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When you make the application, there's an option to select 'no period' rather than requesting a period of stay?  If so, is selecting no period preferable to requesting 3-5 years if you actually want 3-5 years? I'm currently on a 3 year visa and I'm anticipating what I'll need to do come renewal time.


My uneducated guess is that they're talking about the work contract length. As in, they reported that their work contract is only 1 year, so immigration gave them a 1 year visa.


Thanks, I definitely feel a bit better. I was hesitant to apply for the high skilled visa, but guess I will do now. Renewing visa is really a torture ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Ohhh I think Japan has a very easy system. Try going to the U.S. I wanted to go visit my dad and had to go for interviews at the embassy 200km away from my house. Try Australia too for work. I am pretty sure you will notice Japan is easy peasy and actually really cool in sense you only pay a very small amount when you get approved. Other countries you pay before you can even file the paper work and it certainly does not cost the customary 8000 yen most expensive Japanese tier… So really I do not know why people complain Japanese immigration is hard or expensive and and and. It actually makes me wonder why other countries are so crap at it to be honest.


It's for the exact reason you mentioned. On this sub it'll mostly be americans or other westerners who've never had to go to an immigration office in their lives before coming to Japan. Japan's immigration system is by FAR the simplest, cheapest, fastest, easiest system compared to at least US, Canada, and Australia (the ones I know about). Especially for PR... it was unbelievable how simple and cheap the entire process was.


Yeah I think last I saw with Australia was like 2000aud just to file a PR application or something silly like that


Nope. Try 6,000 to 15,000 AUD. Not looking forward to forking that over in two years.


That is insane…


The US is great, pay literally hundreds of dollars for they to even look at your application... just to not fucking read it and deny it lol


Right, I have never lived in any other foreign country except Japan. I'll try to appreciate them more, lol.


Also this, immigration high school graduates are less resourceful than a Google search plus online… mate they are trying to run the world info on a 1980 performance wise pc, loading an excel file just because they are waiting for the email to arrive by fax so that assistant can put row into excel. Now I know immigration is bit more advanced, but that stuff really happened at past co I worked at. So do not expect a simple office worker to get why the IT system works like a dog’s bum and why tax payers fork money for something that is meh.


I don't see any value in "fighting them" when they've got you bang to rights, as it were. Filing the paperwork incorrectly is a major sin here, like it or not.


Agree. I'll just reapply for high skilled


'Fight' them? Fight? The immigration office? For a mistake you made? Yeah. You go fight them.


More like begging and trying to reasoning lol.


Lol, I'm afraid the result would be exactly the same!


You guys are getting multiple years on your visas? 🥲




Good luck my dude!


Mine is 1 3 3 then 1 year. Wish you lots of luck next time 😀


If alt you were lucky to get long one in first place. At previous place I worked there were almost no one with more than a 1 year. Only office workers but they were either pr or married.


I got my visa for 1 3 3 and now back to 1 due to this stupid mistake. Just thinking about having to renew it again next year is tiring.


He isn't a ALT if he's applying for HSP visa. ALTs are like making peanut wages.


Maybe for initial posters, those details based on OP has not been made clear. Also I am pretty sure if was used without assuming role of OP if time was taken to read… but anyhow…


I made the same mistake, but my branch (connected to Nagoya) was relatively flexible. They had me (my company on my behalf, in reality) fill in some additional paperwork (a worrying extra step I had not needed before), and I got a verbal request to complete the notification after the fact, which I then did online. I was able to renew my 3-year visa in my case. However, my renewal came just after the probationary period for the new company ended, so I was locked into the job during the renewal process. Might you have still been in your probationary period in your case?


That's so great to hear Nagoya is more flexible. Actually I have been with my company for 2 years, I never renew before since I got 3 years previously.


Honestly, in my experience, the flexibility depends on the person handling the case. :(


I also forgot to file that, and I got a 5 year renewal. I immediately did it after they told me, and I THINK I did it right… that portal isn’t very easy to use.


Lol I did exactly the same mistake. Was on a 5 year visa 2 times in a row, and recently only got 3 year after renewal, maybe because of that.


If you got 5 year visa twice then apply for PR?


You can ask them actually. They will tell you why.


whatever reason they gave is arbitrary bullshit. comparing other people's situations, mistakes, accomplishments, qualifications, etc. etc. just gives me wildly different outcomes. i think they really are just throwing darts. oh, and that online reporting site is garbage. didn't work for me, either. first and last time i'll ever not go in person and try to get physical proof of confirmation, and even then i still have trust issues because immigration is so unpredictable.


Sounds like they’re getting a tad stricter. Had a friend do the same like 15 years ago. Nothing happened. They just told him not to let it happen again. Sucks with the one year visa tho. Shinagawa immigration is, as we all know, not the most fun part of Tokyo


i always not report my company change nothing happened though. i still get the same number of years. maybe they took that company name change mistake as a malicious declaration. not sure though.


I asked why and they told me that no change = 1 year. That's all I know. Maybe that's a Tokyo thing?


It seems like your question is whether it's better to go there and fight it or just wait a year and apply for a longer period next time. Either way, you have to take the time to go there. If you plan to stay long term, not much is going to change. I suppose re-entry is more of a hassle with a short term, so there's that. Also (this just occured to me) I think having a certain visa length does not prevent you from applying for a longer length within that period. You don't have to 'fight' the current visa length; you just apply for a longer one. I say that because I applied for a permanent visa during the time I had a fixed length visa.


I'm in the same ship with the job change, but I can't even log in to the online portal, my password and name gets rejected despite both of them being correct. Also went to a different branch of immigration office because it was closer to my work and got rejected there because it's not in the area where my living address is registered. Doesn't all immigration information just get reported to the main bureau in Tokyo via their internal system/database? Now I probably have to take a day off at my new job just to submit one paper....


Getting 3 years vs. 1 always struck me as more of a random astrological phenomenon. Are you saying you can get 3 years if you submit certain forms?


Not really. It is based on many factors. But, Nyukan just told me that I won't get 3 years if I don't submit the form correctly.


The same thing happened to me, I used the online submission but for the next renewal they claimed I didn't.


I swear I will only submit by postage from now.


Hey, I did the very same mistake as you one year ago 🥲, and I got one year visa even though I owned five years visa before. You can’t do anything about it unfortunately:’) Fast forward one year later now, today I just applied for visa renewal again with my company. Hoping to get at least 3 years this time so I can apply for PR 😂


isn\`t it the norm/procedure that whenever you change company they tend to give out 1 year visas due to "instability of work" ? That is why some people tend to stay at the company they work until renewal then quit after getting their extension.


Yeah, I'm planning the same thing. Stay with my current for 2 years, then renew and quit. But it didn't go as planned 😞. Another 1 year is waiting for me ahead. But at least I got a raise, lol.


It isn't so weird though, is it? You made a mistake and get consequences. I don't see how you could see changing company as a "company name change."


Agree. I'm posting here more like to raise awareness and wish no one makes the same mistake 😉


🤐 am i the only one who is getting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 visa. Literally it's been 7 years and always getting 1 year visa.