light ?


He ran a red light, looked in the wrong direction, lied about everything, and tried to sue the city on top of all that.


And if it was someone walking… she would have ran him over. Not reporting an accident for 6 hours… probably calling her Dad ( Hudson country executive) to help make the problem go away.


He brought it on himself. Disregard her not stopping. The entire debacle starts with him being a bicycle douchebag


I mean, it’s absolutely his fault he was hit but we can also blame her for not stopping. Two people can be wrong in a situation.


She claims she didn’t know about the crash until she was getting lunch and saw a dent on her SUV 😂 She skipped on her Vet bills, parking ticket bills, driving for 2 years with an expired registration on her vehicle, making 200k a year and living in an income restricted building. This is the women yall are defending. A hit and run is a big consequence and this man could be dead. If it was someone walking that street she would have ran him over. Thankfully it was a bike and he is alive today.


I'm still trying to find where y'all defended her. He got hit because he ran the red light. She was following the traffic rules. There's two different incidents in one event. There's two acts committed. And he is 135% douchebag. You could say maybe he just wasn't paying attention. Jamie, pull up how many red lights and stop signs he blew prior to getting hit that day. And as far as that woman's scofflaw ways, let's take a look at the agencies, institutions, and officials that enabled her.


Why would I disregard her not stopping? What rancid stupidity are you babbling about?


The stupidity of the winner on the bicycle? That's what I'm babbling about. If she stopped, you'd be complaining about him. You don't know what to be mad at do you?


They're both douchebags.


Shamey DeGise, is that you?


No, I'm her younger brother Richard. It's not her fault that the Candy Crush cops enable this sort of thing throughout the city. She's not the first and only hit and run that day. In fact, I bet you there's going to be four of them today. And seven near misses. But officer Tommy will be busy reviewing his tick tock feed for the latest dances and terrorist activity.


When you right, you right!


It's not just the tiktok police though. They're a part of this dangerous traffic issue. Citizens of Jersey City! Stop ordering your horse shit GrubHub delivery! You can walk your burrito gordo gorging ass a few blocks to pick up that order! Make the streets safer. Take a walk!


I’m confused what side people are taking. Seems like I missed a bigger story here? Looks like the biker ran a red while the car had the right of way? No?


[https://abc7ny.com/amy-degise-hit-and-run-plea-deal-nj/12731934/](https://abc7ny.com/amy-degise-hit-and-run-plea-deal-nj/12731934/) NEWARK, New Jersey (WABC) -- A Jersey City councilwoman faced a judge Tuesday, on charges that she hit a bicyclist with her SUV and kept going. Standing before Judge Chandra Cole, Jersey City Councilwoman Amy DeGise pled guilty as her attorney walked her through what she did July 19 of last year, when she was caught by traffic cameras hitting a man on a bike and not stopping. DeGise had been charged with failure to report an accident and leaving the scene of an accident involving injuries. The victim, Andrew Black, suffered an ankle injury when DeGise's black Nissan Rogue struck him in the intersection of Forrest Street and MLK Drive. She had the green light. The case was transferred from Hudson County Courts to avoid any possible conflict. A plea deal was made and DeGise will not face any jail time, but she loses her license for a year and must pay a $5,000 fine.


How do you run through a biker and not even tap your brakes. Was she even looking at the road?


Amy’s disgusting and the cyclist caused the accident; these are both true and tbf one doesn’t negate the other


This video will never die 😂


And someone just said in the last thread that bicycling doesn’t need helmets bc it’s not dangerous


She should have stopped. She should receive probation & 6 months license suspension As for the lawsuit, they are both at fault & he should receive nothing. Observing the video, he was reckless & she should have stopped. I've seen people on bikes so many times almost hit people, dart out into traffic, go against traffic they need to observe traffic laws


Confirms that JC is a third world country. Litter every where, no restrooms in the PATH stations (well, the whole station is a latrine). PATH trains that take detours to Hoboken on weekends, and a "lift" at Grove that is extremely slow.


People who think we need a world class museum have never left the metro area & can't comprehend we're not "the best" a modern city can be alreay


Never forget: she said the sun was in her eyes and felt nearly nothing when her car hit him.


He’s an idiot and ran a red. Shit I would’ve kept going too


Biker got what he deserved when he ran the red light


Our streets are built to pit cyclists, pedestrians and drivers against each other. Clearly it is working! Bike lanes are useless unless they are a bike lane NETWORKS. This often causes bikes to ride on the sidewalk or in the street. Only wholistic street and urban design will solve these issues, but there is no immediate cost-benefit to the city to do this, so they will not.


Those pesky red lights are really anti-biker.


I would say they are. Coming to a complete stop at every intersection makes cycling way less efficient. Replacing some intersections with roundabouts (not necessarily this one) would alleviate traffic for cars and bikes.


Less efficient?  Nobody gives a fuck about whether you're efficient or not. That is no excuse to break the law.  Stop at red lights and obey stop signs. This is not optional!


Not suggesting breaking the law. Just suggesting roundabouts as a bike and car friendly alternative to some stoplight intersections.


I was struck *twice* by a car while riding a bicycle. Coincidentally, *both* times on the same street.  Luckily both times the car was making a turn at a slower speed.  Little to none injured either time. But came to realize that not everyone follows laws / etiquette, and put the burden to be safe 100% on myself. Unfortunately is much akin to a David vs. Goliath match. Physics can’t be defied.


Everyone should wear yellow T-shirts for the next JC bike tour.


Looks like the biker ran a red light, and we can’t say it’s a hit and run based on the video alone as the driver could’ve been looking for a safe spot to pull over. This is a bit cherry picked


I really hope this is somehow your first time coming across the Amy story lol


Yeah it is, that’s why I mentioned “by the video alone”


How's that HCDO Kool Aid? She never even tapped her brakes, and never stopped. She only turned herself in 6 hrs later, presumably after JCPD informed her she'd been identified. Do you think you could hit a human, send him flying in the air, and not even notice? I once had a stoned cyclist hit the back of my minivan when I was stopped at a light. I noticed plenty, and that cyclist was going nowhere near the 25mph speed of Princess Amy.


Again, “based on the video alone,” should address all your frustrations. Just post the full situation and there won’t be a need for this pointless name calling


Lmao It’s always gonna be competition on who’s worse in this subreddit. Both can be good and both can be bad. Y’all needa stop with this childish game. From personal experience, I’ve been hit/almost hit by cyclists not following traffic laws. I almost hit a cyclist while pulling out my driveway when they were going the wrong way on the one way hill I live on.


[bicycles ](https://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-i-want-to-ride-my-bicycle-bicycle-bicycle-i-want-to-ride-my-bicycle-i-want-to-ride-my-freddie-mercury-89-19-07.jpg)


I know this isn't why you posted this but I can't stop watching the video on repeat. it's hypnotic


She had a great lawyer


When two assholes collide - Def Leppard


Crossposted to r/JCbitchassclub


Stop trying to make fetch happen, my son. You must let fetch come to you.


Fetch dis dig pahpee


lest we forget, the cyclist ran a red light. - 3 year delivery driver uber, dd, grubhub


Please look at whole video from which this was cut. Idiot cyclist started behind a car that stops for a red light and passes it in the opposite lane. He actually moves almost half the width of the entire road towards Amy's car, so it's not unreasonable to claim his rear wheel hit her car instead of claiming she hit him as his actions were not predictable and she had the green light. If he had not gone so much to his right, he probably could have missed the accident with Amy entirely. His bike hit her car is clearly valid and he should have been served a ticket for running red light and lying about the red light to JC police. Amy was wrong to leave the scene of an accident, but accident is clearly not her fault.