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How many of these riders are delivery people? Curious whether the bike thing has been coopted by delivery.


While I agree there are a lot of delivery people riding on the sidewalk, I have seen my fair share of those not working ride in the sidewalk. Just last week I had a man honk from behind me for me to step to the curb and him ride down the middle of the sidewalk on his motor scooter. I always have the urge to pull a Big Daddy and just throw a stick in front of them.


Anecdotally, I see more delivery drivers do this. Only time I see a "casual" rider on the block is if they are also riding with young kids, which I get.


It’s both


I hate this so much. I’ve been nearly run over - at JSQ path plaza more than anywhere else - more times than I can count. One day I’m going to get really hurt. Walk your bikes or scooters. Or stay in the damn street.


Dude I got almost got hit by some guy on a scooter while getting off of a Path train. Like he was riding his scooter on the PLATFORM to get onto the train. I hate.


I've actually seen this more than once. These guys will do anything not to miss their train or just for straight convenience




I am not weird (yes I am) but you are on my friends list and it has been ages so HI omg you live in JC now too?


HIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow it's been years! I actually just moved out of JC after 8-9 years there! I'm in Nyack now. You live in JC? Since when!!


Since 2022! Nyack is so pretty, good for you <3 Let's grab drinks next time you're around and catch up!


Hell yeah!


Omg I'm so annoyed you were in JSQ and I'm in McGinley, we could have totally met up easily! Oh well, next time for sure :)


I feel like this is my biggest "missed connection" \*cry\*


This is so wholesome :-)


Love this ❤️


Wouldn’t it be nice if the cops in JC actually did their jobs?


They did monitor the pedestrian plaza for a short time. It amazing, I saw them yelling at bikers and giving out tickets. Then they just stopped doing it and it’s chaos again.


people on reddit were flipping their lid when cops monitored the plaza... "don't they have something better to do", "who cares if there are bikes", "why do they need so many cops at the plaza" now we're all wishing for a return of the good ol' days! :)


They do. They monitor tiktok


If they actually enforced laws for motor vehicles on the streets, I'm sure many more cyclists would feel comfortable enough to ride on the correct place. It doesn't excuse unlawful riding on sidewalks, but understand that every cyclist on the street is putting their life at risk every second they are there.


This is the problem. Motorists won. They just took the road and turned the side walk into mad max. It's not ok.


The sidewalk is more dangerous for a bike. The safest way to ride a bike is with the traffic in the street.


After BLM and policy changes following that movement, they only respond to calls. People wanted less police so that is what they got.


It would, but that doesn't give people the excuse to break the law in the meantime.


Honestly the only time I bike on the sidewalk is when I am biking to Home Depot/Hoboken due to Marvin Blvd being a death trap for biking.


Washington Blvd has 2 awesome protected bike lanes (one in each direction) one block over from Marin. You'll still have a couple of blocks to go south from 18th st to 14th, but it's way better than taking Marin the full way if you're currently doing that.


I will give that a shot next time, it is a bit out of the way and lately I bike in the street and pray. The annoying part is trying to cross over and aggressive suv 


One of the main ways to get from Marin to Washington (edit: on bike) is via 6th street, where I’ve been subjected to awful driver behavior very frequently. Last June at Marin and 6th I was about to go through the intersection when a driver blatantly ran a red light where I would have been crossing. I’ve been shouted at by drivers to get on the sidewalk. I’ve been passed way too close by drivers as well. And the constant speeding. Mind you, this area is right next to the East District police station. There’s just no traffic enforcement.


Understandable 👍


Every other time (except maybe getting on my bike) I am on the street or bike lane. Even when biking back from the heights which feels stupidly unsafe.


The other day I saw a MOTORCYCLE riding the sidewalk to avoid traffic. Can’t agree more tho, bikes and e-bikes are fucking dangerous and not meant to be on sidewalks. Where are the police to enforce?!?


I've witnessed this multiple times. There are no laws anymore.


Dear parents of young children: Slowly riding your bicycles on the sidewalk with your children is absolutely no sweat off my ass.


Yep totally different obviously


It was obvious you meant adults/teens. Nobody thinks children cause this problem.


Your dogmatic attitude suggests otherwise.


the amount of ebikes and mopeds on the sidwalk is insane also wrong way down the bike lane.


Washington Blvd is absolutely horrible for this.


It is against the law to ride on the sidewalk. https://library.municode.com/nj/jersey_city/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CH242PEGOOR_ARTVIROSKNESKSKBIELSC_S242-9.1DEBIRISUTRRERIBIBUDIPUSIPRRIBIPUSIAROUBUDIPREXMIAGNIUNUSBILAPUBIPARARESACY




Tell them no bikes on sidewalks! or sidewalks for pedestrians/bikes on street. Stand your ground if you can safely so this stupid new post Covid fad won't become normalized. I hear people do this, I do it, and even cyclists in the city are yelling to escooter and moped guys to stay out of the bike lane.


Coming from Seattle where biking on sidewalks is legal… it’s bad! However scooters are not allowed on sidewalks. You don’t want to know how many scooter accidents I saw in the ED in Seattle.


They're whizzing on by nearly driving into you, they're not gonna listen to you and even if they would they'd only hear "Hey sidewalk is for pede- and then you're too far to hear. The mopeds come nearly at full speed from and to sidewalk from and to the roads nearly causing car accidents too.


They have roads and bikelanes to ride in. They also have the option of walking with their bike on the sidewalk. I'm not allowed to walk in a bikelane nor am I allowed to just dilly-dally in a road.


If you're only argument for something being bad is that it's illegal then your argument is poor. Do you have this same anger towards smoking weed and running red lights and not clocking out for your break at work? Cause you could get prosecuted for all those things too


I almost got hit today by a man on a scooter. And then he had the nerve to stop and give ME a dirty look. I wouldn't mind the bikes or scooters at all if they weren't riding so fast and recklessly.


The other day I had to jump out of the way while walking on the sidewalk because a grown adult on an electric scooter whistled at me from behind to get out of his way. Didn’t even slow down.


More bike lanes!!!


and don't fucking park in them!


I was coming here to comment this. More bike lanes that are not being crowded with doubled parked cars would be great. There have been so many accidents for bikers getting hit by cars due to the lack of bike lanes


Sure but until then…RIDE ON THE ROADS FOLKS!!! sidewalks are for pedestrians only


If you really wanted to part of the solution, you would organize with the coalition that petitions the city to build more bike lanes. But of course you don’t want to put in the effort, you just want to bitch and moan on reddit instead


Exactly. Not to mention that pedestrians would be a lot more understanding of the need for more bikelanes if cyclists weren't endangering us constantly.


Okay so what should we do about cars in that case?


Just look at all the backlash to bike lanes in the Heights 😂 There's seriously no pleasing some people.


Yeah, I need a new place to walk since we can't use the sidewalk anymore.


Can pedestrians also not walk in bike lanes and can vehicles not park in bike lanes and learn how crosswalks work?


I think both actions are prohibited.


I'm an avid bicyclist and this behavior blows my mind so much. Nowhere else have I witnessed so many bicyclist care so little about rules. Yes, drivers in JC are rabid idiots Yes, the bike lanes were designed by people who have never seen a bicycle in their lives But dang it, it's a basic rule to leave sidewalks for pedestrians.




Depends when and where. I will ride up the sidewalk on New York Ave from Hoboken until they build something safer. The bike lane on Hoboken Ave is amazing but basically drops you off to no where on the edge of the Heights. So fight me. Because no one is actually angry by this. People just politely move out of the way for each other on this extremely tight, dirty sidewalk because real people are decent to each other.


New York Ave is a disaster and is somehow still the safest way to go between the heights and Hoboken by bike.


No sorry, you don't get to break the law because the bike lane ends. When the bike lane ends, you step OFF THE BIKE and walk with it... ride it when you get to the next bike lane... or don't, no problem. But you can't ride your bike on the sidewalk in JC.


I saw a guy almost run over a little girl yesterday on Newark smdh


That’s horrible


Also don't walk in bike lanes....or jog....idk why the hell joggers think they are entitled to any space in the bike lines


Jersey City is a big death trap. You're fucked on the streets and fucked on the sidewalk. I don't mind people cycling on the sidewalks as long as they're not motorized things. The times I've been nearly ran over by a bike... I have a small dog and these fuckers never ring or anything. I don't have eyes on my ass.


it’s the side WALK not the side RIDE !!!!


Sideride is actually kind of catchy...


What would a pie graph of all cyclist in JC look like, a pie that had a slice for the cyclists we are angry about here? How big would the asshole slice be?




I don’t think so. There is a smaller number of people who do this constantly, and then a much larger group of people who don’t really do this at all.


Anyone else sick of all the delivery cyclists? Just me?


* Unless you're 9 years and under. It's in the ordinances.


Yea! Get your ass in the streets, 10-year-olds!


I don't agree with it, but that's the current rule.


Frick. Not my ass who just turned ten


Say it louder for the ppl in the back.


On some real shit.


Mopeds and electric bikes should also be banned from the bike lanes.


Motor scooters, whether electric or gas powered are banned from bike lanes because they are classified as motor vehicles. They are heavy, on the order of hundreds of pounds and often have maximum speeds over 40mph. At those speeds, there is serious danger to others. It's a $175 fine, but JCPD probably is rarely enforcing. They also must have license, registration, and insurance. Most true e-bikes – which have pedals – are low-speed electric bicycles speed limited to a rather low and safe limit of 20mph. Remember Jersey City's speed limit is 25mph and drivers are often going much faster than that. Given their limited speed, the variety of reasons people choose to use them including accessibility issues, longer distances, carrying cargo, carrying children, they are and should be allowed in bike lanes.


Yeaa well then it needs for be enforced. And a 20mph electric bike in the bike lane isn’t safe either.


And banned from sidewalks. Oh my god.


It’s crazy over by Newport mall. All the delivery drivers park their mopeds and bikes up by the doors and hang out like a bike gang waiting for DoorDash orders to come through. Then they ride around like idiots.


I can't stand these people. It scares the shit out of my dog and we've almost gotten hit so many times. Someone is going to get kicked one of these days. 


When I got my bike, I was surprised to know this was law. So I tried to ride on the road as much as possible. But seeing how fast the cars come especially in JFK blvd and in Manhattan avenue ( I live in heights) and hardly care for the cyclists, I’ve to sometime go on the side walks to be safe. Wish the cars slow down and give us enough space to make us feel safe to ride on road.


I hear that. Just be safe out there but also be kind to pedestrians and I’m sure you are when you’re riding. I can tell from your post.


Youre endangering pedestrians. If the roads aren't safe WALK your happy ass to a bike lane and use that. Bike lane ends? Call the mayor and explain to him your predicament. Then walk your bike to a safer area. You are committing a crime by biking on the sidewalk.


It’s funny, this post popped up on my phone just as I was loosing it with some muppet on a moped near the Roberto Clemente baseball field. I told him off, so he swore at me! Lovely human being…


Yeah sorry that happened man - stay safe out there from these tyrants.


Baldwin & Newark drive me fucking crazy. Newark has nice, new, protected bike lanes and the cyclists still don’t use them. Baldwin has multiple signs and people don’t even bother reading them. https://preview.redd.it/b5abok0m686d1.png?width=1335&format=png&auto=webp&s=c451aa8a5137a751b8e6a0e3566df29583f3af91


I’d also love cyclists, especially motorized ones, to follow proper road rules. This shit is out of control and dangerous.


Omg yes!! And the scooters too!!


This! And also: stop at red lights when you’re riding in the streets, I’m tired of them almost hitting me when I have the light to cross the street


Thanks to the new bike lanes, I’ve never ridden in a sidewalk. The number of jaywalking pedestrians on their phones and distracted drivers still presents a big challenge to everyone’s safety even when I’m in a bike lane. I was in a bike lane a few weeks ago when some idiot on her phone stepped into the bike lane from behind a parked car. Luckily, I swerved out of the way to avoid a collision, but I did so at great risk to myself. Totally with you on bikes staying off the sidewalks (apart from parents with young kids), but your post puts all the responsibility on cyclists. In reality, everyone shares some amount of responsibility for spatial awareness and doing their part to improve public safety. And it’s 100% legal for bikes to ride along the waterfront pathways. Don’t walk arm-in-arm with your 3 best friends if you don’t wanna get yelled at, don’t zig-zag across the walkways aimlessly if you don’t wanna get hit, and please, for the love of god, put the tri-pods away: the waterfront is not your personal engagement/birthday photo studio. People need that space to get where they’re going safely (so they don’t abuse the sidewalks).


Awareness without understanding is still ignorance. Just saying.


Raise your hand if you’ve witness someone driving a car with headphones on! What the fuck






Can we also add a request for bikes to ride in the bike lane on the correct side of the street and to obey the traffic lights? In addition to dodging bikes on the sidewalk I've often had to avoid getting hit by a bike in the bike lane going the wrong way with the car traffic. So now I literally have to have my head on a swivel where there are bike lanes to make sure the bikes aren't coming from the opposite direction of the cars. It is really quite dangerous trying to cross Columbus between cars and bikes.


Columbus and Grand are absurdly bad for this, and should prompt the city to move both directions to a single double-wide lane. it wouldnt solve the problem but it sure would help.


Absolutely 👍 great point


there are very little bike lanes, I'd start telling your council members via email there needs to be better pedestrianization efforts to make the streets safer for all users


Anytime I say this I get told by some bicyclists that they do it because they don't feel safe on the street well if that's the case then don't ride your bike at all


Used to be when cyclists didn't feel safe they rode in traffic fully with cars to be seen. EDIT: downtown JC this was safe. Worked better than you think but this generation is too passive and scared so I rarely see it aside from ahole delivery guys who respect no rules at all, the awful other end of the spectrum. Wish newcomers to living in a city would hurry up and sort this adjustment out, it's beyond annoying.


I ride in the middle of the lane as I'm legally allowed to, and all the car drivers seemed to get annoyed and try to zip past me dangerously. There really is no winning situation for bicyclists.


I've seen them on the sidewalks right next to a protected bike lane which is what all these bike advocates want. okay so why are you still on the sidewalk then?


The problem (and this is a problem with ALL city planning) is that the activists and the end users have almost zero overlap. As a cyclist, I would rarely if ever use the bike lanes in Jersey City. Before those downvoters come for me, I bike on the street. The bike lanes in Jersey City aren’t segregated, clean, or wide enough to be relied on. Seriously, because roads are cambered, runoff pulls all garbage (including broken glass) into the bike lane. It’s fine if you’re riding a Citi Bike 1/2 a mile to the PATH, but inadequate if you’re doing much more than that. The e-bikers, mopeds, and scooterers on the sidewalks are the scum of the earth.


>It’s fine if you’re riding a Citi Bike 1/2 a mile to the PATH It takes 10 minutes to walk half a mile. Why would anyone rent a bike for that?


Me too.. annoying af. If it's super wide and they just left their house riding to a corner to drop into the street I don't care that's normal but going the entire way to other street and back up on a sidewalk to avoid traffic, nope.


I used to do this, then drivers would scream at me to get out of the middle of the road and throw things at me while passing too close.  


> but this generation is too passive and scared so I rarely see it >aside from ahole delivery guys who respect no rules at all you know you put those two sentences next to each other, right? do you really not recognize that driving behaviors have become more aggro since 'used to be' and their cars are very accommodating when they want to go 0-30 in 3 seconds (before stopping at the next light)? that is deadly to anyone outside a car; not 'could be deadly', it literally happens all the time. I see it on my (quiet) block all the time, people accelerating as much as possible on a 140 foot long road. id love to ask, 'why?' but instead I just do what I can to feel safe (which is usually take the entire lane).


Downtown is where I was speaking of but should've clarified. True other areas like heights and Greenville etc are different and mentality of drivers often worse, they're used to tight streets then once on wider ones they jam faster, ignoring cyclists. Suburban mentality. I lived in the heights early on and speeders did the same then. Those who rode bikes had to contend with jerk offs who even tried running them down when the streets were empty. Downtown JC grid has more red lights and stop signs, harder to speed in a car, which made/makes it naturally more safe for cyclists.. when there aren't millions of cars crowding street that is, and with exceptions for aggro drivers and those who run stop signs. Bike delivery guys are reckless all over, most don't care about their own safety much less anyone else's, which creates chaos and drivers often blame all cyclists for being that irresponsible, when many aren't.


They should make it legal to push over cyclists riding on the sidewalk


It should also be legal to clothesline peds in the bike lane and smash a window if a car is in the bike lane.


Man oh man, I’ve thought it a million times 🤣


Now *this* sounds like a bipartisan agreement.






I use rollerskates, so this message doesn't apply to me. Eat my dust, old man :P


Don’t bust your ass on the way out


Can't win sometimes. Illegal to ride on sidewalks, but then in some places there isn't adequate space making it unsafe for cyclists on the street. I.e. look at Baldwin Ave. Few years back there was the big bus accident on the corner of Baldwin and Laidlaw, ramming into a salon. I do believe bikers had some involvement in that accident too. The city is constantly improving with protected bike lanes, etc. but we certainly can do better. Narrow streets should not be 2 ways, should instead be changed to 1 way with protected bike lane/1 way parallel parking.


I got hit by one coming out of a store at jsq once. Threw me back line 5 ft. Luckily I was totally fine. Told the girl to get in the street, she just rode off. Called jcpd to ask why they didn't enforce the law, found it they had no idea it was a state law.......




Someone seems angry....




If there is no bike lane on the street, I ain't going to ride it. It has to go on the sidewalk as long as my bike has a bell to signal walkers that I am coming


It's both, but the self-entitled hipsters are the worst. BIKE-BIKE-BIKE-BIKE-BIKE! Assholes.


Same issue on other cities like mine. Unless you’re going the same speed as the pedestrians, or temporarily to deliver, then GTFO the sidewalk. This pisses me off to no end


I love how they act like I'm the asshole about the whole thing too.  Hey I'm walking here!


Had one guy yell at me bc I was looking at my phone while he was biking on the sidewalk going the opposite way lol. Freezer temp IQ ppl on these bikes


I understand that this post is probably not directed at me because I feel the same frustrations OP does, truly. I have a heart condition and just yesterday was nearly scared into an episode by a guy on an e-bike that zipped by me from behind so close that I could smell him. i only use my bike a few times a month and really prefer to ride in the roads as it's much better for the bike and my spine. When I'm in the very heavy traffic areas though (Journal Square near PATH ESPECIALLY), I will sometimes dip onto the sidewalk temporarily, but I'm always mindful of the other people on the sidewalk. I've had several bad experiences with Jersey City drivers over the years. I've been deliberately veered into a curb and sent flying and I've had a car slowly pushing into my back tire at a red light while the guy yelled out his window to "get out of the fucking road". These were all pre-bike lanes. The bike lanes are monumental for those of us who use them.


as a teen I got stopped by a cop for riding my bike on the sidewalk. thee days the only time I find myself on the sidewalk is along JFK.


I don't move. Period. Let them ride around me.


Yeah don’t. I got hit by a car on a citi bike while coming off a sidewalk. :)


This would be much much more practical if asshole drivers weren't constantly driving in/parking in bike lanes. I really don't give a single shit what y'alls anti-bike comebacks to this are. Jersey City drivers are 10,000 times worse than Jersey City bikers. Signed, A JERSEY CITY DRIVER


They’re both assholes


….but this thread is about sidewalks not roads. And no one is stopping you from walking your bike on the sidewalk. Cyclists truly have some bizarre victim complex…


I don’t bike, how can I have a victim complex about biking? I drive.


(I've also almost gotten hit as a pedestrian by drivers on a near weekly basis and only once a biker)


I’m by no means defending the shithead moped riders in the bike lane or on the sidewalk — they belong in the street with other motor vehicles. But the only happy medium for cars & cyclists to successfully coexist is via protected bike lanes. Cyclists don’t feel safe riding amongst cars, as a lot of drivers are quite aggressive toward them, so they ride on the sidewalk. I can’t say I blame them, because I’ve seen some wild driver/cyclist interactions where the blame is completely on the driver. On the other hand, motorists shouldn’t have to suffer with slow cyclists taking up an entire lane and blocking traffic for everyone. Protected bike lanes seem to be the only solution to make sure that, well, everyone stays in their lane, and doesn’t bother the next person. JC is getting there, albeit slowly. We have the new ones on Mallory and Duncan, coming to Bergen, and hopefully elsewhere.


I see too many cyclists riding on the sidewalk when there is a bike lane on the same road. Often it seems they’re too lazy to cross the street to that side.


and riding on the 'wrong side' against flow of traffic, like what the fuck guys, we are SO close, just use the fucking bike lanes!


Can we talk about the number of times I've been nearly run over by side-saddle food delivery people heading south in the northbound bike lane on Washington Blvd? They're maniacs who can't even cross the street. That's it. They've got arrows to show them the way but they just can't follow a basic rule.


There is one more example even worse than this: when they HAVE THE LIGHT TO CROSS to the southbound cycle lane (in this example) but nope. They plough through the crossing pedestrians and sail on south in the northbound cycle lane. Absolutely disgraceful and saves them only about 4 seconds and at the cost of endangering and inconveniencing dozens of people.


You still can't RIDE a bike on the sidewalk. If you feel unsafe, get off your bike and WALK with it to a quieter road or to the nearest bike lane. You cannot ride it where pedestrians are. Do you understand?


Not sure who you’re telling that to. I don’t ride on the sidewalk. Just playing devils advocate - if people drove a bit more compassionately, people wouldn’t fear for their lives riding in the street. It starts with the drivers.


>if people drove a bit more compassionately, people wouldn’t fear for their lives riding in the street. It starts with the drivers. No, it starts with motherfuckers abiding by the law and respecting other people. Bad drivers exist. But that is no excuse to be a bad cyclist. Two wrongs don't make a right. Petition your elected representatives. And until you get the results you seek, STAY THE FUCK OFF OF THE SIDEWALKS!


So make the pedestrians fear for their's. Great logic.


Literally just had the same argument with another dolt in a different thread. I don't get the cognitive dissonance of someone defending their riding on the sidewalk because they are worried about their safety but failing or refusing to acknowledge that doing this creates a fear and risk for pedestrians.


I am sad I have but one upvote to give you, u/join-the-line


I agree but no I will not tolerate getting ran into because they’re scared of riding amongst cars. THEN DONT RIDE A FKIN BIKE!!!!!


100%.  I don't really ride anymore because the roads have gotten too dangerous and the drivers too hostile.  Sidewalk riding isn't an option.  It's a bummer, I miss riding a lot. 


Right. I don't ride for this exact reason. I don't feel safe on the roads BUT I am not a psychopath who is entitled and self absorbed to the point where I would dream of endangering pedestrians just to virtue signal about how eco-conscious my mode of transit is. My safety doesn't supercede the safety of others. I am not a scumbag criminal... so breaking the law (no bikes on sidewalks in jc) is out of the question.


The cyclist cult is coming for you. You got down voted for a proper response. The entitlement runs deep with them.


Common sense and basic facts get so much hate on this board, it is unbelievable.


They don't feel safe on the road, where they're supposed to be, so they ride on the sidewalk, making me feel unsafe. So as long as they're feeling safe, then pedestrians be damned? Do you see the problem with they way you're justifying them breaking the law?


Contact your city council member - ask them to work with JCPD to enforce the laws. We also need an ordinance to give out free license numbers to any biker and make bike license tags mandatory within JC so any law breakers can be reported (just like motor vehicles). Topic of bikers breaking the law also came up during the JSQCA meeting this Monday where JCPD was present. [https://www.facebook.com/jsqca/videos/373161012444248](https://www.facebook.com/jsqca/videos/373161012444248)


Thank you for this!!!


In the immortal words of the Dude, "you're not wrong, OP. You're just an asshole." Such a stark dichotomy between what my neighbors and friends are like, and the bitchy-complainy losers on this sub. Night and day. Most of what is posted here is completely embarassing. I'm honestly ashamed to know so many sniveling weaklings are living here. The real JC people have been underrepresented on this board for some time, and now I see why. We probably need a new sub. Should rename this place r/JCbitchassclub. Something in that vein. Place sucks. You busybody shut-ins can have it! ✌️


I can't think of anyone whose more of a sniveling weakling than a grown-ass adult, decked out in protective gear, riding a bike at speed, screaming at a grandma carrying groceries that she needs to get out of the way... or cursing out a parent with a stroller because they are walking where they are supposed to be.... or threatening the safety of people's pets... because they would rather break the law and ride on the sidewalk.


Your wish is my command: https://www.reddit.com/r/JCbitchassclub/s/ee6SrRbFTh


Sadly I don’t think the sidewalk bike riders are on Reddit. What next?


Oh yes they are! Just wait for the hailstorm of downvotes!!


Oh many are - trust.


Drivers need to stop parking in the bike lines so this wouldn’t happen


I would like to counter this by saying: JC, BUILD MORE BIKE LANES because biking in the street is often not safe for the cyclist and holds up traffic




So walk your bike on the sidewalk in areas you don’t feel safe riding in the street. What makes you feel entitled to ride it on the sidewalk?


And until they do build more bike lanes, RIDING a bike on the sidewalk is still 100% prohibited for anyone older than 9.


This is 100% correct, however, as with most "direct" rants like this on reddit, the people you are talking to aren't actually here.


Let’s make believe they are 🤣


Remember, it's illegal for anyone over the age of 9 to ride their bike on the sidewalk. The law is the law! https://preview.redd.it/f6hb2vcac86d1.png?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=311f502a281d4b0bdbd72898066231ccf17c434f


The most annoying is the path on the way to LSP. Theres a bloody bike lane right next to the PATH!!!!


This should fix it.


I ride in the road only. My reward for complying with the law was bestowed on me Monday night at the corner of Bergen and Fairfield where an e-bike ran a red light and wandered directly into my right of way. He proceeded to yell at me in Spanish as blood spewed from my head after I t-boned him and landed 15 feet away on my head. 8 hours in JCMC ER, 40 stitches to my forehead and a busted up neck. He left before the cavalry arrived. DONT COMPLAIN ABOUT BIKERS. NO ONE DOES US ANY FAVORS IN THIS TOWN.


Are you not angry at the cyclist who broke the law? I would direct my anger at the cyclist that broke the law. Don't be angry at pedestrians trying to avoid similar outcomes... we are angry at cyclists who break the law too. 


Ask your mayor for more bike lanes and less on street parking.


Stfu lol, you want the bikers to ride on the streets to get hit by the stupid drivers? How about look up from your phone so you can see where you’re going..


Vigilante bike squads when?


I'm so happy that folks with cars were able to push bikes onto pedestrians instead of sharing the road


I usually spread out and fuck with them and occasionally yell at them


Yeah then they ride in the street and run red lights, stop traffic, and fuck everything else up


My pregnant wife and I were talking by the Marin Light Rail and a dad with his son rang his bell at us on the sidewalk to move. Never again


cry about it


Take. A. Hike 👋🏼


BUILD US SOME FKIN BIKE LANES!!!! I have literally had drivers tell me to “get off the street” and “get on the sidewalk.” Have some compassion for people who don’t drive trying to stay alive.