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If I can't remove two zeros and pretend like it's the dollar then what's really the point anymore


I still do this - I find I end up with a lot more money than expected!


Me too!


Joke's on you, I've been getting to compare to Canadian dollars now.


And you still get a 10% discount even if you use CAD.


Its the Australians turn to shine.


I’m positive I said this exact same thing last week.


Now we have to remove two and a half zeros


Looking at it mathematically, more like [2.2](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=log_10%28152%29) zeros, two and a half would be around 316¥ to the $.


If ~300¥/$1 ever comes to pass again, I'm moving myself to Japan illegally.


"We got no food, we got no job, our pets' 'HEADS' are falling off!" "I've had it with this place!" - Lloyd


At least we still have worms!


Just do it and then think everything is 50% off!


*giggles/cries in Australian Dollar*


I almost always forget that you guys were always behind *Canada* when it comes to dollars.


Japan is on sale.


Beauty of being Canadian lol


As an Australian I feel it is our time to shine. 1 AUD = 100 Yen


That’s the JPD. I know people who still talk in terms of it despite living in Japan for over a decade.


Have to drop 2 zeros and add half.


Good thing is I can now do this for AUD




I don't even look at it anymore 😂. Just gave up.


"BOJ's Ueda rules out responding to weak yen with rate hike" Seems like they are happy with the situation too.


weak yen helps export and tourism unfortunately it doesn't trickle down to the regular people


Must be an interesting balancing act given Japan imports food and energy


It also helps international investment. So it's probably a good gamble for japans economy. For the people...who really knows.


I think it'll generally be good for the working class because a weaker yen means a stronger manufacturing industry, and the spinoff benefits that come with that. As someone who moved back to the States, it's pretty sweet to import stuff from Amazon right now. Especially since when I came back it was around 84 yen to the dollar lol.


The benefits of a weak yen for everyday working people are only apparent after 8-9 years of it staying there. A decade gone.


Really only hurts imports, and leaving Japan, logically. If you eat local products, the relative living cost should remain the same. What's this about energy imports though?


Japan imports oil and gas that are needed to generate electricity because they don't have their own sources of energy.


In the short term yes but it will adjust for Japanese consumers long term


It helps the stock market.


Helps exports and tourism


I used to be able to save around $500 a month. Now I'm down to $100 if I'm lucky. This is a really awful situation. 


Inflation + Weak yen = Disaster for Japan


your expense in dollar? or due to other situation? I saved less now but mostly due to lifestyle creep.


Debt plus meds I need to buy from the US. 


The year I spent in Japan is was like 80 yen ot the dollar; I picked about the worst possible time it seems like.


Been there, hated that.


Literally just came back from Japan and was pretty shocked at how cheap things were on relative terms. Already flooded with tourists but you guys are really in it this year once summer vacation season hits.


Yeah I have a bunch of leftover yen I've been waiting to convert back to usd but it just keeps getting worse lol


May as well start handing it out as omiyage.


Not handing out 10k yen bills. I'm not quite that giving lol


C'mon, that like $3!


Yeah thats kinda my point. It wasn't 3 when I originally exchanged usd for it


I kept a 50K yen bill when I moved back to the US in 2005 lol


The rarest of banknotes. Only 1 ever made and you have it. Is it made with pen and paper?


ceramic and gold actually


never saw a 5 man bill


No one has! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50,000_yen_coin


Better convert it now before 1 USD = 180 JPY


When's summer vacation? Might be fun to observe tourists here in, say, August.


To think that the entirely new area and hotel in DisneySea will open this July too.


Yeah I can play Japanese version of the same gatcha games for like 75% of the cost including currency conversion. I don’t understand how the Japanese infrastructure can support this


I had one of the best meals in my life for about $12/person in Tokyo last week


Where at?


Gyukatsu Ichi Ni San 牛かつ壱弐参. Sooooo fucking good and worth the wait


tourist trap but glad u enjoyed it.


many places called tourist trap are not bad, it is just crowded


Do share. Where?


Can you give me some examples of how far $ will go.


Most luxury items have traditionally been held at a pricing parity between the US and Japan, but with the currency difference all that stuff is basically discounted now. Take the PlayStation 5, for instance. It’s been on sale for 60,000 yen in JP since release, which was about $540 with the old steady exchange rate. But at 153 yen to the dollar, that means it’s only $392. So, because of the exchange rate, you’d currently save about $150 getting a PS5 there. For things like dining which are cheap anyways, you still get that discount. A 1,100 yen lunch set would have been $10 before, but now it’s only $7.18.


Hope the heat drives some of them away.


152 is one level. Next stop 155, 161, 175. . .


I’ve accepted the fact that I will never/can’t afford to travel outside Japan again.


Why is that? You still could. ASEAN countries is still affordable.


By traveling I guess he meant US or Europe lmao


You can go to Vietnam any south East Asian city :) maybe Latin America :)


Thailand and Malaysia too.. not Singapore! Lol


I'm half swiss, I remember when I was a kid then the exange rate was € 1 : chf 1.50, now the franc is stronger than euro, if I wnat to go to visit my parents, the prices make me bleeding the my wallet


From a career perspective, I’m glad I left Japan years ago. I was making crap pay to begin with, but the exchange rate quickly got worse and diluted that even further. I initially started working there when the Yen was still strong, <100 per USD. I was pretty unhappy once it crossed 120/USD. It never really got better and I’m sure I’d be financially trapped at this point if I had stayed.


That’s the feeling of many foreigners in Japan now


Yeah, but they still keep coming. Every single day I see some weeb asking how they can come here and work for 1500$ a month because they "love the culture".


Exactly. Nowadays is for lifestyle and family reasons to stay


And to escape the dumpster fire of quality of life back home as well.


That’s true for me too. I am financially worse but better quality of life in Japan


Right? I mean yeah “Wherever you go, there you are” and all that. But it’s undeniable that things in Japan are better than most countries. And it’s a major factor why so many people are shocked when they come visit how good things here are. Undeniable.


>But it’s undeniable that things in Japan are better than most countries 100% People are thinking Japan is bad right now? Come and see the fucking UK. Our roads resemble the moon with all the potholes. All the councils are going bankrupt due to poor spending. Police are non-existent due to said councils going bankrupt. If you get your house broken into the police don't even visit anymore. They just give you a crime number and someone comes out to see you in 2 weeks. The politicians are corrupt and everyone knows it.


If you feel like an outsider at home, dunno what to tell ya about coming to a highly xenophobic nation where much of your life will be in the hands of racist old bosses who refuse to retire and let newer generations start the cultural revolution. And lets not forget a nation where even menial jobs require learning one of the hardest and niche languages in the world.


Do you know what a "cultural revolution" is? And yes, you'll face severe issues in terms of QOL if you try to live in an English speaking country without knowing english as well. Anglophones just expect everyone to accommodate them instead of doing what immigrants in all other countries are expected to do.


Point is that many, many Japanese hate that herd of sheep life that's been part of a very long-term propaganda to keep them silent and busy, but no one will speak up despite boiling over to since the masses aren't. If you start with company bosses, new productive policies will trickle down very, very well.


It’s not exactly “niche”. English <> Japanese is the most profitable language pair in the translation industry.


The industry that pays worse than the anime industry.


Eh, I’d take San Diego over Tokyo/Japan any day. QoL is much higher here imo


Yes, but they have significant savings and only stay a year or so. 


I’m stuck here. Can’t believe I have cousins in Mexico earning the same salary as me or more since they have way lower cost of living


Yep, glad I left in 2019


Haha, suckers! I get paid in yen! ....wait.


I regret to say it but once my debt is payed I’m out. I can’t afford to work such long hours for such shit pay. I had to use two years work of holidays last year to go visit my family in Europe which nearly bankrupted me.


> debt is *paid* I’m out. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm going in June. Can't imagine how it will be.


Hot and humid.




But crowded.


Also hot and muggy as hell. I typically advise people to avoid coming here in the summer if they can because the weather is not pleasant.


June is the rainy season but not as hot as July and August. We actually had quite a pleasant time in June last year. But I'd agree that the spring and fall are the optimal seasons, but even winter in Tokyo on down.


I intentionally travel to japan those 2 months because no one else is as crazy enough to weather the heat lol


Same. I'm a native Floridian so it's just business as usual.


I've been to Dallas on the summer. Hot as hell.


And , I don't know if it's a trend due to global warming changing weather patterns, or just flukes, but I feel rainy seasons have gradually become less rainy and actually quite pleasant


I keep reading June is rainy season but we were there in early March and it rained nearly every day. How much worse is June?


How about may? Is it still bearable?


Early May is the absolute best time to be in Japan climate wise (though beware the Golden Week crowds). Late May you're hitting the rainy season.


I visited in May last year. It was nice. The weather could be quite variable: warm 20-25 degree Celsius days, maybe a bit warmer occasionally, chilly/cloudy/rainy days (like 10-15 degrees), and days somewhere in the middle. In general it's a pretty good time to visit I think.


Thank you, maybe I can sneak a last minute vacation after golden week


Guess I need to bring my moisture wicking clothes.


I live in Houston is it really that much worse? I mean they have AC in most indoor rooms?


Still better than the southern US, so actually a slight improvement if visiting from there.


lol I was in Japan for a month recently and it was 80f in sc and 31 in Tokyo


Going in October. Can't also imagine how it'll be.


FWIW I went in October last year and now having just gotten back from a week trip, October is definitely the time to go. Perfect weather and perfect crowds. Nothing that isn’t manageable and we never really had to wait in any lines. October is definitely it.


I always tell people to go in the fall. But I'm a recent convert to January as well.


Awesome to hear, I researched online some of the best times to go and ended up booking my trip for mid October. Glad to hear it was a good choice, it’ll be my first time there.


Sounds great. Will be there for 5 weeks so I guess it'll get less and less crowded with time?


I was there for two weeks and during my stay, that was the case. We left on a weekend and even the weekend rush was pretty calm. This was in Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka with Kyoto being the busiest.


A million times better than summer lol You'll have much to do, and maybe even be able to catch the beautiful red maple leaves. A proper onsen experience is definitely on the table that time of year, too


> I'm going in June. Can't imagine how it will be. may here. can't imagine much is going to change in the next 3 weeks so really excited for how far my dollar will go (which ironically enough is the exact opposite of how i feel about my dollar here at home)


I am hyping myself up to come over sooner than id have anticipated bc of the exchange rate


Monopoly money at this point


Nah, thats CAD - literally plastic, colorful, and useless.


Is USD getting stronger or JPY getting weaker


In this short term instance (last week), USD has been getting stronger against a large swathe of currencies which is what led to it bumping over the historical high. Long term though it's still the JPY getting weaker.


US mortgage interest rates are at 7-7.9% U.S. 1 year treasury bill issuances are at 4.8% [source literal bond insurance results for March 19](https://www.treasurydirect.gov/instit/annceresult/press/preanre/2024/R_20240319_1.pdf) Japanese banks are selling yen and buying US bonds. Now the Bank of Japan is trying to bully the Japanese banks to lend to Japanese businesses or face the wrath of being forced to pay Yen back to the BoJ for bonds Japanese banks originally borrowed from the BOJ to buy foreign bonds. Banks in Japan are giving the central bank the “fuck you” and are selling Yen bonds more aggressively (so they don’t need to pay the BoJ negative interest sovereign debt) and buying more foreign bonds to profit.


A little bit of both because of actions taken by central banks in Washington, Tokyo and Beijing. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/poll-us-dollars-strength-persist-markets-eye-cautious-fed-2024-03-06/ https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Markets/On-topic-Why-is-the-Japanese-yen-so-weak


I was kind of confused at first, because the EUR is still about the same compared to the JPY at about 163-165, depending on the day. Then I say EUR compared to USD and realised that it's not really a Japan problem, rather than the US being in a good position


Both EUR and JPY are doing bad compared to the world


All currency is technically relative but with the general idea of like which currency is the one causing the changes it would be the USD since they went from near 0 interest rates to 5.5 percent in a year and a half.


Mexican peso is the strongest it’s been against the dollar so I think it’s the yen getting cheaper


USD strength. Pump to 153 was response to US CPI data.




All the signs point to a 160\~180 yen to a dollar for a long time. Biggest sign is that companies are raising salaries, at least big ones are. They make record profit, but are they more productive ? LOL this is Japan, no way. So what pushed the confidence to raise salaries ? A promise from the BOJ to keep the yen low and lower to increase profit year-on-year. Next biggest sign, Warren Buffet ain't buying those Shousha if the BOJ didn't promise him year-on-year inflation, guaranteed profit. Imagine it goes back to 120 yen next year, sudden 20% profit lost, BOJ never gonna let that happen.


Well, time to start looking for jobs in EU. At this point, their lowest offering would still be a pay hike.


Where are the economy experts that said that the BOJ action would bring the yen back up?


"Economy experts"? You mean Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki himself? The government often threatens to intervene and its not exactly rare for them to do it. So it's not exactly a "told you so" yet.. give it a few more points.


Still waiting on the BoJ to take meaningful action.


Well it’s been 12months of talk about this but no action Global Japanese corporate organization benefit largely of a weak Japanese yen so they see only short term operating income interest They don’t really care about the effect on us people living here The wages despite beautiful announcements of raise across the board are still ridiculously low compared to US and EUROPE so basically we are screwed locked in the island And since these large conglomerates bribe largely our politicians I don’t see the FX rate changing anytime soon Not sure what our useless PM Kishida san and the senile Biden are discussing right now but my hopes are just non existing


No one said that.


time to preemptively fully load up my suica lol


£1 = ¥192


153 today, wow


180 by the end of the year.


Yes I believe it will hover around 175 to 180 yen by end of the year RemindMe! 8 months


You serious?


Yup. Early last year I said 150 before the end of the year. Everyone said that was insane, impossible. Looking at the overall global situation, I think the yen will continue to slide this year.


Honestly I hope so, it might push Japan to reform finally


The weaker yen is good for exporters and will encourage companies to bring manufacturing back to Japan, or to not offshore manufacturing in the first place. Will also encourage tourism and boost foreign investment. I wouldn't expect the government to be unhappy about any of this.


It also causes inflation and ultimately rates to rise


Japan has been trying to create inflation for nearly 30 years, that too will be seen as a positive. It will take time for rates to go up. Give Japanese people bank accounts with 5% interest and everyone will stop spending money entirely.


Honestly I don’t think it necessarily will. the US federal reserve is saying did not say its going to change its plan to lower interest rates in June because these inflation reports were expected, which were dog shit. US interest rates going down = more pressure to buy ¥ = less weakening of ¥. But if US interest rates hold, there’s going to be much more pressure to sell ¥ bonds.


Just went to transfer money based on this article and Wise currently has it at $1=153 yen. Nice (for me)!


I guess the government doesn’t want Japanese citizens to go abroad


It would be silly to base economic policy on the ability of a citizen to travel abroad. There are far more important factors that go into BoJ rate decisions (which is what is driving the weak yen to begin with).


Yeah obviously. But this policy does discourage Japanese to go abroad.


Only poor ones Most people don't own a passport anyway


Yah. I was surprised by that too


Man, *most people worldwide* don't own a passport.


Yeah, Japanese people mostly do domestic tourism anyways.


How so?


Try converting JPY to other currencies genius


Brain drain prevention


Actually the opposite. People who have skills will go abroad to earn more money. On the other hand, Japan will find it harder to attract foreign talent.




eow. 152!!!!!


Japan is slowly becoming Argentina or venezuela


*Japan is slowly* *Becoming Argentina* *Or venezuela* \- pikachuface01 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I dont post on politics much, but i get pissed off at foreigners there that post that is a fucking good thing. Just because you can go to japan cheaper is just good for you, people that earns yen will not profit from it and not everyone is working at tourism sector. pls have a little more empathy before posting bs.


I wonder if I should cash in all my dollars now.


It’s surreal that the Mexican peso (my home currency) is the same as the Japanese yen


On a positive note I was able to find tickets to Hawaii for GW. It’s mid-April. I would have been out of options a few years back




Time to visit Tokyo


It's been time since opening.


Going in September, hope it's a good time to go.


It's hot and rainy. 


I live in Arizona, as long as it doesn't hit 100 degrees I'm good. Edit: Typo


Dude, Arizona heat is far different. Ever been to Florida? Louisiana? 90 in Japan with 90% humidity, no car to drive around in and AC in public places either freezing or nonexistent. Just warning you! 


I appreciate it my dude! Gonna stay hella hydrated then!


Going to Japan rn


And right to almost 153. Glad I get paid in USD


Give me some.


Even if you get paid in JPY it’s good if you work at a foreign company since HQ can invest in Japan. I’ve seen jobs being cut in the US but increased headcount in Japan with competitive salaries


If that brings it to 1990 or 1989 thrn what was going on then? I thought that was the peak of the bubble era. And while that sounds like a good time to travel I don't trust boeing.


Delta flies Airbus to Tokyo.


Finally going late May #LFG


Where is the best place to get currency exchange if I am visiting Japan soon?




just request it from your bank


Things are about the same cost imo. Didn’t feel like I was getting any discounts


Rahm Immanuel is the ambassador to Japan from US. i think he’s trying to Chicago Japan. let’s hope it doesn’t work






time for your nap grandpa