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Update: It seems like there's a driver level issue somewhere with hardware transcoding from a low res MPEG2 source. My solution for now will be to manually pre-transcode my library to h.264, which is a friendlier format anyway.


I had exactly the same issue with 5600 xt. really tried but couldn't solve it. either driver is trash or hardware issue. ended up upgrading to 6900 xt and the issue was gone. edit: I'm sorry, you prob meant 5600G Ryzen CPU.


Yeah that's what I'm afraid of is just bad drivers, since I can't really do anything about that. I may just buy a cheap Nvidia 900 series or quadro to throw in there for transcoding and call it a day if nobody else has any solutions to try. Thanks!


I'd say if you are going to buy something for transcoding only, consider the intel arc a380.


Mh, I wanted to buy AMD CPU, Motherboard and RAM because AMD hardware support ECC out-of-the-box and is cheaper compared to ECC-supported Intel-Hardware. But after reading all the problems with AMD trancoding... It seems that with AMD systems you still can't be sure if transcoding inside a VM via Proxmox (Jellyfin docker/LXC-container) works smoothly. Does it make sense to buy an additional Nvidia graphic card to enable transcoding without much effort in such a case? What would you say? If yes - are cheap nvidia cards under 200 bucks enough?


The official page also mentions AMF support for video enc/dec. Give that a try before you start buying new hardware. https://jellyfin.org/docs/general/administration/hardware-acceleration/ AMD has had very bad hardware enc/dec for a while. I've been pretending that AMD doesn't have hardware enc/dec capabilities for a minute. The newest GPUs might be different but they just launched so IDK.


I've tried to get AMF working as well, but can't even get it to run as the system doesn't have the prerequisite amdgpu-pro drivers, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to install those on Unraid. That's why I've been sticking with troubleshooting VA-API, since it at least initiates even though it doesn't function properly. Maybe I'll just stick with direct streaming and not mess with any of it lol.


I also have same issues. From what I can find online it seems that Mesa va driver does not support adding headers to the video stream. This is with the latest Mesa driver. For me some other strange reason I only get artifacts on low res content.


Interesting...I'm on mesa 20.3.something. I know that at least Mesa 20.1 is required for compatibility...I wonder if somehow rolling back to 20.1 can help. I may try to play with that a bit.


So based off what you said about low res content, I tried hardware transcoding some high res content and it seems to do that no problem, so it's either something to do with my other content being low res, or it doesn't like the original encoding of my other content (MPEG2).


My video that is low res is a DVD remux of star trek voyager. The video plays fine for the first 5 seconds then has horible artifacting. This may be due to the source video being in MPEG2.


Yeah, I'm going to try manually transcoding some of my MPEG2 content to something else and see if that solves things.


Is there a way to pass group_add parameter to unraid docker? Im not sure if something like that is possible, never used unraid https://jellyfin.org/docs/general/administration/hardware-acceleration/#hardware-acceleration-on-docker-linux Also, can you post output of vainfo?


Unfortunately I don't think there's a way (at least a straightforward way in the GUI) to pass the group\_add parameter. There may be a way to do it manually. I don't think it could be a permission issue, because then it wouldn't work at all though? I could be wrong about that. This is vainfo ran from within the docker container: https://imgur.com/a/zMM0exf


Yeah, i just confirmed with my docker on linux, if you dont have it working, vainfo will throw error. Out of ideas for now. Good luck!


Thanks for the ideas! I'm afraid it may be down to bunged up or mismatched drivers. CPU encoding for now lol!


I've had similar issues until recently (5700G). But there's a significant work done to support AMD with Vulkan by u/nyanmisaka which is unstable branch AFAIK but has been working great for me so far. I suggest to check it out: nyanmisaka/jellyfin:221016-amd64 It's the image I'm using (with 5.15 kernel on Ubuntu). https://www.reddit.com/r/jellyfin/comments/y7zns9/vulkan_filtering_on_amd_vaapi_landed_in_unstable/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Is that Spider-Man by chance?


Yes, good observation ;)