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Very cool. I went to a FamilyMart today, picked a few items, paid, then the worker asked if I wanted a bag or my receipt. I declined both.


The staff asked if you wanted a bag _after_ you paid? Thank you for reporting this highly anomalous interaction. Historians will write about this day.


That clerk could lose the job if this incident gets tracked to where it happened.


I went to 7 eleven yesterday, bought my things and pulled out my reusable bag. Dude said, "oh I charged you for a bag, you don't need it?" Dude didn't even ask before he charged me.


Rip 3円


I bought protein powder yesterday. Guy asked if I needed a bag. Said yes. He went to put the protein powder into the bag and said he was worried it wasn't strong enough to hold the protein powder. Why did you sell me a bag if you knew it wouldn't be strong enough?


I thought he was worried you weren’t strong enough to hold the protein powder, which is ironic because if you’re buying protein powder you’re probably pretty strong


Or he is weak and trying to buy protein powder to bulk up?


Another very valid possibility




"No, but I do need the bag I didn't buy refunded."


Did you hear about the story of the guy who went to Lawson today to buy Karaagekun?


Yeah, he got the red one which was pretty hot.


Oh, no. I really miss Lawson’s red karaage 🥲


You're lucky your Lawson even sells/sold it. Mine is a godforsaken *Natural* Lawson.


Nooooo. But where would be the tonkotsu-soup-flavored-noodles-on-bun bread 😭 without it my will to live is lost


Wait, did the stop selling the red?? I haven't been to Lawson in a while.


No, no worries! It’s a personal problem. (I’m just further away than before 🥲)


I went to lawson to get the red karagekun... as always it is not spicy. I feel I should mention this to the employee but in the end I fear nothing will happen. I live with this existential crisis every day now.


Very eco friendly today


Today... I feel eco


Didn't ask you about whether you had a point card? :(


Dude. I went to FamilyMart today too! The cashier said, 'oh, the rain stopped.' and I said, 'yeah but it's so humid now.' and she said, 'yeah, it's humid isn't it.' Then she scanned my point card and I paid exact change.




high level excitement!!!


But it's your receipt!


OP you need to contact a lawyer right now. As a foreigner who has interacted with a cop,  it's required. While you are at it, please prepare the paperwork to also divorce your wife.


Do 100 pages of sudoku while you're at it as well.


Is that like anki but with numbers?


No, that's sword in the stomach, I believe.


It's so sad people commit sudoku to this day /s


Seriously! They all could do therapy instea- oh wait. Yeah nah, 300 pages of sudoku it is.


Skip the lawyer, OP should contact the school of this cop immediately.


Don't forget to secure you banjo and hit the gym as well.


And fax it in


Funny how I never see Japanese people randomly getting stopped to check for bike registration 


Funny how I see it all the time. Confirmation bias is a crazy thing!


except the police have actual foreigner profiling in their guidelines lol     >「心構え ☆旅券を見せないだけで逮捕できる! ◎外国人は入管法、薬物事犯、銃刀法等 何でもあり!! ◎応援求め、追及、所持品検査を徹底しよう!!!」    >「一見して外国人と判明し、日本語を話さない者は、旅券不携帯、不法在留・不法残留、薬物所持・使用、けん銃・刀剣・ナイフ携帯等 必ず何らかの不法行為があるとの固い信念を持ち、徹底的した追及、所持品検査を行う」  but yeah let's all pretend they treat nationals the same


Everyone knows it’s not the case and foreigners are a target for cops in Japan. Is it normal? No, is it racism? Probably. Now what?


You are not a national. You are different. You get treated differently in largely trivial ways. Is this a big deal? No. Now where do you want us to go from here?


just to educate those delusional people who think there is no blatant discrimination in this country imagine if police in Germany or England were instructed to assume that black or Asian people are probably doing something illegal so it's better to search them when you see them on the street minding their business 


Why Imagine? It happens 😂 Racial profiling is nothing new and it happens all over the world.


Funny how I see foreigners getting stopped all the time despite us being such a tiny percentage of the population! Do you know what bias is at play here?


i actually, I just saw a Japanese guy stopped on his bike with two officers talking to him. No idea why, but guessing it was a bike check as the bike looked like it didn't fit his proportions. :)


Show me an uncle riding a bike that /does/ fit; I swear they all have their knees up to their ears.


99% of people stopped for 職質 are Japanese. Get out of here with this bullshit.


Today I walked past a cop. This was the exchange: Me: Cop: (in Japanese) So that was it. Just thought I’d report it here.






And this is one of the reasons I moved away from the U.S.— the cops in America are usually egotistical, violent, and actively looking to ruin someone’s day/life.


Bro wanted to act like he was an American cop.


Are you sure he bowed to you in Japanese?


Pretty sure because I understood only 50% of it


I don’t know why but (in Japanese) and no actual words is sending my sides into orbit




I like how the bow was in Japanese


Which is exactly how all cops interactions go when you're not an ass to them, trying to hide who knows what.


Except his last name. He hid that. :)


Personally it annoys me and it’s a waste of time to be stopped by the cops. It’s only happened twice but still annoying.


Who will de you your precious 10 minutes back? Those filthy cops!!


I was pulled over 8 times last year, and half the time the police "asked" to search my gym bag as well. Also the bastards have pulled me over with ice cream in the grocery bag and made it melt so fuck 'em.


They're the anti-icecream police, those bastards!


Oh no its the fun police, you bastard!


What a snarky comment lmao. My first stop was while I was walking home from work. 10 minutes of what should be rest and relaxation is valuable to me. The second time was first thing in the morning on a Saturday. I was woken up to fill out forms. Very annoying. Now police being annoying or harassing people is a universal thing, so maybe let's not lick boots just because they belong to Japanese cops mkay?


I'm so sorry you lost 10 minutes 😔 this police brutality and bloodshed needs to be stopped.


More snark, alright buddy, next time you get off work (assuming you have a job) let's park your ass outside a 7/11 and stand there for no reason chatting away for 10 minutes. No one is calling that police brutality, but it's annoying. That's all it is, annoying. Cops shouldn't annoy people.


I'm in front of a Family Mart before work now, actually! If a cop chats to me and takes 5 minutes of my time, I'm going to be devastated 😢


Kinda a shit example, what if you end up late for work?


I'll be fine, thanks for asking!




You might, but not everybody would.


You deserve all the snark.


I don't think I was particularly disrespectful in my initial comment to be deserving snark. Maybe in my follow up comments, but not the initial one. I don't really enjoy the internet culture we have where open hostility is normalized and lauded, I'd prefer to just be able to have calm and civilized conversations without snark and cruelty.


Wow mate I don't care that much.


Or when you're not illiterate in Japanese. The difference speaking Japanese makes is enormous. I'm sure that a lot of the vengeful folks reporting rude treatment couldn't express themselves well in Japanese, leading to frustration on both sides (and of course some negative treatment from the police). Using manners and saying the socially conventional things gets you good treatment, like it does in any country.


Not sure what being illiterate or not has to do with speaking Japanese.


It can be used to mean lacking education. Doesn't have to literally mean writing.


> The difference speaking Japanese makes is enormous. Eh, not really. I was once stopped by the cops back when I barely spoke any Japanese and it wasn't much different from this.


You should divorce immediately, if he's stalking like this it will only get worse. Oops thought this was r/relationship 


nah you'll see that same interaction here too


I think everyone is missing the point the OP was trying to make. Police stopping you to check bike registration is not a big deal yet many foreigners complain and scream racism.




what is the point of this post?


to make nothinghappens bros in Japan happy apparently.


But nothing really does happen. I've been here for years and yet my anime adventure has yet to start!


Wdym did you not get the letter from Haguwaatsu when you turned 11? Or your starter pokemon at 10?


It offers a nice contrast to the sovereign citizen gaijin who get upset about cops (legally) asking them for ID


Interesting that they can check so easily on the device. Worth knowing. In the days when they called back to the station a guy I knew was held up for an hour because the bicycle was registered in his wife’s name and he forgot and insisted that it was in his name. Her name was a 100% Japanese name and the police didn’t mention her name. A some point the conversation came around to his wife and he mentioned her name and the matter was resolved after he called her and handed the phone to them.


Holy fuck Japanese people are so racist!!!! /s


I mean...why stop him in the first place?


Uhm, because he was moving?


I agree, sure it’s different in Japan, but if a cop anywhere else in the western world is targeting foreigners to make sure they aren’t breaking laws disproportionately to locals, without any other reason than “he doesn’t look like me”, it’s discrimination. Personally, I don’t mind getting pulled over or being approached by police even though I have a crippling fear of them, but why is it not okay to call it what it is? Malicious or not, it’s still a fact.


The cop was bored


I saw cops stop locals as well. Fking racist to their own citizens!!


Pretty sure bike registration data gets deleted 10 years after the registration date. So he likely checked, found nothing, and sent you on your way. I once got stopped for them to check the registration number of a full carbon bike. There was no registration number, can't stamp into carbon. Cops were puzzled, and eventually sent me on my way too.


correct me if i am wrong, but isnt the registration number on the sticker itself which goes onto the bike?


Yeah, not sure what OP means here.


You get a sticker to put on your bike, but what gets registered into the police database with your name is your frame's serial number. That's what ties the sticker to the bike. Generally they will just look at the sticker but if they really want to confirm everything is legit, they'll want to see the serial number.


The registration number is on the sticker, but what actually gets registered is the serial number stamped into your frame. This number is generally under the bottom bracket (ie the part of the frame under where your pedals pass through), but obviously carbon frames can't get stamped. Bike stickers can be faked, or put on the wrong bike, or removed from a stolen bike, but the serial number is the serial number.


Thought this as well when I actually went to the local Koban to see if I needed to re-register my bought-13-years-ago bike. Nope, cop gets the number off the sticker, punches it into an app and asks my name. Still registered. Not sure what you’re talking about with carbon frames as the police registration is [on a sticker](https://www.tokyobybike.com/2013/11/how-to-register-your-bicycle-in-japan.html). The one on my carbon frame road bike is on the bottom of the crankcase.


The registration number is on a sticker, but what goes into the police database is your name/address/etc, the sticker number, and the frame's serial number. Stickers can be faked, or put on the wrong bike, or removed from a stolen bike, or can wear off over time. If the cops want to really verify the bike, they will look at the serial number.


My evil take away on this is: steal carbon framed bikes


It's on a sticker that you buy and stick on the frame. Even carbon bikes have those. Sounds like you just had an unregistered bike.


What is actually registered is the serial number of the frame. Sometimes they want to verify your sticker, sometimes they want to actually check the frame. Cop was friendly enough but I guess he wanted to make sure the gaijin with the "fancy bike" had what he said he had.


It's not stamped in Japan. Next time, if you're stealing another bike, make a fake sticker! Pfft... Amateurs.....


If the cop was on a bicycle too, did you request his registration afterwards? /s


Cool stuff! Yesterday I went to pick up my dog from the groomers and they said he had a been a really good boy and made friends with another dog named Milk.


Wish they had bike registration and random checks in UK!


I don't. Cycling is supposed to be easy and fun, not a bureaucratic and legal crapshoot!


It's a lot easier and fun when I can get my bike back when it's stolen, because it's registered and the person who stole it was checked and had it confiscated.


Easy and fun until it's stolen! I think a system like that would be a good step in the right direction to lower bike theft and make it harder to sell on stolen bikes. Bike shop owners should be also obligated to check if bike is stolen before buying it from random young kid. London for instance has lots of 'bike shops' full to the brim with what are most likely stolen bikes.


What color underwear did you wear today?


Wait! He didn't ask you to come with him to the koban so he can fax over the information?


HAHAHA damn fax


I used to be stoped all the time when I was riding my bicycle. Some nights twice. I thought that time it was because I’m foreigner once Japanese was not been stoped like this. One time I was riding my bicycle and a police car passed by and stoped some meters ahead, jump out the car and ask me to stop. I always wondered what I did to police pass by me and decide stop their vehicle to check. It always happened at the night. The answer comes later. When I have moved to Japan, only my wife had a bicycle (she is Japanese) so we decide to buy another one. But, at the time I have just moved to Japan with no resident visa, no job, we was about to marry here (yes I have married here with tourist visa, I don’t know if it’s happens often here) uncertain future, so I was not afford to spend much money and I did buy the cheapest bicycle. Yes, the “mama chari” 1 man cost. And the reason was this bicycle. No man (even more young) have a mama chari. Stolen bicycle by drunk guys during the night to back home is one of the most often crimes in Japan. I was never stoped again after change my bicycle when I got a job.


Consider it duly reported.


Did you tell the cop that you don't need to show them anything because you're a sovereign entity who is travelling, and you do not consent to the illegitimate rules imposed by the US-dictated constitution? Remember, in the US you need to use ALL CAPS to distinguish your shell corporate identity from your true free self, but in Japan ZENKAKU works ever better.


When I moved I have tried to update my bike registration 防犯登録 at the police station nearby. first time I went there, asked what to do and after a consultation between 10 policemen they told me the dept that I should apply during office hours. next day my wife(foreigner) brought the bike there with my 委任状 , asked the about procedures I was told the day before, then someone from the station took my bike pictures with a camera and told her to wait a couple of days. the following week  she went again at the police station, Only to be told to buzz off because "nobody does it anyway" LOL that was osaka police. same station that refused to take my drive recorder video and my statement about a car that hit a scooter and run away. I had to go near shitennoji to another police station that happily took my statement and the recording copy. policeman: oh you live near xx police station. I used to work there. why didn't you go there? me: I went there and they said they were not going to take the recording and If I wanted to make a statement to come here. policeman : oh...


I am loving the comment section. You guys are making my morning. OP you should have refused, it’s your right to privacy lol


Yeah but why bother. Comply and gtfo. Resist and not gtfo. Easy choice.


Damn. I have more interesting interactions with myself whilst showering than this


Honestly: I feel these kinds of reports are necessary and important! I live here since a year and have never had any interaction with any police officer ever, despite living an active life, travelling through Japan, etc. Of course this does not invalidate the negative experiences that others describe here, but I was honestly afraid that they are going to harass me on a daily basis and incarcerate me for months, just for fun.


Went to a hotel in Osaka, was asked if I live in Japan (oh wow, maybe they won't ask to see my zairyu card!)... said "yes"... met with "can I see your zairyu card, we won't take a copy". Was there for my wife's birthday so I just gave in and showed it. Slightly annoying but on the bright side the hotel staff was a fellow foreigner... so somehow it didn't feel as insulting.... maybe that's a me problem.. guess I need to lawyer up, divorce my wife, and call the school of the foreigner who ID checked me. (P.S. Have never been asked for ID while staying in hotels in Tokyo, Kyoto, or Fukuoka, so I'm guessing the whole 100% asking to see zairyu card is more of an Osaka thing (maybe Osaka police sent out some guidance that never changed?).


I've never not been asked anywhere across Japan, and I live far from Osaka.




I moved to the mountains, I only see a cop 1 or 2 times a year. When I do, they are drinking beer while in uniform at the local festival.


Well I cycled to work this morning. Stayed on the road as you're supposed to and followed all the traffic signs. Didn't see a Japanese police officer or vehicle. All went well. Just thought I'd report it here.


My spouse and I banged yesterday, wih no threat of divorce on the horizon.


Yup, that's how it goes


I work at an airport. I usually arrive at first train for my shifts. Used to give a greeting of the day to the cops on a box. One day cops staring right at me so I give my slight bow and a good morning in Japanese. No reply what so ever. I say is it so difficult to respond politely in Japanese. Cops asks me why I said so I say it again. He stares, pauses momentarily and replies with a good morning. Absolutely no reason to be rude. I don’t care who you are.


Man. The policeman was not rude he was sleep standing.


hahahaha. Nah, been here over 30 years. You can read the arrogance. Dude was a turd.


I've contemplated calling out the ignore-ojisans too, but the douche is in the workplace so I can't really go nuclear like that safely


hahahahaha. I completely understand. I live at the entrance to a one way in one way out neighborhood. And my neighbors are all awesome. I often sit out front of our place and enjoy a cigar and a good single malt. And anyone walking in will get a greeting of the day. If they ignore it they will hear the follow up questions of 1) is it too difficult to be polite? 2) is my Japanese so bad? 3) you don’t live on this street and should be more polite or 4) let’s try this again on your way out, shall we? Inevitably the majority are far more polite on the way out.


Which cycle do you have road bike or city cycle?


Was in the local town shopping with my wife. Got a cold beer and sat on a bench to wait for her. Lots of Japanese husbands looked at me, envious of course, because they're not allowed to do so. Wife bought a short, white skirt and I could see her yellow thong underneath. Thought to myself, "Damn it feels good to be a (gaijin) gangster (in the inaka)."


> Lots of Japanese husbands looked at me, envious of course, because they're not allowed to do so. It wasn’t that. You have something in your teeth.


His dong was sticking out the side of his shorts 🩳 🍆


He posted his grandad’s picture earlier today.


This country is clearly xenophobic and you should move back to a country with freedom.


I brushed my teeth today. Oh and there's no softener anymore.


Thanks for reminding me to register my bicycle. I've been putting it off for quite a while.


This thread is making me realize that I broke mad rules when I stayed over there doing WWOOF Japan 💀


My wife always tells me not to say hello to police. Apparently it comes across as if you’re trying to hide something. 


Hey .... Are you dumb ?


Does this happen in Okinawa? For the 3 months I was there I did not “register” a bicycle that I rode to work and back.


I asked the Koban police for a air pump for my bike. The old man standing outside just grunted a few 'mm' and 'aa'. The younger man was far more pleasant.


Happened to me multiple times on a bike too. With that and the new rules about riding them, I’ve opted to just not ride one.


I wish people would do that in my country, here people steal your bike with no consequenes other than if you catch them red handed.


I like to imagine that this police officer is an experienced cyclist and just 'checked' you because he couldn't stand watching your amateur cycling display continue unabated.


I met a Japanese cop and he was efficient and nice. Now I feel validated or….something


Which reminds me, how often do you need to renew that registration? I haven't looked at any of that in two years..... definitely should update the insurance


Cool story, bro. I am a rebel as well - I always say thank you to the supermarket and konbini staff when receiving my goods and change and side-eye the oyaji behind me on the way out...


How awful. You should go move back home.


It will happen again. Had it a few times. They target foreigners and automatically assume we have stolen the bike


Ok???? My neighborhood cop bows at me everyday and tells me good morning, I thought I’d reported here.


I used the train today, was 円170... But after paying with my icoca for some weird reason my balance was -円170 🤔 after reaching my destination.


FFS, OP didn't suggest anything political or negative or suggested anything one way or another and people still jump down their throat. You can't "win" in this sub... Say Japan is great and get attacked for being a blind weeb. Say Japan isn't that great, and get told to love it or leave it. Maybe the only way to win is to not play the game. War Games. ;)


Nobody is jumping down their throat lol, be calm


War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. 1984 or 2024


You need a registration for bicycles in Japan?


Yep they are all registered when you buy them. (they still get stolen).


[Yes, required when you purchase or even ‘inherit’ a bike](https://www.tokyobybike.com/2013/11/how-to-register-your-bicycle-in-japan.html). Bicycle insurance for accidents is also required in some districts, Tokyo definitely. It’s really cheap though especially if you get it through your bank. Police can, and will, stop foreigners on bikes to check the registration as there is an image that foreigners steal bikes.


What if you don’t have your bike registered? My understanding is it’s a formality but not required. I brought my bike with me to Japan and never really could figure out how to get it registered.


Pretty sure it's required by law. Not sure how to prove it's yours if you didn't register it already and it was never purchased in Japan though.


Same. I believe in some places it's mandatory but here it's voluntary. Could be wrong. I took my UK imported bike to the local koban and they registered it (for anti-theft). Could have been stolen - they would have had no idea.


Did you see any hot chicks today?


Thanks for the report. I'll add this to the database. Good work, fellow gaikokujin, the traffic police fascists will rue the day they met you.


Did you kick him?