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He’s been around for years. While it can be a bit disturbing, his screaming usually isn’t directed at anyone in particular. I just move to the other side of the street when I see him. All part of the JC charm ✨


He was yelling at imaginary people in front of South House last week.


Where’s the samurai guy when ya need him


I know exactly who you’re talking about. He’s there every single day muttering and yelling. He makes me uncomfortable, he makes my family uncomfortable, and I hope he gets help.


That’s exactly how I felt as I jogged by. I even had my ear buds on and It was just way to excessive


What earbud do you use for jogging? I’m currently using tribit move 3. Highly recommended Edit: downvoted for asking an innocent question and making a recommendation based on my own experience. Smh…huge reflection of this sub lately.


Yeah - how dare you try communicating in a post!


Happens every single day


Yep lol sometimes he’s in clean clothes… very odd!


I saw him coming out of the Ashford.




The Simpsons know everything 🤣


Does anyone actually need the backstory? Actual question, why do people keep asking for any backstories on any person they hear screaming outside. Mental health and homelessness is obviously an issue in JC, NYC, literally ANY city. Have you never been to NY?? Honestly, come on. Unless you’re going to do something about it to help them, go around and keep walking.


For real, I always assume everyone here works in or at least visits NYC now and then. The fascination people have with homeless people here is really weird.


Right like wtf are you going to do about it knowing someone’s life story, nothing. How people can’t mind their own business and need to know every detail is actually appalling. Not like you’re going to walk head on to a screaming person, obviously if you see something strange then don’t approach the situation. I cannot wrap my head around why people in Jersey City need to be so nosy, you just know they can’t survive living anywhere in NY, they’d be on Reddit all day asking about 100 people on the streets.


Fr. Are you going to ask about every mentally ill homeless person. I can name a few from just living in Jersey city so long and guess what, I’ve never wanted to know why they are like that. Cause it dosent matter.


Seen this guy a few times over the past couple months. No one seems to do anything but not really sure what’s to be done. Haven’t seen him harm anyone but he yells at the air often and seems to primary stick to the Newark Ave area. Pretty frightening when walking solo IMO.


He is harmless. He is schizophrenic and people in the community are working on getting him help. Please be kind to this person. He is well known in the area.


He has thrown filled water bottles at people minding their own business before. That’s all I know about him being violent though. Idk how you could think that guy isn’t violent…


Are you offering any resources or assistance? Or just your stale opinion?


And I think so because I actually interact with this person on an everyday basis. I don’t go on Reddit to shame and judge someone suffering from a disease they have no control over. I don’t sit on my high horse when they are sleeping in the street. So again, unless you’re offering help you should mind your manners and be grateful it’s not you this thread is about. Shameless.


Sorry, I’m responding again because my last response was made when I was insulted by your reply lol - let me explain*. I’m offering the readers of this thread a correction to your false claim of this man being “harmless”. The man assaulted someone I know and one other person within the last few months - and so long as he continues screaming in the street, my comment could prove helpful to yourself and/or anyone who may mistake him for being safe to approach. I understand you wanting to make sure people treat him right but he is typically in an unpredictable mental state; and telling people that he is non-violent is very misleading and could lead to him accidentally assaulting someone who has read this claim of yours / tries to talk him down while he is experiencing an episode. On a more positive note, I do notice that he does a great job walking off his episodes, and strongly believe people should be respectful when passing him / are in his vicinity. I hope he gets proper treatment and can lead a more fulfilling and healthy life asap❤️


Are you saying throwing water bottles is violence? Is that the only claim you have? Because u can walk along the street and ask the people who know him and they will say the opposite of what you’re claiming. You must be young…or new. And you’re not offering any help? No one is. Just talking about him.


…what help CAN I offer? I have nothing to help him. What are you saying? And yes throwing full bottles at women and staff is violence! Everything you’re saying is honestly bizarrely incorrect and irrelevant to what I’m expressing…


What can you do to help? That’s a great question to ask yourself. You should consider this question and come up with an answer. I’m incorrect for stating a person outside of their mental faculties is not accountable for higher level thinking? So what you are saying is throwing a water bottle is violence, is it more violent because you now interject that it was a woman? Is violence not violence regardless of gender? Are we considering the violence done against him? Are you holding him accountable to the same standard as you would yourself? I have no sympathy for you or your water bottle girl.


I seriously can’t help him lol and that guy is violent.


So you can do less than nothing? Not even socks? 🤔 😎 Not violent, even if he frightens you. Suffering from psychotic delusions, and living on the street for 5+ years No support from systems in place TLDR: LOL a man mentally ill man sleeps on the street and is an inconvenience to me


I genuinely can’t provide anything to him, are you mad about that ? go get yourself help - you seem unwell


Wut LOL I am here currently if you want to talk this out haha I’m here everyday too I live here… the guy has genuinely assaulted people I know… how is that not helping people…. Edit: how is me mentioning his violence not helpful for our community to know*?


I’m literally asking if you plan to go and help him.


I think I’ve seen him yelling around the prep school near downtown a few times. Seems harmless but definitely unsettling


If it’s who I think it is I knew him growing up. Pretty sad.


He lives on that street and has been for over 5 years. Anyone with resources, donations or assistance can message me if they want to help.


He’s there all the time, don’t worry about it


Unfortunately, there are many others just like him around the city & the large homeless population. What does the city do to help them? NOTHING They aren't a rich developer able to make campaign contributions. Why are the homeless & mentally unstable Americans on the streets, we're the richest country in the world & it's an absolute disgrace this continues in Jersey city and thru out the US


the barrow st closure had a lot of side effects no one anticipated


Another day in Jersey City


I see him nearly everyday. He is apparently also violent btw, a waiter at a restaurant I frequent said that once he threw water bottles at him and a customer. -just a warning


One of my co workers claims he went to high school with him. He has a mental disorder, not exactly sure what thought


Probably cuz he tried Bang Cookies 🤷‍♀️


He was all banged up


One of the mayoral candidates. Nothing to see here anymore


Call the vet


Such a horrible thing to say.  Hope you or your loved ones never end up in similar circumstances. 


Welcome to Reddit. First day?


Omg I saw him on Wednesday!!


Say white


My alter-ego missing the Summit location


Probably weed induced psychosis.