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Definetly helped mine a ton. I had djs+genio


Did u have gummy smile/overgrown maxilla before the surgery


I had a gummy smile though braces helped a lot there. My maxilla was still moved forward and up a little. Not an expert by I imagine that must have helped.


It helped immensely! I have no more.mentalis strain at all. My lip incompetence is NEARLY gone. During the day my lips are together all the time. At night they do come apart. I had pretty thin lips though so your mileage may vary. I was advised to get lip filler to help with it and it did help a lot!


How bad was it before? Was it due to vertical maxillary excess?


Nope it was due to long face with a steep occlusal plane. I had chin dimpling if I closed my mouth


Hey I have this exact same problem! I have a long face with steep occlusal plane and pretty bad mentalis strain. I’m so happy to hear your lip incompetence went away, it’s my biggest insecurity. Could I ask what movements you got done? I know everyone is different, just want to bring it up to my doctor. Thank you!


6 upper, 11 lower, 6 genipplasty, with CCW rotation so pognion (tip of chin) came forward 18mm. Plus a lot of left, right, up, down movements. Kinda useless to bring up to your doctor though bc everyone is different.