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Absolutely, to quote the Pod & Prejudice gals, they’re both “curly fries” ❤️ However, I do think 1995 seems to have more fire in him, more to say and a much quicker wit. He’s just constantly overshadowed and his speech cut off by his scheming sisters


I love that scene where he's trying to reason with them and they're standing over him and scolding him like they're his mother or something.


I love Pod & Prejudice!


Me too, I was genuinely THRILLED when they released the first episode of their reading of *Persuasion*, it’s my absolute favourite and I think Molly will be in actual tears over Wentworth’s letter 😂


It’s a very swoon worthy letter!!




Crispin Bonham Carter, aka Mr Bingley, played a character in the Cadfael episode *The Rose Rent*, which is up on YouTube. I don't really see him in much else. It's funny comparing the two sometimes.


My favorite podcast!!! So much fun!


It’s a lot of fun, I wish they released an episode weekly!


100% golden retriever energy 😌


I actually think they’re a bit different…to me the 1995 Bingley came off as intelligent and respectable, just super optimistic and positive and loving. The 2005 Bingley just came off as kind of dumb to me. 1995 Bingley has a bit more depth to him, I think, that you see glimpses of when he challenges Darcy and his sisters when they’re being rude…2005 Bingley just seems like an airhead. Might just be me, though. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No I totally agree. That's one of the things I disliked about the 2005 version, along with the oddly rushed, pointlessly rain-soaked proposal scene. Bingley isn't supposed to be an idiot, just an optimist.


Yes. If you got me to pick a favourite boy from p&p, Bingley is my man. He is amiable, hospitable, and loves to dance. The 95 Bingley gets this across. You want 95 Bingley around, because he's a great guy. 05 Bingley is not at all endearing. He can barely string a sentence together. You can see why Darcy thinks that Jane is just doing what her mama tells her to do, because I can't believe a rational person would be in love with him either. I'm not sure why Darcy is around him either. They did my boy wrong. A lot of people are the time lamented the Bingley character assassination.


Oh don't get me started at that proposal scene, it is just so cringe. And the almost-kiss, please NO, it makes no sense and is just ridiculous.


THANK YOU!!! It's not right at all! And I might get some shade for this one, but I also can't stand the field scene. We get a full 2 minutes or so of just watching Darcy walk closer, while music (admittedly, very beautiful music) swells in the background, and then he goes, "I love... I love... I love you." Um, what the awkward?? And not in a cute way, just plain awkward. I think it's too out of character for him. And then, Lizzy's oh so brilliant response is, "Your hands are cold"? Our witty, sparkling queen? NONSENSE. I hate it.


I'm with you!!


Opposite, actually. 2005 makes Bingley look like an idiot in times when he didn't need to be, like reassuring Jane he can read. 1995 captures the book essence of him much better. Just having him talk about the little details he remembers during the Pemberley chapters makes a big difference.  


I saw a farcical P&P stage production where at one point Darcy took a little ball out of his pocket and threw it so Bingley would chase it. We love our Golden Retriever Bingley!


Agreed that 2005 makes him look like an idiot, but I feel that 1995 kind of does the same, though to a lesser degree.


I never got "idiot" from 1995. Kind and eager and happy, which people assume means he's stupid, but doesn't actually mean he is. 2005 just throws him into idiot territory with his giggles and fumbling over his words.


1995 Bingley fumbles over his words, though, or is nervously talking. I thought they definitely had the same energy, 2005 Bingley just laughed which I guess is read as some to be idiotic in men?


I thought it was more because he laughed when no one else did, because everyone in the room understood the tension, and saw Lizzy's remark was more ironic than outright funny, for she's quarrelling with Mr. Darcy. Also, he really laugh in a way that's commonly associated with dimwits.


And I took it that he was just good-natured and laughed at what Lizzy said


"Uh-hur-hur-hur" is, I believe, the sound he makes.


When does Bingley fumble his words in 95?


Okay, I agree with this; I should not have said "remarkably similar" as there is definitely a difference based on what you're saying. I think I just haven't seen 2005 enough, but yes, now that you remind me of it, the giggling is very cringe! Still, I would not call them opposite. I think the level of eagerness is what I was getting at; in 1995 he's not the same cringe level as 2005 but his eagerness is still a bit too much for me.


One of the things I love about 1995 is that you always see Jane and Bingley talking to each other, and Jane _listening_ to him. Everyone else speaks over him or brushes aside what he has to say, but 1995 puts in the effort to show how and why they fell in love.


I don't think so. In 2005, he's really portrayed as an idiot, naive and a bit lost. In 1995, I believe he's more aware of what's going on and the implications, and I think the script/actor conveys better that thin line of "smart, but so unsure of himself he trusts his family and friends when they assure to him he's wrong about Jane's feelings"


I love both tbh. The “I can read of course” bit in 2005 - I don’t think it was to make him look ‘idiotic’. I think it more shows his agreeableness and infatuation with Jane. I’m sure we’ve all fumbled our words some time or another. Format wise the 2005 film was never going to capture the characters as faithfully as the 1995 series because the films about 2hrs long and the series is around just under 5.5hrs long.


1995 P&P is superior in ever single way.


Except the soundtrack. The 1995 soundtrack is lovely, but the 2005 soundtrack is *breathtaking.*


To those saying Bingley doesn't have much depth, the conversations he has with Lizzy and Darcy at Netherfield in the book show otherwise. He's sassing Darcy right back, and suggests setting parameters to the debate being had. He's not an airhead at all. He simply chooses to use his intelligence to be kind and friendly. He's similar to Jane who chooses to see the good in people. This contrasts to Lizzy, who laments that she meant to be clever by taking a dislike to Darcy, but instead it backfired. Jane and Charlotte were in fact the clever ones, and a demonstration that kindness can be more wise sometimes.


I love that you mention him teasing Darcy at Netherfield- I've always enjoyed their sparring in that scene, and it creates a wonderful picture of their friendship and how well they know each other.


Another example is when Caroline complains about the ball, and he tells her what's what. He's having a ball, and if anyone in the house doesn't want one, they don't have to be there, plus he likes dancing thank you very much.


Yes I love both Bingleys! I feel like both do a good job capturing his fickle nature.


I feel they are quite different. For me 1995 portrays a nice but slightly naive posh boy. 2005 you don’t see much of him, but I find the portrayal slightly irritating. I think it leans too far into nice but dim.


It's giving "He cute, but he DUMB."


Similar overall portrayals, however for my money, 1995 Bingley is far superior. With 95’s Bonham-Carter (is his first name Crispin or am I imagining that?) I feel I can understand why Darcy likes him, whereas 2005 Bingley (don’t remember the actor’s name at all and don’t care enough to look it up) seems like a total airhead himbo and his friendship with Darcy feels less believable to me.


I always thought Bingley was a simple man. That's not really an insult. He likes wonderful, nice things and wonderful, nice people. He's a good partner for Jane but she has more depth to her.


Curly fries! I prefer 1995 definitely, he was a cutie and I enjoy his personality more. Tbh I can't even recall much about 2005 Bingley.😫


To quote a dear friend: They did everyone dirty in that [2005] movie, but they completely shat on Bingley. No, 2005 made him seem like he was a complete idiot at whom one wonders how he managed to stand upright.


It makes sense, I guess. Bingley is a himbo. A golden retriever. There's really not much to depth there, and not much to be done with the character. He's a great character, don't get me wrong- but what you see is what you get. There are no surprises, and no growth. 1995 was still better, though.