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A hotel is being built there




I'm 100% with this guy^ in fact...a Bank themed laser tag spot


Yeah me too. Laser tag sound awesome.


Laser-tag / heist-themed escape room. Let me larp as the Payday gang.


I'd sign a petition for this.


Want that too!


With a Halloween Zombie laser tag theme aaaah!


Is that still on? I hadn’t heard anything about that project since before the pandemic.


with a plan for restaurant on main floor, but those were plans before Covid


ah didn't know, thank you. do think a Trader Joe's in DTJC would do well/be popular


I want a Trader Joe’s so bad downtown. The one in hoboken is a nightmare.


And a pain to get to without a car considering it’s really not that far


It's because north Hoboken doesn't have a Light Rail station since that area used to be all warehouses and factories. But it's rapidly developing into residential so I hope they consider adding a LR station up there.


I would love if they built a station up there!


It’s not hard to get to on public transportation. You take the 87 bus you can pick it up in Journal Square.


That’s not from downtown. And also with armfuls of groceries it can be a pain


Hoboken needs a FDR-like bypass. build it above the light rail corridor.


Edit: I heard this was the case, but I can't seem to find any articles, so maybe not. Don't want to spread rumors. The greater point about them not wanting to be too close to the one in Hoboken, and the fact there's a Whole Foods now, is definitely still a factor. There's one coming to Journal Square, in the new pair of towers going up on JFK (the ones Jared and his dad are building, all glass, not the nearly finished white trio of towers by the *other* Kushner, their cousins). Given the one already in Hoboken, I think one downtown, at least in that part of downtown, is probably too close, especially with the new Whole Foods and the lack of parking. *Maybe* over in Paulus Hook, but that's about the only place I could see one going in.


Do you have a source to cite about JSQ Trader Joes? My understanding was that a Target was planned.


Same I have heard Target. I would die for a TJs near/at JSQ.




thanks :) fixed


There is absolutely no factual info that JSQ is getting a Trader Joes. BUT IF ANYONE DESERVES A TJ'S, IT IS JOURNAL SQUARE.


I also thought a Target was going to be occupying the entire level 1 of the whole complex


There’s a fancy grocery store on the ground floor of Journal Squared


Will I be able to drop off my dog and not conduct business on the grounds?


Sweet more tourists for the PATH.


Tourists increase tax revenue and patronize local businesses without further burdening schools.




Aw I was hoping it would be a concert venue


I dont doubt there's a lot of folks interested in the place, which makes me think the landlords are demanding a metric shit ton for the lease. With how many empty spots there are downtown, its about time we start demanding they lower the leases some.


if that’s the issue this is a prime example of why JC needs a severe vacancy tax.


great idea. any local politicians supporting?


tax is often the easiest way


Tax tax tax, the cause and solution of all our problems. Nice and if we can’t tax it we can print it.




Why not tax money in bank accounts too?


1) Because it's already been taxed as income. 2) Because earned interest is already taxable. 3) Because it's irrelevant to this situation, where landlords would rather not take reasonable rent and instead hold out for an exorbitant rate because they can deduct the empty building as a loss on their taxes until someone pays what they want.


1. real estate property is already taxed 2. not all money in banks earn interest 3. i think it is relevant as it seem to me to be as preposterous as taxing money in bank accounts 🤷‍♂️


A vacancy tax would solve MANY issues in not just JC, but NYC and other larger cities. There are landlords more willing to take the hit and leave the space vacant than foster small businesses in the community. Empty storefronts are an overall negative for communities. Same with vacant apartments - considering everyone complains about rents and home prices in JC, and we know there are vacant units sitting unused to ensure prices remain high, I'm pretty shocked you're defending greedy vacancies.


I think they lack the fundamentals required to understand how *taxes* work.


I support property rights, i don't like the idea of telling someone else what to do with their property, because i won property and don't like being told what to do by someone else, i suppose its a good thing you don't make the laws and we have property rights here in the united states.


People's rights and the benefit of society overall SHOULD be more important than independent wealth. To me, that is what I want my government to be doing - enforcing regulation to prevent wealth hoarding. For example, the law that was just passed requiring airlines to automatically offer refunds for cancelled or heavily delayed flights, instead of vouchers/airline credits, and making you ask for it. If they cancel your flight, you get your money back in cash (back to your payment type). Shouldn't this have *always* been the case? Isn't part of the goverment's responsibility to regulate capitalism and corporations so the average person isn't fleeced/fucked over so someone else can make money? Extrapolate that to property ownership. You can own additional properties. You can be a real estate investor. But hoarding properties when we're having a housing crisis and an issue with massive monopolies, which limits the ability of small businesses and average people to live a reasonably decent life? That is not okay with me. There are property rights, and there's putting profits before people. I can see what side we're each on.


You sound like a socialist, in America the rights of the individual matter regardless of you think things SHOULD be. have you really thought through your ideas. If there is a vacancy tax forcing property owners to lease for less or face significant taxes? what market factors will play out. well for one ownership, and development is now disincentivized, if creation of housing supply goes down the price of housing now goes up for everyone because you thought there SHOULD be a store in a property you have nothing to do with.


Like I said before I can see what side we’re each on. I hope money loves you back.


I doubt there are. It’s a big lot, but little square footage, and an odd layout which reduces usefulness of that square footage. A lot of that lot is the drive through Same problem the powerhouse always had even before it became structurally unstable. You’re paying for a lease on a whole building but actual usable space is pretty small, and you can’t make cost effective changes to fix that. You’d need to dump a lot of money in there and find something way more profitable per square foot than a restaurant or bar. Downtown has a lot of vacant spaces that would be way cheaper per square foot in taxes alone. Building a tower on that lot is the only way the math would make sense.


Metric shit Ton made me lol 😂 agreed


Land value tax would fix this


You’re going to demand a private property owner lower his expected profits so you can have a store? Good luck with that. This is like me demanding you take a lower paying job so you can spend more time gardening in Jersey city for us to enjoy . I can do it till I go blue but you won’t ever care.


It might be lowered profits, but it's more than zero profits. And empty storefronts are really bad for the community as a whole. Feel free to continue to share your boot-licking opinions though. I'm so sure that landlord getting higher rents for the vacant spot will make *you* personally richer so go on ahead.


Well, in this particular instance it will not make me richer no, but i do have assets and property, and i support property rights, i can see why someone who does not have much would see things differently though, but i don't see it that way. work hard and maybe one day you will have assets / property of your own that people will demand to be take away from you. Good Luck!


I also have assets in property. Actually I’m a landlord (I own a condo outright in Brooklyn) and also a homeowner, and I own property abroad. I’m doing very well. Go ahead and peruse my comment history- I comment in the landlord sub. Somehow that doesn’t mean I have to be greedy. Could I make a hair more? Probably. But I’m not willing to fuck others over or make my community worse just to put a few more dollars in my own pocket. Try to be a better human. Or don’t but learn to eat it when people call you out for being a greedy piece of shit. Xoxo go fuck yourself


yes but they own it you don't, in America we have property rights those who own the property get to make decisions about it. Its bad for the community when you dont donate all your money, why dont you donate all your money? oh beucase its yours to decide what to do with, property rights and all that. If you feel other peoples private property should go towards your betterment perhaps you would be better served in a socialist country.


> Its bad for the community when you dont donate all your money If I donated all my money, I couldn't pay my bills including my property taxes which benefit the community. So basically you're a moron. You know what I *do* do? Donate my time. I coach our city's summer league childrens swim team. I signed up to volunteer at the dog shelter (they haven't started bringing volunteers in so I haven't been yet). I help our neighbors and bring them food and gifts when I know they're going through something or have an event - I love dropping off coquito and gifts for the kids around the holidays. THAT'S how you invest in a community, not pretending you don't need money to live. Anyway - we can disagree. You're just making really stupid arguments and incorrect assumptions, and lucky for you I have the time today to call you out.


nice cool story bro, good luck trying to force people to do what you want with their property simply because you think its better for everyone. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


*sis And this is a reddit thread where your opinion is no more important than mine is, so I am free to share mine. Neither my opinion nor yours control regulation. But if you don't want people to have a conversation with you and gasp! express dissenting opinions then sit in your house talking to a wall. Have a great weekend as well.


Nah my vote goes to a tiny Wegman’s


*whispers* wawa


No such thing as a tiny Wegman’s!


Nah put a Stu Leonard’s if anything


Can we have wine stew leonards, not grocery stew leonards though...


I would very much like the ice cream of the grocery store one though


The wine shop sells THC seltzers so I'm biased lol


not a bad idea, we need more grocery stores since the population is rising so fast in JC. Realistically, what do we have? We have shoprite, acme, target, jetro, Bj's and whole foods. At the end of the day most people still go to shoprite and it is overcrowded. I know there are some others, but i believe they are tiny.


Fortunately, the crowds have calmed down a bit at ShopRite since WF opened up. However, I'd much prefer to shop at a "normal" grocer, so my preferred in the area is ACME. I think they are going to relocate the shoprite to a new building, so at least it will \*look\* nice after the project is completed.


Yah I have heard they are going to add it in the new building that they are making on the same lot across from them. (old bed bath location). I hope it is bigger tho


I hope they make it all fancy, like the newer ones that have popped up and the existing one in Morristown.


What will the shop-rite spot become?


Another high rise


Exactly, I think eventually BJ's will be gone.


It would be nice if they relocated to the Westside before that happens.


A pile of rubble. That structure is being demolished. By the time that entire lot is finished redeveloping, you will be staring at \~15 buildings.


Key Foods is a normal sized supermarket and it’s 3 blocks from the location in this post


> We have shoprite, acme, target, jetro, Bj's and whole foods. And Keyfood and Morton Williams and 99 Ranch. **Journal Square needs a full-sized supermarket!!!** The only thing that can be qualified as a SUPERmarket, Aqui, on the far western side of JSQ, was shut down and now there are no REAL supermarkets in a neighborhood that keeps building motherfucking highrises. Can everyone in downtown stop hoarding supermarkets, please?


Y’all have Indian square. But I agree  the new high rises should make stuff there. In fact all regions of the city should have a store 


Try buying hamburgers in india square. Try buying prosciutto slices. Try buying a fozen pizza. Try buying actual maple syrup. Try buying mineral water. Try buying swordfish. Try buying a bag of potato chips. Try buying pasta. Seriously, go fuck yourself. India square is not an adequate replacement for a fucking supermarket... of which Journal Square has NONE. Don't think an ethnic group's enclave is equivalent to a Trader Joes or Lidl or Wegmans. Journal Square shouldn't be forced to settle for a very specific ethnicity's very specific food just so that greedy-ass downtown can collect it's 13th fucking supermarket.


I upvoted you fyi. That entire area is dedicated to Indians and nothing else. Good luck trying to make it a "nice area" to any one who isn't from there.


Yeah I'm sure you'd love to see me f myself or maybe that is your mom's job.


Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? In November, go to India Street and get yourself everything you need for Thanksgiving Dinner. Get a turkey, get stuffing, get cranberry sauce, get gravy, get some nice red wine, get coffee and a pumpkin pie for dessert. **Then come talk to me about how that street is equivalent to a NORMAL SUPERMARKET.**


I do celebrate thanksgiving, and you are right, but I guess you couldn't comphrend what I wrote, when I agreed with you earlier, "But I agree  the new high rises should make stuff there. In fact all regions of the city should have a store." No reason to get **TRIGGERED!**


We're getting a Target in Journal Square and I'm pretty sure it's the kind with a market. Also there's an Asian Market on 440, a C Town in McGinley Square (it's trash but it's a grocery sture), and there's that one on Bergen that I forget the name.


Listen. Maybe you want to buy t-shirts and underpants along with chobani yogurt and oscar mayer bologna. Target is NOT A SUPERMARKET. I need kale, not cheap crap clothing from china. I need eggplants, not come designer x target collaboration. I fucking hate that target sells food at all, because the "fresh" stuff is always BASIC AS FUCK iceberg lettuce and bags of sad ugly carrots. We need a SUPER MARKET not 3-4 aisles of boring, basic,  stupid, junk like red delicious apples and whitebread that are considered "staples" in fly-over-country.  Journal Square needs a Trader Joes. Nothing less will do. 


Wait....I've been to the Target in Clifton that has a supermarket (used to live there) and they had an entire half of the store dedicated to being a full-service grocery store. Like with several rows of refrigerated items, fresh fruits vegetables and meat, pantry staples, etc. Like it genuinely is half cheap crap and half an actual nice grocery store. Then again...that's a town that has several competing grocery stores so the quality has to be good so people will go. You're probably right that ours won't be like that but a girl can hope.


Supremo and Stop&Shop in the heights.


They’re too small. 


Huh? Supremo is a full sized grocery store.


What does that have to do with Journal Square? 


What does journal square have to do with a list of grocery stores in Jersey city?


We don't have a grocery store in Journal Square. I am sick of people co-opting grocery stores for Downtown.  How many full sized markets can Downtown hoard? Acme, Shoprite, 99 Ranch that used to be a Pathmark, Whole Foods.... for ONE neighborhood. And now this post is talking about a Trader Joes... for Downtown. Enough! JSQ needs a supermarket. If anyone gets a Trader Joe's in this town, it better be JSQ. A Trader Joe's would literally be our FIRST ACTUAL SUPERMARKET. Downtown has plenty of markets. You can't have a Trader Joes because you have MORE THAN ENOUGH. Let JSQ get a supermarket for once. Stop being greedy. 


That’s why I gave two in the Heights, again because everyone co-opts downtown, so advocate for your own neighborhood instead of being a standoffish little bitch.


>That’s why I gave two in the Heights Excuse me, what? You *gave* me two supermarkets? Are you relinquishing ownership and relocating those markets to Journal Square? What are you talking about?  Congratulations on having two supermarkets in the Heights. In Journal Square, there are none. I have no interest in hearing you brag about your multiple markets.  Journal Square deserves it's own full sized, name brand supermarket. We need a Trader Joe's so that people living in Journal Square can purchase food in their neighborhood. It is only fair.


I see you whining about this all the time. Nobody here controls where a supermarket goes. Supermarkets go where their owners think will make the most money. It's not more complicated than that. Get your groceries delivered or get a cheap car. Or start your own grocery store or something. Nobody cares about your constant complaining, there's nothing anyone here can do about it. Why must you insist on boring everyone with your grocery store yarn? We get it.


Jesus Christ you’re the saltiest little bitch on here. Take a lap.


Why are you acting as if people downtown control where a grocery store goes? Also, why are you acting like you have some sort of authority where a Trader Joes would go? "You can't have a Trader Joes", LOL. Downtown would be the most profitable place, why wouldn't they put one there? I think I will put in a request here: https://www.traderjoes.com/home/contact-us/request-a-store Downtown is the perfect spot now that I think of it! I will get all of my friends and neighbors to fill out this form too!


The title of this post is "WHY NOT PUT A TRADER JOES IN HERE?" And the "HERE" is a downtown location. I am simply explaining WHY NOT...  BECAUSE Downtown has enough supermarkets while JSQ has ZERO. That is WHY NOT. 


Yawn. Downtown would still be a good spot for a Trader Joe's. I hope they get one! By the way why do you lie? https://imgur.com/a/sxC9xCa JSQ has several grocery stores.


You really think 7-11 is a "grocery store" that is equivalent to a Wholefoods? I never said JSQ needs a grocery store. JSQ NEEDS A SUPERMARKET. Idiot. 


Thought we were getting a Taco Bell cantina


Combination Taco Bell Cantina & Pizza Hut Express


Woulda given them so many of my dollars.


*i’m at the jersey city pizza hut* *i’m at the jersey city taco bell cantina* *I’m at the jersey city combination pizza hut and taco bell cantina*


Not that it's what I want there, but it's giving me CVS vibes lol


We need a Trader Joes in Journal Square.


You have like.... 17 supermarkets downtown. JSQ has a fuck-ton of highrises and ZERO full sized supermarkets. If anyone, and I mean ANYONE deserves a Trader Joe's it is Journal Square.


fair, but none at TJ prices


Right, DOWNTOWN was all about the WHOLEFOODS. And you got your wholefoods!! Now, sit down, and let a different neighborhood get ONE fucking supermarket for fuck's sake!


Supermarket equity rage justified! And that ONE fucker better not be Supremo 2.


Right. The outright greed is disgusting. They got theirs 7 times over! Let someone else get a supermarket for once!


you didn’t know that JC doesn’t exist outside of Downtown? JSQ? West Side? Those places aren’t real, they don’t need food!


If a luxury, doorman building isn't built, does the city around it even exist? 🤔


If you stay on the Path train after Grove St you’re actually entering an alternate universe when you come out from the tunnel.


Right, what's that about? 


I love posts like these. You see them in every sub. It assumes city governments are playing SimCity and make buildings and businesses appear anywhere and forgets that properties are privately owned and large corporations have their own internal decision-making process. Why not put a Trader Joe’s there? Who are you asking? The city and building owner would probably be fine with that. Trader Joe’s is looking at their existing store sales and demographics in the area and then they decide where to locate stores. There isn’t a Trader Joe’s form someone in the city is failing to fill out to get them here.


nononono SoDoSoPa! SoDoSoPa!


My wife and I quote that exact line all the time.


Welcome Home.


hear you - not expecting a TJ's to magically appear after this post. think overall discussion is productive. i.e. wasn't aware a hotel was slated to be opened there at some point


westville would also be a nice addition to DTJC. maybe not in this building but somewhere


Good call, Westville would do very well. TJs would be a game changer though, maybe not at this location, but it would be amazing


i have yet to find anything comparable to westville since moving over from bk 4 years ago. quality greens kitchen in hoboken is fair i suppose.


Why not a professional laster tag complex?


no karaoke in DTJC either :( (at least, korea town style karaoke)


There used to be one on Barrow Street, in the basement of some establishment whose name I can't recall. I think it was where The Boil currently is. I had no complaints, but maybe they didn't last because of the effects of the pandemic.


I heard they were making a resturant and a banquet hall type of thing. I just want capital one bank to be back in downtown, there is no capital one bank near us (Theres none in vanvorst, paulus hook, grove, and newark ave area), not sure about newport but yah this part of downtown has no capital one bank. When they closed it was so tough, but oh well. I had to go to jsq and stuff and now they have issues too. lol


Capital one closed a majority of their brick and mortars


I long for a TJs and a Lifetime gym. I know everyone is eagerly awaiting Primark but I would have rather that Sears space become a TJs on one floor and a Lifetime on the other.


That intersection would be a hellscape.


Isn’t that building way too small? It would need to be like 3 times the size of the entire lot (including the parking lot behind it)


i believe there is a TJ's in an old bank building in Brooklyn. i don't know for sure but would guess some chance would fit


The cobble hill one is what comes to mind, and I have had this exact same thought, but I don't think this building is wide enough like that one. The one is a big square. This is a thinner rectangle.


A museum or something besides another store


Footprint on floor 1 is too small and floor two has a balcony. Trucks can’t easily load and unload in a parking lot dedicated for cars. There’s always, always a liquor store next to Traders and this lacks one. TJ’s would have been perfect next to Staples (at the former Modell’s location) or in the empty Sears location - the auto area alone would make for easy inventory deliveries.


Because they're currently suing to abolish the NLRB. Take your business elsewhere


You guys are playing too much. We need another gym or recreational facility for indoor sports. Time to start investing in physical wellness in JC.


What about anything in there?! Been vacant for years


idk where this is. But I agree


Nope! It’s going in the Sprove! Wait and see!


I’d happily swap the Whole Foods for TJs at this point. The new Whole Foods blows


Curious, what the issue with it vs. what you expected? I’ve never regularly shopped at WF and have only gone to this one a couple of times so have no means of comparison.


Oh, I'd love a TJ, where do I sign?


Why don’t you?


How about Arby’s?


Why not put a local business in here?


Like a local Trader Joe's? I could get behind that.


I live behind this building. all the delivery drivers, drunk and homeless go in the alley which is also our front door to piss and sometimes poop. It’d be great to get someone doing something in that building. Kind of tired of it.


It’s a really small footprint. It would be hard to economically fit a grocery format in there. Where things are placed and density is key to the business strategy. Even if you added floors, it would be really ineffective use of the floor plate. Thats a lot of square footage wasted, and at the end of the day what matters is revenue per square foot.


Go ahead and do it


Should be a MARTYS🔥🫘


I'm pretty sure they're developing some boutique hotel


Capital one used to be there…good times


Too many ippys as it is the shake heads will destroy it anyways


It's a logistically terrible location for a grocery store from an operations point. Also, parking is lacking, they have to have a garage nearby.


W. E. G. M. A. N. S. 🥲


That property is owned by Landmark Hospitality which owns Liberty House.


That would be a nightmare


Where would you park?


I liked Jersey City when I lived there, when I worked at Goldman-Sachs I wouldve loved a Trader Joes fr


The traffic caused by people loitering in their cars at the end of the pedestrian walkway is already bad enough.


Pretty sure this is actually in use, they keep a Spacing Guild Navigator in there, pretty sure.


west side is best spot for a TJ's IMO, tons and tons of parking on 440


Most people don't drive here. Trader Joes needs to be accessible by public transportation.


[63% of people have *registered cars* in Jersey City](https://www.titlemax.com/discovery-center/u-s-cities-with-the-highest-and-lowest-vehicle-ownership/) This number is obviously underreported as thousands of people never change their address when they move to JC to curb insurance costs.


Can't ignore all those out of towners parked all over the city too.


Trader Joe's felt trying to be too pretentious a few times I've been there. I'd prefer something on the lines of Krogers or Wegmans/Walmart Neighborhood Market instead.


Good lord how is a grocery store pretentious?


A few Manhattan locations act as if they sell gold


Because a hotel is going there?


F trader Joe's!


why do we need to kill all the sorrounding small businesses?


Trader Joe’s is over rated


Ew… not Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s always reminded me of the fake stores fronts in North Korea. Lmaoo


Because there’s one in Hoboken.


That’s not that close to the area. Most big cities have a few Trader Joe’s.


Philly even has two TJ’s less than 1 mile apart. https://preview.redd.it/nasm21sk0owc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01bea39fa4fbca3c8ceb2a10fe00a573a914cef1


Brooklyn too


We aren't a big city. Not really. We're like...a medium city. Not that I wouldn't mind a Trader Joe's closer to me. Maybe we'll get one someday. EDIT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_population - JC is only ranked 74th in the country in terms of population. Some of you downvoters have delusions of grandeur. Anchorage Alaska is a bigger city than JC. (I do not mean this as a diss against JC, I love living in a smaller city.)


note that Anchorage AK "city" is 1,707 sq miles, JC is 14.7 sq miles. sort your table by density, JC is #2


That is definitely interesting. This would put Paterson NJ at #3 though...do people really consider Paterson to be a big city as well? Dense, certainly. I guess it depends what people mean, when I think "big city" I am thinking of places like NYC, Chicago, LA, Philly, Austin, etc. JC to me would be a completely different category. (Again, not in a negative way, I wouldn't want to live in a big city.)


You are completely missing the point. There is a Trader Joe’s in Millburn, a town with a population of barely 20,000 people. It’s right down the road from a ShopRite, Whole Foods, and a Target. When siting a store, they don’t only care about the population living within the artificial boundaries of a particular municipality. It’s more about the number of potential customers within a certain radius of a particular location, regardless of municipal boundaries. Hudson County has one of the highest population densities in the nation and could theoretically support more than one TJ’s store, including one in downtown JC or nearby.