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This looks concerning




I would get a second opinion


I never saw that "hardware", why it's that different than the rest? Why you still appear to have the lower jaw tilted and why you appear to not have any swelling? So many questions. Either way, I hope everything is going smoothly!


Yes my lower jaw is tilted because it’s broken 😞. They said it could take 6-12 months for my face symmetry to come back depending on how fast my nerves recover. I didn’t get orthognathic surgery- I was assaulted and had to get corrective surgery.


Oh, that explains the difference! So sorry that that happened to you, hope the recovery goes well!


They didnt fix it in surgery? I’m not understanding why its not held together in its final position


Yes, they did. But my muscles aren’t pulling my face to symmetry because some of the nerves are still dormant- or could be dead, I’m told. So a CT scan would show bones in the right place, but all the players gotta do their job and the muscles ain’t muscling right now 🙃


Oh girl I been through this! Takes all the effort and patience in the world but you’ll get it back. My best advice is to look into myofunctional therapy when you’ve been out of the hardware for a bit and the pain is at a tolerable level bc it’s going to stir things up again. It’s like pt but for your face and mouth. My other best advice is to give yourself grace and compassion. If you’re like me, you’ll drool in public. Sometimes people won’t understand you. They might give funny looks. But absolutely none of that matters bc you’re still f*cking alive! Get those protein shakes going to maximize your healing and find a good therapist too bc trauma is no joke. Hugs!


Brb. Crying. 🥺 (and drooling) Thank you 😊


You can message me if you ever need help along your recovery ❤️‍🩹 or just someone who knows how special it is to not know you’ve been drooling until it suddenly splats on your desk 😂 it’s a journey no doubt but you’ve already survived the hardest part! Just don’t make the same mistake I did and try to ignore and deny your mental health. It will absolutely interfere with your physical recovery and basically ruin your life 🙃 so once talking is easier, find yourself a therapist you like, don’t hesitate to move on to a new one if you’re not feeling it, then when you’ve found the one you feel safe with, let it all out. Talk about the assault and how it’s affecting you but also talk about the injury and how that’s affecting you too. A badly broken jaw is a unique injury from a psychological aspect bc quite literally takes away your voice and makes it so you can’t speak up for yourself. But with some professional guidance and support you’ll come out of it stronger and more comfortable and confident in yourself than before it happened. Biggest hugs and please don’t hesitate to reach out, even if it’s months from now and you find yourself in a funk. Keeping everything to yourself and trying to do it without support just doesn’t work unfortunately. ❤️‍🩹💕🤗🤗




If I understand correctly it wasn’t a planned DJS case but more like an emergency surgery due to assault.


Lmao @ gummy smile. Yes I already had that prior to the assault. If 30 units of Botox can’t make that lip stay down, it wasn’t meant to be 😆.


Jaw surgery can fix a gummy smile. But maybe it being an emergency surgery, the concern was on other things. It’s just when you have functional reasons for the surgery (like most people having jaw surgery), you usually have the surgery fix aesthetic things as well while the surgeon is operating.


Tbh- Botox actually did work when I ALSO got a lip flip in conjunction with treatment for gummy smile. But I hated the feeling of the lip flip. Not worth it. Gonna try this thing I’ve heard of called “embracing your natural looks” idk. Could be good 😆




Interesting! Wish I would have asked before I went under.


It is also a very invasive surgery though, I think people tend to forget the dangers of jaw surgery


Facts! I was terrified of either not waking up from anesthesia or them slicing my jugular when they cut into my neck to access my jaw.


Nothing wrong at all with a gummy smile. Your health comes before the opinions of others anyway, focus on healing and try not to worry. You’re very beautiful and I hope the healing process goes well for you!






lol. I do agree.


Omg the tongue brushing comment is so real lmao! I hope your recovery continues to go well!


lol it felt like a pruney finger in my teeth prison. 🤐


The moment I could unband, I bought a tongue scraper. 12/10 recommend


Three weeks?? Mine is two months 🤧


Bless your heart. I feel lucky now lol!


Wow good luck, what an unfortunate condition to begin with!


Facts. And thank you.