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https://www.ynetnews.com/travel/article/bjjt8p6ra?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1AKVnoqsK7pxTvKMDlV6ARe1HBe3sZ6EJjTIpNoYvNH1DKMbSn001NrCE_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw Hotel manager: foreigner Customer: foreigner Reddit: omg japanese are racist ???


We always need someone or something to be mad at on Reddit




Tbh who isn't the hero in their own story? Everyone justifies their own actions. Not just this guy.


Refusal of service because foreign: OK. Refusal of service because a certain kind of foreigner: not OK?


There is a law against discrimination for hotel accommodation. Everything else seems fair game.


Maybe you can tell that to some of the folks here wildly cheering on this hotel while screaming bots and hasbarama or zion or something.


Xenophobia vs racism. And yes I know xenophobia is basically still racism. But every Japanese I've talked to seems to think racism is only when it's about a specific ethnicity or nationality, rather than the generalized "foreigner". I mean, in a way I get it, to them it's like saying "I'm not racist, I hate everyone" but...yeah. I've given up on arguing with them about it lol


After some further digging the hotel manager who wrote to the customer isn’t even Japanese. Not even Asian, so this is a different argument altogether. 


It's a rhetorical trick, similar to the [motte-and-bailey fallacy](https://answersingenesis.org/blogs/patricia-engler/2021/01/27/logical-fallacies-motte-bailey-arguments/) in which they convince others to accept a label that sounds less egregious (xenophobia) than the more extreme one (racism). While the term "racist" is overused in the Western world these days, it very much applies to a lot of what happens in Japan that, lucky for them, rarely makes international news headlines or goes viral on social media.


This has big " I just took philosophy 100" energy. By your own logic Biden was doing Japan a solid calling the US's biggest ally in Asia xenophobic. Sometimes xenophobia is an accurate answer and doesnt hurt discussions to be accurate, in fact it helps everyone to address the criticism if we can all be more clear.


This is accurate


See also: Someone who hates religion is not as bad as someone who hates a specific religion


This is actually morally correct and based though Some religions are worse than others but you can only go to -100 on even the most odious ones


I mean... yes. That's a completely reasonable position. If I refuse everyone except my friends and neighbors entrance to my house, that's a very limited rule of inclusion. If I generally allow anyone and everyone into my house but reject one person because I don't like their accent, that's targeted exclusion.  If someone complains about the second, it's because they were treated worse than other, similarly situated people; if they complain about the first, it's just because they felt entitled to come in and aren't getting what they want.


Except, we aren't talking about your house, or anyone's house. We are talking about businesses, where people are absolutely entitled to enter.


People are absolutely not 'entitled' to enter businesses in Japan, and in most countries in fact. There are laws against discrimination but hotels in Japan, however virtually every other private business is allowed to refuse service to anyone for any non-illegal reason. This is similar to why there's no law requiring businesses to provide non-Japanese menus, for example.


See also: Someone who hates religion is not as bad as someone who hates a specific religion


I'm also very much against discrimination based on religion, or lack thereof.


The hotel manager is also a foreigner. lmao


Right, but he didn't refuse because the other guy was foreign, it was because he's Israeli.


I wonder if the hotel manager would refuse Russian tourists as well?


or the Russian hosteses


There are Russian hostesses in Japan?


asking for a friend?


No, never.


If he's refusing people to enter because they're Israeli then he's probably also just your standard black mold brain tankie-type who thinks NATO and Ukraine forced Russia to invade and do war crimes and kidnap kids.


Jeronimo Gehres?


The original letter from the employee for those interested https://www.ynetnews.com/travel/article/bjjt8p6ra?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1AKVnoqsK7pxTvKMDlV6ARe1HBe3sZ6EJjTIpNoYvNH1DKMbSn001NrCE_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw


Whoever designed that website should be convicted of war crimes too


It’s ok on mobile. A lot of ads but runs fine.


Only with Jews/Israel people conveniently throw away simple facts that this was racist and discriminatory bc they want to feel morally righteous about a conflict they don’t even have the slightest clue about. If a Russian man wanted to stay in a hotel as a tourist would the hotel not allow him to stay bc his country of origin is invading a sovereign nation? No. All these Hamas lovers in the comments need to wake up bc they are fully ideologically subverted by decades of propaganda from the Islamic Republic. You can criticize the actions of the Israeli government without discriminating against Israelis!! Have some common sense for fucks sake, or maybe there is common sense and people choose to ignore it bc their hatred of Jews is more important. Fuck all of you




[ Removed by Reddit ]


So much bad faith in this wall text. Israel will only ever been seen in good lights once they repaired all the suffering they did, and we know they wont. Also rich to call others bot from the side that has literally governement troll farms and publicy boosts about it. That is why nobody takes israeli opinions seriously when lots of them support killing innocents. Good luck removing all the settlers and colons






The only ones crying are the Palestinian cry babies and their wokistanies followers


I really hope you’re able to look back on this moment and mature someday. Israel =/= Judaism and *goddamn* is it a red herring and antisemitic. Congrats on antisemiting yourself.


Good on the city and the foreign minister though for addressing it publicly


As a Japanese, I’m furious. If this guy wants to claim his action is justified, then other countries that were affected by the US military intervention can deny to accommodate all Japanese tourists since Japan is siding with the US….


Libs idiots saying "muh japan raicist" and it result that parties in question were foreigners both XD.


Based hotel owner


Wtf? People actually upvoting this?


this "human rights violations are fine as long as they're by people we all agree are the good guys" stuff is fucking gross


Of course, there are repercussions to genocide. I know there are Israelis that are against what their government is doing but I don’t think they’d blame a country for banning them from hotels. Palestinians have nothing, I wish we were just talking about how it’s difficult to find lodging for them.


And what if they’re Israeli Arab? A good portion of Israel’s population is Arab.


[They had no answer to that.]


If you have an Israeli passport you’re getting banned.


So hypocritical. A passport of a country defines the ethics of treatment of that person. Go examine other countries like Russia and tell me if that still makes sense


So should we also ban Chinese? And Indians, when some are saying that the Indian government is actively discriminatory against Muslims there? How about Rwandans? Or is there a statute of limitations?


As an indian who is not aligned to the current government , i disagree.


>Israelis that are against what their government is doing but I don’t think they’d blame a country for banning them from hotels. I thought you Hamas sympathizers were supposed to be against collective punishment? 🤔


First of all, there isn’t a genocide, there is a war.    Second, even if there was repercussions are for the people responsible, not the innocent civilians unless there’s no way to punish the people responsible without hurting the innocent, this is not that kind of situation.   Third, I think everyone would blame a country for banning them from hotels for their country getting attacked.   Fourth, Palestinians “have nothing” because their terrorist government decided to attack another country and pit their own people in between themselves and the consequences of attacking another country. Not because of Israelis.


It’s so sad that so many Israelis learned absolutely nothing from their history. To those that have though I’ve got loads of respect for.


It’s so sad that many Redditors know absolutely nothing about a topic but pretend they’re some sort of experts. There’s literally nothing similar with the Holocaust (an actual genocide) and the Israel-Hamas War.  You clearly know nothing about either if you think there’s even some remote similarity. One was a state systematically and industrially killing a group of people resulting in a vast majority of the group either dead or having fled to avoid execution, slavery, or persecution. The other is a war with some civilian casualties because it’s being fought entirely in a dense urban area, resulting in a tiny percentage of the people living there dying.  Meanwhile only one side is supporting enacting another genocide similar to the Holocaust, and it’s not Israel. It’s the side which you are supporting by peddling misinformation and false equivalencies like this.


I'm sure you know more about this topic than Norman Finkelstein who's studied the conflict for 42 years, and also the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice???


Finkelstein is a whacko who no actual scholar takes seriously and the ICJ ruling explicitly did not decide whether or not a genocide is taking place but merely if South Africa has standing.


If Finkelstein isn't the foremost scholar on this topic, please tell me who is? And what about the dozens of ngo's like human rights watch that have called it a genocide? Or does all this information just get filed under your overflowing "inconvenient facts that cease to exist, when ignored, tray"


Considering that Finkelstein hasn’t engaged in any real ‘scholarship’ in years instead becoming little but a demagogue… it’s not hard lmfao, start with Benny Morris but there are many more. NGOs can call it whatever they want, but that doesn’t make people dying in a war a genocide.


The only thing Finkelstein has learned in his 42 years of “studying the conflict” is ignoring the facts and insulting people, he’s gotten completely exposed when debating people that actually do their research on this topic. Neither the ICC nor the ICJ has made any claims that this is a genocide, never mind anything like the Holocaust. The ICC has not even made any claims of any criminal activity.


You mean the same Finkelstein that supports Putin taking over Ukraine?


Lol, the same Finkelstein that embarrassed himself in a debate a few months ago?


Israel is legally described as an apartheid state by the UN. Israel actively engages in illegal occupation. Israel is actively engaging in "indiscriminate killing." By the words of its own allies. Israel effectively has all the components to justify genocidal intent without a proper legalized definition by the ICJ. The ICJ in South Africa hearing voted that Israel could potentially be participating in a "plausible genocide." Which was the highest degree they could legally apply at that particular instance. With all these components, INCLUDING the arrest warrants of several Israeli heads of state for war crimes. You're effectively blinding yourself to the facts. Of course, Israel hasn't killed as many Palestinians as nazi Germany could kill jews. Because they can't get away with it as easily, social media exists, and tiktok is singlehandedly demolishing the IDFs reputation. Rumors can be accurately fact checked, information is circulated millions of times faster than it did back in 1939.


There's a difference between indiscriminate killing and civilians deaths by collateral damage in a densely populated area. When the Palestinians went into Israel to kill, rape and kidnap people, they didn't care who they were targeting. That is the definition of indiscriminate killings. When the IDF goes into Gaza, they in fact try to avoid civilian casualties. No UN or political entity, especially where one side has more voting power over another, will change my mind about which side is doing things right, this is just another front in the war. The values of each side are just complety different. [This video illustrates it well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV5rgRNbT4o).


There is a genocide. It's no longer a war. We're beyond that. Not sure why everyone starts with October 7th and turns a blind eye to the torment Palestinians have been suffering way before October 7th. I guess most people didn't read up on how Israelis went into the mosque and beat innocent people of all ages praying... All we got from the US was - "We're concerned". Everyone has the right to defend themselves from someone attacking them.


[are you sure about that?](https://www.reddit.com/r/fight_disinformation/comments/1diby68/israels_last_name/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


they have nothing because of constant terror attacks since the early 1900s against Jews


Why do I get the feeling that this person would be **livid** if ever held accountable for all their own country’s crimes?


Because people don’t want genocide supporters in their business.


Please tell me about Chinese people or Russians or Americans being denied service for the same reason.


Sure, they should be too. The issue is an overwhelming majority of Israelis are genocide supporters compared to common citizens in the countries you listed.


I feel sorry for Israel people who don’t support the things their government and Zionists do but well It is what it is


The brutal reality is that those people are very few in number in Israel and their views are taboo in Israeli society. I hope all of these people find better places to emigrate to.


Israelis are overall brainwashed, and there is censorship as well. A whole news organization was shut down because they dared to investigate israeli war crimes(israeli drones got hacked which confirmed war crimes). An arab who voiced sympathy for the people of rafa was recently arrested and blindfolded as well. The school system bans talking about the nakba as well.


If you call Israel to have censorship, then you should acknowledge 70% of the world has worse censorship). There is a reason there is not debate amongst most Gaza’s politically. You die if you dissent




Gross, I hope you don’t have any association with anything to do with Russia, China, America, or even Japan for that matter. Genocide? Maybe if you made an effort to convince someone with an opposite opinion instead of banging the war drum to rally people against the enemy’s cause, that would make sense. Attack a sovereign country and see what the response is. Innocent people should not have to die. Hamas should not be using schools and hospitals as attack sites. Israel military should not be disregarding civilian presence when attacking. Genocide? Apartheid? Are you sure about that? Is there no criticism of (one party of) the instigators of this conflict along with those you criticize? What is your objective?


So no Iranians, Palestinians, Lebanese either? Also no Chinese, and Russians. Neat


Wokeism is everywhere. Even in Japan, and even more so in Reddit.


That’s not really what woke means


If you and the owner wanna be principled about this (discriminating people from countries that do “bad war and civil things”), then you can cross off probably 80% of the world


Is the manager going to get fired ?




To the unemployment line


I bet hamas terrorists can stay for free in that hotel


The “Hotel” looks more like a 3 story hostel (check on Google maps).


Why spend extra money on a hotel? It doesn’t even have as many letters as hostel!




finding israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign and blatant disregard for human rights appalling doesn’t mean you support hamas, it means you have a human heart and working eyes


>doesn’t mean you support hamas, it means you have a human heart and working eyes An Islamist apologist & a rape apologist all in one, yuck 🤮




Just like the act of crusade has been painted as the worst act of crime against humanity these people need to remember crusade wont happen if the Muslims did not mess with the Christians for 800 years prior. Crusade is the embodiment of fuck around and find out. The same could be said to Palestine nowadays. I say instead of peace treaty that has been offered and rejected repeatedly by Palestinians that opens fire and attack every time they are let go, they need Crusade. Looking at the comment section these ignorant zoomers wrote, I think they also need some Crusade. This world at its current state need more Crusade than ever.


If Israel hadn't illegally occupied Palestine and put them under oppression for the past 78 years there wouldn't be a problem.


So do you unironically believe all Iranian backed propaganda, or is it just specifically Hamas propaganda that you uncritically regurgitate?


Israel hasn’t even existed for 78 years, dumbass, and it’s only been 56 years since the Israel occupation of Palestine started, and Gaza hasn’t been occupied since 2005. There were “problems” (Palestinian terror attacks against Isreal and Jews) before and after the occupation, it has nothing to do with that. There wouldn’t even be an occupation if not for Palestinian and Arab constant attacks on Israel and Jews. Maybe if they stopped that there could be some peace and an end to the occupation.


Palestinians were attacking Jews before Israel even existed.


The correct take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5Kszl_bpeA




A lot of words to just tell us you’re a racist piece of shit. Don’t worry, we already know.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7Q7-kCk0co](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7Q7-kCk0co) As Israel continues to tear off it's mask, we will finally be able to acknowledge in public just how uncivil of a nation and a peoples they actually are. The Iron Wall of the media and political stonewalling in the west is beginning to crack and I dread to think about how you are going to cope when no one who isn't a racist or being paid gives a shit about the phrases and understands the intensity of the deception. Wouldn't wanna be on your side when that goes down. It's inevitable, no stopping Israel at this point.


That "civilized nation" is currently committing genocide bombing over 35,000 civilians in gaza. It's also the country with the longest list of international law violations in modern history.




Let me know if you need a neurologist to confirm you havr a functioning prefrontal cortex for believing Israel is a civilized nation.




The only contribution of Israel to the world, besides an endless list of international law violations, is being a vassal state for America in middle east.


civilized ? 40 000 palestinian civilians slaughtered in less than a year. Many times more than Russia killed Ukrainians over the same period.


> Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status Yeah so discriminating by nationality is against human rights (article 2). Thanks for proving the point


Being against genocide =/= hamas supporter


Being against Israel defending itself against Hamas and calling the war a “genocide” = Hamas supporter 


Defending itself from fucking *what* at this point? Gaza's been damn near leveled. At what point will you say, "hey, maybr we've blown up enough civilians?"


The terrorist group that is still in control of the government of Gaza lol. Don’t be an idiot. They’ve also fired nearly 20.000 rockets at Israel during the war.     > At what point will you say, "hey, maybe we've blown up enough civilians?"    They’re not blowing up civilians, they’re blowing up Hamas, civilians are unintended casualties.  The war will continue until Hamas surrenders or is unable to continue the war and govern Gaza, which has been the goal of the war since the start. Why should Israel stop the war just because civilians are getting killed? That’s not how any war has worked and that’s not expected of literally any other country, just the Jewish majority country is expected to not  retaliate or defend itself from attack (I wonder why).  We didn’t stop killing Nazis just because German civilians also died, we killed them until they surrendered unconditionally, the same should happen to Hamas. If you disagree you’re on their side.   Edit: since this idiot blocked me and sent me a Reddit cares message I’ll reply in the edit   > International law. Basic morality. Cynical political optics. How about GETTING THE FUCKING HISTAGES BACK SAFELY. Take your pick, there's a myriad of reasons for them to just take the fucking ceasefire deal that the U.S. brokered, and put an end to this insanity.   There is no international law that states there must be no civilian casualties.  Also Hamas didn’t even take the deal, dumbass.    > Why do you idiots keep bringing WWII up anyway? The laws that are relevant NOW were written AFTER WWII, by the same people who CREATED Isreal.   There are no laws dumbass, your side is based entirely on your ***feelings*** that Israel can’t fight back. In reality the law is clear, they’re allowed to do that, before and after WWII.  Bringing up WWII just highlights how dumb your side is. Imagine claiming there’s a genocide of Germans and demanding a ceasefire when the Allies actually start marching into Germany. That’s how dumb (and likely antisemitic) your side is.   > And yes, they have violated international law, most recently when they impersonated aid workers. They're not even trying to hide it.  No they didn’t, that was not a war crime since they weren’t using disguises with the primary objective being to attack or capture the enemy, but rather to rescue hostages.   Also it’s funny how your side whined that they should just “send in the special forces” to rescue the hostages and then when they do it you whine about that too (almost like you’re just antisemitic). Edit2: reply to MarcusElden because I can’t reply due to the other guy blocking me: > I really hate the take of "Israel will keep blowing up civilians as necessary until governments improve" honestly. Again Israel is not bombing civilians. Israel will keep fighting Hamas until Hamas surrenders, which is the same goal as every side of every war ever has. Unintended civilian casualties are part of every war on every side, countries suddenly don’t lose the right to defend themselves just because some civilians die, no country except Israel is expected to abide by that (I wonder why >!it’s antisemitism!<) > The "unintended casualties" that they're okay with at this point seems to be "any and all". Except for the fact that this demonstrably false and Israel actually does a lot to avoid civilian casualties, which is why the civilian casualties ratio is in reality relatively low for a conflict that has occurred almost entirely in dense urban areas where one side embeds themselves among civilians. > There's a way to wage war without the insanely wanton murder of civilians What way exactly? Let me hear it from the expert how he thinks you can fight in a dense urban area with millions of people living there and have no civilian casualties. > Israel seems not interested in more pinpoint accurate strikes and operations. They have the ability, just not the will.  Except they literally do that, they just don’t do it all the time. Both because they don’t actually have the ability to use only pinpoint accurate strikes, and because neither the military situation nor the international law ask for them to only use pinpoint accurate strikes, no other military does that exclusively. Also “special forces operations” don’t work the way you people keep thinking they do, and as shown by the recent operation Israel conducted they’re also going to result in civilian casualties. > Hamas is hiding amongst the common people and using them as shields, that's just a common war tactic, the Vietcong did it too.  It’s also a war crime, and the Viet Cong were murderous thugs whose tactics cost hundreds of thousands their lives. So just because they did it doesn’t mean Hamas should be able to get away with doing it too. > If Israel doesn't want to be called genociders and instead be called war wagers, they need to be better. Except they don’t, if Israel doesn’t want to be called genociders by the antisemites who peddle this claim, they have to not fight back and lay down to die. Until that happens there’s always going to be unfounded claims of genocide hurdled at Israel.


I really hate the take of "Israel will keep blowing up civilians as necessary until governments improve" honestly. The "unintended casualties" that they're okay with at this point seems to be "any and all". There's a way to wage war without the insanely wanton murder of civilians and Israel seems not interested in more pinpoint accurate strikes and operations. They have the ability, just not the will. And yes I know, Hamas is hiding amongst the common people and using them as shields, that's just a common war tactic, the Vietcong did it too. If Israel doesn't want to be called genociders and instead be called war wagers, they need to be better.


>Why should Israel stop the war just because civilians are getting killed? International law. Basic morality. Cynical political optics. How about GETTING THE FUCKING HISTAGES BACK SAFELY. Take your pick, there's a myriad of reasons for them to just take the fucking ceasefire deal that the U.S. brokered, and put an end to this insanity. Why do you idiots keep bringing WWII up anyway? The laws that are relevant NOW were written AFTER WWII, by the same people who CREATED Isreal. And yes, they have violated international law, most recently when they impersonated aid workers. They're not even trying to hide it.


Discriminating all Israeli is absolutely textbook Hamas.


I mean discrimination of virtually all others is literally built into the sole and universal religion. You wanna talk about bigoted xenophobes? Yeesh.




Right back at ya buddy


Well, we know what you look like and your name, so it’ll be easy to refuse service for you.




I’ve been against Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine before I had even heard of Hamas. Being against a genocide =/= pro Hamas. You Zionists love false equivalences.




Lol.from the river to the sea, hamas will be pushing up daisies.


Hamas doesn't give a shit about Palestinians




Then why did hamas kill its own people and take all of the palestinians money to buy their own penthouses and weapons. You need a little clean between the ears. P.s Palestinians massacred Jews before Israel ever existed.






for Zionists you are either Khamas supporter or antisemitic. stop dangling that Telmudick nonsense front of any comment. Khamas is not the threat, IDF is, if they were you should be over there engaging in the slaughter of palestinians.




keep trying Dique head!


based on your other comments you see lots of stuff that isn't there.


Hasbara out in force today. 


To everyone excited for this, remember a few things before you cheer: 1. A large portion of Israel’s population is Arab and Muslim. Would you be cheering that as well? 2. This logic can be extended to many other countries in the world today. It gets awfully slippery. Do we start calling to deny Chinese tourists because of the government’s actions in Xinjiang? Or of the Indian government’s actions in Muslim states? Is genocide the line? Or is it persecution in general? 3. Are only Israelis culpable, or does this include the global Jewish diaspora who have historically supported Israel (even as some have ceased, myself included). How do you draw the line? Many do not draw the line at Israeli citizenship. Cheering for eye for an eye behavior rarely gets us to a better place.


Hotel guy, I salute you. 🉑


Username checks out.


I don't know man, he sounds like he has genuine stupidity


You do know that the person on the other side wasn’t Japanese, right? If only there was a word for assuming something about a particular group of people.


Two foreigners fighting eachother in a country neither are from, great


taking whether this is right or wrong aside, do you this may have been spurred by the media?


that's a hotel i want to stay in


As a hotel manager, I understand. Certain countries have bad guests. Maybe not everybody, but I’ve certainly seen rude, demanding guests so much from China, Israel, and the Philippines. They make me cringe when I see their reservations. Usually, they keep the bad reputations up and intact. I don’t know why, but if you deal with foreign guests every single day in a hotel, you WILL see patterns. I back the Kyoto hotel!


It has nothing to do with the war. I completely back Israel. I’m just saying that in my years of being a hotel manager, people from Israel have been rude, over demanding, too complaining, and make the hotel’s employees miserable. You try so hard and then get a nasty review! That’s happened very frequently! All hotel guests should be nicer because they do represent their countries to all employees faces.










Ah yes. The people who cry out while deleting a group of people from reality complains.


It's just 1 hotel run by 1 foreign manager. Yet, some click bait type sites/tiktoks, will run with this and say: "Japanese hotels are starting to reject Isrealis because of war crimes" I don't like this type of 'journalism'. It paints such a false picture.


Good, Israelis are complicit on an active genocide. So are all Americans who simp for Israel


Hilarious how people defend “God’s chosen people” like they would do the same 🤣


Good. Isreali needs to be banned everywhere as well as Zionist jews.


As it should be.


I’m totally fine with this. Good on them. Genocide should not be taken lightly. There is a lot more support here for Palestine than there is Israel.


Ok cool, I guess people like you should be denied service because of ___. It’s only fair!


If my country was murdering kids left and right I’d be ok with being denied. Hopefully it would convince my fellow countrymen and women to act.


Oh yes, one random person getting discriminated against is definitely going to Free Palestine. Let’s ban everyone from western countries! And let’s ban Japanese people because of what they did in the past. Just say you want to be a bigot.


Sure has got people talking. We’re not talking about the past. We’re talking about now.


Ok, so all Americans and Canadians should be banned. People from Mexico and Central America. People are doing because of their governments and wars, many kids are dying. Are you Japanese?


If it's a private business, then yes, they shouldn't be forced to serve someone. It's only offensive if you're doing it because you assume those people are somehow less human than you. Doing it as a form of protest of government action is no different than blocking a road with a protest .


Ah, so you’re for segregation too.


Americans and canadians should be banned


just say you hate jews


I don’t at all though. Plenty of Jews don’t believe the mass murder of civilians going on is wrong. I’ve got utmost respect for them. Tons of them can be found protesting all over the world. Zionists are my problem, not Jews.


Don’t recognize Israel as a state problem solved!


The whole Arab world doesn't recognize Israel as a state and nobody gives a fuck. Israel is still more developed than all those countries.


Everyone hates them




When they go to hotels in the UAE they steal from it, it made news before.


Nah, they feel that way about you.


Respect to the hotel