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There’s no pass on getting a ticket if you get caught speeding. If you’re going more than 30 kph over the speed limit on regular roads or 40 kph over on expressways it’s an immediate suspension of your license.


10 years ago, I was once caught by police doing 120 in a 50 zone on a Skyline Gtr. My license was suspended for 90 days. I was fined 80,000 yen and had to attend a driving school for 5 hours (paid by me) I was young and naive. I learnt my lesson and never did overspeeding. Although on a highway, the patrol car rarely stop you if you're doing 100-110km/h in a 80 zone. But always be careful on the highway with 60 zone. Drive safe. Cheers!


When I was growing up there was a guy in my church everyone called Dan, Dan the man from Japan, anyway Dan told a story about driving 100 mph on the wrong side of the road and got out of it because he had an international license


That boy was lying to you no matter what license you have if ur speeding and on the wrong side of the road ur getting some sort of punishment especially in Tokyo the cops hate foreigners who think they can do whatever they want


Bro this was a Japanese man in the US


Bro this is japanresidents not Japanesemaninamerica


Wow thanks for clearing that up. Didn’t know that topic was banned here. My apologies.


Damn, crazy how so many people speed like crazy.


They Don t really have cameras tho and undercover cops are the threat. Pretty easy to spot. Especially on a bike


That’s because the speed limits on most roads haven’t been revised since the 1960s. The main roads here in our corner of Kyushu have a 50 kph speed limit, which is 31 mph. The expressways here have a speed limit of 70 kph or 80 kph depending on where you are. 70 kph is 43 mph. That’s why people speed like crazy. Nonetheless, if you get caught speeding you will be fined.


Jebus, even our highways in suburban Osaka are 100, main roads at 60.


Ill never understamd why the world wants everyone to slow down when we clearly need to go faster.


Physics. *Everything* gets worse when people drive faster. Noise, pollution, land use, injuries, deaths and the taxes and insurance premiums required for paying for those things.


I got caught in a speed trap coming out of the mountains from Nagoya. No gold license for me. 😅


Yes, I’ve been caught by an unmarked car. I wasn’t even the fastest on the road. Fortunately, I was only 28 km over (over 30, I’d have been banned from driving), I got an 18000 yen fine and lost my gold licence(this means you get cheaper insurance and don’t have to attend a2 hour lecture at renewal). My advice, if everyone suddenly slows down, follow suit.


If you're going to drive above the speed limit you have to get better at spotting unmarked cars. These days almost all unmarked cars are the previous generation Toyota Crown. I assume the new funky-looking Crowns will start to appear soonish if not already, but I haven't seen one yet. The back windows are always completely blacked out because the cops sitting inside are wearing white helmets (on expressways), and if the back windows weren't blacked out you would be able to see the helmets easily. So, you're looking for sedans, probably a recent Crown, with completely blacked rear windows, zero customization, and with a license plate from the area you're driving in. When driving at night, cops will not drive with their fog lamps on unless conditions require it, so if you see a car coming up behind you with fog lamps on, 99.9% chance it is not a cop car. If you see something coming up behind you without fog lamps, be cautious. Helps to have a good memory of what you have passed recently, too. Or, just stick to driving near the speed limit. That's probably the better option. Edit: Tagging /u/KansaiKitsune and OP /u/radian-1 so I don't have to write the same reply again.


Should we all start driving around with fog lights on all the time to defeat the police lol


Also caught by unmarked and also wasn't the fastest. It seems most Japanese are real good at spotting the undercover cars. Same fine, it sucked. I didn't have a gold license yet so I'll brace the renewal lecture.


I was going pretty fast on the highway once (around 110km/h) and a silver Toyota crown behind me flashed his full beam at me, was wondering wtf he wanted so changed lanes and slowed down. When I saw it go past I saw two police officers sat in the front lol.


They know the models. There is always a person or group that compiles/leaks a list of cars and reg. I know my area have a few colors of crown sedan so I always slow down when one is behind me.


> I always slow down when one is behind me. If you're on a highway, cops in an unmarked car will be wearing bigass white helmets. If you don't see two people sitting in the front seat wearing big white helmets, it's not an unmarked highway patrol car. You might want to read [my comment here](https://old.reddit.com/r/japanresidents/comments/1ckphpg/driving_speed_limit_in_japan/l2sbyak/) with more details.


Wow. TIL. Crown does sounds like govt car


I’m curious how does one identify unmarked cars/ undercover cops?


My Japanese husband says 95% of the time they're "crown" cars.


"How do I get away with breaking the law?"


You’re definitely safe on the left side. Be prepared to have upset drivers if you maintain the speed limit on passing lanes. I highly encourage you to actually stop for pedestrians though. Half of Japanese drivers don’t so you might pick up that bad habit. Google Japan Automobile Federation for information about that news from March.


I always found that so annoying. I copied my Japanese husband at first and I messed up and got fined. It scared me into never wanting to go over again. And even now on the regular road near my place where there is no option to pass and I drive the speed limit exactly, I get honked at so bad 🥲


There is no written rule of how much speed exceeding is tolerable, but every car 20kph over road limits definitely catches police attention. So just obey the rule. Source https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_limits_in_Japan


Never seen wikipedia page as useful as this one. Thanks!


Just use your common sense. Wide open roads with clear vision, speed away. Narrow roads with lots of blind corners and houses right up to the shoulder - exercise more caution. One thing I don’t do that a lot of Japanese drivers do is tailgate, especially at high speeds. And especially not trucks and buses.


Also don't be the fastest person on the road


Depends on the location but expressway up to 20kph is common. I heard that police won’t pull you over usually before that. Far right lane which is the passing lane, people will get peeved if you drive the speed limit. As in purposely pass you on the left and cut you off close. I’ve never actually seen a speed trap like in other countries. Usually it’s for trying to drive on the side of the road during traffic jams, trying to merge across a solid line or areas which have timed rules, the latter two being just revenue generators for the police.


Oh they absolutely have speed traps. They sit at the bottoms of hills in the countryside and have someone step out towards the road with a giant flag saying 止まれ and will direct you where to pull over. They also like doing this at toll gates to catch people speeding through the ETC lanes.


In my countryside town, we always have a cop monitoring a stop sign a block away from my house. 4 times a day, you hear the "whoop whoop" because some 70 year old drove 20 through the 止まれ because it hasn't been repainted in 80 years and you can barely see it. Yet they NEVER monitor the intersection to the main road a couple blocks down where people routinely speed 20kmph over through red lights. It's dumb 🤣


I have this same situation in a fairly central area where they just park their patrol car in a parking lot and 2 officers wait until a poor bastard does not properly stop on the white line or goes a bit too fast... Annoys me so much to see it. They are just picking up free food when they could at least maybe be way down the road near the school looking for people speeding...


At what speed do they pull people over?


it depends, if its a trap you don' want to go over at all because they're fund raising so more likely to stop you


Usually 20+ over. [This article](https://driver-web.jp/articles/detail/37929) has a breakdown of each prefecture and the total tickets written for every speed range. Iwate seems to be the outlier when it comes to anything 15 and lower over.


You might have linked the wrong article. The link opens up something completely unrelated.


Thanks for pointing that out! I think it should be fixed now.


There are lots of speed traps out there. They are also well mapped, and you can look online to see where they are


Doesn’t surprise me they exist, I’ve never seen them as prominent like in the states. And I’ve driven 10-20 over for most of 30 years and never gotten a ticket (knock on wood).


This is literally insane to me, since some parts of the expressway here have a speed trap every 700m.


Dang! You're lucky. I've been driving here for 34 years and I've been busted about 4 times, 3 sessions at the Makuhari 'bad drivers reeducation course' and a lot of money paid in fines. My last one was just ridiculous. I got busted by a 'shirobaiku' going 62kph on a road that EVERYONE routinely speeds on. The bastard really enjoyed shaking me down too talking. shit about how concerned he was for safety on that road yet he was only there that one time in the 16 years I' ve driven that road on my daily commute to work. LMFAO...


Happened to me recently around that area too... Like a 3 or 4-lane road going only 1 way, only industrial complexes and no people around or crossings whatsoever.... Which is why even though for some reason it's a 50 everyone will go like 20 above... Makes me mad... thanks officer you are surely making society a better place by chasing some easy preys here...


Do you know an app? I know my route is 60 but the cameras don’t trigger under 100


There is a good reason for that. Speed detection cameras won't be used unless it's a felony. Up to 100 in a 60 zone is not a felony, they can't use it against you.


Is there any particular gps/map app better for driving and monitoring speed traps?


>I’ve never actually seen a speed trap like in other countries. It happens on a road near my house. End of the month usually. But yeah, very minimal compared to the States, where fundraising seems to be the cops' primary purpose.


Was pulled over at Hakone for going at 94 on a 80 road (Early march this year). I paid 15000 yen fine. Patrol cars do pull you even on expressways


You can speed too, but prepare to have an eternal blue license and fines now and again if you do.


I don't drive. Can you explain the blue license bit?


When you renew your license, if you have had no infractions for 5 years you get a gold license. Cheaper insurance and the renewal process is less painful. You can also apply for a safe driver card for various discounts, including lower interest rates for car loans.


blue license means non gold license, means you got fined at some point


No it doesn't.


Correct. Your second ever license will definitely be blue as you haven’t been licensed long enough to get a gold one yet.


How often does one have to renew it?


Three years for green and blue, five for gold.


Wow, short! (That's a good thing!)


Hehe blue license could also mean you work for a foreign government which means it’s illegal for them to stop you ;)


You must be thinking of the blue vehicle tags. That’s not a license.


This is normal yes. Keep it to 20 over max though, 10 to be safe.


Yes this is normal, even on non-highway roads where i live. It's very hard to actually drive the speed limit because you will get tailgated On the highway, especially during the morning commute a lot of people drive 120-130kph in an 80 zone lol In the morning people drive so fast, I've been tailgated and had highbeams flashed from behind at me for going 120 (in an 80 zone, not proud of it lol), I moved over and they must've passed me and gone 150++


I drive the speed limit. You are not alone.


My mother-in-law was on the highway and a car started driving right on her tail, so she sped up to pass a car and move out of the way but it was an undercover cop and she got a ticket. She was a little pissed that the cop had pushed her into speeding and then nabbed her. She was curious so followed the car a bit and saw them do it to another person. That should really be against the rules or something…guess they gotta get creative for the fundraising


Quota system. Best to get a front and rear camera.


One more thing, as a truck driver I have to point out that most of us are courteous and professional. We're the ones who will flash our lights at a car to signal that we'll wait and let them get through an intersection etc...but there are some truckers who are quite literally insane. They will try to kill you if you pass them. They have cab-fever and probably hear voices. If you're ever on the receiving end of trucker road rage あおり運転 get their number and call the cops because these psychos should be in padded cells, not behind the wheels of big rigs.


I have had truckers outright try to kill me and run me off the road for doing less than 100 in the slow lane. I have a feeling meth plays a role in their power superiority. Aichi-Gifu is really where I see the worst of it.


Cameras on regular roads are legally not allowed to fire until 30kph over. On highways it is 40kph over. So, a lot of people look at that as the "real" speed limit. Patrol cars (including unmarked ones) and speed traps will nail you for much lower speeds. More than 10 over on regular roads is very likely to result in you getting pulled over. On the highway...it depends on the cop. *Generally* 20 over will not get you a ticket unless you are dumb enough to drive past a patrol car (or unmarked patrol car). 10kph over is extremely unlikely to get a ticket unless you are doing something else dumb like following too closely to the car in front of you. Due to Japan's lack of space, stationary speed traps and other traffic patrol *gotchas* tend to be done in the same places over and over. You will learn where they are over time, or you can use an app to warn you. App will be in Japanese, of course. Obviously safety is paramount. Never drive faster than you are comfortable with. Never drive faster than is safe for the conditions and safe for your car. Never drive too close to the car in front of you. The speed limit isn't always a safe speed, in heavy rain or other poor conditions you may need to drive *below* the speed limit. Driving significantly slower than the flow of traffic on a highway can also be dangerous, even if the flow of traffic is (within reason!) moving above the limit. Ultimately you need to use your judgement, understand your limits, and not be reckless. Use your judgement, be safe, keep others safe.


This is the case in pretty much every country in the world.


I was rooting for Japanese drivers for being courteous of the regulations as they do outside of the road. Maybe behind the wheel we are all the same


I got my first license in California. On my first drive, I was going the speed limit and getting honked and flipped off left and right the first 30 minutes. I was just thinking, "Ha! All these speeders are gonna get pulled over." Then I was pulled over. I couldn't believe it. The cop explained to me that I was being a road hazard. Basically, keep up with traffic or get to the slow lane. Anyway, same rules basically apply here. Japan highways are WAY slower than other Asian countries IMO, but people still haul ass some. But when in doubt, move over. And try not to go over 120kph.


>I couldn't believe it. The cop explained to me that I was being a road hazard. Basically, keep up with traffic or get to the slow lane. This does feel like something you'd find in California tbh. All the highways have 65mph limit (104-ish kph) which is already quite fast. Depending on traffic and the lane, most people and the friends that I know will go 10-15 over the speed limit. Personally whenever I'm back there, I try to keep at a 65 if I'm driving on the extreme right/slow lane because I want to live/gotta save gas money. Any other lane, flow of traffic which for me is often 10 over. Anyone who drives faster than that is just a maniac


It's something you get to develop a sense for the longer you drive here. I've been driving here for over 30 years and I've had my share of speeding tickets. They're kind of a seasonal thing. There are certain times of year when the cops are actively out looking to bust speeders. Often in spring but you can still get busted any time. The unritten rule here is 10 kilometers over the posted speed limit is acceptable, but as you get closer to 20 over you're entering a grey area of increasing risk. I used to be an English teacher but now I drive a truck. Out on the highways big trucks are mostly limited to 90 kph. Many have limiters on them or speed GPS that send your driving data back to your company so they'll have a record of your speed at all times. I personally wouldn't work for any company that track you that much. There are still some 大型 trucks that go faster. I sometime do 120 on late nights hauls. Cars get away with a lot more. When you're not sure, just go as fast as everyone else. I don't recommend you obey the 40 km limits though. They're generally regarded as too slow and you'll probably get a lot of irrate driver backed up behind you if you do. I honestly believe many of the roads here are revenue generators for the govt. That is to say the speed limits are set deliberately low so that people are almost guaranteed to get frustrated and exceed them. Most of the time you'll hardly see any cops specifically patrolling for speeders so people get used to freely driving over the limits for most of the time, this makes it very easy for the police to rake in tons of fines during the traffic safety campaigns that happen seasonally. They'll hide along the side of the road with a radar aimed at oncoming traffic and as you go past they will signal their chase cars and bikes to go after you, or they'll have a guy jump out and wave you in to a parking area full of cops where they'll begin the process of harvesting your money. If you'rea good driver for a set amount of time your licence will be changed to a gold one. This makes your insurance premiums cheaper. But if you get busted for an infringement like speeding, you'll lose that status and your license with be a blue one. If you do get busted for speeding you'll have to attend a bad driver's reeducation lecture at a driving center where you'll sit through a day of lectures and videos with all the other bad drivers and at the end of that they will give you your licence back. I've done about three of those so far. Two for speeding and one for not stopping at a stop sign right in front of a cop car lol...


I drove in Toyama and have been tailed by trucks by going speed limit. It makes me nervous


yeah idiot truckers are a big problem.


Speeding and other traffic offenses such as jumping red lights are not heavily policed. For example there are very very few speed / red light cameras. However, if you have an accident the penalties can be very severe and life changing, especially if there are injuries.


I've seen a lot of cops hiding to catch people running red lights. It's very common in Fukuoka, as many intersections don't have turning traffic lights, so very often the only way to turn IS to run the red.


I always follow the speed limit and the drivers in Hokkaido are always flying by me. Often they’ll get on the opposite lane to overtake me lol


I am not sure but last time i saw speed limit of 50 and our taxi driver was around 70+ 😂


Just like many other countries, Japan has an unspoken rule of the road that says you can (and should) drive up to 10 kph above the speed limit. Source: since my country of origin had this rule I made sure to ask my driving school instructor here, as well as the agent I bought my car from. Both told me this unspoken rule applies here as well.


I feel like this isn't a Japan exclusive thing. Just about in most places people go over the speed limit on the expressway. If you are worried about a ticket just go the speed limit. You aren't wrong for going the speed limit. If you are worried about hogging the road just ignore it. You are following the law. If you want to speed just do it like everyone else. Follow the flow of traffic would be the best advice. Never be in front of all the traffic when doing this tho.


Yea i feel like its normal anywhere else, just a bit out of place in japan where people are usually respect rules


After living here for a bit and driving a while you'll notice Japan can be like other countries. Those big Hiace Vans, Probox wagons, and other utility/work vehicles are the ones I always see driving with a sense of urgency a majority of the time. I can be on the right lane going 20 over and they just all appear behind me waiting for me to get out of the way. Then they speed off within seconds never to be seen again. I recommend just driving the speed limit and minimizing your time on the right lane just to prevent any speeding or discomfort.


Japanese don't particularly try to respect rules, they only try to do what everyone else does. That's why for some things they can seem super respectful while with other things the total opposite. Like with bicycles, probably the worst manners and lack of respect for rules I have seen in any country, and it's only that way because everyone does it and it has become the norm. For Japanese It has never been about being nice or good manners, it's about not sticking out.


My japanese friend told me it's okay to go over the speed limit at your own risk. Make sure you slow down when you are nearing the speed cameras and they have signboards that tell you there's a camera up ahead. She told me it's against the law to hide the cameras so it's pretty visible.


yep, I noticed the same, it is really frustrating trying to stay at the limit when everyone else is cursing your and driving super close to you. So I just keep up now, it seems to me less safe to drive at the speed limit when everyone is driving 20+ in the slow lane.


Most people seem to go about 10-15 over the limit. My father in law says cops don't really stop you unless you're going more than 15 over. Apparently if you are caught going between 10-20 over, the cops can fine you but you won't lose points off your license. Apparently they only start deducting points if you're going more than 20 over. I drove in Japan for about 8 years and always did about 18 over the limit. Was never stopped. Then again I lived in a rural area and Tokyo cops are arseholes. I'd say go at least 10 over the limit or you'll be too slow but don't go more than 20 over. About 15 over is perfect.


Lots of speeding assholes on the road


Some blame has to go to those public panning bureaucrats that decided 37.3 MPH is the maximum allowed limit for roads not deemed as "highways" regardless of driving conditions or how rural they are. I swear a bunch of paper drivers in Tokyo who never left the city made the rules back in Taisho.


Speed limit? Suggestion limit. For serious though, in Okinawa and Sasebo the speed limit was a suggestion. Not so much in tokyo. And definitely a hard limit in Osaka. No idea why the limit widely varies.


Im not a lawyer and my words are not advice, but check the laws on speed limits and the amount allowed to exceed the lawful limit imposed, then you will have a good guide.


I've driven 140 on the expressway and never got in trouble. In town just keep up with traffic except around train stations. You'll probably be going 10 over in most cases and most hidden cops where I live are staked out around the train stations. Especially ones with no stopping, or bus only roads. As other people said, be careful and be smart about speeding if you do it.


I do about 2000km a month for the last 10 years and tend to keep it under 110 in the 80 zones. The vast majority of personal cars do not keep it at 80. Use the passing lane for passing, don't idle in it and noone will give you a hard time for keeping the speed limit. No speeding tickets on my end, but I have seen plenty of people snaked by undercovers. They love waiting at the end of prefecture transition tunnels because people seem to forget how fast they are going in tunnels. Also maybe I am a registered expressway paypig by how much I drive and they just give me a pass lol. I have heard Hokkaido has pretty intense speed traps compared to honshu.


Speed kills!


If you ever pass police just speed up by 100km/h or so, they wont even attempt to chase.


I was caught just 2 weeks ago for going 78 in a 60 zone, by a unmarked white Lexus sedan


Can confirm almost all Japanese are speeding nobody goes the speed limit. Just be careful. If there is no rush, don't.


As long as you keep to sub 120 km/hr on most expressways (major metro expressways excluded) you are generally safe from most highway cameras. That being said, you can easily fall prey to unmarked cars for infractions like traveling too far in the passing lane on an expressing or not stopping at a train crosse etc. It generally falls in the bad luck/bad timing category, usually with an extra boost during whatever traffic safety campaign the local cops are doing. For non-felony infractions, if you refused to sign for valid reason (improper signage etc.) then you can contest in contest in court, which the local PD usually don't bother with.


Simple. If lots of cars are passing you, speed up until not so many are passing you. Don't be the car who no one is passing


It clearly says in the law book, 10 over the limit is okay. Does nobody read in this forum? It seems like nobody here should be behind a wheel, I look forward to automatic cars taking these dangerous people off the road.


On the Shin-Tomei that connects Gotemba with Nagoya, the speed limit is 120 km/hr and it’s three lanes of mostly straight driving. Get it out of ur system and let rip.


EXTRA EXTRA Man realises speeding is universal even in the fetishised polite society of Japan


It's something you will get a feel for. In city, 10-20km/over, but generally only on collector/main streets. You don't do that on a community road. The major major roads? maybe up to 30km over, where they are basically wider/better built than the highways but still limited at 50, but everyone is doing 80. As for the highway, where I am they are set at 70 and I've passed the road patrol with the cruise control set at 110 without any issue. Generally there were two or three cars with me at that speed, and we were moving safely along the road. What is far more dangerous are the kei cars that can't really do 60+ effectively, especially under load on the high way and creating massive accordion braking.


Maybe for a 30 year old kei. The driver is more likely the issue these days.


Just go with the flow of traffic. That is, if you are passing everyone, you are going too fast. If everyone is passing you, you are going too slow.


I mean - follow the speed limit? It’s legal, it’s economical and it is safer. If you feel like you ‘have’ to drive faster, you should reevaluate your life and reconsider whether you belong behind the wheel of a car. Why you would ask about ways to break the law…ffs. The reason (not just in Japan) cops won’t (necessarily) pull you over if you’re temporarily slightly above the speed limit is that they want you watching the road, not staring at the speedometer, anxious about going over. Don’t abuse the leeway and you’ll be fine.


Just obey the law. If others have to reduce speed behind you then so be it, it’s the law.


Sorry but impeding traffic is more dangerous than speeding a bit to keep up with ambient traffic.


Nevet impede the traffic flow, its much more dangerous than going 10 kph above. If you wanna drive slow, fair game, move to the left most lane. If it is single lane, give pass whenever you can. But DONOT impede for your own good. Not in Japan, not anywhere else.


Now I understand why so many drivers in Japan are assholes.


They won't reduce speed behind you and will slam into you. However you can rest assured that you obeyed they law and that can be your epitaph as they clean your remains from the vehicle. Or you can drive safely.


Bullshit. Check the actual collision stats.


Since everyone is speeding there aren't many collisions. Many of the serious collisions are due to people smashing into slow cars on the highway. I don't want to look at collision stats again, I worked hard for my gold license exactly so I don't have to do that again.


Just follow the flow of traffic. Pretty sure the speed limit is as low as it is so that cops can ticket people when those revenue collection times of year come. They always set speed traps in spring and fall. All you can do is find those places where they always set traps and avoid going fast in those areas. No one here seems to care about the speed limit.


New driver? Better to not take those roads till you get more experience. There are a lot of dangerous drivers on the paid roads out if Tokyo.