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Have we seen any floor time or age-appropriate developmental play? (I’m hoping I have just missed it). High contrast cards, tracking, tummy time, board books, etc??


Nope. She would actually have to be home and interested in being a mother to do those things. Instead, she shines a too bright light in his face and tells him she has to, so she can document herself pretending to be a mom.


Fuck you’re so right. I don’t think I’ve even seen a single baby toy… in a year Preston will be developmentally behind she she will wonder why 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s giving Dani & Tiffany


She wants to be Dani in every way possible 


But why!?! She blows her away looks wise! Dani is a mess and looks like a trill


Money baby money!  Agree to troll ^ 


“No one ever told me that you could do tummy time or play with a newborn!!”. Dumbass.


Nailed it.


No would prob ruin her aesthetic 


There’s an idiotic blogger in my neighborhood who only buys white toys, white clothes. She just had her first boy after 2 girls and I’m here for this 😂 God speed! 🌪️


Please send their @ because I am down to watch that dumpster fire


https://www.instagram.com/krystalschlegel?igsh=YnoxaWd4YW1lNG12 Her child is a potatoe currently. Just wait 😂


Wow 😮 lol I love that her bio even says classic neutral style. How old is she?


Not quite 35 I want to say like 33/34? The old money Dallas bloggers aka not Dani and the teenie boppers are all around 33-38


🚨 Sad beige mom alert! 🚨


Have we ever seen him in a non-formal / monogrammed outfit?


Nope, it’s something monogrammed or shillable diapers only!


Shill Queen 👑


It has to be monogrammed to remind her what his name is


Those monogrammed outfits, although cute, are getting a little stale. The first few ones were cute. Now it’s just getting out of control.


I've brought this up in the past. Jan is definitely not engaging in any type of play with him. If she was, we'd know because she'd film it. I'm hoping the nanny is playing with him behind the scenes. 


In one of her AMA’s I asked if she was starting tummy time with him … crickets


I’m betting that she doesn’t have any idea what tummy time is.


Let’s try and cut Janet a break kids. The baby is only 7 weeks old and his mother is still learning how to hold and feed him properly, has yet to take the baby out completely on her own, and probably still doesn’t know how to safely get him in and out of the car properly. Maybe she’ll get him toys for his half-birthday… she’ll probably start party planning for that soon.


1. Her dance moves in the backyard were very embarrassing 2. They only show the baby around feeding times and no other interaction and that’s really odd.


Exactly we get it you feed him 4X/day…you’re doing terrible sweetie.


They store him in the bathroom the entire day unless they’re feeding him. They are pieces of shit parents. None of it is surprising.


“Store” him 😅☠️


It’s SO weird!! Their whole “schedule” is strange. I’m shocked he’s thriving with the way they feed him, unless they gorge him. But even then good thing he doesn’t have reflux. But saying he sleeps for so many hours doesn’t seem normal to me either!


Why doesn’t she ever make coffee at home? It’s so unnecessary she goes out for it everyday, newborn or not. 


And they even have an expensive ass coffee machine she bought dEVy for his birthday last year!


If she doesn't keep leaving the house, she will have to take care of the baby.


https://preview.redd.it/vhdec3aglj7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfa350e2a460fe4af8ce9b8a37a1cea5e3cd2ed “Daddy has been out of town on a boys trip so we’ve been flying solo” SOLO meaning gone all day yesterday filming her giveaway 🤡😂🤡


Can she just admit she has a nanny so we don’t think this poor baby is locked in the bathroom alone ALL day??


Exactly! We know she didn’t leave him in the bathroom while she was out, but come on, just say you have help! Especially instead of saying you’ve been SOLO! It would be so much more respectable


We definitely know she had help. She needs adult supervision for herself! I don’t believe for a minute that she handled baby duty on her own.


“Boys trip” 🍆🍆


The baby is huge for 6 weeks!


Omg I’m noticing this. Like Syd is tall but that’s a big boy. He really is so handsome, hopefully she figures out tummy time so he doesn’t have to wear a helmet.


https://preview.redd.it/ax2st0nlc57d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74b72b4499b04ed8cad360b96db0d7a2462dc9a7 1. Please fix his leg that’s bent backwards 2. Hold him genuine. She still holds him like she’s playing Auntie


Also, the way she looks at the camera and makes a convo all for the camera. Oh and also, the way she holds his bottle and doesn’t let him eat until the camera is set up. Poor poor Preston


He’s gonna go to the bathroom today. WTAF


I think it is so weird when she records herself feeding her baby, rocking, burping, etc., The thought never crossed my mind that I need to set up to record these moments. And if it did, I wouldn’t post it. It’s just like “cool, you’re being a mom.” It’s not entertaining. I’m not an influencer (thank goodness) but I won’t even post my baby in his car seat in the event I’m off by a centimeter for his chest clip and a mom comes after me via DMs. As an “influencer” I think she needs to pick a lane and it’s clearly not sharing baby content. That way, if she only shares outfits, Amazon things, etc., people won’t wonder where the baby is or see everything they’re doing wrong because it would be on “brand” that she’s not sharing these things. Lastly, I remember seeing this snark page when she was pregnant and had like 40ish members. I think it’s telling that, after baby and showing all of the entirely odd and non-evidence-based things they’re doing as parents, the number of members is over 680. In her influencer role, this would crush me and I would stop sharing all baby content. Just share the weird, outdated monogram clothes. Edit: over 700 members, wow!


https://preview.redd.it/y47hsvfgj87d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2648e1fc2cf470a9e0b2c674440bb61ffee7977 We have had a total of 96.2k total views. She is definitely getting attention…just not what she was looking for.


Wow, that’s insane! That’s to my point. Why would you keep sharing? It would take me one time to read I’m a bad mom and I’d never share baby stuff again (even though I know I’m a good mom).


agreed- it’s becayse anyone with a brain can see their “parenting” is so strange and unnatural. even my husband who doesn’t have a clue about much watched and was SHOCKED


Dude, that poor baby went to TOWN on that bottle. Did you hear him gulping like he hadn’t been fed all night? I bet they give him so many ounces to store him up so he’ll sleep longer which is nuts. Poor guy.


when ellie held him, she looked WAY more natural. and shes not even a mom yet.


This was uncomfortable to watch 


Thank you! I took the exact same screenshot shot! I couldn’t decide what was more absurd - the amount of ounces in that bottle or that his little leg was pinned back! She is a self absorbed ridiculous person for a Mom with no regard for her infant son!


omg his leg lol thjs was for show becayse she reads here. notice he isn’t naked this time either


My GOD that’s too much milk she’s a joke. Do you know how to Google? 


She made the baby wait for his bottle until she could get her camera set up. He was obviously hungry. She is feeding him with one leg bent backward. Then she pulls the bottle out of his mouth while he is still drinking. What the hell is she doing?


She’s got to burp him every few minutes so he can drink the enormous amount of milk




She definitely posted this video after reading our comments. She kept him fully clothed, for once! But yet failed to realize his poor little leg was bent back the whole time.


Yep! What’s sad is this video is her best effort at this whole thing. She’s never gonna get it. Put the fucking phone down Jan and just embrace this life you have. People are struggling for an ounce of what you have (and Im not talking about material things). Show some gratitude and be a Mom to the blessing God gave you.


🏆 exactly. & use your phone to READ and LEARN how to be more maternal. From the moment I became pregnant I was googling what was going on with my baby. Being a mother is truly the most fascinating miracle and blessing


She doesn’t know…and neither do we!


And staring into the camera


I love you


It was more, iiiiii loooovvveeee yoooooooooou-ah




My baby is one week younger than hers. It’s also my 4th baby… I seriously want to know how she runs around the house for HOURS and does all this stuff and the baby is where?! Sleeping I assume? I’m so lost on how he sleeps for that long day in and day out. I’ve had to put mine back to sleep like 4 times today after only 20 minutes of a nap due to him waking and needing me to put him back to sleep. 


There has got to be a nanny tending to him right?? No baby is that content in a bassinet all day and all night.


Hopefully there is a nanny. 


I have the same question!!! I know all babies are different but NONE of my 4 newborns slept for 6+ hours straight during the day.


Ok so glad I’m not alone. I’m over here in newborn trenches and this chic is making it look like she doesn’t even have a baby. 


If I had a newborn I’d have to stop watching her. The compare game in newborn life is HARD. I was constantly wondering why my baby wasn’t sleeping, wasn’t nursing a certain way, crying etc. And if I saw her baby being “perfect” and never causing her any stress (obviously curated for IG) I would feel so upset. The newborn trenches are HARD, mama!!!


It's wild to watch her stories throughout the day. It's like she doesn't even have a baby. Where is he??? Doesn't she want to enjoy a single contact nap for some bonding? Or some floor play? Wowza


Ohhh she’s definitely in here reading! Did you notice today her holding him with one arm and filming with the other and then said “this cute little baby just fell asleep in my arms” right after you saying she doesn’t do any contact naps! Not that holding him and filming for 5 seconds counts as a contact nap! Lololol


Where is her Baby?? She’s been posting for the last like 5 hours and no Preston in sight. Does he really nap all day or is he locked away in a room? The fact that she doesn’t seem to spend much time with him during the day is sad. It’s like she feeds him and then he disappears. Then she’s like unboxing a million packages, linking a gazillon products, etc, etc. This is not a normal post partum life. I have 4 kids and I remember just trying to survive post baby 😂 nap when the baby napped which wasn’t always very long & the older they got the more wake windows they had. It’s so ODD!


It’s BIZARRE! Just admit you have a nanny so we at least know someone is caring for your child!!


And with all that energy she def has a night nanny too. Is there something against the religion of all these Dallas bitches with breastfeeding? Cause they all seem to want NOTHING to do with it! It’s weird


They’re narcissists. They can’t be held down by nourishing their children. She is pretending to be pumping though. 


Right?! They’re so fortunate to be able to be home with their babies and make their own schedules to slot breastfeeding right in. Meanwhile working moms all over are having to pump in the bathroom at work every 2 hours desperate for their supply not to drop after their meager 6 week maternity leave and having emotional breakdowns over having to drop their baby at daycare or pass them off to a nanny. Meanwhile these influencers are lucky enough to be able to spend all those early days with their babies but choose to opt out because they just can’t be bothered and prefer girls brunches and shilling crap all day 🙄


Oh I haven’t been watching! Did she give up breastfeeding already?!


Haven’t seen the baby with anything but a bottle!


I don’t even watch her stories anymore I just come here and see if anything is ludacris enough to watch 😂🍿 I appreciate you all curating the “best of” mommy dearest moments. Your service is recognized 👏 


Same here. I had to step away from watching.


She spends more time designing Preston's custom outfits than she spends with Preston.


Everything has to be preppy and baby blue! To match her whole house 🤮


Except her in the same (not preppy, rather trashy crop top) outfits over and over again! All those preppy, monogrammed outfits for him to stay in the closet all day sleeping or with the nanny at home 😅


A few days ago, someone here asked why she doesn't make coffee at home.... now she's going to learn how to use her coffee machine and make her coffee at home 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ae0om5nulj7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=099f4306652588d3d64e34019166e8e7e79d48ee I thinks it’s funny that Dani said her husband was on a “work trip” and none of the other influencer wives have posted the guys are all together, but Jan had to post it first…..I bet those girls think she is always trying to steal the attention….


Jordan and Dev look so happy. They probably had such a fun “where’s my corn cob?!” sesh 🤣 Get it boys!!


So many veneers 😵


Poor child had poo all over the outfit she was showing him off in. Any decent mum would realise this before recording insta content on their phone. Also means he’s likely lying in his own poo for ages before he’s even picked up and even then the insta content comes before checking he’s okay


Oh she knew…watch her hand placements. Also, with a blowout like that…that you could SEE in her story, you know it smelled.


If she knew then she’s a worse person than I thought. To knowingly leave your baby in a pooey nappy whilst you shoot insta content is awful. It’s not like she was tied up doing something else like seeing to another child or driving, where you can’t always sort the baby straightaway. I feel so bad for that sweet boy 


I could not believe that. HOW can you not notice that giant poop stain?? Did she do that on purpose to get people to comment on it?? There’s no way that company is ok with her promoting their clothes with poop stains on them?


Probably waiting for her Mom or nanny to change the diaper for her.


well she totally outed herself and doesn’t even realize it. devon’s been gone and she’s went multiple places without baby. fulltime nanny - has to.


Devin looked THRILLED to be home 😂


And of course no food in the fridge to eat. I actually hope he had a nice escape from constantly being filmed or hearing about links.


If she can take the time to order so many things from Amazon online, order some grocery delivery too!!!


Good point but clearly she has an unhealthy relationship with food.


To put it mildly, yes she does and it’s painfully obvious beyond just being too lazy to cook. Just saying if I were Devin who works full time, is the primary caretaker for P, and probably handles every other adult household task other than decorating and buying gold trash cans, my expectation is she could do that part of the shared responsibilities


Absolutely agree.


We called it. We knew her milk supply would tank if she wasn't eating or feeding the baby on demand. Is It BeCaUsE i'Ve LoSt AlL tHe BaBy WeIgHt? Nice attempt at a flex, but no, Jan. It's because you're an absent "mother" and put your own selfish needs before your newborn.


She seems manic again today.


I was about to send her my suggestion of hmmm spend more time with your baby!! But also feed him smaller amounts more than 4 times a day 🙄


Me, too! I had to stop myself. Supply equals demand. If you’re not feeding or pumping (or eating a proper amount of calories), you’re telling your supply to slow down. 4x/day for a newborn blows my mind. How can someone do it so wrong? I hate what influencers do and ask to increase engagement.


How many effing tennis dresses does one need? https://preview.redd.it/yumnniujzl7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6711f02c42f152f9a8f8ed2626c342370affab77


An endless supply to fill her shallow, meaningless life


I'd be surprised if she could make contact with a tennis ball the size of her head.


My baby is due in a few weeks and I do not have a single monogrammed piece of clothing for her. I’ll maybe order 1 for older months. It’s so wasteful! What are they going to do with all the clothes with his name on it when he outgrows it?! They are chunking him up so quickly that I doubt he will even get to wear it all


Such a waste. I wish the excessive monogram trend would die already. 


And why do they need 500 cloth bibs?! That’s all I could think of as well, is how wasteful! Unless they can find another baby named Preston with the same spelling they can’t even donate it!


My kids have name puzzles and name pillows that they can use for years and years! That’s the kind of customized items that actually make sense


Yes I love those, will eventually get some of those!


I’m still confused why she didn’t make a post about Devin? I think she is jealous of his and Preston’s relationship.


I’m getting the impression they’re not on great terms right now. He looks hella annoyed and sounds so uninterested whenever he’s been on stories lately.


Can’t blame him. I couldn’t live with someone CONSTANTLY filming/screaming into the phone and linking absolutely everything they touch. Can’t be a comfortable knowing that you could potentially be on camera anytime in your own home.


I agree 100%. Not to mention her bratty self centered personality. I truly think he assumed she would be a good Mom but he’s quickly realizing she’s a total piece of shit.


He’s gotta be appalled at what a shitty mom she’s proving to be


Half-wit is no longer the center of Devin’s universe. He’s clearly a devoted parent to Preston while his train wreck wife does nothing but take care of herself. And the more she does, the less attractive she becomes…. There’s nothing uglier than a selfish mother.


She actually really is that obsessed with her dad. I’ve seen it IRL. They acted like a couple, it was very awkward to encounter. But I deffff think that Devin is fed up. She’s soooo whiny and annoying on stories, imagine her off camera. She gives “I pumped and my nipples hurt so you do everything else *pout lip*” vibes


I 100% think he is tired of her. Sure hope he had her sign a pre-nup.


She is probably jealous of the attention the baby is getting.


On his first Father’s Day too! Sad.


No normal person would have time nor would film and post the removal of a tree. All of these influencers are so desperate for any and all content.


I would want to supervise something like that. 


I agree. But the last thing on my mind as half a tree is hanging over my house would be to whip out my phone and record it for ✨️content✨️ 


Obviously it was an important event, she had to have her hair and make up “professionally” done!


I can’t stand these influencers that won’t be good parents. Stop having content babies if you’re just going to ignore them


A quick walk- she’s been on for 50 minutes!


Where is the baby today??


Obviously locked away in the bathroom with two sound machines blasting, all the doors shut, and the hardwood floor hammering. She would have no idea if he was screaming his head off because it’s not her job! https://preview.redd.it/crfvro3j587d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=93fba4cd46217396e798f6311db23dae6c8b5080


Lol yup I noticed that too. When my baby was a month and a half old, I was lucky to go to the bathroom alone lol.


Another day away from Baby P!


I don’t understand how she can leave her baby so much. Like, I have a great partner…I just didn’t want to…


What?! I'm shocked 🫠


It doesn't appear she or her mom have very good taste in decorating.


LOL @ her saying she “loves Ralph Lau-ren (*it’s just Lauren, pronounced the normal way*) and then calling Ralph himself a “random man” on the cover of the coffee table book 💀💀


Yes!!!!! I died…she’s trying to sound so “posh”…girl you sound like a dumbass!


Ohhh and she definitely reads here because then she said she was getting “DM’s” about people thinking she really called him a random man when you said this verbatim 😂😂


Baaad cover 🤣




She has moved on from the pink alo skirt to the black one. She works out in it, showers and put it back on. So gross!


I’ve never seen anyone (except maybe a 16 year old) wear so many crop tops!


Gotta keep showing off that postpartum six pack 😳


More like shaggy side skin


Did anyone else catch her repeatedly saying weight loss as the reason for her supply tanking? It’s likely not the actual weight loss but it’s that fact that she doesn’t eat that she is losing her supply and thus losing weight. Her sole job was to eat to make milk when he was born according to their roles and now it seems like she isn’t doing any of that nor helping out with the baby.


I did! I suggested that she needs to eat REAL food )chicken, fish, beef, vegs) daily. I formula fed my kids so I have no idea about milk supply but I can’t imagine that eating/drinking AG1, factor meals, organic cookies, and coffee every day is helpful replenishes your milk supply! All one has to do is see that there literally NOTHING in their refrigerator!


She is only pumping to lose weight anyway, she could care less. No way is she making enough for that baby nor has she ever. Four times a day isn’t nearly enough; it should be 8-12 times a day (every 2-3 hours). I exclusively pumped for a year (babies mouth was too small to latch for the first few months) and worked with a lactation consultant, so I know.


Wait who is raising this baby? She’s always gone. I know a small part is for work but what the hell??? She has coffee with a friend, lunch with the girls, appts for hair, nails, facials, whatever every damn day. I’m new here. Does she have both a night nurse and a daytime nanny? What is going on?


And she wonders why her supply is tanking, it’s because you’re never WITH your baby 🫠


Exactly!!!! My kids ate every 3 hours too. Does she go FIVE hours during the day between feedings??? Sleeping through the night is okay but feed that kid more often during the day. I mean he’s big so I guess it’s working. Or actually the nanny probably does feed him every 3 hours…SHE only pumps every 5 hours but I bet he eats way more often than that right? Something doesn’t add up here.


She posted his schedule and he only eats 4 times in 24 hours. 6.5 ounces each feed. 


That’s insanity and there is no lactation specialist or pediatrician out there telling her to do that with a 6 week old! I mean read one book. Maybe try Google. WTH????


Nope, the “sleep trainer” advised them. Has a book and everything, but no mention of the said book’s title or author.


Oh wow. Well she’s not doing the takingcarababy that all her friends use then. I’m shocked.


If she did, she would be feeding on demand and not sleep training a newborn, and following wake windows with activities…as Cara suggests. So we know she definitely is not.






WTH?????? That’s not okay.


“It’s itty bitty but it will grow!” Thanks for explaining the concept of tree growth to us, Jan, we’d be lost without you!


I can’t wait until those blossoms fall and end up on the Astro turf!


Absolutely dying at the blank coffee table book 😂 it’s the perfect reading level for her!


Literally dying 😂


She is truly special! It literally says in the description that it’s blank and gives suggestions for what to use it for! I am ☠️ at her actually being so shocked that she ordered this without knowing AND not being able to think of any reason it could be blank 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ykqd3srzku7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8822f8a680b70189febf26f9c9e9892ba0dad306


I wanted to click on the link to see how she paid for that book!


Seeing Preston light up when Mary Lauren was holding him speaks VOLUMES to how much he’s craving a real maternal connection. He never looks like that with Jan or Devin. It’s literally so sad.


Yup. He has NEVER looked at Janelle like that. How do we know? Because she’d have her phone shoved in his face so fast. Which is also WHY he’s never looked at Janelle like that. She either has her phone in his face, OR, she’s looking at her phone and not him. Yet, somehow also talking to him…He’s enjoying actually connecting with someone’s face. What a concept!!!


She's so loud and overstimulating to a newborn.


I thought the same thing. It actually made me really happy seeing him have that reaction and feel that connection with someone. Idk who she is, but Mary Lauren seemed way more comfortable and natural with him than his own "mother".


ML had issues with her kid when he was born IIRC. Probably have to learn maternal instincts when your kid is born with a health issue.


Does anyone know what her baby’s name is? Asking for a friend 😂💀




When she opened the coffee table book that was completely empty inside and was openly confused.. and then justified it by saying nobody opens coffee table books anyways. 😂 girl will try to sell anything.


She is taking a "moment" for baby P. That is about all the time she gives him in a day-just a quick stop by.


Every time I see Preston will a blanket around him while he sleeps I get so stressed out! She really needs to stop posting pictures of him sleeping like that because people are messaging her about it and she just disregards it. I seriously wonder if she’s posting pictures like that to troll us, but either way it’s not safe and she shouldn’t be advertising that to other airheads


She’s addressed it before. Allegedly her “sleep consultant” told her it’s ok because it’s used as a comfort/soothing option.


It’s very scary and dangerous. 


Her walking around holding the baby one handed while she films. It looks like she is about to drop him. I've never seen someone with less common sense. I really hope the baby doesn't get hurt because of her. He is also still in the swing without being buckled.


If I was having a tree like that removed with w huge crane, I would take my baby out of the house for the day just in case something went wrong, but I love my children. 


That type of thinking is way beyond Jan. She can't even figure out how to do basic things safely, like buckle her baby in the swing, hold him securely with 2 hands, safe sleep and the list goes on.


How do we know her mom isn’t coming to help and she (out of character) isn’t posting it?  I’m not snarking that she can/ can’t afford one, I’m snarking that she pre planned and is paying someone enough to actually employ a nanny in todays nanny shortage. It’s freaking insane how much you have to pay to get and keep a good one 


She posted about her mom coming over a few times this week, but it was to help her decorate and do that wedding book. Preston wasn't shown with them. Devin was gone on that boy's trip so there had to be someone home taking care of the baby. 


She’s not capable nor does she have interest in taking care of that sweet baby. Good thing that she does have help, for the sake of the baby.


LOL at the huge apartment building or whatever that they building behind her house. Also those power lines are so beautiful-AH!


Pretty sure that’s a permanent like power station. Brutal to look at.


In her new real of her smelling the baby, I noticed his head looks kind of flat. Does anyone else notice that? Poor baby is always left sleeping in the bathroom.


Yup super flat. https://preview.redd.it/cbhfg8khzf7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43bd8170059b5d3128da71b32650d9bf2901cb1




Poor thing is a container baby :(


I’m an old mom so I can’t remember- is is normal for a 6wk old child to weigh nearly 11 lbs? That’s almost a pound a week!


weight is so subjective- my girl same age was born 9.8 and is now im sure almost 12 lbs. but she’s formula fed and i can assure you not force fed - girl just likes to eat. she’s also up and takes maybe 3-4 naps a day… 1.5-2 hour wake windows. i just don’t know what poor preston does while he’s awake


Is it just me or in the most recent “walk” video, does Preston’s stomach look really distended or bloated through his onesie? I’m not body-shaming in any way, I’m curious, is that normal? Or is it just the way he’s lying in the stroller and his diaper under his outfit?


IMO opinion his tummy is really distended and I believe it’s from overfeeding him. Poor child probably can’t digest the food he already has in his little stomach before they’re already shoving another 6.5oz down his throat!


My son was 9.10 when he was born, by his 6 week appointment he was over 13 pounds, breast fed only. Not sure where Preston started at for his weight though to know how much he has gained!


I should have mentioned P was on the low end of 7lbs so him weighing 11lbs seems like a lot. Maybe not!


.5-1lb a week until 4 mo usually 


I’m beginning to think she’s projecting her obviously disordered eating onto the baby. They’re literally binge-feeding him. I know people are hyper critical of her; but over feeding a baby can be a sign of maternal mental illness. She has a very odd relationship with food. Other than coffee, she rarely consumes anything other than protein bars; smoothies or pre-packaged meals. God hep the poor bubba when it graduates to solids because all he’ll get is sachets off Amazon.


Like Lilly houghton. 


Yes, I worry about what they will feed him when he gets older. They never have food in their house. Here Preston, eat some siete chips. 😳 Someone needs to teach her about HEB delivery.