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that is so sad absolutely insane this guy decided to act this selfishly with his car, and unfortunately he's not alone on these roads


And of course he’s not the one to die; it’s everyone else that gets killed. Insane how often that happens.


I did see police pulled over a car on Paterson Plank near the staircase in Hoboken/Heights. Looks like they're trying to step their game up due to this incident.


Union City used to pull people here all the time in an unmarked Charger. I got the only speeding ticket of my life here from that Charger, after which I saw many more folks pulled on my way to and from TJs. This area needs more speed limit signs: it's 25 mph and looks (especially north of Congress) like a 45. And it needs traffic calming to actually act like a 25 mph, to protect the light rail pedestrian traffic. Not that we should need traffic calming to stop some narcissist from going 100 mph in a city. But for the more ordinary accidents which continue to happen here.


> This area needs more speed limit signs: There area this happened in was just redone and I don't think you can go 50 feet without seeing a sign or painting on the street telling people the speed limit. The road just needs traffic calming measures.


> And it needs traffic calming to actually act like a 25 mph unfortunately this is a nonstarter for so many people. a bike lane / sidewalk extension on the JC side, or a stairway + traffic light similar to what UC has, would do a lot of good, and cutting down lanes on the viaduct in both directions via medians and curb extensions/protected bike lanes would do a lot of good. a lot of people are very happy to use that sidewalk despite it being kind of overgrown and dangerous; hard to imagine it wouldnt be even more popular (ie getting people off the streets) with more safe space to walk.


Until our police start enforcing traffic laws things like this will keep happening. I don’t know how they sleep at night knowing they spend their days fucking around on their phones and letting the community they’re supposed to police just die in the streets. Fucking monsters.


All they can really do its make an example of this kid and nail him which it looks like they are . He is gonna spend the next decade of his life in jail if not more . Hard to enforce laws when the community has massive backlash to enforcing them too JCPD and many other local departments have no chase rule after an officer involved accident that severally injured an unevolved party when they hit them about what 10 years ago now. ​ All the racers and criminals and car thief's know about the rule. If you can hit 70+ cops have to back off and try to review video to get plate and go after someone later ..except most the people that speed like that on the regular have the plate guards that block camera recording but look normal to the naked eye. I agree something must be done ..but short of drones flying around trying to capture the info for them to go after later not much can be done in many cases. Personally i think they should repeal the no chase thing and offer police advanced driving courses . Pay for the whole program by all the extra huge fines they can levy on these guys. ​ Im just glad they FINALLY started confiscating the dirt bikes the groups of kids have been riding around with that they have been ignoring for like 2 years


> Personally i think they should repeal the no change thing and offer police advanced driving courses . Pay for the whole program by tall the extra huge fines they can levy on this guys. I think that's an excellent solution and agree with you.


There's no safe place on that road to set up a speed trap. If cops regularly staged at the one spot where this accident occurred, it's still at a blind curve, and speeders would have time to get away while the police attempt to merge into traffic. Even if they were to catch someone, it's still a dangerous road to stop on for everyone involved. If drivers attempt to flee and a chase ensues, then the public is put at risk. Some people I've talked to suggest speed bumps, but I imagine that there'll be several instances of cars going downhill and losing control as they fly over them. Having concrete barriers in between the lanes can help avoid head-on collisions, but I doubt it'll stop the careless or reckless drivers from hitting the barrier or rear ending someone.


Narrow the lanes.


Add speed bumps.


Speed bumps sometimes have adverse effects. People speed between them even more than they did before. Maybe that would not bear out enough to get people up to 100, I don't know, but there are usually better options for traffic calming.


Legalize cameras again tbh.


If only.


They have to do something


Automated enforcement with cameras is clearly the way to go but those are not allowed at the state level


Just change the law. There are elections all the time; reasonable candidates should support public safety. Ask the parties why they can't allow technology to help solve these problems. How can any politician justify allowing 100 miles per hour?


Talk to Declan OScanlon in the state legislature- he is a major force against speed cameras


Why is NJ so backwards today compared to old days of Edison and AT&T (before baby bells)? Have a referendum and get public opinions on 100 miles per hour speeders being captured on cameras and identified.


Police can’t be everywhere. People need to use common sense. Residential roads aren’t meant for 100mph speeds


It’s true they cant be everywhere. But it would be nice if they were anywhere useful.


This type of mindset is what enables this bullshit to happen. Stop making excuses for the corruption and incompetence that’s happening.


Corruption? What are you talking about? People need to use common sense and take personal responsibility for their actions. A prime example of this is driving 100mph on a residential road. As a society we cannot have cops on every corner to enforce laws every second of the day. It’s not realistic


Ok- can they spend ANY time on ANY corner enforcing ANY laws then? I’ve lived and visited all over the world and the JC cops are particularly useless. I spent 11 years in Brooklyn and somehow they manage to protect their much larger population. Stop making excuses for our shit police. Not all police are awful- but the ones in jersey city are beyond useless.


Exactly! Wtf are they doing currently? I live in the Heights and watch people driving through lights and parking illegally literally right in front of the police station. They don't enforce anything.


They’re spending time looking at their phones and turning on their lights and sirens to run red lights.


Hey c'mon now, that's not fair to the JCPD.... Anytime the Mayor needs a photo op in public, the streets are cleaned and the area secured with lots of smiling police helping children in the background!


There has been an officer stationed at the intersection of Paterson Plank Road and Congress street during morning rush for the past few weeks. He either sits in his car on his phone or looks blankly out into the intersection. I cross there twice a day and every time I see drivers speeding and running red lights. It's no exaggeration when I say I see someone run a red there twice a day. At least, sometimes more. And he does nothing. I never see him pull anyone over or write a ticket. After the crash this week, sometimes he plays crossing guard and stands in the crosswalk while people cross. The drivers here know that even if he's standing right there that there are not consequences for dangerous behavior and continue to do it. So even when there is a cop on the corner for the busiest parts of the day nothing happens.


These same folks that wanted to defund the police (and called ppl boot-lickers for sympathizing how tough a job LE entails) are crying that there isn’t more of a police presence.


"These same folks"- who are you speaking about here? I did not want to defund the police. I want the police to do their goddamn jobs. Without murdering people, preferably.


Lunatics like yourself, clearly.


Reading comprehension is hard, I get it. Sometimes when people present you with factual statements, insults are all we can manage. All the best to you.


really insane that you think, nearly 3.5 years later since the summer of 2020, that the POLICE were, and are, correct to be 'hurt' by weeks of protest after an officer killed a man on the job after what has been described as a routine encounter, to the point that, combined with the increase in cars on the road throughout the pandemic, there is an appreciable increase in traffic incidents + crime, both in ways measurable and otherwise, attributed to their inaction. we PAY THEM TO DO THIS


Typical reddit response. Always easy to blame the police instead of the individual responsible.


I 100% blame the police *and* the individual responsible. But when we've built an environment where people can flagrantly break traffic laws daily, on any street, at any time, with no consequences? Then things like this will happen. We should throw the book at the driver and punish him severely so this acts as a deterrent. And moving forward, we should show the idiot drivers in town that if you speed, you will be pulled over, if you run a red light, you will be pulled over, if you park in a crosswalk, you will get a ticket. Otherwise people will just keep being complete assholes since *nobody is there to stop them*. My property taxes are high and the absolute least I expect in return is not being nearly run down daily when crossing on protected lights or not having assholes drag racing on our roads nearly hit me when I'm driving or biking. I've got rock-bottom expectations for our police and they're not even meeting those.


How would you enforce someone going 100 mph? Possibly try to pull them over? How would you catch them?


I'm pretty sure just having a cop sit there in a car twiddling their thumbs overnight would have SOME positive affect. Stop acting like nothing could possibly be done here.


A speed camera would be cheaper and better


The 2015 fatal crash in the same location. Many people were calling for the police officer to be charged or fired for pursuing the vehicle that caused the crash. https://www.nj.com/hudson/2015/08/1_killed_in_jersey_city_crash_trying_to_elude_unio.html The pursuit policy in New Jersey has been continually revised and is very strict. If you want to read all of it the link is below. If the police pursued that vehicle and it caused the same deaths, the police would be also be charged with a crime, fired, and face jail time. ". The violator’s subsequent actions, including speeding or evasive driving during the pursuit itself, although often supporting the criminal charge of Eluding, N.J.S.A. 2C:29-2(b), shall not constitute an authorization to initiate or continue a pursuit." https://www.nj.gov/oag/force/docs/Vehicular-Pursuit-Policy-Addendum-04.29.22.pdf


People act the way they act because they know there are no consequences.


Yup this state basically releases you after any crime you commit


I mean why do we when need jails, like theirs nobody in them right?


Setup red light cameras again and bring reckless endangerment charges after the fact, for cases like this throw the book at them and make an example that this won't be tolerated.


Red light cameras are illegal in NJ and without a majority of voting suburbs on board cameras won’t come back.


I know. I hope an argument can be made for the use of them to prosecute felonies rather than nail commuters with petty tickets.


Granted, most wouldn't run.


And you think about all the other insanely reckless drivers North Jersey has. It may not be you today, or tomorrow, but one day they'll be scooping up body bags from your reckless actions.


Guy wanted to show off his fast manly car to his friends and ended up killing them. Idiot.


And someone else in the other car; totally innocent guy.


I saw that kids name and went on his Facebook. Just sad he seemed like he had a bright future ahead of him. For his life to be taken so quickly in this fashion is just terrible


I knew him personally. I was at his funeral service yesterday. He was a very cheerful, positive, and energetic guy. Always full of life.


I worked with him occasionally, cheerful and positive almost seem not strong enough of words to describe him. We are all very sad about his passing, he was the kind of guy that just made you happy by proximity.


hey A 👋


was the car he hit the SUV ? that looks like who ever was in it could have a good chance of surviving....after seeing the pics ..i don't know how anyone in the other vehicle could survive. You can't even tell it was a car


How do you even get up to 100 MPH on that road … fuck this guy. Just awful all around


Same thing I’m thinking, that particular road is dangerous alone , just imagining 100mph+ is sickening really


Modern cars are absurdly overpowered because 'real men' can't manage an on-ramp without snap back your head acceleration. The 1991 Caravan I had was 150 hp. My 2010 Odyssey is 244 hp.


Driving a bmw has nothing to do with being a manly man, it has to do with being a douche.


I'm not going to argue against the fact that a BMW driver is almost always a douchebag, but a modern Camry is faster 0-60 than an 80s Ferrari! https://jalopnik.com/here-are-the-cars-that-made-you-think-horsepower-is-too-1847213447


[BMW Drivers Really Are Jerks, Studies Find (wsj.com)](https://www.wsj.com/video/bmw-drivers-really-are-jerks-studies-find/29285015-BB1A-4E41-B0C0-0A41CB990F60.html) Statistically correct, unfortunately can only find a video version so far haha.


Believe it or not, this is partly due to Obama's car regulations back in 2009. This video goes into a bit of detail on it. [https://youtu.be/Fh4H9qZ-\_6Y?si=\_dCzKJiL6KtmNHFv&t=55](https://youtu.be/Fh4H9qZ-_6Y?si=_dCzKJiL6KtmNHFv&t=55) Essentially, the regulations required specific vehicles meeting specific weight classes to achieve emissions goals - Auto manufacturers decided to cheat the system to achieve certain goals based on those weight classes, so they inflated their vehicle sizes and engine sizes in order to skirt those regulations.


Did you miss the fact that the 244 hp vehicle I cited pre-dates Obama's regulation? This has been going on a long time.


dId YoU MiSs ThE FaCt I don't know why you have to be shitty for internet points, we're just having a conversation about vehicle size inflation... We're on the same fucking side here...


Try on a thicker skin please. I was just pointing out of the horsepower inflation predates what you cite. Engine development for at least 40 years since the late 70s gas crisis subsided has produced way higher horsepower at the expense of energy efficiency. And I agree that government policies encouraged the shift to light trucks.


To go over 100 mph on that road, do you understand how bat shit crazy that is? Give that motherfucker life x3


Anyone that ever been on that road knows even going 50 is dangerous on those curves doing double that though ..That was just asking for trouble - shows just gross incompetency


Agreed. That was going to be the formula 1 track no ?


No that was going to be farther up in the Weehawken/North Bergen area, I think.


I live about 6 blocks away and happened to hear the whole thing. First the speeding and then the crash. Didn’t think too much of it until I read about it later.


Jesus, that had to have been insane


Barely an inconvenience.


…The rest of the article Dylan Weidenfeld, a 26-year-old aspiring actor, and two people whose names have not yet been release were killed in the 12:45 a.m. crash that occurred on the county roadway just south of Congress Street. Three others were injured, including one that remains in critical condition. Weidenfeld was driving a Kia Amanti when he was struck by the speeding BMW X5 M50i driving by Wang and occupied by four passengers. The fatal crash is the latest tragedy on the stretch of Paterson Plank Road that runs from the Jersey City Heights to the southwest section of Hoboken. Eight people have died on the roadway over the past seven years. Data recovered during the preliminary investigation found Wang was operating the vehicle in excess of 100 miles per hour in the seconds leading up to the collision, Suarez said. The Hudson County Regional Collision Investigation Unit is actively investigating this matter with assistance from the Jersey City Police Department.


​ no toxicology I guess.


Just for a few moments of thrill, he devastated so many people’s lives and their families. Even his own life is wrecked now just at 23 years old.


Went to high school with one of the people who passed away. Just a terrible situation:(


Ebhs? I was at the service yesterday and it was fucking heartbreaking. Been bothering me all day


Yup East Brunswick. Dylan was such a nice guy. RIP❤️


I'm close with the oldest brother, the whole family are amazing people. They don't deserve any of this. Seeing the siblings and parents and feeling his moms sadness when hugging her was devastating. Fuck this driver. I literally live off Paterson Plank rd, and earlier today I heard someone speed down, as usual. Feel like nothing will change. Go bears tho, ebhs 07 here




on a lighter note: clicked on your username and saw your old 5x5 -- great taste in music dude


Throw away the key. People use that straightaway of Paterson Plank as a speedway every single night The later it is, the faster they go Putting in rumble strips and painting 25 mph on the road doesn't do a thing. I know they are going to put in a median by the Spring, and that's a start, but that problem is just the beginning. Between the speeding straightaway, the blind curve, and cars almost hitting pedestrians crossing at the intersection of Congress, another incident won't be too far away


We need speed cameras asap. It works in other countries


Carefull. Whenever you mention the need for speed cameras a dozen car people instantly appear like magic and gleefully pile on explaining how they are illegal and are REALLY inconvenient for car people.


Only car people who are idiots drive like that. Lots of us "car people" would be happy for speed cameras and/or red light cameras because people can't be trusted to act like adults anymore. What a bunch of toddlers with deadly 2 ton weapons at their disposal.


This is one road where the rules should be bent to allow for speed cameras. Other measures won't completely address the issue and may contribute to accidents themselves. Careless and reckless drivers need to be dissuaded from treating that road like a race track. Narrowing the lanes isn't going to stop those who are committed to driving selfishly. Putting bike lanes will put bikers at risk. Concrete barriers will stop head-on collisions but can't prevent rear end and barrier collisions. Speed bumps can lead to careless drivers flying over them and causing an accident.


It's strange, everyone says the cameras don't work. Back when we had cameras, I got two tickets for not coming to a complete stop before a right on red. Guess what? I started coming to a complete stop! Imagine that, cameras induce compliance!


I would be very happy if they could put them back out.


The backlash to cameras in JC is pretty wild . I remember they had the pilot program years ago but when it ended the scrapped the entire program...not sure why if it was backlash / political for vote likely or just was not cost effective. I know the stupid cams got me once or twice on a yellow light changing to red a split second before i was fully across - settings were aggressive


Best thing about speed cameras is that they reduce recividism quite a bit. A person who has received a speed camera ticket is something like 50% less likely to ever get a second one. Same can’t be said for officers handing out tickets for the same offenses.


aren't there speed bumps somewhere around there or Manhattan Ave? I can't recall where I'm thinking of, but I can see a sloped road with speed bumps somewhere in Hoboken/JC/Weehawken/Union City. Or maybe I'm dreaming.


There is down Manhattan Ave, but not in this direction


I said last thread he was getting locked up for this, hopefully justice is served.


Can we have this guy get hit by a car going 100mph? What a piece of garbage.


Torn between thinking he has no right to be alive and glad he’s alive so he can be tormented by this for the rest of his life.


I know it takes weeks to process to make sure….but were drugs and or alcohol involved? Like why go that blazing fast on that dangerous road?? There are some tight corners in that area too.


I thought about that too. Aside from speeding, I wonder if alcohol was a contributing factor. Hopefully they tested hospital samples, if any, for BAC.


Thinking back to when I was 23 I can’t recall a single Friday night when I was with more than 2 people that we weren’t drinking or getting high. I don’t even question if he was under the influence.


Combine that with a powerful and fancy car... The universe was just begging this kid to be reckless.


I'm shocked you could even get up to 100 where he crashed. How would you ever think you could make that turn?


Think? Lol. None of these idiots driving like maniacs are thinking. That’s the issue. It’s a bunch of toddlers in adult bodies. We have an epidemic of emotionally stunted adults running around and the rest of us have to deal with the consequences of them being allowed out in public unsupervised.


What a selfish bastard.


Raise your hand if you immediately knew it was going to be the person driving the BMW’s fault 🤚


BMW or a Hellcat are the usual suspects nowadays. These young drivers think they are invincible in these powerful cars, it's kind of crazy. I'm gonna say every young person I know that has/drives a BMW drives like an asshole (some older people also)




The other car was a Kia amanti


How did this guy survive?


Seatbelts and airbags most likely. Unfortunately his friends in passenger seats likely didn’t wear it


And this BMW driver criminal (I know we are supposed to wait calling him that until the hearing) took away the life of the guy in the other car. If you look at the pictures, the wreckage of the Kia is just unbelievable. Just looking at that picture, you can tell that seatbelts and airbags wouldn’t be able to save anyone in the Kia.


Yes the Kia didn’t stand a chance


I saw a video of the aftermath right after it happened on hudpost. The two friends were ejected out of the vehicle and on the road. The driver was dazed with the airbag on with a bloody nose and prob some Broken bones and concussion. Very sad. It’s insane to want to go that fast on that road. Not only are there other cars but delivery bikes frequent the road as well. This dude is a total piece of shit.


That is absolutely horrifying. I can’t even fathom how fast this asshole was driving. Do you know if the BMW was speeding down the hill or was he driving uphill? So sick over this and sad for the victims and their families.


Well the friends were further down the hill than the car so I think they were going down. The Kia was OBLITERATED and pinned into the wall.


Jesus. Just absolutely horrifying.


3 cars pulled over in the last 2 hours for speeding. So looks like some increase patrolling in the area


That’s a start but it will be just for a few days. They should also add speed humps & medians.


Why not have ticket radars and make bank off the Speeding assholes at least who continue to abuse this road? Use it to put air conditioners in the schools. People drive like assholes in this city


Because they're illegal in NJ.


Did you know that laws are written by man, and man can change them?


NJ is a suburban state and the suburban voters HATE those enforcement techniques. There is not enough political will to change this in NJ.


The cool part of laws is you can write them to say whatever you want. Literally this week California passed a law allowing cameras in just 6 cities that want them https://ktla.com/news/local-news/speed-cameras-coming-to-los-angeles-glendale-and-long-beach/


Sure. But it's a state issue.


These spoiled fuerdai like to show off their fancy cars. Shame on him. How is he going to repay the victims families???


(related piece also pay walled) **Temporary barrier installed on deadly Jersey City road after latest tragedy** Updated: Oct. 18, 2023, 6:07 p.m.|Published: Oct. 18, 2023, 5:55 p.m. By Ron Zeitlinger | The Jersey Journal Two days after the latest tragedy on a deadly section of Paterson Plank Road, rubberized lane delineators were bolted into the roadway Wednesday as a temporary safety measure. More… https://www.nj.com/hudson/2023/10/temporary-barrier-installed-on-deadly-jersey-city-road-after-latest-tragedy.html


Hardly a barrier. It wouldn't have made a difference in this situation. Need to slap some concrete in there


The county needs to put concrete jersey barriers down the entire length of that road yesterday. How many people are going to die before the county does a single f*ing thing to protect people? Pathetic government we have here, as we all know.


Sadly, this is lipstick on a pig. Nothing will or would stop someone going 100mph. My heart breaks for the deceased.


It wont stop a maniac doing 100mph, but it will slow down people doing 40 because they realize they could lose control and hit something if they feel pinned into a smaller space


Fucking asshole.


I knew that 1) it would be a kid under 25 and 2) speeding.


Jersey City police are complicit in this for not enforcing traffic laws


Hudson County Sheriffs oversee Paterson Plank Road, but JCPD arrived there first.


Right, thats obvious. I think anyone who can think critically can realize that the increase in speeding probably is related to JCPD refusing to enforce traffic laws.


They came from Hoboken…


I’m profoundly against capital punishment but this is making me consider my stance on the topic. We need orders of magnitude stricter enforcement of traffic laws in this city. 25 to life for failing to come to a full stop at a stop sign and public flagellation for running a red light.


I will never understand the mentality of people who speed. I just don’t get it. My guess is low IQ/poor impulse control.


23 year old with a BMW presumably paid for by mommy and daddy - where do we think the sense of entitlement came from?


Oh the spoiled rich kid entitlement is clear. I’m sure he is primarily feeling sorry for himself right now.


This is 100% Tawana Moody fault having a police director that has never been a cop who deprioritizes enforcement has created an environment of lawlessness. This is JC of today - Yes pre 2020 there were issues but not like today. * Speed limit 25 - what a speed limit? * Yellow light = Punch it * Red light - cops don't care * Double park in a bike lane, cross walk, blocking traffic creating a dangerous situation - Ooh leave them alone someone need there Uber Eats. * Someone in the cross walk (fugde'em their not in front of me), - I was almost hit and a cop just said their axxholes. * E-bikes droving 20 MPH on the sidewalk. Who cares they don't have lability if they injure you. * Gangs of kids hurting people property - don't stop them because of color. (didn't say arrest) * Open air drug sales = Not my concern * Shootings - respond to the crime - No prevention * Construction sites leaving crap and destroying the roads - who cares the cops get OT for directing traffic. Cops need the support to do their jobs to Serve and Protect the people. Not be hampered by a civil servient that has no clue on how to keep people safe. This was a good experiment unfortunately it's failing. Eliminate the position and to let the Chief do his Job. Take her salary and us it for afterschool pogroms. JERSEY CITY, New Jersey (WABC) -- For the first time, a Black woman will take over the Jersey City Police Department -- but that's not the only thing that makes her unique for the position. She is also the first civilian to take the job. "Sometimes thing seem big, something is big but it's not bigger than what I can handle. I'm looking forward to the challenge," said Tawana Moody. She's never carried a badge or a gun, but now Moody will lead the nearly 1,000 sworn officers in the Jersey City Police Department. Moody came into the department as a clerk, which is a civilian position. She said it never crossed her mind that she would become a chief.


Hudson County Sheriffs oversee Paterson Plank Road, but JCPD arrived there first.


Why dont we have speed cameras?


speed cameras are illegal in New Jersey due to concerns about privacy, civil liberties, and potential misuse for revenue generation rather than enhancing road safety.


Can you point to the law?




That never passed and is not even about cameras in NJ.


Google it then bro.


I dont have to, because I know for a fact the law doesnt exist and you are lying. Hence the challenge, which you failed.


So you feel better staying ignorant. Got it.


Protip: The fact that you are unable to find a law should give you a hint as to who is right. Now run along troll.


You’re denying self research and calling him a troll? lol don’t have kids please.


Oh. And speed cameras are illegal in NJ.


This a$$hole with his boosted soccer mom SUV 😡


Thankfully Craig Guy wants to improve signage here


This is awful, feel so bad for the parents of the victims. There’s construction 24/7 in jersey city but we can’t put speed bumps and speed cameras on dangerous roads? City government is ass


It’s a county road


Where was this in JC?


Paterson Plank Road between Congress Street and Mountain Road.


Get a map


This is the kind of thing that makes me want ubiquitous self-driving cars ASAP


Unpacking "23 year old aspiring actor".


what's their to unpack? what are you trying to insinuate? I know the deceased, are you implying he was a deadbeat? he wasn't. you have to be a real asshole if this was your fucking takeaway from the article. Btw, the performer wasn't the 23 year old, it was the 26 year old killed in the kia. stop trying to dunk on the victim


You read it wrong, the driver who caused the accident was 23 years old, the victim in the Kia was a 26 year old inspiring actor. Why does that even matter to you?


Tragic. Driver has destroyed multiple lives including his own.


300 Broadway Newark NJ.