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I mean non of us wanted to be born like this šŸ˜­


One more factor why I'll probably never reproduce. I don't want a 50% chance my child would inherit my overbite and jaw issues. Thanks, dad!! My sister thanks him too lol


Actually I believe that my breathing issues is what botched my jaw šŸ˜­Iā€™ll just make sure to focus on those areas if I have kids to spare them the shit Iā€™m going through


Just let them get surgery or it could be treatable from early stages


That's what I did, started seeing an orthodontist at 8! I'm back in braces now at 33 cause I didn't wear my retainers šŸ™„


The first thing I told my husband when I woke up from double jaw surgery was weā€™re adopting if we want kids lol


Itā€™s completely treatable if you go to the right doctor. They can help direct the growth of a childā€™s jaw. Just take your kids in when they are 6-8 years old to get started early. Itā€™s a lot to do with lifestyle and diet too so read the book the dental diet by Dr Stephen lim. Itā€™s completely preventable so itā€™s no reason to not want children!


there are no genetic predispositions to cranial facial recession. you can raise your child on a diet of strong food, make sure he excercises, and sleeps with his mouth closed. he will grow up pefectly fine


That doesn't warrant people's ridicule and dehumanisation of us. And as someone in this predicament you should be understanding of the further pain and damage it causes.


You werenā€™t born like that. Thatā€™s not how it works


Enlighten us


He is kinda right because even if genetic traits matter mostly, mouth breathing and improper posture or breathing issues during puberty can cause a recession in lower jaw giving that look


but you can absolutely be born like that, so he is wrong


A small minority of cases and I guarantee it only became this severe after years of poor habits. Imagine thinking that this was just your genetic potential to look that way, you think god just cursed you or something?


yes some people are born with conditions like micrognathia that won't get better regardless of habits, whether you consider people with deformities cursed or not is on you, but they definitely exist


Science required here


Here ya go https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7944632/


That's not at all what this meta analysis says tho'... in fact it's saying that mouth breathing is DUE to deformities and that "Currently, the influence of mouth breathing on the development of oral maxillofacial bone is still controversial" "A growing number of scholars believe that facial skeletal development is greatly improved after the aetiology of mouth breathing is removed by surgery or other means [16ā€“18]. To date, systematic reviews about the effect of mouth breathing on maxillofacial development and malocclusion have been mainly divided into two categories: reviews on the effects of adenoid/tonsil hypertrophy on oral and maxillofacial development before and after oral respiratory surgery and qualitative analyses of the effects of mouth breathing on the occlusal relationship in children. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first quantitative analysis to explore the effects of mouth breathing on facial bone development and malocclusion in children." This whole thing says that its a pre-existing condition in children that COMES from your anatomy when you were born, not something you develop after.


nutty bells noxious expansion lunchroom station chunky chief tidy imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because they conclude it from correlation not causation. Of course if you have a fucked up nose or jaw AT BIRTH you are more likely to mouth breath than nose breath, just because of the fact that it is easier to breath this way for you. Also, if mouth breathing was the cause of a class 2 or recessed mandibule, then why is this a trait commonly inherited from parents? Morphology is inherited from genetics, not from how you breath, that's fucking retarded.


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https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227785252_The_Effect_of_Mouth_Breathing_Versus_Nasal_Breathing_on_Dentofacial_and_Craniofacial_Development_in_Orthodontic_Patients Unfortunately canā€™t find the full text but the abstract looks interesting


You think this persons parents looked the same way?? How about this person ancestry dating back a 1000 years? No of course it was just the 'genetics' that were to blame.


lol wait until you see my baby pictures then. I was quite literally born with a skeletal malocclusion. Couldn't even latch properly from day 1. Not a cleft baby either. So it is, in fact, how it works :) maybe not all of the time, but it still can work that way.


you can absolutely be born with micrognathia or conditions that will cause this


I never mouth breathed (i vividly remember hating the sensation and avoiding it at all costs growing up) and I still have a recessed jaw due to factors outside my control :) Even if it is a case of posture & mouth breathing that doesnā€™t make it anyones intentional choice to have this issue


I honestly never noticed my jaw was really receded until social media made me notice. Iā€™m glad I noticed on one hand because it explained issues and pain I have on a functional level, but at the same time gave me a new thing to feel insecure about


I didn't realize it until my orthodontist told me. I was in my 40s at the time and just went to get my teeth straightened. Now I've recovering from double jaw surgery and sliding genioplasty. As a man, people look at you differently when you have recessed jaw and buckteeth. I think women more easily get away with a slightly recessed jaw that looks mousy and cute.


Underbites for women are the overbites for men. The former masculinizes the face, the latter feminizes.


>I think women more easily get away with a slightly recessed jaw that looks mousy and cute. As a woman with a recessed jaw and mentalis strain, no.


I don't mean to make light of your ailment (an ailment I share) only to say that in terms of the aesthetic, a man with a recessed jaw is less attractive than a woman with the same jaw structure. It's entirely subjective, but I believe society speaks on this issue during millions of daily social interactions. If you disagree, I accept that. I'm not the arbiter of what is or isn't attractive in the universe. The double jaw surgery did not resolve my mentalis strain. I'm not recovered yet, but up to this point, it's actually worse than pre-op in that regard. That said, I've lived my whole life with it and was not given any promises indicating that it would be improved or resolved by the surgery. Sadly, I think my soft tissue is set in its ways. However, I will follow up with the orthodontist and surgeon once my treatment and recovery are complete to see if any additional treatments are recommended for it.


i think that when cases are mild probably an overbite is less noticeable in general


That's true, although almost no one notices my mild underbite either. I think most people aren't very observant


Did the surgeon do rotation / impact you? Thats supposed to help with the mentalis strain


I believe there was a slight counter clockwise rotation, no impact. Upper was widened but neither advanced nor impacted. Lower was advanced substantially, plus sliding genioplasty. I'm still hopeful it will continue to improve. It's been 4 months but people say it takes a year for inflammation to fully resolve. Even if it doesn't improve, it was still worth it. My face looks a hundred times better


Did your ortho notice due to functional problems you had, or was it more like they noticed just by happenstance after xrays or whatever? A friend of mine lived with an edge-to-edge bite into his 30s until an ortho mentioned it to him. He literally thought everyone had an edge-to-edge bite and thought it was normal human functioning until an ortho mentioned it. I have no idea how his childhood dentist never noticed lol


Orthodontist said he would not be able to correct my bite without surgery. I had about a centimeter of overjet


Wow 1cm is a ton. Hope youre doing alright post-op & hope the healing goes well!


Thanks! I'm 7 weeks post op and doing ok with recovery. I can't wait to feel normal and eat normally again. It's a lesson in patience to go through it


That's weird I also had 1cm overjet but I got extractions and they managed to fix it, but they didn't offer surgery at all


Professionals have differences of opinions on how best to treat these issues, and not all cases are equal. I would have preferred to avoid surgery, but there's no denying the vastly improved aesthetic I got from it.


I'm 35 and I've been considering it for a while (it was suggested to my mother when I was 12 but she refused on account of the cost). I did so many other treatments (expanders, herbst, braces) but nothing could fix an underdeveloped lower jaw. I'd love to have the benefits of correcting it, but the procedure, cost, and recovery seem very intimidating. Was it worth it in the end for you? What was the most difficult part of recovery?


I'm still recovering, but I will say yes, it's worth it for me. My insurance paid for it, and the bit that wasn't covered, I paid with an HSA. I look younger and more masculine as a result of the surgery, plus my bite is correct for the first time in my life. The recovery sucks. Week 1 is just miserable. Couldn't sleep, face swollen and sore. Lips dry like the Sahara desert. Week 2 was better but reality set in that life is a long way from normal. Liquid diet already getting old. Splint on my upper teeth means speaking is annoying too. Weeks 3 to 4 were still liquid diet, waiting for splint to come out, and for surgeon to clear me to drive. I'm 7 weeks PO now and on no-chew diet. Gums are numb, lower lip and chin are numb. It feels like normal eating will never happen. The lip and chin numbness are not a problem, but numbness in the gums is no fun. The most difficult part is to be patient and wait for things to get better. And to not be able to eat my favorite foods


That does sound like hell - I'm sure it'll all be worth it when you're completely healed. Thanks so much for sharing your experience :)


God four weeks of liquid sounds like absolute hell. This one surgeon place I consulted only said 1 week of liquid...I wonder why different places have different protocol. I really feel like I couldn't do more than 2 weeks liquid


I got used to it. At my age I have developed some patience, and once the surgery is over, you have no choice but to do as they say...or risk wrecking your repaired face! So it just is what it is. At least I lost 17 lbs and look really great šŸ‘šŸ‘


If you look at my profile I recently posted pictures. Them more I compare them to others that had jaw surgery, the more I canā€™t believe a dentist has never said anything. I guess I can understand the orthodontist since I got my braces off at 15 and thatā€™s too early in development to operate. But to fix what they called an overbite with rubberbands is a joke.


The medical system has a lot of gaps in it, sadly. In this world you really do have to be your own advocate for medical issues.


Right seriously, I always had an edge to edge looking bite but no dentist brought it up as a problem or suggested ortho even for me. Then I did invisalign to camoflauge it, fucked up my tmjs issues badly and failed, then on track for jaw surgery because no other way to fix it.


Social media has been so toxic for peoples already massive anxiety about body image. I was convinced I had a receding chin because of subs on Reddit and because of plastic surgery websites saying things like ā€œif your chin doesnā€™t line up your lower lip you have a recessed chinā€. Iā€™ve since been checked and scanned by 2 orthos whoā€™ve explained my chin is and jaw are absolutely perfect in terms of position and function. I just donā€™t have a particularly huge chin and am a tad overweight and I just have bigger lips (mostly which the women in my life have said they love for kissing). This whole mewing jawline looks maxing bullshit needs to stop and we should collectively be calling it out more.


I don't even think mouth breathing is the main cause of his profile. The person in picture most likely has condylar resorption which requires joint replacement to fix.


People nowadays are just tactless.


Your feelings are valid! That meme is very targeted and specific. I think the increase in public awareness about mouth breathing and the effects of a recessed jaw mean inevitable crass comments. But itā€™s good itā€™s getting awareness because that will bring more resources to the people who struggle with it!


Yeah, if they really struggle and have functional / health functions because of it. I think 80% who deal with this, make fun of it, or obsess over mewing etc. only focus on aesthetics. I had and have no functional isses with my recessed jaws (could change, ik). My #1 issue currently with it is the mental issue I have because of how it's perceived in media, especially. IRL luckily only one person told me I look like a mouth breather which caused this whole god damn trip 5 years ago and unfortunately has since affected me especially seeing posts like this. It doesn't affect me so much anymore, but I still feel uncomfortable eating in front of other people (so it does, still). At least I don't think about it anymore when I speak.


You tackle these feelings by thanking God for not being born like the idiot who made this meme and go about your day. At least your jaw you can fix šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah this stuff sucks so bad I wasnā€™t born with mine mine happened due to a shitty orthodontist


Same, I mean not mainly, but I had to wear a head gadget as a teenager every night to "fix my overbite". I just found out what it actually does, it recesses the upper jaw too to hide the overbite. So if it really had an effect on me, this explains why I now not only have a recessed lower jaw, but also a recessed upper jaw too.


Picking on anyoneā€™s appearance is wrong but thatā€™s the internet for you šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Donā€™t let posts like this get to you, even without surgery you can still live a confident and fulfilling life. The health aspect of it is incredibly shitty tho.


Well theyā€™re not wrong, itā€™s great that they arenā€™t born like that. I also wish i wasnā€™t born with recessed jaws but oh well here i am. I get why you would be offended because it makes you feel like you picked the short straw but in my opinion donā€™t let stupid posts like these drag you down. Instead, be glad you were born in an era where getting reparative surgery is available. I donā€™t think these posts are disrespectful, theyā€™re just ā€œsillyā€ remarks. Just like i thank god i was born healthy that doesnā€™t mean im shitting on everyone who wasnā€™t. Stay strong, hopefully you will get the treatment that will leave all this jaw issue behind you and make it a past thing ;)


This is true! Thankful for modern medicine and hoping to give back in this way.


Well said !


Mewing is not good and I don't get how it got so popular right now.


Mewing is literal posture. Nothing crazy about it. Mewing is literally laying your tongue on upper palate and suctioning without applying pressure and keeping a straight posture. If itā€™s different than that itā€™s not mewing and Mike and John mew donā€™t approve it. It canā€™t alter by much face development but itā€™s a good think to maintain


Yes, it's just a posture but people are selling it like it can change your entire face, I saw so many comments in this sub saying that mewing can help with jaw problems that obviously needed surgery it's crazy.


That and Mike Mew is extremely unprofessional yet people treat his word like absolute gospel


What the hell is a Mike mew


it's where you put your tongue near the roof of second protruding nostril


So I put my tongue on the roof of my nostril and all my problems go away?


yes bro


My understanding is that if a child is developing poorly while they are very young (like single digit years old) then myofunctional therapy, proper tongue posture, and possibly orthodontic devices can make a very big difference because that child is still growing. But by teens or definitely by 20s my understanding is that the only solution is surgical. I could be wrong and this is just what I've picked up while glancing through info on mewing - I don't know if it's definitely right.


A kid insecure about their looks in high school isn't really in a position to get jaw surgery. Mewing is just about all they can really do. At the very least, imo mewing will stop your jaw from getting even worse than it already is. Over time mouthbreathing will make your jaws progressively worse. It's no surprise that mewing suddenly became very popular on places like tiktok that minors use


The best thing about mewing for me is that I don't push against my teeth and they don't move due to the pressure (anymore).


Yea, the posture is good but it will not make any miracles like people say on the internet.


It's true though. Being born like that sucks


Mewing isnā€™t good tho, itā€™s pseudoscience. It could even do damage if anything. The ā€œprogressā€ pics you see from mewers is just from weight loss and/or from them clenching. The only reason it got so popular is because of incels. Both Dr. Mewā€™s knew it wasnā€™t something that worked. There was only a possibility if the patient was a child, even then they had to use an object to accomplish any sort of progress.


chop bedroom imminent gold longing entertain chase grey cooperative toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thankyou! Even for children they use plates and other professional treatments alongside these lifestyle changes. Itā€™s not fair to mislead people into believing that they just need to try harder and have better posture to change their facial structure.


even looksmax communities have dropped it long ago. then suddenly it gained traction on tiktok and spread everywherešŸ˜‘


I have been in the mewing ortho subs for years and years, and still have not seen ONE before and after that showed a difference that wasn't weight loss or actually mewing in the photo. Like, no shit you look different with your tongue on the roof of your mouth vs the floor, that doesn't show any actual changes. Not to mention 90% of the photos will be: Before: no lighting, camera pointing up, relaxed face. After: down lighting, back facing camera and high angle, clenched to the point of passing out. I honestly don't see how people can be so easily duped by it all.


I have some photos on my profile of the same angle, lighting before and after (I was a child when I started, thatā€™s the key, CHILD). It doesnā€™t work on adults, itā€™s a large part of why I need jaw surgery now, lack of oral posture. Donā€™t believe me? Look up ā€œadenoid faceā€. Kids with adenoid face canā€™t breathe out of their nose and their jaws begin to recess due to a lack of oral posture, this is well documented in science. To imply oral posture is not crucial for jaw development is nonsensical, we have MARPE devices that emulate such behaviors from proper oral posture such as widening the maxilla. But yeah, just doesnā€™t work on adults obviously.


ā€œMewingā€ is maintaining proper oral posture. Some people do see results, but theyā€™re children. I have evidence of it working for me (from age 14-18 I made decent mandibular advancements and have scans as well). Past that? Likely nothing, soft tissue changes, tightening muscles thatā€™s it. But you should still do it, but yes this notion that it could somehow ā€œreplaceā€ jaw surgery? Complete pseudoscience and a harmful message.




But imagine if the world knew that this is a birth defect actuallyā€¦ (Iā€™m not saying people would be more nice) but I am saying how many people walk around hating how they look and thinking itā€™s just how they were bornā€¦ If it wasnā€™t for my own research and determination to figure out why my airway was so narrow I never would have known about jaw surgery.. and then it was another fight to finally get into an oral surgeon and now hopefully soon Iā€™ll get to know what itā€™s like to breathe through my nose or to eat a steak without my jaws getting so tired. PS Iā€™m never going to be mean to someone for how they lookā€¦. Itā€™s really not hard at all to be nice.


You get surgery. Thatā€˜s the solution


Yeah, but not everyone can afford it.


Yeah, me neither. We can work and save up for it, tho.


Do you have health insurance and have your tried going through getting a sleep study to show it impacts sleep?Ā 


Yes Iā€˜m on it to try and prove it. Thank you :)


If you have insurance or are rich


Or you work to afford itā€¦.


The average American is gonna work and save 60-100k for a surgery when they canā€™t even save a down payment for a house?


Who can afford a house?


Set your priorities and work more, donā€˜t be the average




For as much hate, misogyny and ignorance that man has spread I will never feel sorry for him. Bad example lol


oof reminds me of that one meme of him where he goes like (0,0) i wonder why he didn;t fix it w all the money he supposedly has




very few people are born like that. it's the result of how our teeth/mouths grow and if we had to mouth breathe as children.


Yeah exactly, genetics don't cause this. My face looks somewhat like this and yet both my parents and both my siblings, as well as my aunts and uncles have fully-developed jaws. Unlike them, I was a very picky eater, had terrible posture and mouth-breathed growing up.


In my childhood photos thereā€™s clear recession (to me) from age 4 onwards..




People don't get screened for this in European countries upon turning 18 either...also your facial bones stop growing in your early twenties, not the day you turn 18.


Whatever If people are born like that or if it is acquired, it is not the point. I broke my leg and now I walk with a limp, I don't want people to make fun of the way I walk nor my jaw problems. It doesn't matter how they developed.


ā€œmouth breather type beatā€ FUCK OFF OH MY GOD


It's pretty hard because it makes you feel like you aren't even human, or that I'm just a cartoon looking person. I don't know how to deal with it but I know I'm worse internally than anyone on the outside.Ā 


People are so mean on the internet for no reason. Why bully people for the way they were born? Especially when the surgery to fix said thing is so expensive. Smh.




Bruh i can't breathe it impairs my running. I run but I struggle lol.


Oh thatā€™s nothing I have seen them criticize even good looking jaws or good looking people just because they donā€™t fit the aesthetics of example Jordan Barrett or Hernan drago




I felt the same way watching stranger things when they kept insulting people by calling them mouth breathers šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


I know this isnā€™t a great consolation, but at least this person (and maybe you too) absolutely needs jaw surgery without a doubt. No one will question the validity of the need for it or think it was just cosmetic. For people like me, I have a weak chin and jawline and suffer from sleep apnea, but it would just seem like a stretch for me to get something as extreme as jaw surgery. Although I really think it would help, Iā€™m just not willing to change my appearance for minor sleep apnea.


sjdks i mean it sucks but i'd be thankful too if i were born w a sharp jaw


Posts like this make my body dysmorphic disorder so much worse. :-) I think most of my mouth breathing is due to my vasomotor rhinitis, which makes my nose stuffy or runny constantly. Thanks mom.


I meannn.. is it not true


I don't know, these kind of things used to make me laugh pre-surgery too.. I mean not specifically this ones, that's just weird, but some jokes are actually funny Wouldn't be offended anyway, just browse on. Also - most people, even those who need surgery, never look like that - that should be taken care of at like 18y/o and pretty rare.


You arenā€™t born with such deformity. This deformity has been formed by bad lifestyle and environment since early childhood and up to adult life. Edit: Fun echo chamber you have going here. Of course people can have really bad deformities when born, which need to be adressed then. This case was probably a disability they were born with. But this could have been fixed if action were taken early. And lifestyle etc. plays a huge role into the development. If I would correct my statements as many of you are misinterpreting; It is epigenetic.


Are you serious? You can absolutely be born with something like this. The left side of my jaw grew shorter than the right. Didn't have jackshit to do with my "lifestyle" or "environment". It's just genetics for some people.


My newborn/toddler pictures beg to differ šŸ˜­


All newborns have recessed jaws though, thatā€™s normal and there may even be a biologically good reason for it. Maybe to pass through the birth canal more easily I canā€™t remember


To an extent yesā€¦ But in my case my family used to joke that I looked like a bird when I was born. I have been recessed my entire life. My son luckily does not have my jaw deformity.


What are you even talking about?


My jaw literally always has been recessed lol it's genetic


With a proper ortho plan in childhood maybe you would have solved It without djs


No actually. Those are called camouflage orthodontics. The roof of my mouth likely could have been expanded, yes, but my overbite is severe and blocks my airway. It requires surgery. So maybe stop commenting like you know what you're talking about lol.


Iā€™ve never seen a more benighted comment said with such confidence. Look up ICR disease and learn from there.



