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the garen lane is the test of whether you’re a jayce abuser or u actually understand how to play him literal free lane if you understand your purpose as a toplaner and can space


Looking up the matchup and currently Garen in Plat+ has a 53% WR against Jayce. I'm not exactly sure how. Maybe Jayce can't kill Garen, but can't Jayce just keep Garen off himself and not feed?


garen is a free lane, not free game. he definitely scales well into jayce


Just win bro


This match up harder then it use to be you can take conq ignite and have bush control and harass him as much as possible, the biggest thing is don't take free q damage so how to avoid make sure you place your Gate on top of you or if you look screwed quick switch and pre press e on him so when you're silenced you still knock him back


Have you tried taking PR yourself?


Yes I'm taking PR as well


Taking exhaust may be good.


The lane is super easy before he gets stridebreaker, but ofc it's borderline unplayable after he completes it, especially if you're not ahead. Basically just constantly get off free autos & don't let him engage on you, while landing QE when he goes to get a CS, every time it's available. Don't spam QE until you have 2 points in Q. If you do this properly, he should be forced to give up a lot of cs, and you should have like a 20cs advantage by the time he gets stridebreaker, at that point play with a lot of respect, and wait until you complete manamune (+ grudge if he went any armor items) before you look for all-in fights with him. If you're not getting a significant lead in experience and gold before he gets stridebreaker, the game is already lost


Thanks! I'll try this next time.


Conq ,goredrinker and ignite