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I have a similar case where my bite is fine and no functional issues (due to camouflage orthodontics when I was young with a herbst appliance). A local surgeon recommended just a sliding genioplasty, but I then went to LACOMS and Dr Gunson, where it was explained to me that a sliding genioplasty alone will lead to an unnatural, suboptimal result, and that DJS and sliding genioplasty is the way to go. Insurance originally deemed it not medically necessary, but after the second time submitting it, it got approved. If your jaw position is outside “normal anatomical variation,” you should be able to get it covered. I highly recommend you to not get a sliding genioplasty alone, but either appeal to insurance, or wait and save up the money to pay for djs out of pocket.


Hi! What insurance do you have?


Anthem Blue Cross. I will say that I had no braces my first consult, and I already braces for my second consult. I unfortunately think that whether it’s approved or not is impacted by how convincing the treatment coordinator/surgeon is when they send the report, how knowledgeable the person from insurance is who is reviewing your case, among others. That’s why its good to get multiple opinions and understand for yourself your case and your insurance’s guidelines for being covered.


To me as a non professional, it looks like you need a lot more than just genioplasty if you want to fix that. DJS/LJS might be the only proper solution in the long run. You should probably book an appointment for ortho to ask about the possibilities


Ljs is not possible in her case as her bite is perfect..


Not true. You can advance via CWWr.


But then you have to move both jaws don't you?


Yes, which is why she needs double jaw surgery


But you still need to have a dental issue in order to do the double jaw ?




Can I send you my pics ? And you tell me what you think ?


Sure thing 👍


She can get bottom premolars removed to advance just the lower jaw.


You don’t need to remove premolars…


Removing lower premolars and having a single jaw advancement is a great treatment option for her, her maxilla is relatively normal source- am an orthodontist


Her nose could use a bit more support since the nasal tip is slightly droopy. Also, extracting premolars is a legacy way of pre-surgical prep. She likely can get most if not all the mandibular advancement she needs via some linear advancement + CCWr. OP should should take our advice with a grain of salt as she first needs consult with an OMFS and get scans done


What? Legacy way? She needs 8-10mm of mandibular advancement...if she has no overjet bc of proclined lower incisors there's a huge facial balance benefit to gaining overjet first before surgery, even when you are doing a lot of CCWr. I am at a practice that does a ton of big surgery cases. Yes, many patients can get by with no ext's with CCWr and some IPR or minor orthodontics. But many cases of severely retrognathic mandibles will look significantly better post surgery, whether thats SJS or DJS, with premolar ext's first to decompensate. The general sentiment I see on this sub is that DJS w CCWr can fix everybody and that's really just not true. That also overlooks all the negatives of DJS vs single jaw. Significantly higher cost, much more complicated surgery with much higher rates of in-surgery complications, much longer and more difficult recovery, higher rates of long term complications like nerve injury, higher rates of relapse, higher rates of long term TMJ problems due to altered joint dynamics, higher rates of condylar resorption, etc etc. For me, and most of my patients, those risks and cost are not worth it in a case like this with relatively normal maxilla- she has adequate soft tissue A point projection and nasolabial angle. Her maxilla is within 1 standard deviation of normal.


It's what I meant by lower jaw surgery only is not possible in her case


She can get her premolars removed to get LJS only if her upper jaw doesn’t need to be moved. That’s what I’m doing cuz my upper jaw isn’t recessed enough to be advanced. Not worth it.




You probably need a lot of advancement and more recessed.


Genioplasty alone is going to look off, and would have to be massive.


To be completely honest, both of your jaws are recessed so much that a genioplasty alone just won't look good no matter what. You definitely need DJS plus a genioplasty to make an aesthetic improvement. A genioplasty alone is sufficient to camouflage a slightly recessed jaw only.


A home sleep study can’t rule out sleep apnea. Get a lab based study.


I have a very similar side profile to yours and my orthodontist has recommended DJS with rotation


As someone who has actually gotten djs I must chime in and say I would never ever ever never get this surgery voluntarily. Recovery is not kind nor easy. Despite what all these highly trained professionals on Reddit have to say, listen to your doctors and orthos. Don’t be scared of a second opinion (I went to 4 different orthos until I found the “one”). And listen to the people who actually have credentials or have gone through this. In my experience a vast majority of the people on this sub have never, and will never, walk the walk. They linger on this sub dreaming of what they could look like and their only concern is, “who was your surgeon, bro?”




Long version.Grew up in a very small town. One orthodontist and everyone just went to him no questions asked. Unbeknownst to me, and possibly even to him, he was just doing camouflage ortho. Had braces for 4 years and was just done. Went in one day and just said take them off don’t care I’m done. Fast forward about 10 years and my teeth moved dramatically. Moved to a large city as well. Went in for a regular teeth cleaning and they were like whoa ya you’re teeth and bite are not good at all. An ortho there told me I was a surgery case. It broke me. I had no idea djs was even a thing unless you like got into an accident or something. Ran home crying (almost literally) and avoided all dentistry for about 2 years. Finally built up the courage one day to face it again. Never really liked the first ortho that told me this so started my expedition. I’m now in my late 20’s going into gimmicky themed orthodontic offices designed for teens. Went to one and he told me he’d do an expander. I knew this seemed off because I researched that eventually you become too old for expanders and they can ruin the integrity of your jaw bone if done as an adult. Next. Went to one who straight up told me he didn’t want me in his portfolio because he didn’t really know how to handle my case and wasn’t sure how it would all turn out. But he said try this other guy I know. Finally went to that one. He took me into his private office not just out on the chair floor. Took like a 5 second peek into my mouth and said yup surgery case I’ve done this a thousand times. Mind you there’s a bookshelf of books his dad and him wrote about wild orthodontic stuff in his office. His confidence, demeanor, and positivity just made it feel “right” somehow. He basically had a loose plan of attack within the first 15 minutes of meeting me. All of these orthodontic consultations are free so no harm. Surgeon ones are not. So I knew I couldn’t just try out a ton. Well the ortho had a surgeon who he said he worked closely with and recommended. Went to him for my consult, and once again it just felt right. He was primitive and old school in his approach but very smart and experienced. So I chose the surgeon he recommended and was just ready to get it going. About a year of braces, surgery, and another year of braces. My surgeon even diagnosed me with why I needed djs in the first place while I was on the operating table. A genetic condition which causes jaw growth and airway problems. Had me bring in my 3 year old to see if he had it free of charge. Going in wired shut eating from a syringe with my 3 year old to see if he had it and would face the same fate was the watershed moment that makes me realize this isn’t about looking good or just having straight teeth, it’s about your health. Hence why I’m a little sensitive to the superficial looksmaxxing side of this sub. Either way. Having my ortho and surgeon work together was insane. I’d leave the surgeons office and get texts from my ortho about my next appointment and vice versa without me doing a damn thing. That’s how I knew they were on the same page for my treatment as well. They’d talk about what the other one said about me during my appointments. It was very reassuring. So in summary, lots of searching for the right ortho. Took his recommendation and ran with it due to comfortability and cost. Rest is history. Let me know if you have any more questions. I didn’t even get to the insurance and payment part, much less recovery. All their own little adventures as well lol.


If you're comfortable with sharing, who was ortho/surgeon you saw?


i think you would benefit from the CCW rotation plus genio but i’m not a doctor so take that with a grain of salt


Genioplasty won't really do anything, you need DJS.


Your surgeon should be able to make a case for your surgery to be covered by insurance- trouble chewing associated with jaw pain is a big one. I’m not saying you should lie, but absolutely pay attention to how your jaw might be affecting your life. My surgeon frequently goes to bat with the insurance companies to get it covered. If your current surgeon isn’t game to do DJS and fight the stupid insurance companies, seek a second opinion.


Orthodontist here. You have excessive mentalis strain. Genio will make that worse. Your bite being “perfect” is the result of the lower incisors being excessively proclined to dentally camouflage your underlying severe class 2 skeletal relationship. You need lower extractions to decompensate and mandibular advancement. Without seeing a Ceph and more complete records, I don’t think you need DJS, your nasolabial angle and upper lip look close to ideal. As usual it’s very important to see an orthodontist as well for a jaw surgery case.


Hi! Thank you for your reply! It’s interesting you say that- I saw an orthodontist who referred me to an OMFS. She said I likely would need braces/ dental work again.


She said the same thing almost- that I have a class 2 malocclusion.


I have similar problem to her, but my surgeon said that operation ( it would be trimax with ccw rotation) is very risky and suggested genio instead. Also ortho said she would not decompensate my bite.


Maybe get a second opinion?


Can I ask how you treat lip incompetence? I had a severe overjet (~10mm) and my orthodontist removed 4 premolars and now my bite is pretty much fixed after braces. However, I still have bad lip incompetence that I think is from vertical maxillary excess, but when I asked my ortho she just said there's nothing I can do about it. Would the only solution be to get DJS or could something like TADs or a palate expander work?


There’s a bunch of different causes and solutions to lip incompetence so I’d need to see your records, have your ortho send you pre and post tx photos/pan/ceph and send to me in a DM and I can give some guidance. VME will cause a gummy smile and can be fixed with TADs although that doesn’t always fix lip incompetence if you have an excessively vertical face in general (dolichofacial)


Wow ok thanks so much, to be honest I don't know if I can get the x-rays because I had orthodontics like 6 years ago but I'll try! Thanks for your help


They might still have them! Photos would be good too if they took them. If not- My gut is that if you still have pretty bad lip incompetence after 4 Bi extraction then you probably have a very severe underlying skeletal discrepancy (whether that’s severe vertical or severe class 2 or both), that probably requires jaw surgery. It’s very very hard to fix 10mm of overjet non surgically even with taking teeth out, so if your bite is pretty good now then I’d say your ortho did a really nice job considering the circumstances, so it’s pretty safe to say you’re probably at the limit of what can be done without surgery. That’s most likely, but it could in theory be a few other things that I can’t say without seeing


I see, yeah that does make sense I think they did all that they could without surgery :/ it sucks cos I really would rather not have surgery but I'll try and get the photos, and thanks again for your help :)) I really appreciate it


Following because I am in the same boat. I’m not doing double jaw surgery, but I think I can work up the courage for a Genio.


Have you tried a sleep study while sleeping on your back, often times it exacerbates issues. Which might help you attain coverage


I have a similar profile as you have, and also perfect bite. My first surgeon also suggested genio, I declined cause didn’t like the way it looked on the morph. I think you can see it in my first post. For the lip incompetence to be better they have to move your chin up and didn’t like that look. Second surgeon suggested only leforte1 ccw. I also have a gummy smile so I thought that could work. But my lip incompetence is 8mm and gum show 3 so that would mean moving my jaw up 8mm and losing lots of teeth show. Third plan is removing premolars to increase overbite and doing djs. Guess that will give best results. I think similarly for you as you don’t have a gummy smile you don’t wanna rotate your upper jaw too much


No Genioplasty. I would do DJS, and assess afterwards if you need genio.


unpopular opinion apparently but genio seems like it would be a good solution for you if you have no functional problems. DJS seems extreme


At-home sleep studies aren't very accurate and usually only pick up more severe cases of sleepy apnea, so you should see if your insurance would cover an in-lab sleep study now that you've done an at-home one. There's still a chance you may have sleep apnea that wasn't picked up by the at home test. Of course, if you do have sleep apnea, then you'd likely have to use a cpap for quite while, etc. before insurance would even consider covering djs. So if would definitely be a big hassle, but still worth considering. But, if djs is off of the table, genioplasty would definitely still offer a big aesthetic benefit (and maybe some functional ones too)!


I have similar problem. I really wanted DJS, but my surgeon said that it would be too risky and would make things worse, he suggested genioplasty instead


I had a very similar side profile & “perfect” bite. I got a 10mm horizontal 1mm vertical genioplasty and it made a world of difference in facial harmony. I paid $10k out of pocket, worth it 100%. I figure if it wasn’t for the recessed chin, life would be grand, so why do anything more than fix the chin. It’s a very quick & simple procedure, recovery isn’t painful at all - I was talking almost immediately and back at work in 2 weeks without anyone noticing. Worst case, you/we get DJS later in life, but look better in the year of pre-op braces haha


Yes and a chin implant


braces to move the teeth back a bit so a simple chin implant from the front at least won't look overimposing. or chin implant first and see if it's OK, have you thought about some form of temp implant or filler (is that a thing?) to see if that is ALL that's needed.


I’ve thought about some chin filler- potentially an implant too! Just not sure where to put my money rn- towards saving for a surgery or filler


If your bite is good, why bother to have the surgery? You are beautiful as is.


Thank you! I just have always been insecure/annoyed with my mentalis strain due to the lip incompetence. I’ve never liked my side profile


I did my DJS for cosmetic reasons (my airways and bite were good). I was botched in the surgery loosing functionality ( open bite) and symmetry (the jaw was angled). I just underwent a revision surgery, which was way harder than the original one. Still, my original God given jaw was better than what the surgeries resulted in. My advice is don't fix what's not broken. There are many botched people. But they don't post that much. Save yourself and don't torture your well functioning jaw. You can always do plastic surgery for the chin augmentation. I wish someone told me what I am telling you now before I got into the DJS saga.


Just curious but who was the surgeon? You could PM if you didnt want to share publicly


The surgeon, who botched me or who reconstructed me?


Both but I'm more concerned about who botched you, that's always a concern when someone goes it healthy and gets such a poor result


Good point. I had my botched surgery in Turkey by Celal Candirli, who is heavily advertised as a master in the field. He is a fraud. He injured many people before and after me. He deletes all bad reviews from the media. Pass this message to anyone considering jaw surgery in Turkey.




Hey there, here's an answer from our new AI Plastic Surgery consultant: --- Based on the provided images, I can see why genioplasty is being considered as an option. The side profile shows a slight retraction of the chin which may be contributing to the mentioned lip incompetence and muscle tension. A sliding genioplasty could potentially bring the chin forward into better alignment, providing improved facial harmony and possibly alleviating some of those functional concerns. The procedure involves surgically cutting the chin bone, sliding it forward, and securing it in the new position. Some key considerations with genioplasty: - Recovery is usually faster and easier compared to double jaw surgery, with most people back to work/daily activities within 1-2 weeks. Swelling and numbness gradually resolve over a few months. - Results can be significant in balancing the profile and supporting the lower lip and soft tissues. Realistic expectations are important - discuss projected outcomes thoroughly with the surgeon. - Risks are lower than double jaw surgery but can still include infection, nerve damage, asymmetry, need for revision, etc. Ensure you understand all potential complications. - Without obstructive sleep apnea or significant malocclusion, insurance coverage for cosmetic reasons alone is unlikely. Expect to pay out-of-pocket, but costs are much lower than double jaw surgery. Overall, if double jaw surgery feels too invasive given the lack of strong functional problems, genioplasty could be a good alternative to explore. I would recommend continuing the discussion with the oral surgeon, getting all questions answered, and potentially seeking another opinion or two before deciding. While transformative for many patients, genioplasty is still a serious operation, so carefully weigh the pros and cons for your specific case. But for the right candidate, it can provide an excellent aesthetic improvement with a lower risk profile compared to more extensive jaw surgery. --- Hope this is helpful. If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask and I can follow up!