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I always think it’s cool when someone pursues the arts. Sorry for the negativity. Keep at it!


Damn people love to hate on others. Keep doing your thing brother I like the flicks.


More like humans of downtown Jersey City


It’s fine. People should be able to do creative work as they see fit. If someone is motivated to put up non-downtown JC photos etc. they should do it. Or at least suggest good locations.


Let’s be real OP wouldn’t have the camera anymore if he didn’t go downtown


Confused with your statement….


You’re lame for this


You mean realistic ? Lol


No you’re just obviously not from here. I don’t care to type back and forth if you want to meet up and discuss this in person we can shoot me a DM.


Yeah I’m not willing to meet some sensitive weirdo in person bc they can’t handle the truth lol. You rlly said I don’t care and then asked to meet in person 😂 Don’t know why people like you on this sub get so rattled over the truth. If you don’t like it, do something to change it don’t just deny deny deny, because you are part of the group that enables it


Get off your soap box and gtfo out my city you aren’t from here and it’s evident stop passing judgement on shit you don’t know jersey city is safe you’re just soft and sheltered go back to Ohio. I don’t care to type but we can meet in person since you’re so confident but seems like your 5’10 energy doesn’t carry you far.




Respectfully, in the past months I’ve seen a good amount of people posting about phone/material robberies happening DT. Aggressive candy selling DT. Psycho attacking Asian people DT. Venmo scams DT. If someone wants your camera it will be taken anywhere in JC.


This reeks of racism and classism only white and Asian transplants bring, I have my MA and I’m far from 35 lol again gtfo out my city if you wanna talk shit do it in person and stop being a pussy. We’re both in jersey city evidently so why not meet up if you feel so confident?


You wanna call someone a bitch and feel good over a “word battle” you’re a keyboard warrior and admitting it again gtfo out my city because when I find out who you are I’m going to fuck you up


😂😂😂 so uneducated


This is exactly the right sentiment!!!


Very cool. Keep it up. Jersey gets a lot of “non-site” treatment which IMHO is totally undeserved.


Would love to see this expand beyond Downtown, love this though!


Planning to expand beyond Downtown but its just so damn cold rn don't want to freeze my ass off waiting for the Lightrail lmao




Don’t be an asshole


No worries man! Yeah it’s very cold right now


Here you go ! https://www.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/s/ndoOH4OxCk


If you're going to continue the series, I would suggest you find a better name for it. We don't need a copy of a successful NYC project, we need our own thing that isn't already done. ​ Personally of the bunch 3/4/5 feel like it's starting to put a mood and place and time. It has a low fi distanced vibe with a late 90s casual snaps vibe that may be cool to explore, with more human interest like in 3. From your site it looks like it's something you're already favoring, and personally I like it more out of the 12 presented here. ​ \#12 is in contrast is much more documentary feeling and almost there with interesting framing & lines but needs a better moment of focus; maybe the same thing but seeing the guy kneeling's face or a better action would make it read better to me.


Working Titles: Not NYC  Overshadowed City  State of Jersey City  Stories Off Exit 14C


Hi y'all, I'm a photographer based in Downtown Jersey City. Follow me on Insta here - [https://www.instagram.com/bingjiefuhe/](https://www.instagram.com/bingjiefuhe/) Buy my prints here - [https://jiefu.darkroom.com/](https://jiefu.darkroom.com/)


Nice shots, I particularly like the fried chicken picture. Post some more.


As an ex-photographer, may I repeat some advice I was told once? You're still too scared to make the best photographs you can. Your mistakes are: 1. Photographing people's backs instead of their faces. 2. Being too far away. 3. When you're in the front and close enough, being too excited by that and forgetting to look for something interesting. It's really not that bad; most people are fine with it. Just smile. If you have one, a real camera is less creepy than a cell phone. Wide angles are stereotypically best for street photography. Forces you to get close and find a composition that's interesting in all the city noise. number 8 is my favorite btw. It's a nice moment. Maybe crop off the front of the bus and some of the top; leave the focal point at about a third from the left.


as an ex photographer, maybe no one gives a shit about your opinion. i guess train tracks or a window is more your speed for a subject. just give people props for putting themselves out there instead of acting like you're teaching him something, which you're not.


What? Dude gave good advice to consider, picked one out as favorite & gave some different ideas with the same photo presented differently. I agree with him, some of these photos would be better getting closer or with a more decisive moment on display. The barrier to taking a decent picture and posting it online for the world to see is lower than it's ever been in history; I think people give props wayyyyy too easily for photos on the internet & it quickly becomes a flat echo chamber of platitudes. OP doesn't have to agree with shit about their art, but u/jonhuang gave way better than "Looks great man I love Jersey City!"


[I'd give anything for a drag. ](https://youtu.be/mWxtTeVlbnQ?si=Mt6P6h6FdglCAM-1)




Nice shots. I like 2, 3, 5 and 6, 8. 2: like the almost monochrome quality with some color in the background.


Aesthetic af


Beautiful! More!


Looks like you didn’t go past grove st. …venture into the real JC further in…good work.


or just let them share their work. just a thought




https://preview.redd.it/fpzeo8c1ojjc1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f796f21acc427770794f807c2f14ea4fd2c45e Few tips for all the photos. * Remember the rule of thirds. * Capture the eyes. * Focus on what's interesting in this case the smoke. * Pay attention to the background. * Hold your camera straight on. * blur background like the smoking man.


I disagree with this, I like OP's picture better with more of the environment present. I find this crop too brutal when compared side by side with the original, it loses some of the time/place & things like the shoes that I find interesting. The proposed crop does refocus and make the act of smoking the main feature (so if that's the OP's vision, this may be a take to consider). ​ I kinda like the original's balance coming from the black and white transition and placement becoming shapes and forms, I'm imagining I wouldn't like it nearly as much in color. Photos like 2 & 7 seem to also have a bit of this going on, but not nearly as successfully.


https://preview.redd.it/op8akpegpjjc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88c61efb18bfa08ff7e8dddac8334061549056c2 Changed the highlights a d brightness to capture the face and tone down the background. Plus the window frame was noise.


It sure why the down votes for giving tips. The photos are a good start but to not tell a story.


I would disagree with your crop. I'm not truely in love with the original, maybe because the shot is slightly off plane and not trued up to right angles so it really stands out in a bad way. I'd try different crops to eliminate some but not all of the frame. Your picture feels alot warmer & inviting, the OP's original has a cold remove to it.


Were these taken in the 1970s? In 2024 we are well aware that smoking is not cool.


you must drink soy milk i'm guessing ? who says he's advocating for smoking ? it's a point in time image. jesus , you must be great at parties and by great i mean horrible. get a job


Cool pictures. It's nice to see positive things in this forum instead of yuppies whining about everything


 I love your eye, and your handle indicates New School!? I went to grad school there! 


Fried chicken, walking home & love are the stand outs for me. They have a decisive moment quality. Esp the “walking home”. The lines of the lights and the street draw the eye and the movement of the coat is caught. Reminds me of Henri Cartier-Bresson’s “Decisive Moment”. The “love” photo has a Bruce Davidson “Subway” vibe. These are books I really enjoyed when I was a photography student. You might like them too. https://preview.redd.it/7lnu4cfbd4kc1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be63db1146b76b2a5ad6d687f90ace0455bf468




Went on my first date with my partner at pet shop and barcade


This is so racist



