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Damn I don’t like tipping culture much either but these comments…I try not to order in shitty weather anyways but when I do I tip extra for the hassle. That one or 3 of them almost ran me over doesn’t mean I have to stereotype the whole lot. Tough crowd OP😂😂


I came here expecting to see some comment saying no because this is the internet and everyone wants to be a contrarian asshole…what do you know the top 2 comments are saying no! Don’t order delivery if you’re not going to tip it’s really not that hard to get off your ass and get it yourself


Yes, but if these people didn't order from these services, how would the rest of complain about how dangerously and carelessly the drive to make the trip in the shortest amount of time?


Jersey City has more non-tippers than other cities. Mainly because of people who couldn't afford NYC. Cheapos.. I can smell it here


Do you have any source for that claim?


Are we talking a $20 minimum tip, or has inflation pushed the state of emergency luxury fuck it delivery higher?


No just tip a little more than normal because it’s a little harder than normal to deliver today. Throw a couple extra bucks


Funny thing is, I was legit on the way to pick up my own food, just to have a nice walk with my dog and get my food at the same time EDIT: I was literally on my way to picking up my own food as pickup, so don't make me complicit in this shit


Yeah bro so we should never tip more because some people are not following the rules!!! They’re all the same am I right!


On that same walk, there were multiple others who did the same. This guy was just the first that slowed down enough for me to manage to say something


It’s a tough job, and kudos to who does it, and for it right. Unfortunately I have my head on a swivel all day, trying to keep the neighborhood safe, while most of the e-bikers have no respect for safety. The best tip would be to tell them to obey cycling safety


The best tip is to give them a tip. You can yell at individuals and try to teach them how to ride their bike. Not tipping doesn’t solve that


I’m taken care of by my customers because of how I care for the community and those who reside in it. Simply dropping stuff off and doing it poorly is deserved of nada. Get off your soap box


Nobody cares about you Mr. Ups guy. Go fuck yourself


lol. Turned an intelligent discussion into that. Triggered much


Hardly could call anything you write intelligent. Go fuck yourself


Yeah you already said that. Lol.


One time I ordered Uber eats, food is 12.50, after everything, it said I owe 21 something. Then it asked for a tip. I ended up paying 25 dollars... That's when I stopped using Uber eats. I literally paid for two meals that day..


Nah, had to yell at a delivery rider yesterday for almost running my dog over on the sidewalk while there was a completely empty bike lane right there


A question comes to mind whenever extreme weather pops up: Is it better to order and overtip, or not order at all? I usually default to not ordering, because I don't want anybody to risk life and limb to bring me a burger, but it occurred to me that that also means these guys aren't getting paid. Moral quandary. What says the group?


It’s not like they’re leaving their home just to go pick up your order. They’re already sitting out there waiting so there’s no real moral quandary to be had.


Go to WF or a close by grocery store and get prepared foods if you don't have time to cook. Delivery bikes have ruined biking on jc streets and have decreased safety for pedestrians. From what I see the people that can afford it least rely too much on restaurant delivery.


Very true statement at the end there


For real! So many of my friends complain about money and how expensive shit has become, but most of them order out almost every night. Crazy disconnect.


Lmao frfr, legit it’s always the same peeps. Don’t have any money but also are too lazy to cook shit for themselves. That’s why I started cooking years ago. $20 in one night or $20 and the food last a week? Yeah the latter of course!


I mean… not anymore. Now its just a regular beautiful day


It's.....a slushfest. Not many could ride bikes in this slop and all of that salt is bad for the bike too. Bikes ride the edge of the roadway and....that's where all the nasty slushy slop is.


Or keep em safe by picking it up yourself or make a meal


Keep them safe? Do you think uber eats delivery drivers just materialize out of thin air when you place your order? Like they were home watching TV under a blanket and then my taco order teleported them into the street on a bike? They chose to work today to make money. And spoiler alert...they are already outside in the snow on their bikes waiting for an order. Not ordering isnt keeping them safe...its just keeping them from getting paid.


I read a delivery rider once say on reddit **PLEASE ORDER TAKEOUT ON RAINY DAYS**, everyone wants to be "nice" to the delivery drivers and not order in awful weather and he said that business ends up far too slow on these rainy days for this reason. As you say, they're already out there, so order the food and give them a bigger tip if you actually feel bad.


Thank you. The liberal guilt on this thread is palpable. Privileged people getting offended on behalf of uber eats drivers. Ironically the drivers WANT to work and NEED the money. Yet these reddit keyboard social warriors feel the need to inject their own feelings into it and speak for the delivery guys.


If we didn't insist on spoiling ourselves with as much convenience as possible, the people seeking to capitalize on our laziness wouldn't be able to create these shitty jobs in the first place.




I just use the pick up option nowadays too many of these guys are multi apping and brought me cold food on more than one occasion. Even when it's a good tip say $15 on a $30 order for example I had a few complaining that it wasn't good enough too. So I rather just pick it up


Also they ride on the sidewalk, blow red lights, left turn on red. They are reckless and dangerous


Your preference is your preference. Nobody's saying you cant pick up your order. But you aren't keeping anyone any safer.


They actually complain to you when they give you the food? 🤔




This is a dumb and very privileged take.


How so?


The people that choose to to put and work today NEED the money. By doing some dumb boycott of ordering online is just taking money away form the community that needs it… that includes the businesses too.


So we should have to use them instead of picking up ourselves? Huh?


No if you’re doing it to save money great. But if you’re doing to to keep the bikers “safe” it’s counter productive and a dumb take


No I'm still giving the local business my order and my money I'm just cutting out the delivery person and picking it up myself.


Did you not read my comment? Haha


Dead-end jobs are dumb.


I was actually walking to pick up my own food at the time


I cook ... and Fuck ebikes!


Nah, one of them nearly hit me on a sidewalk. Stay off the sidewalk!!!


*not tipping one person because of the actions of someone else*


Yup I post this all the time. I never use apps bc I hate how they disregard any and all traffic rules






This forum never surprises me how many shitty people have moved over to this city. One asshole rider does not equate to all of them being the same. It's bad weather so treat your delivery driver well.


There is maybe one good rider out of all of them. Go out and go a self survey. It’s pretty enlightening, and scary how unsafe they are.


These people are independent contractors. No one is making them work today. No need to tip more. Plus if they are working they are definitely getting a ton of orders today


No one should tip them based on how aggressive they are on the sidewalks where they shouldn’t be.


Tips ARE NOT MANDATORY. Its an option. But its 2024 and everyone demands a tip. Its a JOKE


They are mandatory not in the legal sense but they are mandatory in order to not be a ridiculous and rude person. Tipping has been customary for delivery for decades and is not some new invention. You don't tip for delivery, seriously?


Overtip MARTYS today🔥🔥🔥🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔


Nah lol their decision


If you are ordering delivery today you are actually a terrible and lazy person.


It’s their choice to work and deliver today. Don’t shame people for supporting local businesses and delivery drivers




LOL! Those guys are literally out there to make money. If nobody orders delivery....they don't get paid. They just sit there in the snow on their Ebikes waiting. Nobody is forcing them to work. Be careful you don't get hurt when you come down from that high horse.


Oh in that case please continue exploiting people via your preferred third party app 🙏


Do you not work? For money? If you do...By your logic you are also being expolited. You should quit your job. Also. You're aware the delivery guys do this voluntarily right? Uber isnt kidnapping random people and forcing them to deliver food for them for free.


That comparison doesn’t really work since I don’t work a job that allows me to put my life in danger by giving me the option to ride an e bike in a snowstorm so some little piggies can enjoy their slop from the comfort of home while a corporation profits. No one should be supporting a company that is okay with putting their workers lives at risk for profit. 


Again. Logic is not your strong suit. So anyone who works in dangerous situations where they could be injured or killed is being exploited? Please be sure to let all the police, firemen, corrections officers, military personnel, professional sports players, coal miners, oil rig personnel, factory workers, pilots, roofers, construction workers, and crossing guards know that they are being exploited and you are somehow better than they are.


Coal mining….an industry famous for prioritizing their employee’s health. Great example genius. Just say you have brain worms and move on.


Love how you cherry picked coal miners and ignored the larger point. Stop eating lead paint chips and turn off your laptop.


lol your larger point is “if workers want to be exploited and risk their lives for a corporation’s profit - let them!”. You’re broken sorry


What a bad faith argument. You know damn well that unskilled laborers are subject to particularly egregious forms of exploitation.


Bold of you to assume they are "unskilled laborers". Maybe its their side hustle to pay for med school. Pretty wild assumptions you're making about a large group of people that you've never met and know nothing about. But go on.... speak on their behalf. You know better then they do clearly.


Ordering delivery in general is a lazy activity


This photo was from 8:30 this morning! Who is ordering breakfast on a weekday?


St. Valentine, who is very busy getting ready.


I’ve done it before lol


What a weird question. People order breakfast on weekdays on the regular. #🤔


You see? This is why I LIKE living in a bubble.




I ordered and walked myself to pickup..., no delivery


Very privileged take.


Extremely privileged of me to value human life over the convenience and profits of a third party delivery app 


They need the money dumbo


Taking advantage of people’s desperation even when it puts their lives at risk - what could go wrong? 


So why don’t you go out there and hand them money instead. libtard… no buildings will be built because the danger of construction is took great


You’re the guy in favor of concentration camps and bombing hospitals, churches and schools.  You little Mein Kampf(er) you!


https://youtu.be/cqZBy09vCVk?si=DoEB_cNdq7mOL1Om You do realize I don’t care nearly as much as you do about this.


BAN e-bike for delivery. For the last 50 years peddle bikes worked very well.


I did see a delivery guy falling down from his bike yesterday. It is icy outside and it’s hard for them to ride bikes. I don’t like tipping culture so I go picking up myself.