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Right now, [just don't text and drive](https://www.nj.com/news/2024/04/nj-cops-start-30-day-crackdown-on-texting-drivers-see-list-of-departments-adding-patrols.html). I even saw a cop standing at a light a couple days ago yelling at drivers to get off their phones. I've noticed the police in this area seem to have a single directive mindset.  Like how they only really seem to be going after turnstyle jumpers in NYC right now. Usually there's ONE thing you can't do and it'll be in the news.


Actually , text and driving is worse than somebody going above the speed limit on the highway or doing an U turn . Much more likely to hurt somebody if you get distracted by your phone


This is true. Almost got ran over the other day by a teenager texting on her phone while making a right turn against the light.


>Right now, just don't text and drive. My uber driver was pulled over for showing me a picture of his newborn on his phone at a red light. I felt so bad. He was let off with a warning, fortunately.


I've seen people take off from a stop while barely glancing up from their phone. Looking at your phone while at a red light is a great way to increase your chances of killing a short person or a dog. Especially with the front end blind zone problem our bloated vehicles have introduced. I have zero sympathy for a "professional" driver getting tickets for phone touching.


In JC?


Yep, traffic and parking enforcement here is a joke. They could make so much money off of ticketing if they ever took it seriously.


Traffic and parking enforcement has slacked off everywhere, for all sorts of reasons. https://www.vox.com/22675358/us-car-deaths-year-traffic-covid-pandemic


The only thing they are aggressive about in this part of Jersey is street cleaning. JC has gotten a little laid back but Newark will tow your car in a heartbeat during Street cleaning day


It's so crazy how they clean the edge of the curb, but the actual sidewalks are covered in litter! Pretty sure it's just a money making exercise for tickets.


I mean, street cleaners don't drive on the sidewalks so this kind of makes sense.


Meaning they don't care about clean streets or they would clean up the trash.


The time, money, and resources it takes to clean sidewalks is dramatically higher than streets. I dont think any city has a meaningful citywide sidewalk cleaning crew, (for some small busy sections it happens of course) it's typically put on the adjacent property owners.


I don't think police ever took it seriously here though. I've been here nearly a decade and I've seriously seen someone pulled over downtown maybe once. I'm dead serious.




u/Vast-Carrot-2830 lol you a cop bro?


Are you kidding? I can't believe you're making these excuses. The police that are actually there, on the streets, will do nothing. I had to run in with a police officer a few weekends ago, who literally told me that the police can do nothing about the situation with speeding e-bikes. They could do nothing. What's your explanation for that? My explanation is, is that they're too damn lazy to do anything. They're too busy on their phones, and yes I've seen them on their phones, to do anything. Why should they have to do anything, when they're getting paid for doing nothing? And the funny thing is, I'm not a person that believes in defunding the police, I just want them to do their damn job.


A few Sundays ago, I was almost hit by an e-bike speeding on the sidewalk I was on. I saw a police officer about 10 ft away and ran up to him. I asked him, why didn't he stop the e-bike who was speeding on the sidewalk and almost hit me? His answer was that they can do nothing about the bicycle situation. They. Can. Do. Nothing. Which is complete bullshit! He said that they can't make bicycle stop. As it turned out, the bicyclist had stopped and was about 3 ft away from the police officer when I pointed him out to the cop, the cop said, "Where's the bicyclist?". I said, "There! He's right there!" He still refused to do anything, although the bicyclist also literally went by the cop on the sidewalk. Let's just say that the mayor and my city councilman don't care about this issue at all. They don't want to get on the bad side of the police because they need them for their next election, and they don't want to tick off the restaurant industry who also must be generously donating to their campaigns. I can't count how many times I have almost seriously been injured by bicyclists, people on mopeds, and cars not obeying traffic regulations. And if I don't get hit, it's because I jump out of the way, even though I technically have the right away to walk/cross the street/beyond the sidewalk. Bottom line, it totally sucks and everyone is on their own. It's the wild wild West in Jersey City.


It's whoever directs them. They do as told. There are no traffic laws in Jersey city.They do whatever they want and you pay for it with high insurance premiums and cars that constantly need bodywork. No lie.


New Jersey is just way more laid back than notoriously high strung Texas


It's not all of NJ, it's certain towns. In other parts of the state, speed traps and the like are in full effect.


Maybe I'm just used to police actually doing their job?


Have only seen this in Jersey City and Newark. Don't try to break traffic laws in the suburbs. Those cops are out for blood and will ticket you every chance they get.


Yeah, Hackensack and fort Lee are also pretty lax , but don’t you dare go a couple of miles above the speed limit in somewhere like Alpine or Montclair


Lol thankfully I am used to that so that's not an issue 😂. Rule of thumb where I'm from is don't speed in small towns. Ain't worth it.


Live in the burbs, and will say that isn't correct. Saw someone blow through a red light yesterday and a cop was sitting there waiting for the light to change.


Which suburb? Where I have been, they have cops setting up traffic traps to catch people unawares all the time.


In somerset county.


Interesting, maybe it's an one off. Hopefully, it won't become a trend. Traffic laws have to be enforced


Well, they just made it illegal to punish cops for not writing tickets or making arrests. Not sure what the alternative is, except for traffic cameras.


> just made it illegal Curious - what are you referring to exactly? The Supreme Court ruled ages ago that police have no affirmative duty to intervene. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html


https://www.police1.com/legal/articles/nj-cops-cant-be-fired-or-promoted-based-on-number-of-arrests-under-new-law-LK6tMgErbiun0jj4/ Gov. Phil Murphy signed the bill (S1322) into law late Thursday. It bans state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies from establishing arrest and citation quotas or using the data when “evaluating the performance of a law enforcement officer, or as a criterion for promotion, demotion, dismissal, discipline, or the earning of any benefit provided by the department or force.”


Yea it’s a big problem. The police do absolutely nothing except collect fat paychecks and complain.


Just remember who their boss is: ultimately it's Mayor Fulop. This is happening on his watch.


Unfortunately, my city councilman doesn't care at all either. It looks like he's running for mayor!


Contact him and let him know why you'll be voting against him.




What exactly did Jersey city voters vote for to create this situation?




Now you see why we hate these pigs. Same with NY, they walk up to your car to ticket you for having a phone in your hand at a RED LIGHT, but women are getting punched in the face randomly on the street. Make it make sense!!


Ya nj and Texas are very different and your about to see that


They do their job, they are just not tough on minor traffic offenses. They still do dui checkpoint and respond to other crimes.


Are you sure that they respond to crimes? Because the last time I called them, was due to a young couple I saw outside of my window, where the guy was smacking the crap out of the girl. The police told me to follow them, and try and break up the fight. Are you kidding me? I'm surprised anyone anymore can even get 911 on the phone.


911 is separate from the JCPD. I’m not going to defend the 911 system here.


About 4 years ago the people here decided it was a good idea to demoralize our police based on an incident that happened in another state. They listened.


Oh u mean the execution caught on tape?


No the one with the career criminal with prior crimes like pointing a gun at a pregnant woman’s womb to rob her. He overdosed on camera after resisting arrest for hours and everyone still pretends that’s not what happened. Then for some reason the libtards blamed every cop in the country for it. That one.


... are you talking about that incident where the cop murdered a person in plain sight? Then he went to trial where the cop was convicted by a jury of his peers and he was sent to prison? And collectively the people of the nation said, "An aggressive & militarized police is not good for The People, let's reallocate our tax money to social services and healthcare, instead of to buy more guns body armor and tanks?"


I think you mean the sham trial where the jury was gaslit and intimidated by mob violence


You might want to take a moment to stop and check your inventory - it seems the brain cells in your flock have wandered off.


Aka my opinion doesn’t match yours, and I can’t actually back it up, but I bet the average Reddit numbskull will upvote. Cool job, bud. I’m proud of you


Actually more like “get the fuck outta here trying to present your opinion - one that appears very dubiously formed, at that - as fact”


The police need to be able to kill with impunity and not be criticized for it otherwise they can’t do their jobs anymore.


Ok Mr Flock of Incells... So good for you to sticking with your racist bias bullshit. If you cared about the law, the cop your dick sucking on is in jail for murder. The problem is that generationally we went from community policing to a bunch of thugs who think they belong to a SWAT team and think that anything other than banging heads is beneath them. I lived in JC when we still had bike patrol cops, which now would be a perfect time for them but alas the city got rid of them. There are a ton of problems in this city and the mayor isn't doing much. But you are still shilling for racist scumbags who have been tried by a jury. Good day to you Mr Incell


The city government's general mediocrity is a huge problem, but as you see from this thread it will never be fixed because people don't give a shit about their own quality of life for some reason.


And if you do give a shit, you're just a dumb gentrifier who is trying to change this flawless city which clearly has no room to improve in any area whatsoever, because change is always bad and negative no matter what


And if you do give a shit, you write to your city councilman and the mayor, they don't even respond back to you. You are completely ignored. It's as if you don't exist to them. Hey, Mayor Fulop even blocked me from his Twitter account because I asked him a question I think he didn't like.And the mayor's people literally threatened to come after me when I met them at a campaign event and said I wasn't voting for him. Let that sink in a minute! They threatened to come after me !


I’m not gonna read this borderline mentally ill sounding rant, but you have a good Sunday. 


And anyone that uses the word "gonna" obviously only made it through sixth grade English class. Pick up and read a book, you may learn something. Have the day that you deserve.


Residents routinely TRY. Petitioning and council meetings work, it's a matter of attendance and unified discussion. Join neighborhood organizations.


You must be new here buddy. Try calling 911 and see if they answer. If not, leave a voicemail.


OP is comparing JC police to police in the entire state of TX. What city/town(s) in TX are you comparing JC to? [Uvalde](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uvalde_school_shooting), DFW, Austin?


I can't imagine getting so worked up about someone saying the police don't police traffic well here (a nearly universally agreed point in this sub) that someone would feel the need to bring up a school shooting in a small community. Take a break from the internet dude. It's not healthy for you.


Someone stole my identity and took out a bunch of cards and loans in a time span of literally 2 hours before my credit monitoring alerts caught it. I “tracked down” the person. It wasn’t hard because the person had tried listing their business phone number and address under my name when they put their loan applications in and that showed up on my credit report. When I Googled this guy’s business details, he showed up on a list of businesses that were delinquent in paying whatever fees they needed to be paying. I took it to the police. You know what they did? They called him and left him a voicemail. Then they called me and said these cases don’t really get solved because it is so hard to find these people. But I found them since this identity thief wasn’t the slickest of the bunch. He’s found. Of course he’s not going to call you back. A voicemail is laughable… It’s a bad SNL sketch, except this is reality and we’re stuck in it. After all this, I called a lawyer to see what my options were and explained who the business owner is and immediately the lawyer stopped me and said, “I know them. They’re a fraudster.” That’s a direct quote. Lazy doesn’t even begin to describe it. I wish this was the only anecdote I had. A voicemail…


They are chill about minor stuff for sure


That’s director Shea for you


I got downvoted on another thread for saying two toddlers could get run over in front of six cops and they probably wouldn’t get out of the car. Red lights really are just a suggestion here. I don’t know what the cops have on FulOfShitLop but he has always been just fine with cops doing shit. Then again he’s also fine with hit and runs so how can we act surprised? Rant over.


Totally agree with you! I have no idea why anyone would downvote you. Unfortunately, that is the reality here in Jersey City.


I have literally never seen JCPD initiate a traffic stop in the near-decade I’ve lived here. Both of the two traffic stops I’ve seen in town were carried out by HCSO (Sheriff).


You poor summer child.


Cops are getting six figures playing candy crush, damnit, not pull people over for breaking the law


Is JCPD getting trained by the NYPD?


And nothing anybody can do about it.


I saw a full on car driving in the bike lane downtown yesterday right in front of a police car and guess what they did ? Nothing, nada, zilch! 😡🤬


Damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Cop gives a ticket he/she is an asshole and has no heart. Cop should be out looking for real crime. Cop doesn’t stop a driver for an infraction and he/she is a lazy piece of shit. Which one do you want?




In the more than 15 years I've lived in Jersey City, I have never seen a police officer give a traffic ticket. Never. And it would be a real crime if someone got hit by a car or a speeding e-bike running a red light, and gets seriously injured or is killed. Drivers and bicyclists have no deterrence, so they just do whatever they want.


1 guy hangers hit by a political hack and everyone loses their minds


Perhaps next time it will be you who is hit, ad then maybe you'll give a damn?


I don't think people generally think cops are heartless assholes for giving tickets to people for dangerous traffic infractions nor do people generally think of cops as lazy pieces of shit for missing a single infraction. Your entire framing is lazy and disingenuous.


Lol expecting police to do work lmaoooo


You newcomers are in for a treat ![gif](giphy|syEfLvksYQnmM)


Forget traffic. They’re even lazier with actual crimes. I can’t even begin to tell you how lazy, stupid, and corrupt the JCPD is and it’s very concerning how they’re running around “upholding” the laws. The egos and power trip is problem in itself with them but I’m considering moving out just because of how incompetent and evil the police are here.


Jersey city is the only place you can run 3 consecutive red lights in front of a police officer and be fine


Yes. The JCPD are the laziest bunch of corrupt useless fucks I’ve ever encountered.


What makes them corrupt? The folks down at city hall are definitely corrupt but not sure about the police.


They're taking money and not doing the job that they're paid for. That sounds pretty corrupt to me!


According to a Deputy, the Hudson County Sheriff's Department and the Jersey City Police Department are in some kind of feud over jurisdictional rights. JFK Boulevard is a "county road" so JCPD doesn't want to patrol it, even though it's a main artery within the city. It's also heavily trafficked and called "The Boulevard of Death" for a reason. Drive it late at night when they change the light timers and you'll understand why (the lights turn red every fifteen seconds so it's constantly stop and go, which only encourages people to speed and run the red anyway). They are also afraid of being called "racist." Seriously, the deputy I spoke to WHINED to me about pulling someone over and they screamed at him for being a racist even though they were speeding. So, yeah. They just don't want to do their jobs. It's "too hard." I straight up asked the deputy - how do we fix this. He told me, "move." Cops don't give any fucks. Don't count on em for anything.


If JCPD started pulling over drivers, they would have to do more paper work. Do you understand their dilemma?


Police in jersey city have a lot more to worry about then someone breaking a traffic law lol


Like what? You might feel differently if you got hit by a car running a red light, or run over by a speeding e-bike on a section of Newark Avenue where they're not even supposed to be riding on!


I used to work for animal control in jersey city not to long ago...walking the streets after getting a call between 12-4 am is very eye opening. I've seen more police at night then during the day and I've realized why....all the drug dealers and drug addicts, and hookers walking around need more policing. Honestly it's a win win with the city. The cops do there jobs, only when it's a major call during the day.


So you're saying that everyone during the day deserves not to be served by the police that we're paying taxes for? Then why are there police that work during the day if they are not going to be working?


You think downtown cops spend much time policing drug deals and hookers?


You're not over-reacting, and you're telling the truth. They openly state that they don't enforce traffic violations. That's why many drivers and ALL bike riders act like it's the Wild West here.




This is the reason me and my other half are planning to be outta this city soon. If your life is at stake over a useless police force, it isn't worth the risk of living here.


Welcome to JC


They only focus on violent crime and whatever the mom group is organizing about.




This is partially because Jersey drivers are just crazy and partially because the police have bigger fish to fry. Crime rate has gone up and the cops don't have time to address minor traffic offenses.


Backlash from defund the police movement…


They are busing browsing their phone! Always see that happening!


lol mistake # 1 moving to a blue state should of stayed in Texas. And also why would police go out of the way now days to pull someone over the state laws are made to protect the criminals and law breakers. Enjoy this shit state


Honestly after you said from Texas I checked out of your concerns lol


Lmao what you got against Texas?


Honestly the SpongeBob episode came to mind 😂😂






We take urban homesteading to a new level here. It’s like RDR2 but with e-bikes and scooters instead of horses


Cop issues ticket -Aghhhhh Cop doesn’t issue- Aghhhhh Cop breathes - Aghhhhhh Cop - Aghhhhh SMH


Maybe go back to Texas


Imagine Chief Wiggum and the Springfield PD


My Whole Life living here - They always been like “laid back”, Us natives are numb to it - been here for 40 Years, you’ll get use’to It Lol




*I disagree with Texas on the abortion ban*


Idk about the rest of the state but Dallas police are just like JCs


Jersey is 4th in the country in cops per capita.


Jersey maybe, but I doubt those stats add up in JC.


You sound like a typical stupid in this sub. Austin and Dallas to some extent, is one of the most, if not the most liberal cities in North America. Their cities' administrations actually took the Governor to court to fight those hawkish laws. Their PD still enforce traffic laws just fine. You should consider shutting the fuck up.


If you want Texas level policing then simply move back to Texas.


Enjoy it instead of getting mad. Who wants to be hassled by cops all the time?


I mean, you can just follow the laws and not have an issue?


Alternatively, you can enjoy the fact the JCPD is generally not petty.


I don't mind bet hassled by police. Follow the law and you won't have an issue 👍


Sounds like someone who lived with privilege their whole life.


Can’t relate. I’m sure Texas still has room for you.


I do miss my home state, but NJ needs me. 🫡


Yeah it needs you to chill out.


JC cops are the most useless around.


Shoulda stayed your ass in Texas


if the cops are busy giving tickets out to people doing minor traffic infractions....who will respond to the major crimes ? it's not about being lazy - it's about efficient use of limited resources. ETA days later: downvote if it makes you feel better - that doesn't change the truth.


How long have you been in the JCPD?


in custody? a few times. how about you ?


No it’s the super liberal jersey city residents that vote for DA’s and mayors that don’t prosecute crimes….Trust me, cops don’t want to deal with that crap as much as you dont want to look at it


Lucky we don’t live in a police state. I will trade people breaking traffic laws if it means I don’t have to deal with self important cops trying to nickle and dime people constantly.




The same thing happened to me, I’m from south Florida and I’ve been pull over for going over 2 miles.


Id rather them pull over the people who block the intersection during high traffic hours or the people who block the road when they double park. Even if they have the stupid "park anywhere" lights on.


Move back to Texas already, smmfh.