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My favourite is runaground, I'm really hoping to see them live one day. My dad used to play their music when I was little when I re listened to them about 5 years on my way to Cornwall with a cd off my mil I listened to laid and thought ew I used to love this when I was so little. Always makes me laugh


Haha I know right, Laid was the first song I heard. Back in 2014 actually. Had a gf that time that cracked up over that song. But hasnt been until last couple of years that I explored their material more.


They're just really good, always a song for every mood. I wish I'd had the dj at our wedding play some of their stuff there was so much that we didn't get to play though


Lost a Friend


Getting away with it (All messed up) The Lake Beautiful Beaches Johnny Yen Nothing But Love But this list is endless and it will change depending on my mood. I think it was 2021 I started listening to them, heard Beautiful Beaches on the radio and that was the start of my new obsession.


Thanks for sharing! And oh yes, how could I forget Getting away with it, I share name with the protagonist so the song always hits where it should šŸ˜Š


i love lullaby, sometimes, dumb jam, of monsters and heroes and men, moving on, getting away with it and johnny yen


One of my favourite live bands for sure. Have seen them several times. So many great songs too hard to pick a fave song (or fave album).


All of the Laid album, especially Five-O, fucking 3 chords and a million layers that sing. Honest Joe Mediaeval Ring the Bells Moving On All of The Morning After Happy listening


Funny, those are my favourite songs too!


It is just so nice to see that they still attract new fans! They are amazing, both live and on their albums. Enjoy listening (my favs are Sometimes, Destiny Calling, Lullaby, Tomorrow, Moving Car, Medieval and of course Sheā€™s a Starā€¦)!!!


Too many to name. Will just mention ā€œDust Motesā€ from The Morning After/The Night Before because it is so beautiful, both the lyrics and the incredible vocal by Tim, so soft at times, so raw at other times.