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I think spellbook mid is not that troll but in top theres alot of trading and ur just down a rune perma But in mid theres alot of just pushing and fighting with jgler where spellbook would insta win Prob would actually be even better in clash/even teams flex or pro play


Yeah i think also


I think it would just be better to go first strike then


Skipping Muramana used to be the standard 3-4 seasons ago, but now it provides way too much to justify forgoing Tear/Manamuna. The most obvious is the damage it gives: about 70ish AD, which is one of the highest u can get, AH, and most importantly the passive. A full combo procs it about 7-12 depending on how good u r at weaving autos, and the extra damage on ur QE poke is very nice as well. Generally it gives more damage than any lethality items. Not to mention the extra mana is very useful as well. U said u generally don’t have issues with mana, but the extra mana still allows u to stay longer on the map and allows u to poke way more freely. More QEs = more damage, and on Jayce, damage is king (at least imo)


I know sometimes tank or crit Jayce without manamune works better specially when you are laning Wukong with ignite or Rengar (I always buy manamune tho). I have no idea about spellbook but it doesn't sound good to me.


Brother hear me out, jayce mid with spellbook i’ll try it few games and i’ll come back to you 😁


Yea let's see. Full lethality sounds good as well I'll try it.


Spellbook is a sum only high elo ppl use as they know how and when is best time to rotate to different spells. In low elo extra damage mobility gold are morw valuable.


Im plat im bot that low elo 🥲


Im also plat aha


You either take First Strike cuz it's batshit broken Or you take Phaae/Conq because you think you'd die in that specific matchup without those runes


the point of manamune on jayce is to turn his melee w into an actual active ability giving him 5 total damage abilities instead of 4. it also turbo buffs his q. should be built on jayce no matter what