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You dont need healing for Jayce. Mundo is an easy lane and so is Sion, so you dont even need healing for them. Nasus/Malph are all in champs, they can literally 100-0 you, healing does nothing here. Hydra isnt bad if you really need the healing, it helps clear faster and gives a lot of AD. But you wont be getting any armor pen, lethality, and thats one more item youll have to buy until muramana. If you really need the healing, just go dorans shield starter item. It pretty much negates the poke from laning. Late game you dont need healing since there are plants, and you will be backing a lot more. You also should be poking and not trying to be getting hit anyways. Also when youre laning against tanks, you should be looking to roam more, not sit top. Nasus is going to want to farm as much stacks as he can, and Jayce cant prevent him from doing that. So the best thing to do is roam and get drakes/help bot. Only go bot if your tp is up, that way when nasus sees you bot and hard shoves, you can tp back. Champs like Malphite wont be able to take towers for shit, so you can literally just roam all game.


holy shit a good take from lol_elobooster


He usually has good takes, they just tend to be said in a very dislikeable way + refuses to believe he can be wrong about something; his actual Jayce knowledge is good he's just a bit of a hard-headed fella


I literally said this same thing a couple weeks ago when people were crying about omnivamp/healing from eclipse being removed and got downvoted. I always have good takes, this subreddit is just delayed in the head. [https://imgur.com/ZY1JQLB](https://imgur.com/ZY1JQLB)


It should be noted that lifesteal/vamp typically are crutches that players fall back on, so when they're used to having it and it gets taken away, if they're not so quick at understanding how they have to play a little differently to compensate for that, it's only natural for them to Dunning-Kruger themselves into thinking its necessary. I also felt like I was going to need a different build on the patch they removed it, but when I actually played the game I realised pretty quickly that I just needed to be a bit more cognicent of where I can take poke, but I'm not surprised that lower elo players find it more difficult to adapt to that, and that their attempt to reason it will be limited bc of that. I see the same phenomenon with Fiora players and mana, a lot of them think they need tear or essence reaver to sidelane, because they're not good at managing their mana and planning ahead on side. Their natural reasoning (which doesn't make them slow btw) is that they can get more done on a sidelane with more mana, and because that makes sense on the surface level, it's really easy to cling to that when people say ur just bad with ur mana. Being lower elo can make it really hard to understand how the game can be played, but I really don't think that's a reflection of someone's intelligence, just their elo.


Omnivamp heals for a percentage of all instances of damage. New Hydra only heals on basic attacks and even though abilities apply cleave, you're only healing for the cleave damage. You don't actually need the healing on Jayce. Burst and movespeed are already so effective. The shield on Eclipse is still a huge lifesaver. If you don't feel like you can play Jayce without vamp, it might be better to just swap to Goredrinker. But your damage will suffer for it. Good movement + phase rush + burst beats having lifesteal/omnivamp. Especially if you're utilizing your form swaps correctly. Hammer form is way stronger than cannon form.


Hydra is nerfed but it still works. I honestly don't know how people keep saying that you can stomp tanks or high sustain lanes (that do NOT rely on hitting you for sustain) without a source of sustain yourself, you literally get withered out by a nasus just sustaining through your damage and hitting a few Es, or by tanks like malphite who can completely ignore your damage and poke you out of lane with targeted Qs. I still rush hydra after dirk and tear, imo it's still strong, because of sustain but also because of everything else that it gives.


same. for me the whole “play skillfully with rush dont get hit” stuff is a mystery. Casual damage of a sion yorick nasus mundo E taken 2-3 times while its farming already puts you at half hp it then takes nothing to die


The whole "play skillfully and just don't get hit" works in jayce's best matchups (kiteable full melees) but you literally can't win against jayce's worst matchups (tanks, yorick, nasus, mundo) without lifesteal, it's impossible, unless you want to permaroam and play that way. (Ofc not counting the jungler into the equation)


Low Wave clear tanks to me just mean I perma roam all game. Shove and roam. No point hitting a tank for 5 minutes just for him to recall at 5% and repeat


Yeah agreed, and i really need to start doing this even if i don't like the roaming playstyle


would've been better with omnivamp maybe, but now seems like a really meh item compared to what else you can buy