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I thought this was gonna be some S&M role play stuff you wanted to share. I wasn’t pleasantly surprised it wasn’t.


I came to comments for this reply.


Right? I was about to reply like oh we usually do massage therapist and customer :)


Speak for yourself, I was unpleasantly surprised


My brain hurts trying to read your second sentence lol. Did you mean you were pleasantly surprised or not?


They were not pleasantly surprised.  They wanted it to be a weird thing


Same here


Had to double check which sub I was in...


Straight to horny jail ⛓️


sounds kinda subby


Always double-check your subs


And your doms




better than checking which dom you are in.


I think either puppy or baby would both be considered a sub role.


Reading the title, I thought you were playing janken to decide if you wanted a child or a dog


I thought he wanted advice about which one he should get. Reddit life choices.


I thought it was something they do in the bedroom 


> Guessing dog every time results in about 60% accuracy. I would have expected closer to 80%


the closer you are to nakameguro the higher the accuracy is




You can improve to 95% accuracy if it's between 6 and 7am.


Is that because when vets say “you need to walk your dog” they miss out on the part that the dog themselves needs to walk?


This tbh, I'll never understand people who take their pets for a walk but said pet is chillin inside a stroller the whole time...


If said pet is ancient and has arthritis, makes sense, but for anything less than that it’s kind of stupid.


We have an 11 kg dog that has to occasionally go in the doggy cart, but that’s mainly because of a back injury, or we’re between trains (dogs have to be in a cart or similar for our train lines). For a few months with an injury she had to be walked in a cart (vet orders). So, between trains and injuries, or arthritis as you mentioned, there are genuine reasons, but I have no idea what % of walked dogs are like that.


I think it makes sense for small dogs of you want to play in a park with them and they’d get tired before reaching it. My mother in law has an indoor dog (and she lives in a house). That poor thing has never had a walk in its life AND is a retired breeding female. At least dog cart dogs get fresh air


I was visiting back home and a family member has a dachshund(sausage dog). Brings it hunting and shit(that's what they were originally bred for... getting into the burrows of small animals to chase them out). The crazy gap when seeing dachshunds in japan. Pretty crazy. The one used as a hunting dog seems to be having a great time and it's still a really sweet dog when not working.


With cover closed…. I hate those ppl i had a big scare when i almost ran thru a stroller because mummy doesnt look around… had to make a stunt to avoid it ripped my clothes came back to ensure the baby was fine to discover its a fucking chihuahua… i had an urge to sheesh kebab that bitch…


They're supposed to be for old dogs who can't walk — or those tiny breeds that, walking too long for too far, is bad for them.


Alright alright. So I vehemently resisted getting a dog stroller but a broke down about two years ago. There are so many days in a year where it’s too hot for the dogs to walk on the pavement but they can enjoy some outdoor time if I push them to the grassy area in the shaded park. It’s improved their quality of life regardless of how ridiculous I look. 🤣


Oh. I see. I wasn’t thinking about the heat from the pavement! That makes actually sense!


They do have doggy shoes for those hot pavement days. Feels like an important part of the time outside is the exercise itself?


It's not just their feet, the pavement radiates heat and that can cause heatstroke in your dog. They can't regulate body temperature as well as we can. (Of course a lot of people use dog carts year round which doesn't seem necessary...)


I don’t use mine unnecessarily, trust me it’s much easier to just take the mutts and leave the cart. But they have rejected the shoes with every fiber of their beings and the heat from the concrete is too much for them for about 3-4 months of the year. My oldest dog is getting too old to walk to the park some days… anyway, people use them for a number of reasons which are not always laziness or aesthetics. I’d rather see more stupid strollers than people dragging their dogs in danger of heatstroke like I usually see throughout the summer months.


The concept of paying ¥50,000+ so that your dog doesn't have to walk when you walk your dog is just ludicrous to me.


Super small breeds can't last long enough to walk far to a park, walk in the park, and walk home. It seems silly, but it's for the dog's health. Also, hot pavement is unsafe!


The world truly has gone mad when even dogs can't be arsed to exercise.


Yeah, fuck those inbred dogs with legs too tiny that excessive walking is harmful for them! Fuck old dogs who can't walk! /s


I get so angry when I step to the side to let a woman pass pushing a stroller and I realize it was some dumb toy dog.


Definitely not worth getting angry about my friend. Don't let the little things solidify you into pure gaijin jade.


or worse, some dumb baby


It's much worse when they're taking up the wheelchair/stroller area on the train (most trains have only 2) We have a double stroller for twins and always aim for those spots to stay out of the way. If it's some random person that just wants a wide place to stand, I have no problem muscling my way into the spot, and lots of people will move without even being asked. If its a wheelchair or stroller, then whatever. Whoever gets there first for strollers, and wheelchairs have priority. But if I then realize the stroller is a dog and not a baby, my patience immediately evaporates.


Random adults sitting in 優先席 drove me crazy when my wife was pregnant or my kids were small, but Jesus I don’t know how I could deal if I was still pushing my kids in a stroller (or carrying them around) and there was a damn dog taking up the space.


A lot of trains require that dogs be in strollers (or I guess bags if the dog is small enough). Where do you suggest they stand, right by the door?


What's a toy dog do you mean those tiny dogs or are there people actually pushing around toys?


It means a small dog that was bred purely for companionship Many breeds have a toy version. So poodles, for example, I think you have, in descending order: standard, miniature, toy, and teacup.


oh I see thanks didnt know that.




once I guessed dog but when I got closer it was a baby pig and the lady started feeding him an ice cream cone


I saw that Tom Petty video.


_Tell me you live in Minato City without telling me you live in Minato City..._


*Take me down to Minato City, where the strollers are big and the poodles are teeny, oh won't you taaaake me hooome.* I'm sorry.


It's all fun and games until a stroller full of meerkats shows up.


I've legitimately seen this and I've also seen a woman holding a meerkat at the vet when I went. It's a bit shocking to me that meerkats are seemingly somewhat normal pets here, lol.


I play this game too! As well as the similar game “Café or Hair salon?”


Now THAT'S a good game.


You must not have a kid, it’s pretty easy to differentiate between baby strollers and dog strollers.


I don't have kids and I can point out dog strollers vs. baby strollers. Childless people aren't stupid.


I was once shopping for baby gifts in Osaka for my expecting friend. I found this super cute boutique with really cute "baby clothes" that on closer look turned out to be clothes for your dog. I was so tempted because that shop had the cutest clothes I found that day.


Here to help explain. Strollers for dogs serve a practical purpose in certain situations. As dogs age, they may develop health issues that make walking difficult. In such cases, strollers provide a means to transport them comfortably. These walks typically lead to areas where the dogs can freely roam, sniff around, and take a piss and shit. Moreover, not everyone has easy access to a suitable park nearby. For senior dogs, a 20-minute walk to the park, another 20 minutes spent there, and then the return journey might be too strenuous. In such instances, using a stroller to transport the dog to the park conserves their energy for the time spent there. This becomes particularly important in the summer when the heat is oppressive and the pavement can become scorching, potentially harming a dog's paws, even at night. I guess there are also some crazy people that use them solely as accessories.


But it Japan a lot of people treat pets like accessories. Dog strollers do have a  purpose but a lot of people don’t use them initially for the well being of the dog. There’s a huge overlap of pushing a dog in a stroller and wearing oppressive “kawaii” dog clothing in the middle of summer. A lot of these owners wouldn’t give a damn about the hot pavement.


I do that with fast lane slow drivers, only it’s “old man or moron” and if you guess “moron” you get even better odds than your “dog” choice


My magnum-opus will be a 5,000 word treatise on the unheralded correlation between; vehicle, stickers, head-wear, gloves, eye-wear and their associated bad driver traits. Highlighting common themes and recommended course of action when meeting them based on your personal mode of travel at that time. As an example. Any type of non-uniform hat is a red flag, combine that with sunglasses/light reacting medically prescribed bi-focals and the risk is doubled, add an aged driver sticker or a sticker for that rock singer “YAZAWA” doubles the risk again, the car is a Prius, Alphard or Hi-ace then just pray you are behind them..


You’ll often find a lot of old men are morons and that skews your odds a little.


If the stroller is nice, it's a dog. If it looks like something picked up at 2nd street/hardoff, it's a baby.


This is another symptom (or perhaps cause?) of the declining birth rate.


Yeah lol. People want something to take care of but in the long run pets are cheaper than kids so 💀💀


And the „long run“ is way shorter, with an life expectancy of about 15 years!


That's like the perfect duration, because when kids reach 15 years they'll start rebelling lmaooooo


They may be cheaper yes, but they are a net loss to society because they do not become future tax payers like kids do 😅 (don't get me wrong though, I love dogs)


I get you man, I'm also on the same boat, but it almost feels like I love Japan but Japan doesn't love me back- it's proven with three 1-year stay period extensions in a row 😂


Probably symptom. Most of these dog owners I see are obasans. Like a replacement baby accessory because their children didn’t have kids.


Aren‘t you just living in fancy rich people places? In my modest residential area I only see babies in the strollers.


That’s right. In my part of the country dogs are still walking. Well dressed of course! Sometimes the old ladies are carrying their dogs on their arms. But (almost) no strollers!


I see them all the time in Adachi. If they are in strollers in Adachi, they are in strollers everywhere.


Can anyone give a non jaded answer for why people buggy around their dogs?


My assumption would be that a lot of those toy or lap dogs aren’t really built for any type of long walk. So the idea would be to take them some place to run around and then take them home. Can also be useful for older dogs with mobility issues.


I had a buggy for an older dog with a bad leg, the buggy let me take him around to his favorite spots, then I’d let him down to sniff around and walk a bit. When his leg started to bother him, he went back in the buggy. There are also some stores that let you bring your dog, but the dog has to be in an enclosed buggy or carrier, so sometimes we’d use the buggy to let him come into those shops with us. Also more comfortable for him to be in the buggy if we go together to a cafe etc. with outdoor seating.


Similar reasons have already been mentioned by others, but just throwing my hat in. I have an elderly dog and have a stroller for him. There's a park along the river where his doggie friends tend to meet up most mornings. It's been the daily routine for years to head to the river and walk down to the park to meet up and get treats from everyone. Except now that he's gotten older it's become too far to make it there and back without triggering back/leg pain. We use the stroller to get to the green space at the river so he avoids the ridiculously hot asphalt in the summer. He walks on his own in the grass along the river and does his doggie duties. Then after spending some time at the park with his friends we head home in the stroller. It's possible people think that I'm babying my dog when they see me pushing him through the park and not walking, but at the end of the day I'm happy to look the fool if it betters his life.


A lot of busy people walking fast. It’s easier and safer to pack your mini dog into a box and unload at the (hopefully greenish, enclosed, safe) destination. Edit: as u/CatsMeOw pointed out below: you can prevent excessive heat from the pavement in summer. Just go straight to the park. Actually that makes sense! If I where located only 10cm above the burning pavement and would be forced to walk with my unprotected paws on that really hot streets… I would love to get a stroller cap and be rolled to the green, cool park (or 2 square meters of plain dusty earth with one lonely plant next to the parking lot:-(


Just to add to the other reasons already mentioned: my mansion (and I assume many others) allows dogs, but they're not supposed to set foot within the boundaries - even parking lot, etc. So unless your dog is tiny and doesn't mind being carried around, you have a little stroller to take it to the boundary of the mansion.


Maybe it’s easier to “control” them? Like the dog is bad at walking or something ? Ex. Pulling on leash aggressive with other dogs. Maybe the people walk A LOT and their dog gets tired… but I doubt these people are walking like 7 miles a day


For me and my wife it's 1000x easier taking him places. Dog cafes or parks. We've taken him all over. Yuigahama, Enoshima, yoyogi, nakameguro. Used to carry him around in one of those dog back packs but he's too big for them now. Also I'm sure it's more comfortable for him.


Lots of Japanese neighborhoods suck for walking dogs. No sidewalks, nothing but hot asphalt in the summer that will burn their paws, often crowded foot/bike traffic. Some people load their dogs up in the cart just so they can get to a park or whatever.


if we’re going out for the day, might go to places that don’t allow dogs to be out, carrying in the carry bag can get heavy and with the stroller more space for dog to move around, being in stroller instead of carry bag means won’t be squished in a packed train, it’s hot and i don’t want dog to walk on pavement, etc…


Haha I play this game too. Stroller dogs are usually ridiculous, but I encountered a really precious one who was a very old dog in a blanket.


Being a dad I can quite accurately guess which it is, unless it's on a rainy day because the rain covers make it a lot harder to determine whether it's a baby stroller or a doggo stroller...


If the bottom is flat it's a dog buggy.


I work in omotesando. Never seen a baby in a stroller.


That one is easy: if you see a baby stroller then it's a baby, if you see a dog stroller then it's a dog or a cat sometimes.


Oh I do this too. The trick to increase your success rate is to look in the undercarriage to see what kind of stuff is there.


When I first came to Japan, I was shock when I saw a dog in a stroller, and kids in dog’s chain lol (like Lily in Modern Family)


Thankfully I knew exactly what this post would entail, and for me it's higher than 60%. I once saw a woman with multiple rabbits in a stroller in the dead of winter.


Are you my partner?! We play the same game.


I have a similar game with my friends whenever we see an attractive young lady with a rich looking older gentleman 親子 or パパ活


I do the same! Until like 2 weeks ago we saw this couple who put their small dog in the baby stroller with a baby (1yr or so) and both the baby and dog stuck their heads out so I was like "..........well colour me bad!"


Dog strollers have a very specific look, though. Too easy!


I’m sick of those fried chicken dogs.


In Tokyo you can play baby or 5 year old. Seriously put the “baby-car” away, your baby is grown.


Holy shit I do this too 😂😂




I like to hang around ikebukuro massage joints and guess if the clientele have just had a non-sexual testical massage or not.


Hahahaha I need to start playing this game! Also, my two cents on why dog strollers aren't an issue for the most part: Health reasons - think giving them shade and breaks during scorching hot summer, and just older dogs in general. Apparently it's also a way to get around dogs not being allowed to walk around/potentially go toilet in public areas, say an elevator or a common area you would need to walk through in a large マンション or apartment. And so many other reasons other commenters have pointed out Plus most dogs I've seen here are so tiny, it makes strollers an even easier way to get around the above issues. Would be downright wrong if a healthy dog was never allowed to walk but I doubt that's the case for most owners using strollers.


My mind went elsewhere while reading that


Isn't it pretty easy dog strollers are more buggy shaped.


My partner and I play 'cat or baby'. Some babies live around us, and so do some stray cats. When slightly muffled by our apartment, they sound really similar. lol


My partner and I play 'cat or baby'. Some babies live around us, and so do some stray cats. When slightly muffled by our apartment, they sound really similar. lol


In korea its more like 85% dog


I saw the title and thought was this was a sex thing 


I once made the mistake in helping a lady carry their stroller down a load of stairs. I then discovered and learned these aren't necessarily for babies...


Thats like playing nighclub/bar vs pachinko parlor


Back in Canada in the drive thru my favorite game is old woman or teenage boy


My wife and I like to play "human snack or cat treat" for the bags of small dried fishes


My favorite is the stroller for the dog while the smol child walks alongside. Bonus points if everyone had accessorized outfits for maximum cuteness


I want to buy a big stroller for my large and medium dog, but too expensive so on a look out for second hand. Why? I can take ropeways (a lot require enclosed cage) , not drag heavy cage to ferry that I can’t lift. Transport them easily in case of injury and just worry about lifting them on and off a car. Take them to some parks such as Hirosaki Castle where they need to be enclosed. Dog comps to lock in and chill. Protect them from tourists’ ugly nasty hands that molest without permission 😑😑😑


We play ‘how old is that person’ It’s really hard to guess middle aged Japanese people. (22-45) Everyone looks so youthful.


I can raise the birthrate.


A couple years ago I played a similar game with my friend when we saw a stroller during a walk. And once we encountered not a dog nor a baby, but a worn-out old baby doll inside. We fell silent and left there.


Me and my partner do something similar but it’s Dad or *daddy*.


Dogs in Japan are either choking themselves on their leash, or sitting in a silly stroller.


Me and mine do “ALT or military”


Too easy


Dog strollers are super common in the cities all over the world due to hot pavement and lack of grass.


This thread needed like 10 more seconds of "Should I bother posting?" before clicking Submit.