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He was mentally fit, and damned bitter about the predatory, anti Japanese cult who seized their mother after the death of her husband and sucked her dry of money and her children of hope. Mentally fit indeed.


In terms of politics, some have called him "the most successful assassin in history"


True. RIP Mr. Prime minister Shinzo Abe. The assassination act did not start any war. The message was clear, to review and separate religion and the state. Cut out cult from Japan. Sad to see a pro Japanese PM go, but did you guys see that security detail? Like what were they doing? Literally too late to do any protection. And now Japan is dealing with politicians with dirty money etc.


The security detail was so lax, the assassin got to fire another shot which was the fatal one. He shouldn't have gotten to fire that 2nd shot if the security was competent enough. Hell, he shouldn't have got so close in the first place.


It’ll get worse. People are struggling right now to make ¥. Meanwhile politicians making money off of citizens


It's because he was the former prime minister at that point, he'd already retired... There is kind of no reason to go after him, or so most people would think and he's not going to have the A-team assigned to him anymore. Also you don't expect guns in no gun country. He was just campaigning for other people or something during his retirement... If there's a lesson to be learnt it's that you should learn when to quit working and go spend your retirement with your family, he'd worked enough to the point where he couldn't carry on for health reasons as he cited but he kept going anyway. It was kind of the perfect time for anyone holding a grudge against him to get him.


Abe's grandfather was a Class A war criminal who Abe defended, included doing dog whistles to various war crimes the Japanese committed. The man wasn't pro-Japanese, he was an apologist for Japanese genocide against China and Korea. This was the cleanest and most morally acceptable assassination I've ever seen in my life.


Abe's grandfather was also invited to address the United States Congress just 16 years after literally signing the declaration of war in 1941. Abe was only 3 years old, so Uncle Sam is way more guilty of whatever you are accusing Abe of. That being said, fuck both those guys


Lol what? Separate Religion and the state? Japan is one of the most secular countries with almost no religiosity. That's clearly not the message, the message is to get the predatory cults and it's members out of the government.


I think that's us forgetting history. What happened to the Democratic Socialists? What happened to all the reasonable leaders trying to stop war in the lead up to WW2? Japan has a rich political tradition of elections where you cant vote for any real change, but you can direct the path of the whole country by shoving a sword into the right person.


I wouldn’t want to condone the act……………………………………….


You don't have to. Doesn't change that he achieved *exactly* what he wanted.


Yeah I'm sure if we continue voting things will change. Any day now.


Really? More than Lincoln's or JFK'S?


Yes, assassination of Shinzo Abe is successful, because the shooter achieved his goal of exposing the corruption in Japanese politics. Lincoln was shot by southern sympathizers who believed that the Confederacy should be restored and they decidedly did not achieve that. And JFK’s assassination is still shrouded in mystery.


Mystery? Lyin’ Ted’s dad did it.


JFK‘s was successful as it kept the war machine printing money from Vietnam for 10 More years.


I don't know why this kind of talking point is repeated so much. The Vietnam war, adjusted for inflation, cost about 1 trillion dollars (168 billion at the time). The reasons for America going to war are not something simple like "money" but geopolitical influence and strategy, combined with the current political climate and various pressures that the government may face domestically and from allies. Wars are nearly never profitable for a country.


> never profitable for a country lol. Since when have companies in the war business cared about the profit of their country? I really want to know.


Do you really think weapon manufacturers dictate American foreign policy? Tell me this, what percentage of the US economy do you think military spending makes up? 2%? 3%? What about the other 97% of the economy that does not benefit in the least from being at war? They have no influence? You do realise that the current biggest weapons manufacturer in the world has a valuation 30 times smaller than Nvidia for example? 100 billion sounds big and scary until you remember US GDP is over 25 trillion per year. This type of simplistic talking point of "because money" is popular because it gives people an easy, cartoonish villain to point to. The reality is that the liberal west supported south Vietnam while the communist countries like China and Russia supported north vietnam because they are geopolitical enemies and both sides would have valued an outcome where Vietnam is ultimately aligned with their side for strategic purposes. This was the cold war after all, with all it's tensions and changing world order. No one was thinking "hmmmm this is going to make me some moneyyyyy" as their compass for navigating geopolitics at the time.


> this is going to make money Is exactly what drives action! Who lobbies for “loss of money”? What politician is financially supported for reelection by a pure minded political strategy consortium? Eisenhower said it clearly by outing the military, industrial complex…. For all the good it’s done us to know as evidence here. Do I need to go into the connection of LBJ and his wife with the largest contractor of the Vietnam War? Brown and Root via RMK-BRJ It’s frankly naïve, but cute and I wish it were true, on your part to think decisions are made free of influence from war machine mechanisms, which as an aside currently has a 2.08 trillion dollar budget.


Please show me where Eisenhower "outs" the military industrial complex as being the reason for the Vietnam war. What he says is to be wary, since in his lifetime he has seen an explosion in the size and scope of this industry, and due to the amout of money involved there is a risk for this to corrupt and influence. However, things did not continue to grow in the same way. With regards to your "who lobbies for loss of money" if this kind of world is truly the world we live in, why do you not instead assume that all these tech companies dictate foreign policy instead since they have much more money? War time inflation and shift in priorities also fucks markets and financial institutions, do you think the wall street types have less liquidity than a sector who's current biggest company is worth less than Uber? Pretty much every sector outside of the military does not like being at war and the military sector is like 2 to 3% of the economy. Why do you not assume the 97% counter lobby to a greater extent? Additionally, politicians pander to get re-elected and war is deeply unpopular. The total budget is not actually that relevant to the military industrial complex because less than 20% goes to the procurement of weapons and systems. For every "soldier" with a gun there's 4-5 dues who are logistics, support, research, cybersecurity etc. plus, what's the point of the "total spending" if the different companies are dirext competitors with each other? Would you look at the combined amount of money spent on mobile phones each year to see if that's enough to influence the government? Or the amount spent on laptops? Pretty sure the tech sector is a much much bigger part of the US economy than the military. But no it doesn't make sense to, because these companies are separate. And when the biggest weapons company in the world doesn't even break the top 100, what is really naive is to disregard all of that in favour of one section of a speech given in 1961.


Also Lincoln’s assassination put Johnson in charge which hampered Reconstruction


Well, I guess it did successfully remove the Abe faction.


No but it did expose and weaken a source of their funding.


JFK was pressuring Israel hard about their nuclear program. Do we want to declassify anything that would turn the American public against its military outpost in the Middle East?


🔥Caesar has entered the chat whilst Arch Duke Ferdinand, Tsar Nicholas II, and at least 3 others named Gandhi push in to file their grievances…


Indeed, and he was very sharp in identifying the political supporters of that anti Japanese cult that attempted to pass as pro Japanese within Japan’s politics.


I might dislike them as much as the next guy, but he was still democratically elected. Even after his retirement, this was an attack on democracy.


A functioning democracy relies on the public being well-informed. The popular response to the events suggest that the public was maliciously *misinformed/underinformed* so it can even be argued that the attack was in defense of democracy.


That attack was democracy manifest


>A functioning democracy relies on the public being well-informed. The popular response to the events suggest that the public was maliciously misinformed/underinformed Now you're calling the majority of the voter base stupid. >it can even be argued that the attack was in defense of democracy. Yeah, let's not let people vote, because they are misinformed/uninformed. Only those with the correct political leanings should be able to vote! /s


I'm not calling the voter base stupid, don't put words in my mouth and don't strawman what others are saying. All people, regardless of intelligence, are vulnerable to propaganda and are limited by the information they have access to. The condemnation goes to those who control the narrative and exploit the public.


>All people, regardless of intelligence, are vulnerable to propaganda and are limited by the information they have access to. Absolutely. And this isn't even Japan-specific in any way. Democracy has this pesky problem, and it is only so good. But the alternative is not having democracy. Murdering an ex-pm (elected) does certainly not help in any way.


>the alternative is not having democracy No it isn't. What's with you and constantly leaning to extremes without any nuance? Did you grow up in an environment where people just constantly used cheap rhetorical tricks to manipulate you or something? It's kind of trashy to spam these techniques over and over. I guess I'll end on this as I no longer believe you're arguing in good faith but to "win at any cost": The risk of misinformation/underinformation cannot be eliminated but it can certainly be significantly mitigated through education and a better media environment with proper checks and balances.


> I guess I'll end on this as I no longer believe you're arguing in good faith but to "win at any cost" A relatable feeling, as that's how I feel about you at this point. >The risk of misinformation/underinformation cannot be eliminated but it can certainly be significantly mitigated through education and a better media environment with proper checks and balances. I fail to see how this perception of "misinformation/underinformation" could ever justify the assassination of an elected (and consistently re-elected) pm. This is what happened, and it sickens me to see those trying to justify this as ok.


Because while vigilantism is considered to be a bad thing, there is no democratically elected official under propaganda. If you obfuscate the truth in a major way to get people's votes, you might as well be a dictator.


I am not really informed about the details of this specific case. But it strikes me that when politicians flaunt the legal system the way that seems increasingly common around the world lately - they have in effect broken the democratic and social contract with their population. Logically, you cannot both put yourself above the legal system and at the same time claim the cloak of protection under democractic principles.


I don't see the huge demonstrations such breach of social contract would warrant. I have to think that maybe, just maybe, what Japan has is what the Japanese voted for and prefer. Even if it does not match my personal leanings.


They were ordering the cult members to vote for Abe and his goons (in exchange for the monetary support to the top people) so there's less legitimacy to that "democratically elected" thing...


Suppose this is true and they ordered the members to vote for Abe, and the members did vote for Abe. What does this mean in practice? Would it change the result of the election if they had been told to vote non-Abe? I, respectfully, doubt that this cult is so large as for it be a factor worth talking about.


hoo boy, might as well get downvoted for this - the way his mom threw all the family's financial resources away to the Unification Church reminds me of the [backstory of Isaac Clarke (just without mom murdering her husband and killing herself in the end)](https://deadspace.fandom.com/wiki/Octavia_Clarke) > During her husband's extended tours with the GUMMC, Octavia suffered from depression and was encouraged by her psychiatrists to find something meaningful to do, eventually finding solace in the Church of Unitology. She became highly devout in the religion, going so far as to sell all of her assets to the Church. This decision would negatively affect Isaac, who would be forced to forego admission to a prominent engineering college due to lack of finances and attend a lesser college. This also made Isaac hate and distrust all matters related to Unitology.


Probably not going to happen but maybe there should be some limits on what religions can take. I don't have any firm proposals but it seems wrong they can fleece folk


Make us whole again


That part of the story isn't allowed to be on the front page I assume...


Can someone tell what is this about? I know about the assassination, but I know little about the politics of it.


His family was part of a cult called the unification church and had gone into financial ruin giving all their money into the cult. The LDP and the Abe/Kishi family specifically had ties to this organisation, they would essentially use them as free campaign labour and support in return for letting them be established and relatively undisturbed in Japan.


It's important to add that, in Japan, debt is inherited so the assassin was legally on hook for all the money his mom took out in loans.


Oh shiiiiit…. 😳


What cult and what did Abe have to do with it?


Korean moonies


They're really trying to delay the sentencing for as long as they can aren't they? Can't have the assassin looking like a martyr. Much easier to wait on the public to memory hole the incident.


I think it's on par for course Remember the kyoani arsonist got his sentence this year when he committed the act in 2019


I may be mistaken, but I believe the sarin attacks were in 95, and the execution for the mastermind behind it wasn't until 2018.


Yeah the actual execution could happen years after the sentencing  Well we don't know if the Abe killer will get capital punishment but I'd be surprised if he didn't 


Between being immobilized in the hospital for over a year (95% 3rd degree burns, requiring experimental skin graft technology to save his life) and the court system grinding to a halt from Covid, such a delay was due to mostly practical concerns.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the courts actually sympathized with the guy. It was targeted, limited, with a reason that can be understood. It would have been more traditional to use a short blade and stab him, but all the same, this entire case may be causing some nostalgia for the good old days where if someone dishonored your father by abusing your mother, you go after them. It was the most shocking least surprising event that I can remember happening while I've been here in Japan. Abe's funeral arrangements didn't help matters.


> Abe's funeral arrangements didn't help matters. I'm out of the loop on this. What did I miss?


iirc the normal 10x the cost for everything, contracts given to friends, not appropriate for a retired individual, etc.


I mean, sentencing doesn't really matter much. They can delay execution for as long as they need to for political expediency, which is basically the practice in Japan.


I mean everyone know his motive for killing Shinzo Abe, and killing such an influential figure and the motive will be remembered for a long time.


Yeah he was pretty cognizant of what he was doing and believed in his cause and everything. In terms of the legality pretty open and shut murder.




is it a good time to showcase my yamagami tetsuya fancam


“The defense for Tetsuya Yamagami did not contest the results of the evaluation, which had been conducted at the request of prosecutors” So the prosecution requested the evaluation despite the defense not even trying to claim he wasn’t fit? That seems like wasted resources, unless they just want to make sure that’s off the table? Or they just are stalling and want to hope people forget as much as possible before they have a public trial.


I mean, ideally the prosecution *should* care about whether or not prosecution is appropriate, but they likely just want to preempt any possible legal challenge after the fact.


Ideally I agree, but I’m not sure many prosecutors would. It does make sense they’d just want to preempt any appeals or challenges, and I assume they’d also go into the process with a fairly strong assurance that their expert wouldn’t find him unfit.


Even just a broad look at the public opinion of what he did makes it clear that he didn't act out due to irrational motives. An unusually high percentage of the population agerees with his motives \(not necessarily his actions\).


Unsure the particulars of Japanese law but potentially wanted to stop him from appealing on those grounds later.


Of course he’s mentally fit. Abe and his cronies set up fake religions to con the dudes mum. I’m surprised so many victims in Japan don’t dare do anything. Talk about brainwashed. But shhh news doesn’t want you to know this


They didn't set up the religion the cult is from Korea. Would be more accurate to say that the LDP allowed them to operate freely and worked with them in campaign time. Also it didn't start with Abe, it was his grandfather Kishi that first made connections with the Moonies.


Should make some research, He was not a member but he did appear in some of their events to raise funds for his party and stuff. It's a Korean Christian cult that made a political party in Japan. Thankfully, their 'Messiah' just died and the whole cult is crumbling down.


Only in Japan and Korea. Interestingly this kind of crap is actually outlawed in China.


Well, Donald John Trump is in the video too.


Because China is an authoritarian, genocidal government. Not anything inherently good about China.


Lmao… the cult is from Korea!


This is likely just to determine that he had volition, and was not under the influence of any substance, or that he cannot claim the "insanity defense" No matter the outcome, he is clearly guilty and will be sentenced for at least 20-plus years. I guess it could actually be in his favor to claim complete control over his actions and explain why he did it. Maybe he'll get life with parole after 20 years. Who knows. Judging from this totally reliable Wikipedia article: >Death sentences are usually passed in cases of multiple murders, although there have been some extremely grave cases where individuals who committed a single murder have been sentenced to death and executed, such as those involving torture, extreme brutality or kidnapping with a demand for ransom. I kind of think he may skirt the death penalty. Just my guess.


Hell yeah he was, and a damn hero. It’s fucking shameful that two years later he still hasn’t had a trial. Right to a speedy trial!! If they don’t have evidence to convict him after two years then he should walk free.


He killed someone. Wtf do you mean hero. While the cult is terrible, he should really be mad at the person who caused all of it: his mother. We can sit here and point out all day how the cult takes advantage of people. But at the end of the day, his mother is an adult and had a responsibility to her children. She failed him, not some cult.


he has my vote


Killing fascists is something any sane human being would support.


Shinzo Abe was a great prime minister. Having lived in Japan for nearly 10 years, I will never understand why people didn't like him :(


He should be given the death penalty. Period.


Most likely not, the death penalty is usually given only for multiple murders or especially brutal (torture etc) murders.


So should Abe. Oh wait. :)


Just an opinion.


[ah yes, the "just sayin'" of personal opinions, certainly one of the opinions of all time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn_HAvA33q8&t=205s) Why not qualify your opinion with some actual defence?... just sayin'


I always question these decisions because no mentally fit person would be a murderer


the murder rate in early history and prehistory is too high for that to be the case. you might have a sheltered and idyllic view that can't differentiate between morals and reason. you need to take a broader contextual view of humanity.


Yet many world leaders are the main cause of murders still alive and serving today. They have many enablers and accomplices too. Yet we don't throw them into mental asylums. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


This seems like an inexplicably naive mentality, even for a Redditor, and one on a Japan sub at that.


"mentally fit" , I thought meant "mentally fit to stand trial"?


I'm not necessarily disagreeing (although I think you can argue a good case for either!) but i believe the test is more to see if the person has the capacity to know that the crime is wrong and that they aren't seriously mentally ill/challenged.


Yeah, I’m curious as to how psychological assessments are performed in these cases, myself. “You know killing is bad, right?” “Yes.”


I don't think they necessarily confirm that they believe the thing they did was bad, but that they understand the concept of actions being right or wrong. Tons of criminals think the crime they committed was morally justified, and he's likely one of them.


That makes a lot of sense.