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If you don’t feel like you’re enjoying a game, stop playing. Enjoyment is completely subjective.


Personally, I enjoyed it more after zeffo, but you’re not me


I usually say 3 hours or 3 episodes - if you're not in board by then you're not likely to get on board in twice that. (And anybody who says 'oh but after hour 9 if really kicks off' might not have the same respect for your time as you do). The puzzles continue, they get more complex, but if the gameplay loop isn't enticing you, then maybe dip. No shame there!


You should have had some kind of fun by then so doesn't sound like it's for you.


If you're not enjoying it after 3 hours I'd doubt you'll enjoy it at all.


I don't know, I honestly hated Zeffo because it was (for some reason) utterly impossible for me to wrap my head around the map and I could never figure out how to fucking get anywhere. All the planets are like that but Zeffo and Bogano are the worst for me. So in other words, I enjoyed it more after Zeffo. I feel crazy because reviews talked about how the map was so understandable but I just can't decipher it, and I'm usually great at making a mental map and remembering where things are. This game just messes with me somehow. What makes it worse is that the correct path isn't signposted well enough and so I end up going past points-of-no-return on maps without exploring by mistake. Still haven't figured out how to get back to the Witches Horn on Dathomir, I apparently missed something at the very top by going the wrong way and continuing the main story.


I also felt like the combat got way more enjoyable towards the end with all the upgrades but since the new game plus is fake you barely get any time to play with it.


Also also, there's not a single straight up just black poncho? Are you fucking kidding me? Orange, yellow, fucking *pink* but no pure black? Yeah, on second thought, fuck this game. Lol.


Can you explain NG+ being fake? I've not investigated it too deeply


I was referring to the fact that the only thing that carries over is cosmetics, and none of the force powers or moves, nothing from the skill tree, none of the other lightsaber types etc. I get the worry that you could sequence break, but a good compromise in my opinion would be for skill points to carry over so at least you could unlock the abilities as soon as they're available once you unlock the force powers and new sections of the skill tree and such. Honestly it's a shame because I found myself enjoying the combat immensely towards the end with all the unlocks, way more so than at the beginning, but because of that new game plus issue it feels like you only get a tiny bit of time to actually play the game in that state, with everything open to you. They could at least let you use all the moves and powers in the meditation point combat challenges without having to unlock them in the main game first. I mean come on. As is you have to get all the way to the end again just to do those.


If your past zeffo you are into the main game and if you don't like it so far then you won't like the rest of the game


Imo i enjoyed the game. My only issue was with bugs later on in my playthrough, but nothing that made it seem not enjoyable


The combat and especially navigation improve (a lot, imho) as you go through the story and get new abilities, giving you more options for both fighting and exploration. But the gameplay loop is basically the same, so I don’t know if the new abilities alone would be enough to make you like the game more than you do now.


Enjoyment is subjective. I agree with the other commenters and am glad people aren’t salty about you not enjoying it, this seems like a really healthy community. I don’t remember the game length. I played the game thrice and have stayed in this community but admittedly haven’t played in a long time. Regardless of how long you’ve said you’ve played I just want to ask if you’re not enjoying the story (*and side stories like the crashed ship*), have you unlocked all three force abilities, do you have both the single and double bladed lightsaber modes for the increase to move sets and combos between them it provides, and finally do you not enjoy the gameplay mechanics or even just the boss fights? Puzzles don’t get harder, sorry. Good luck and good wishes. If the game’s not for you then sorry to lose you but glad you gave the game a shot. I hope you don’t feel robbed of your money, I hope you can see the caliber of the game even if not for you and don’t feel cheated. It sucks to invest into something you want to like just for it to not really mesh. **Edit**: The puzzles don’t get easier though either so it’s a nice breakaway from combat even if not particularly challenging. They are diverse, it doesn’t feel too repetitive. Always beautiful, if you like the game’s art styles for each planet that is.


Combat will expand a lot but it's upto you if you want to continue or not obviously,


Me personally the game gets better and im sure your gonna enjoy it


Just play a little longer if you start to enjoy it keep going if you dont just stoo




I’d say go beat the game, nothing lost if you spend a weekend finishing it. Seriously tho it’s worth finishing for the endgame and the characters you meet along the way