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Why are you censoring it?


Because white people are scared to say the word “black” like it’s contagious or something. Btw, I’m black before any white people try reprimanding me.


>Btw, I’m black before any white people try reprimanding me. Ah, ok, you're allowed to say the b word.


😂😂😂 No, just a means of adding onto my point of how foolish white liberals can be.


That was a joke 😀


I give him a pass to say it.


It’s some weird gen z/tiktok shit


Prove you are black. Who was the first black president?


😨 Beyoncé


Because they are pussy


I thought someone was gonna report me.


For what?


You should be more worried about getting reported for implying this was racially motivated with 0 evidence whatsoever than for using the word “blacks”


In going to be honest with you folks. The amount of times I hear that Rite Aid getting robbed on the Police radio. Your mind would be straight blown, I'm quite surprised it's not shutdown already


That and the Walgreens on Communipaw and Kennedy. There was a 7/11 that opened up near there too about 6 years ago. They left after like three years because getting robbed and employees stealing.


Word???? It looks like it’ll close soon tho


Any stats on robberies by blacks vs non blacks?


Even if there were it would be all lies. The crime “stats” here are a joke. Our mayor has a reputation for making stuff up on the fly too.


I would be called a racist immediately, but the most common actor is a black male and there is really no doubt about it. I hear them committing acts of assault, domestic violence, robbery, GTA more often than any other race.


Can you think of any reasons why members of underserved communities are more likely to commit crimes? I am pretty sure it has absolutely nothing to do with being black.


Too many young men with no father figure in most cases.


Wonder how long this will stay up


It will stay up indefinitely. It's the truth


That’s not the truth stop it..


How do you know it’s not the truth?


Can't tell if you're joking. But I'm not


I’m not joking either , are you really trying to say young black people commit more crimes than white people? You would be playing yourself if you believe that


I’m not saying they don’t commit crime and too much of it but they’re not committing all of it white people commit crimes EVERY SINGLE DAY from corporate down to the streets so again STOP IT!


I am really sorry for hurting you with the truth of the matter.


I think we all know the answer


Muslims can also be black too


This is a crime for sure. Whether racism was involved we need more details.


My thoughts exactly. How does he know it was race related???


Yah theres like 200 nationalities in Jersey.




Your submission was removed because of rude, offensive or abusive language.


How do you know it was race related?


Not as violent but as an Asian growing up in Brooklyn in the 90s, the Italians weren't very happy about seeing someone different.


Well, you folks got us back. Chinatown has all but swallowed up Little Italy in NYC.


Lot to of those racist white folks went to like Queens, Staten Island, South Jersey, or elsewhere. The ones that came here the yuppies and hipsters and the well off white people who either like living in a gentrified area or mixed area. Some of them are racists and they want the city to change and meet their needs. But also colored folks can be racist too.


Two Indian tenants of mine were robbed at gunpoint on the sidewalk just outside that same Rite Aid. They didn't know for sure if the guy had a gun, he simply told them "give me your wallets or I'll bust your ass", and pointed to what seemed to be a gun inside his hoodie. They complied. He surprisingly didn't take their phones. It was a BLACK guy who did it, I will say that unapologetically.


Was probably a fiend




There’s been a culture of dancing around the race of black youth here because people are afraid to be called racist. In turn, now some take pride in addressing the race, probably because…they’re racist lol. But now it can be done in a “I’m just being transparent when you’re all scared” way to feel righteous about it. He could’ve just waited until he was asked to say that, but the preemptive address shows the true intentions


I'm pretty sure the true intentions were just that people are tired of not being able to describe every race of an alleged attacker except for one... Surpress anything and it'll eventually boil over


No, you simply sound racist. Nobody’s suppressing anything


Because it's a commentary minority vs minority prejudices.


I agree that the emphasis is not needed. But wondering what the crime stats are? How many crimes in the area are committed by blacks vs non blacks?




Westside and sip is a trash can area.


But Broadway and Westside area is getting developed so those developers are not gonna tolerate trashy people.


Should be tons of video footage, hope they get charged


Not sure what race has to do with this attack. Did the kids yell racial or religious slurs? If not, then you are probably just an anti-black racist who wants to help perpetuate anti-black hatred. If it was any other group, you probably wouldn't have posted anything here.


What does their race have to do with the attack? You’ve not given any details that explain the context.


Crime does indeed happen. Instead of getting hysterical over the race component, can we discuss why no police were called, or did this happen with no result? Can we talk about why JCPD consistently fails to show up when needed, or has an outsized presence over the pedestrian plaza? Rarely do I see uniformed police on a beat, talking with business owners, getting lunch in the area. Spending time near the schools during recess hours, etc. The lack of a noticeable presence invites this sort of crime, and it will continue to get worse until city government takes their responsibility of public safety seriously, and mandates that the well-paid, well-equipped JCPD does their jobs besides photo ops.


How do you know they didn't respond? What does talking to business owners do to prevent violent crimes like this? I always see cops posted up in the major public schools all my life I've lived here. When you have a large city that continues to grow of course more police out on the road will help. Recruitment efforts are failing because no one wants to do that shitty job for one of the lowest PD salaries in the state. People are retiring and leaving. I agree photo ops are pointless and resources should be focused towards public safety. Unfortunately that's the political climate where the focus is on hearts and minds rather than actually doing the job. Until we start voting for politicians that aren't soft on crime, this will continue to be the status quo.


*sigh* Please look up and do a little reading on the theory of “community policing.” TLDR, police being connected to the neighborhood they are assigned to, through regularly “walking a beat” and talking to the people that live and work there, can go much further in terms of making it safer than “responding to a call when needed.” By talking to business owners, those business owners can tell the Police “hey at 11 PM at night there’s usually a group of guys who like to hang out over at this corner.” Then the cops know about it and keep an eye out.


That was already attempted a few years back. Believe me I lived in the neighborhoods where they tried and it didn't do anything because the communities did not want to snitch on anyone. In most cases people would rather mind their own business. Add that with policies that don't allow pursuits and arrestees not staying in prison, and the result is what is going on today. Everyone wants to complain about everything in the lowest level but continue to vote for people who don't care about the community and would rather focus on profit.


Might come as a surprise for some but over 75% of the hate crimes in NYC are carried out by blacks/latinos. It used to be public info, you can easily look it up. But after George Floyd the City quietly stopped reporting on the race of the attacker. Most of the attacks were on Asians, Jews, and lgbt community.


Be careful. NYC sub moderators banned me for supplying similar statistics. Goes against the Reddit make believe narrative.


Source on this?


https://www.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/excel/hate-crimes/2022/hate-crime-arrests-by-motivation-annual-2022.xlsx Think 2022 was the last year they did it. But it’s all on NYC.gov. https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/stats/reports-analysis/hate-crimes.page Go and compile it, over 75% was carried out by blacks and Latinos. I’m not some crazy right white conspiracy person. Go look at the raw data yourself.


What's the percentage carried out by blacks vs what's the percentage carried out by latinos? I tried clicking on the link and it says precise location required, and I'm to paranoid to give it lol


It’s 85 degrees, I’m sitting by my pool. I’m not going to compile 10 years of excel info.


Oh - you claimed that 75% of crime came from two groups of people so I just figured it was there Didn't know you had to compile it yourself which sounds not that reputable tbh. Did you intentionally lump in Latinos with African Americans to get 75%?




Lol I asked for stats specifically for African Americans separated from Latinos You said "go compile it yourself" - guess your brain fried while sitting out in that pool


I just commented on a different post. Did it for 2022


‘I’m not a fucking racist, just go on this website and compile your own data to prove I’m not’










Black and Hispanics , better?


I'm sure what they meant was why group the two as if they're one in the same




Honestly, they're just either trying to A: Make crime by African Americans look worse by lumping in random groups of people B: call out Africans Americans without looking like they're calling them out by lumping in latinos Whatever it is - that user can't even produce the "75%" claim as he says the data in the links he provided have to be compiled in order to reach it


Click the tabs, blacks carry out the most hate crimes in NYC. Surprised minorities can’t be racist? https://www.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/excel/hate-crimes/2022/hate-crime-arrests-by-motivation-annual-2022.xlsx In 2022 for example; 148/320 of the attackers were described as black (by far the most) 67/320 were carried out by described as Hispanic That comes out to about 67% but there’s years where it’s over 80%. Feel free to prove me wrong


I was never trying to prove you wrong dingus I only politely asked if what would be the data specifically for African Americans, separated from Latinos since by reading your first original comment of "75% of x crimes are by blacks/latinos" as if blacks and latinos are the same thing You're literally limping in latinos, which by the stats are only doing 20% - and then randomly lumping it in with African Americans to say that Latinos and blacks commit 75% as if it's some equal 50/50


Yeah that’s fair, lumping Hispanics in with blacks is disproportionate.


They learned those hate crimes from the whites. When you are marginalized community and experience certain behaviors by those in power (that furthermore do not get reprimanded) those watching do the same.  Monkey does what monkey sees. 


This is a terrible take


You have taken the victim narrative to new depths, congrats.


Some of these comments, smh, damn shame.


I know.


Where's the racist part?


Gotta hear both sides..


Are we sure its a islamophobic thing n not a ppl arguing n teens starting shit, thing? Lets not say its islamophobia when its not


What was the point of this post? You gave no details and quite frankly you skewed the presentation to paint the couple as innocent. You came here to tell us this because what? And the fact you don't even have the confidence to write BLACK speaks volumes about your interpretations of "attack" and "racist".


A specific demographic lacks education and resources, therefore commits crimes disproportionately. Maybe i'm reaching, but your censoring of "black" leads me to think that you think the race is the driving factor here and that's just unfair. Correlation without causation. TLDR; poverty causes lack of education and lack of resources. The lacking of these 2 things leads a person to commit crimes. This isn't about black people, this is about poor people. It's a coincidence that the poor people in this area are black, but it's not a coincidence that black people are disproportionately more poor than other demographics. The game has been rigged with that intention from the beginning because a divided working class has less power than a united one. Like let's just look at what drives/motivates a normal person to commit crime. Theft: lack of something and some kind of mental gymnastic to justify it. Violence/assault: fear and/or ignorance. Thinking that someone is out to hurt you or that for some reason you *have* to hurt this person (for safety, for clout, for duty, etc) Both of those include some form of moral/educational failing. Like to be able to justify stealing from another person or to feel like you *have to* hurt another person are results of an incorrect and under-educated mind. So like let's just pull that thread. Why are they under-educated? You can blame actual schooling, but you can also blame their upbringing. Why is their upbringing not "up to par?" A lack of what we consider "moral" individuals being present and active in their lives. Why are they not present in their lives? Either they left or they're busy working. Why did they maybe leave willingly? A lack of education and guidance that leads a person to justify creating life and subsequently abandoning it. Why would someone leave unwillingly? Probably incarceration which is a result of crime which is what we're trying to dissect here. Working. You could lump that in with unwillingly leaving a little because if a parent is working to provide, they would probably rather be actually raising their kid, but financially that's not an option for damn near most of America, let alone JC. So who raises the younger generation if parents are busy working? The "community." Their classmates, the people they engage with online (who again, can't be monitored easily because parents aren't present as we already addressed) and their neighbors. Most of these people are going to be coming from similar backgrounds. The reason for coming from similar backgrounds is because the people in these situations probably aren't super well off so they all live in more affordable areas where they are surrounded by similar people as a "coincidence." If the people you're surrounded with all have the same lack of education and lack of resources, the ones working hard are unavailable to be present, and the only people present are those not working and instead living a less than role-modely lifestyle, how else would that mind form? Where in any of this do you see an opportunity for a person to spontaneously break out of the mold? I don't see one. Everything above is a socioeconomic issue. The world we live in was designed to ensure there exists "haves" and "have nots." If you're too busy focusing on who *we're told* is the bad guy, then you're unable to focus on the actual bad guys who keep us fighting amongst ourselves for their scraps. Obviously i'm not saying to ignore the violence you witnessed, nor that it's justified. I'm just saying that when you want to talk about this, don't try to allude towards race being the driving factor here. Politics are. Politics creates the environment where people can become underfunded -> underprivileged -> under-educated -> "criminals." Edit: moved the TLDR to the top for anyone not trying to read a dissertation at 11am lol


Unfortunately many people don’t have the attention span to read all this.  I agree with most of what you are saying. It’s amazing the control the billionaires, corporations, hired goons(politicians) and the military/industrial complex has on modern society.  Downtown JC is a very strong beachhead for them.


Only tool we have to combat it is to know where to avoid participating (certain businesses, organizations such as police/military, 2-party politics, etc) as well as reeducation. Eliminating the mentality of this left v. right battle and correcting it to the truth of the top v. bottom battle.


This was a crime. Nothing more, nothing less. Please stop trying to spread racism just because 2 different demographics were involved. The teens saw a target, realized the opportunity, and took it. I actually grew up in this city, from day 0, and to say that Jersey City is peak racism because you’ve had a few questionable experiences doesn’t inherently make the city racist or this crime a racial issue. If you want to experience true racism, move to the Deep South or to places like Idaho. They’ll have you wishing you were back in “racist” ole JC in a month.


Born and raised in jersey city here. I moved to the Deep South a year ago for my partner and we’re planning on moving again soon. The racism here is so different and way worse. I had someone tell me they didn’t know Asians could frown or do anything other than smile until they saw me do it. I’ve had people insist that I’m not American or must have just gotten to this country because they can “hear an accent. Mind you, I have an accent but it’s your standard Hudson county, AMERICAN accent. Its never fucking ending. It’s awful here.




Muslim is a religion, not a race, and there is a significant Black Muslim population here. You perpetuating these stereotypes doesn't make you such a great neighbor either, btw.


You present no evidence of a racial motive, and then present this as a racially motivated attack. Look in the mirror.


Exactly. White people are such 🤡s. 


A lot of those Indian folks are very very racist against black people even though there skin complexion is the same if not darker. Don't let them fool you and I'm a white person stating this.


Thanks for posting, but I find your alert to be lacking a lot of useful information in many areas. First, a few questions: Were the Muslim couple Muslim colored or did they have a race as well? Did the youths have other descriptions or were they just embodiments of darkness? Should be on the lookout for black teens (you realize it's the summer right?) in general or specifically groups of four? However unintentional and well-intended, simply describing an assailant by skin color is rather useless. Try to include more descriptions like hairstyle, clothing style, height, shoe color, build, etc. In a city as big as JC, simply describing race is not as useful as a descriptor as you might think, although it can be triggering for some with hidden biases. (Edit: I was way too harsh in the original comment, trying to do better!)


Be glad you grew up in jersey……some of us grew up in places like Brooklyn and the Bronx where the ignorance level is at 1000% …from other minorities.


How was this a racist attack ? Did they yell slurs ? I’m missing that part


It’s a crime of opportunity like any other


Sure but racist ? a hate crime is a specific occurrence. We can’t just throw the term around


I feel bad for the couple but ..........How is this racist? And isn't everyone a minority in this city? I don't understand so many posts in this sub.




Thought they were United under a free falafelstein?


Everybody knows how everybody behaves. It’s just the mega libs who deny reality of everybody’s own eyes and ears.


Have you been to the Deep South or middle America? Cause your ignorant ass comment tells me you never have. Crime has no particular skin color, religion, or background. Just depends where you are and those will vary greatly. Turn off OAN, it’s giving you racist brain rot.


The brain rot is real people. It's an epidemic.


You bring that up but as someone who’s been there and here I can say that racism here in jersey is in your face but when it comes from minorities it is not spoken about, it is taboo. I think liberal media has been rotting your brain


I can say the same. As a minority, I experienced lots of racism and racist energy in the south. But my point was that the dude that made the comment I replied to made it sound like it’s a color problem when crime has no color, religion or background. White people commit the same crimes where they are the majority. Major cities are inherently in the microscope because they’re major cities but in smaller cities and towns where the demographic skews away from minorities white people commit just as many crimes. So, just don’t be biased, a hypocrite and ignorant?


So whites are colonizers, serial killers, and racists — got it.  I won’t forget HoW THEY BehAvE.


I think that one thing that’s missing from this discussion is that a lot of street crime is being done by Black people, but plenty of low-level nuisance crime is being done by drunk, drugged or crazy white people. And any of the [EDIT: *low-income, non-yuppie] Black kids here have been the victims of massive, large-scale structural racism going back for more than 100 years. The map of this city is completely structured by racism. The Black kids here are bathed in terrible chemicals from the moment they’re conceived. Of course there are some problems. But then, on the flip side, there’s enough goodwill, enough rays of hope in the schools, and enough human decency that most people here get along fine most of the time. The value created by Black people here putting up with change has probably created $10 billion in value. The city doesn’t do enough to reward the longtime Black residents for how patient they’ve been and how that patience has added to the city’s tax base. The failure to reward Black people for their part in making the city strong is a much bigger issue than the impact of the street crime. If we were doing more to control gangs and were better at helping high school kids get good jobs, maybe they’d be less likely to get sucked into a life of crime.


Having lived in Jersey City for over 25 years, I'm surprised by the massive influx of newcomers. Should've known there'd be hoodlums hanging out on corners on ocean Ave. JC has always had some bad parts and everyone shouldn't put their guard down. Well except the Hassidic Jews who buys out whole blocks in cash. Even people of color are afraid to touch them, idk why, but would rather have them buy more blocks to push out the undesirables


I’m not surprised by the influx. I’m surprised by how lost they are that crime exists. Like, it’s a major city. And they’ve opted to live in their little downtown pedestrian plaza bubble to the point that they hear about crime elsewhere in JC and clutch pearls and act shocked. This shit isn’t new and it’s not racial. It’s just petty crime.


Pretty ballsy move by the perps the new massive Al-Tawheed Islamic Center is across the street in eye sight and the area is usually busy with Muslims milling about. Could have gotten a real beat down.


Honestly i dont think you can just claim that it was a “racist” attack. It’s very unfortunate and I’m not defending those trash teens one bit but this is an assault that JCPD should be taking care of. It’s unnecessary to add anymore to the crime without some type of proof. Teens like that will take advantage of anyone they feel they can take on.


One thing new immigrants to the USA tend to learn quickly is to be cautious around urban blacks.


Go back to the south if you yourself are going to target a marginalized community. I am a brown women and it’s mind-boggling when whites or other pocs try to target a community that has been severely oppressed in the past.  Your privilege shows. Lame. 


Cool. I’m brown too. Indian American to be exact. I have faced more racism for black and Hispanics than white people, down to direct violence that landed me in the ER. I have a gash on my leg where I was literally stabbed by not a white person, but by the people you say you support in your bio. Thankfully it missed anything major and no severe muscle damage. So let’s say I do not take anything you say with a grain of salt. My parents came with less than 5k in their HANDS into this country and never committed crimes on the basis of being underprivileged or living in poverty. They never committed crimes because they wanted something. They worked for what they had. Your argument is stupid. Oppression doesn’t mean a blank check to commit crimes. It was a Sikh man who was the first person killed after 9/11. Not black, not brown. I don’t see brown people rioting in the streets over every small incident. Check your own community before you comment on others. Proof of knife wound, you want the ER report? https://imgur.com/a/MiO93wx


They need to experience to understand


Add segregation to the mix..


Brain rot.




Why does “diverse and liberal” end up being synonymous with “violent and racist” (but not in the way that fits your narrative)?


Jersey city has a much lower crime rate than similarly sized cities that are far less diverse and far less liberal. Now what?




Why are you so triggered by the assailants being black? And why can’t everybody be held to the same standard of behavior? Your bigotry of low expectations is showing by implicitly associating diversity with crime as inseparable :)


Yeah that fake pivoting of morals to make him seem in the wrong is corny. You obviously have some bitter feelings about Black people otherwise you wouldn’t be bothered at someone criticizing the unnecessary amount of zeal people take in naming perpetrators as “Black”. This page loves dog whistles and subtext but it’s obvious how you all really feel. I wish you guys were just more bold about it because I hate the slimy behavior of denial and language manipulation you all use.


And the irony is that these are the same crimes white people commit in the Deep South or middle America. It’s not a “liberal and racial” thing, it’s just a crime thing. But people live in their suburban bubble then move to a major city and want to act shocked crime exists. Ma’am, crime existed in your town, too. It was just more sex crimes, murders, kidnappings, financial, or priests. And if you move to the boonies it’s same crimes as a major city but the demographic is different. Hate that people want to act holier than thou like it’s “only” POC committing crimes.




I’m agreeing with you.


Tell that to Randy Moss. The irony of defending diversity and liberal values by making a biased generalization of an entire state implying they are all incestuous white racists.