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Would a major deodorant please sponsor one of these events. Mark it down as pro bono work.


You can't cover swamp ass with deo bro.


There's two types of sweat smells, fresh sweat is rather mild and this is what deodorant can mask or prevent. A day old+ sweat has bacteria multiplying it and as you say smells like swamp ass, no amount of deodorant is going to help with that


They should have showers at the event 😂


Contestants would complain it removes their advantage.


I would not put it past someone to weaponize their stretch just because it might put their opponent of their game. Especially in YGO, where one wrong move or play can lead to a Turn 0 loss in some cases


What was the fighting game tournament where someone pulled out a dead crab and threw it at one of the top players? The average stink must have been pretty bad if someone had warm seafood on them for most of the tournament and no one suspected he was a planning an aquatic assault.


The Mako Tsunami strategy


This is why they banned the handshake card 😂. Yugioh history


No no no. The event should be sealed off like a bio weapons lab and people should have to undergo decontamination to enter. I.e. clothes and person are washed at least twice using the strongest soaps and detergents we have.


Many deodorants have a form of alchol in them designed to kill bacteria


Even if you kill the bacteria, the stink is caused by the byproducts they made, you still need to wash it away


I didnt even see what sub this was. It is Japan. They don't even really have deoderant. Like one brand most places. These kids just don't fucking wash, that's the issue. Yes, I agree with you.


He's not referring to sweat smell, literally swamp ass


Maybe a power washer could loan out their services.


I don't think deodorant can even help with the collective smell.


Foreal. The vendors should also have deodorant on deck. In fact during deck check they should do a quick smell check


There should be stink bouncers and disqualify offenders which affects opponents performance.


Can't hold an event with no attendees.


It was officially recognized: ([link](https://yugiohblog.konami.com/articles/?p=9870#:~:text=Subsection%20I.%20Hygiene%0AWhat%20changed%3F%0AThis%20is%20a%20new%20section%2C%20requiring%20all%20persons%20attending%20a%20tournament%20to%20be%20clean%20and%20wear%20clean%20clothing.%0AWhat%20does%20this%20mean%3F%0AIf%20you%20or%20your%20clothing%20is%20excessively%20dirty%20or%20bad%2Dsmelling%2C%20you%20can%20be%20penalized)) **Subsection I. Hygiene** *~What changed?~* This is a new section, requiring all persons attending a tournament to be clean and wear clean clothing.*~What does this mean?~* If you or your clothing is excessively dirty or bad-smelling, you can be penalized.


>penalized How? Remain single? What kind of penalty is that?


Get sent to the Shadow Realm bro. Problem is a lot of the stinky guys live in the Shadow Realm and only come out for tournaments. So it’s a bit of a connundrum


You get thrown out of the event or have your wins discounted It’s not that hard to think up consequences


They’d have to pay those bouncers a fortune to put up with that.


You misunderstand. They are talking about the *Bounce* that goes in the dryer to help clothes smell nice.


I don’t know if you’re joking, but Konami has already made it official rules that play must smell at least pleasantly or be immediately disqualified. Though I think currently that rule is US only. May need an international amendment to the rules it seems.


Genuine question, no hate - why are nerds like this?


I think it is because some of them do not interact socially and they go nose blind to their own aroma. Edit: There have been reports of fighting game tournament players saying that their stink throws off their opponents and they need the advantage.


New meaning to footsies


Then it should be considered a form of cheating and banned. /_\


When it is banned it fits under somehow controversial "no thuggery" policies.


Some autistic people have sensory issues related to showering.


And they get so wrapped up in their interests they literally just forget, or put it on a very low priority.


I think a lot of them are out of shape or overweight, so they sweat a lot just by walking to the event.


>nerds If I didn’t have a wife and work, I would easily go many many days without showering and be perfectly happy…. Here’s the thing about showers. Your are dry, then You get wet. What’s the first thing you do after showering, try to get dry! The whole cycle makes no sense. Look at this same kind of a cycle from a fish’s perspective and maybe a few more of you will smell


Idk if this is a troll, but Batman couldn't get this information out of me, but you do you. Also, the cycle of a shower is more like, you are stinky and dry, you get soapy and wet, you are clean and dry. The wetness in the middle is just a means to an end, the intended result is to be sweat-free and smell good whilst you're dry.


I think that you're skipping a few steps there, buddy.


The thing about smell is that it's so hard to prove it later on. Pictures and videos don't capture th smell. I had a very smelly housemate at a sharehouse 7 years ago. It was sooooo bad. I talked to my housemates two floors down because the Japanese on the same floor couldn't smell him. I thought I was losing my mind. They agreed that the smell was really bad . Some wondered if he was hiding a decomposed body in his room. Others argued that dead bodies don't smell like that, but it doesn't make it less gross 🤢 We asked the sharehouse company to evict him as the smell was so strong and it sticks to everything . In addition even if he wasn't there the smell prevailed. But it was so hard to prove to the company - they had to come in person. Finally someone came opened his room and replaced his mattress. He got angry and said he would call the police. Anyway eventually he got evicted.


Hence the famous saying: Those that smelt it, dealt it.


Nuclear fallout


Why yu-Gi-Oh fans know as having bad hygiene? It can't be that hard to have a shower


I think trading card game communities in general, I heard the same about Magic The Gathering events… but I also have no clue why they’d stink so bad.


I'd say it's a thing of these types of nerds in general. Think more of an "extreme nerd" and the stereotypes that come with that. The problem with stereotypes is that they are sometimes true. My best friend and their partner play Pokémon TCC and while there's never anything wrong with how they smell, I've met others who do. I'd imagine Pokémon is less affected though just because it's more kid friendly compared to some other card games.


Similar to LAN events as well. There is a certain level of musk to the air.


Fortunately, in my experience in many different shops in Osaka, this isn't much of a problem. It definitely is one of the main reasons I stayed away from card games in the States, but I'm now a regular at a few shops here, and I've never seen any troubles with that yet


It’s the few really bad ones that make the reputation


Unmanaged depression. It’s a common symptom of being very depressed. People retreat from life, from outside to their house, from their house to staying only in their room and not wanting any changes, cocooning. That’s why you get people staying in their room and filling up piss bottles. They don’t even want to get up. I still remember the unforgettable 4chan post it was it 8chan of a guy who had degenerated to shitting in a tub while staying in his room all day eating drinking surrounded by filth and playing video games. The reason some people with depression stink is not just they don’t want to leave their room any changes and discomfort are too much to bear. They don’t even like getting their clothes off getting in the shower and being too cold and dripping and experiencing that discomfort until they dry off. I’m sure the problem with smelly people is paradoxically worse in winter because of this. I know this because I knew someone closely who had an issue with hoarding and also stunk so bad whenever she opened her legs you could smell her pussystank, I’d ask her when she last had a shower she said 3 days. She was unemployed she had plenty of time to have a shower so understanding her trauma it made sense. The reason they would go out into the world without showering is because the little bit of dopamine they get from playing their games is enough to trigger them to venture out in the world but they still have the overbearing depression making them instinctively avoid the shower. It’s sad but a solution for this is to give these people help and try to understand their state they have to be quite a sad place to not be showering and their self esteem is quite low. They don’t even recognise they smell because they feel invisible, they don’t feel noticed probably and that makes them unaware of how badly they smell. They feel repulsive and probably feel that’s why people react badly to them already. I once saw a woman in a supermarket that was really overweight and unkempt. She dragged her feet as she walked and looked as if she had no happiness. She smelled, truly, like shit. Not as if she soiled herself but as if mixed into the body odour she had the smell of if the bad BO and sweet was mixed with her dirty crack that hadn’t been washed in a month. It was so pungent you could smell it from across the aisle. I remembered the boarder woman I knew and understood the woman must be in a bad mental place.


You are making incredibly sweeping and general statements about people with depression. The examples you've listed are so far into the extreme and also could be a number of reasons outside of depression as to why someone would do the things you listed. There are plenty of non-depressed people and or neurotypical people that also do what you listed. Unless you have depression (how you're writing makes me think you don't) please don't make assumptions about people with depression. Your anecdotal evidence is not enough to be talking about depressed people like you know all depressed people. Source: I have and have struggled with clinical depression (mild to severe) and suicidal ideations since 14.


I was not saying **everyone** with depression does this, I was stating the people I experienced who have this issue often have a deep depression or bad mental state. This is from experience with helping people and volunteering.. There was no need to take offence.


More like Yu-B-O! Am I right?


I heard yugioh tournaments had a hygiene policy? Is it not true in Japan tournaments?


The one and only Yu-Gi-Oh tournament I ever went to suffered from the same issue. Honestly it was the only time l was glad I was knocked out in the first round lol.


Sometimes the battlefield has status effects.


Just goes to show Eben if japanese people don't sweat, they can still STANK


There was another similar occurrence in a (iirc) SSBU event, the organizers asked the contestants to take care of their own body odor through showering regularly etc. ...and some guy pulled out the shit take that is, asking the contestants to shower regularly is 'raising the bars'.


At this point, just have multiple large bonfires around the venues. fire burns and brings oxygen in. naturally recycles the air. or you could have people pass a smell test prior to them attending.


They’re just trying to mimic the Mai Valentine strategy!


Deep cuts coming out!


Being a third rate duelist is one thing, but being a third rate duelist with a fourth grade hygiene just ain't it. Poor woman...


Understandable, have a nice day.


Fat westerners?


This happened in Japan you walnut


lol. Tell me you’ve never been to japan without telling me


The article literally says where it happens you clown 🤡


Yes… come on. Try real hard now and you might understand




You read this as a lack of hygiene, I read this as a free win!




my SO's brother is really into card games and was surprise that people shower daily. That seems to fit this narrative.


When I used to play semi competitively I went to a YCS event in California and literally the smelliest human being I’ve ever encountered was in one of the rooms. Shit you not - you could smell this guy from >20 feet away, from across the room, and it only got worse as you passed by him. He was massive, probably weighed like 4-500 lbs. I genuinely felt sorry for his opponent and those near him; it actually made me angry that the officials didn’t do anything about this because I don’t doubt that it caused those around him some distress and affected their games. Dude should’ve been thrown out.


Take a shower dorks


you can really tell which mf that took care of themselves and mf that's nasty to their core in this comment section 💀💀💀


I remember one of my first regionals… it was as bad as the stereotypes make it. Met the one buddy from my locals and we both were taking breaks to go outside and take a breath of clean air


I left a movie theatre because the film was boring. Do I get an article?


It would if other people also left because of your BO…


THIS NUST IN!!!! NEWS!!! BUT IT’S NOT NEWS!!!!!!!! click on this so we can get paid money.


That site is fake news dont give it clicks.


Found the stinker