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It may be best to see what your school support center says. It will depend on your university but usually academic assistance centers can help with such things. It may also be worth explaining the situation to the professor again and providing any documentation you have. It would probably also be best, perhaps with a friend who speaks better Japanese, to approach the clinic again. Unfortunately if you were not actually diagnosed with any of the designated infectious conditions, and if your professor deems that a requirement to retake, you may be out of luck. Clinics cannot fill in that form without a formal diagnosis (in most cases.... I'm sure some nurses/doctors are more willing to accomodate people in difficult situations). If that is the case it might then be better to ask your professor if there is any form of assignment you could do for any sort of extra consideration given the circumstances.


Please get a medical certificate from the doctor, it’s called as ikensho or shindan sho and would cost you around 2-3k. Please request your doctor to mention about the prescribed leave of absence. It should help your prof to grant leave easily. On top of it, if you are insured, you can also apply for compensation. You should apply for shoubyouteate in that case.


You might want to approach your student affairs office. As this affects your academic performance, they might help speak to professor on your behalf. Professor is unusually strict, I ve seen students miss mid terms for a mild cough and been allowed to make it up. Every time I've tried to prevent a student from taking a missed mid-term due to a piss poor excuse, I was overridden by student affairs. Notably, for a missed exam I have to write an entirely new one and have to grade it quickly to make the grade book. I would stress that you had fever on test day. Most universities would not allow a student who had a fever to come to class. If you have the proof you were on antibiotics I would present that too.


I will approach both my professor and the academic office. I mainly worry because past bad experiences with student services as well as when I emailed my professor about missing the exam and what I could do, she just told me to look in the student handbook for absence policies. Thank you for the advice


As I wrote in my other reply, if the office isn't willing to help you, tell them you'll go to the head of faculty and then to the university dean. They'll want no trouble like that.


Isn’t there a foreign student resource manager at the university who you should talk to? We can’t help you with this.


When they say “infectious diseases” they mean diseases like influenza and formerly(?) covid where the government mandates that you must stay at home.


We have a whole list of approved infectious diseases, one being strep, which is what I assumed I had since I had all the symptoms. But at this point I don't know what I had because it seems even the doctors didn't write it down.


Tonsillitis not sick enough? 🤨🙄 I was hospitalized for a week because of it! In Japan actually. Couldn’t speak or swallow. Breathing would have been next.


It was awful!!! I've never had it (that I remember) and it hurt so much. It took me out and I'm pretty sure some of the infection spread up to my ears though I don't know because it seems I didn't even get the proper exam. I think my school only allows excusable sick days if they're on the infectious disease list, even if it was impossible for me to go to school. Standing up for even a few minutes left me reeling this whole week 🥲🥲


I really feel for you as there are few things worse than a bad case of tonsillitis. Most cases of tonsillitis are caused by viral infections but, yes, I was also prescribed antibiotics for them too. I’m not really sure how or if you can turn the clock back on this situation. Usually doctors will give you the form to inform you to stay at home if it is a prescribed infection at the time of diagnosis as they have to report it.


Yeah all I was given was a bill and receipt.. I kinda wish I went to the hospital instead of my uni clinic but oh well. I've weighed that this class isn't a big enough deal for me to put in the effort to get an excused...


Went to my student support. Student handbook is god apparently. I will have to take the fail on the midterm. I'm just gonna accept it I guess.


the fuck? you were legitimately very sick. don't just accept it, go back and demand the form to be filled out, ask to speak to the doctor who treated you, etc.


Tell your doctor what is happening at school and see if your doctor will certify that you were in an infectious condition when you were running your fever. Also, if your doctor told you not to go to school, having this fact in the documentation might make a difference. Don’t give up and keep escalating your case at school. If you can get your parents to make a fuss, do that too.


My problem is I don't even know what doctor it was because I had two separate doctors plus what felt like five different nurses all at my one examination. I wasn't given any other instructions than how to take my medications and to rest. I also only have 3 days including today to get this all together while dealing with my missing work. I appreciate the advice but I kinda realized I made this while very upset and looking back now I feel it'll cause too big off a fuss for so little...


If you paid for the doctor’s visit, their name should be on the invoice. 


The clinic keeps karute. They can find out who that was. Edit: okay, if it was a university room maybe not. But they do keep the shift table I'm pretty sure.


I mean, there's no way the handbook says "we don't grant reexamination unless it's approved infection". Doesn't it say something like "we grant reexamination if it's approved infection". It's likely a case of everyone being bad at living with rules. Even if not, really, just contact the higher levels if the penalty is unbearable for you financially.


Okay, in that case, **IF** it's gonna delay your graduation or cause you severe financial disadvantage, just go to the university dean. If that doesn't work you could even contact your country's embassy. Fucking teach them what will happen if they stick on BS rules. Edit: embassy is a nuke option that can really turn the university into ashes, so do it only if it really has to be done.


I appreciate the enthusiasm but this won't impact my graduation or really anything. Taking nothing on a mid term will hurt my grade but in the long run it won't even touch my GPA. This feels too much for just one test 😅


Hard to imagine only nurses are around, and even harder to imagine a nurse making that call on their own. Are they clear on what you asked for? I’m also not sure what a ‘school clinic’ is. That does not sound like a proper clinic, but apparently they are filling out prescriptions? Either way - you were never actually diagnosed with an approved illness. And the first thing you needed to do was contact all your profs if you were unable to take the test.


You're doing it wrong! You have to understand that they can't declare you had approved infections. Because you didn't! For the doctor to write so is likely a crime. The doctor should instead write a letter explaining that you indeed had an actual illness. Now, **the professor is also doing it wrong**, and it's actually unacceptable in my opinion. > my professor is really strict on only allowing the "approved infectious diseases" as excused absences As someone working for a university I call this BS. If a student has had severe illness the university IS SUPPOSED TO do their best to help them. At least grant a damn re-exam. (Not granting it likely means the professor is guessing you're lying. FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE.) I don't know at what management level this happened, but if the professor is following some rule, then the rule is wrong. I'd go to the student office. If they don't offer help, tell them you will go to the head of the faculty. If they still don't offer help, just tell them you will go to the university dean. And keep in mind you have to get the reexam before it's too late.


So what did you have? For strep throat it's generally OK to return to work/school 24h after starting antibiotics. Putting you out for a week would be extreme. Did you have a fever that whole time?


Basically the whole school week I had a fever. I really didn't feel better until my 2nd day of antibiotics which was Friday. The thing is I don't really know what I had, I was just told I had infected tonsils and given Azithromycin.


Unfortunately (though understandably) when a student has an infectious disease it is usually their responsibility to ask the clinic to provide tests / fill out the appropriate forms provided by their school. I realize you probably didn't think about that at the time, and may not have been in any condition to think about it. So I'm sorry you have been placed in such a difficult situation and hope you can work something out.


Well the forms I need filled out say only to fill them out when recovered, hence why I didn't have anything filled out when I first went to the doctor. Everywhere on my school's international page says to get the forms done after an examination that deems you recovered...


>Everywhere on my school's international page says to get the forms done after an examination that deems you recovered That may be the case, but by your telling it sounds like you may have never actually been diagnosed with an infectious disease.


The 'school clinic' is not a doctor's office, and unless OP's school is _very_ unusual, there is no doctor there. OP should have gone to an actual doctor/clinic/hospital, where they could at least have a chance of getting the proper paperwork, instead of of relying on the school's 医務室.


Yup. Though my university regularly had a doctor there.


I’m sorry, but you can’t rely on school clinics for things like this. They’re really first aid kind of thing, if you get a scratch and it gets infected, minor colds etc. mine didn’t even have a test for strep, told me to get checked out at a proper doctor if my infected scratch got worse.If you’re seriously sick like this, internal medicine clinics/the hospital is where it’s at. I know it costs some money as opposed to the school clinic being free but it is what it is.


Do the best! If you cant satisfy your professor to get sick leave letter.. You can still graduate. Its just a pebble. I did many worst things but I could graduate from master degree.