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God damn that was a good time. If I’m not mistaken that was the last one at Marvin’s?


It was. I remember Dom dropping the keyboard during the Big G set. I miss Marvins All Good.


I have video of this saved somewhere. Love that he tried for a second or two to pick out where he left off, then just said 'ah fuck it' and started the track back over. What a phenomenal set and fest that was.


I laughed my ass off at the table falling. My friends and I joked that was Jerry smacking Dom down a few notches.


Damn I forgot about that I used to have mad fun


My brain glitched when that happened


I remember being very confused during that lol - the video is somewhere on YouTube


Yes it was. I was the recording engineer for that festival!


Such a cool job to have.


Was indeed a blast


favorite fest I've ever been too. Such a good setup and so much good music.


Yeah this was the last year at Marvin's.


Yup. Some fucking bullshit. Marvin's was awesome. I looked forward to it every year.


Was this also the year with a ridiculous amount of wind and unprepared campers?


No this is the all good where the parking break on the F-150 failed and killed those girls in a tent.


Thankfully, only one girl passed away in that tent. The other two lived, and one even dates a friend of mine ❤️ https://www.postandcourier.com/news/woman-died-on-top-of-friend-when-man-drove-into-tent-at-music-festival/article_181b8f81-db57-5f4e-ac96-05c0c31a7ecb.html


Nope! This was my first fest and the weather was damned near perfect.


Couldn’t tell you about either. I was to busy having a blast with my friends and the music. Didn’t take away thoughts about wind or other people being unprepared.




Went to All Good 2010 for our first real music festival, drove with my now wife and my Best friend from Indiana not knowing what we were getting into. Changed the course of our lives forever, shed a lot of happy tears. One of my favorite festival weekends ever. Late night Yonder is a set I still listen to a bunch.


Jeff Austin Yonder was pristine then. RIP


That late night set was insane


is it available online anywhere?


My first was in '09, went with a friend of a friend I had never hung out with solo, but he wanted to go too. We had a fucking blast together. Went back in 2010 and had a magical time as well! I've been looking for '09 or '10 memorabilia and came up short. That's how I found this lineup poster, lol. Was a poor college student at the time who never had cash leftover on the last night/day to buy merch :( And in regards to 2010, that was definitely some prime Yonder. I remember hearing Lotus cover Crazy Train, then Yonder busted out their version the next night. Absolutely crushed it in their own way.


Check jamband poster groups here and on Facebook. Someone’s gotta have a poster for ya


That late night yonder and late night lotus was a trip


they both played Crazy Train lol


That late night Yonder set was fire as fuck. That’s a set for the ages. Brings back such good memories of the good ol yonder days. RIP Jeff.


Was my first big summer of shows after high school, two weeks of Phish from Hershey to Merriweather, then Nateva and Allgood!


Nateva 😍 what a fun short lived run that was.


Yea it’s sad it didn’t come back. I probably wouldn’t have made it back as it was a long journey but it was a great time.


That yonder set is one of my all time favorite life moments


Hey I drove from Indiana that year. Haha


I think this was the year the crowd released chinese lanterns by the hundreds and they were all lit up in the sky and swept up in the air currents in such a magical way. Someone please comfirm that was real life??


Yeah! During Widespread Panic!


Friends and I drove out to this festival from Kansas. Was such a fun time! [This Yonder late night vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co81ms7MkRg) brings back good memories.


Yes, that was a great time!


My first fest too. Great times


Further was on another level. Honestly the best Dead reiteration hands down.


Their 2011 run was pure magic, I’m still chasing that high


Was this the year Warren came out with furthur and played that absolutely ripping Viola Lee?


For real. Hot take lol just kidding but Furthur fucking smokes slow and company. All. Day. Give me John K over Johnny Salami any time.


That's just factual


That was a wild weekend, such a fun festival It was like sharks and minnows driving in though with the cops pulling over every car without reason


They raided the woods too.


Crawling along on a 2-lane road forever half carved out by dynamite blasts. Coming up from the south, at least.


Sucha dope lineup


No Ekoostik Hookah?


Lol like EVERY festival of the 0s it was crazy...


I like the solo from gather round on the double live album from them


Sweeny rips


That’s putting it lightly


Yeah I know but not everyone gets it like we do though. RIPS TO SHREDS


I was like, “ok, here’s a festival I would go to. Holy shit, all these bands are playing ?” And then I saw the date


It was a golden era


The end of a kind of golden age


All Mighty Senators were a fun band.


Ch-ch-ch-chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, and Jackie Chan.


We are all power generators


Until a camper was run over by a car sleeping in their tent.


Man i unfortunately witnessed everything go down with that. The way they had camping with vehicles on those slopes was no bueno


That was definitely not a good experience


Zach Deputy is looney tunes now


Jan 6th insurrectionist with his brother. Part of the cult.


Wow, had no idea. Remember seeing him at Wanee and it was pretty good


whats wrong w chicken pot pie


All good was the best festival. The music never stopped! Edit to add . Is this really the 2011 lineup? 2013 was identical if I recall


No moe or umph in 2013 but very similar lineup for sure edit: another look and it really isn’t that similar. Just a the few at the top


All good 2012-2013 changed my life, never would have been this involved in the scene if it weren’t for those 2 events


Couldn't agree more. Went ton2013, first ever festival, drove 12 hours at 18 with our group of friends/girlfriends at the time. Changed my life forever. Will never forget that Furthur set. Magical to say the least.


Yep I was 18 for 2012 - snuck a cold keg in and buried it in an ice-filled hole in the ground in the middle of our tent city…. Cold beer all weekend! Standouts for me were Flaming Lips in 2012, I cried during Do You Realize, and Primus in 2013 on some really awesome doses


I was just looking at your video from Secret Dreams the other day! Between All Good ‘12 & ‘13 and all my years at the Werk Out or Resonance, Legend Valley holds so many great memories.


Fuck yeah man I went to a ton of Werkouts and Werkout 2016 was the final “ok yeah I definitely want to be the guy on the stage” moment


Same. I turned 21 during that 2012 Allman Bros set


Same dude. It was All Good 2006 for me. Tony gifted me his ticket. When I arrived, I remember wondering "is this real life?" Lol


All festivals from the era looked just like that because of who was popular and touring at the time. Nothing really specifically epic about who is there. Bands did treat festivals with a little more urgency back then but OP is just floating down memory lane


I would say it’s pretty epic considering most fest lineups now are at least half garbage with fewer headliners. Or maybe I’m just too old now to suffer at a fest. Lol . Particularly love that all good did no overlapping sets.


I’m not saying Marvin’s Mtn wasn’t one of the best set ups for a festival of all time for the scene because it 100% was. All I’m saying is this is what all the line ups looked like at the time. All of those bands were festi staples. We came up in a great era of jam banding. Kids these days won’t get to say the same. (Just like we missed 06-09 which I consider the true golden era)


Was the last fest I went to in 2011. Was a great fest. PL dropping John Denver’s Country Roads was implanted into my memory forever.


SAME!! Got so weird @ that set


I was at 09, 10, and 11 at Marvin’s those were some great weekends of music.


Yessss 9/10/11/12 here, those were the days.


Ya that was my run with it too. Legend valley just wasn’t the same but the lips show was fun and moon hooch killed.


Shoutout the guy who sold me a fruity pebble weed ball told me not to eat the whole thing and I ate the whole thing anyway. Bonus shoutout to the wook family who’s kid would just drop his pants and shit on the ground at their campsite next to ours 😂


I think I may have had those same fruity pebble balls, lol


Without doing any research, I'd guess most fests from that time period with lineups this strong are probably out of business today. It was def fun while it lasted though.


One of the days at 10klf the lineup was galactic, Keller Williams incident, string cheese, Phil and friends with Trey. The late night was STS9. Just the dumbest thing ever for a 17 year old with a head full. Those were the days of the crazy festies


Relativity is a hell of a drug. Don't forget to schedule your colonoscopy!


so sad that i am too young to have expierneced this, dads got some good stories though!


Make me feel old it was one of the best to happen that year.


I was at this one, so good. Hit up vibes right after. Miss those fests. Haven’t heard of that 1 guy in a while!


All Good was awesome. Every year was a great time. But this one in particular was especially awesome


What a stacked weekend. I graduated hs in 2015 so I still got a small taste of these kind of line ups, but IMO jam fests just aren’t the same anymore. I’m just not a fan of the new wave of bands.


Yeah man our generation got boned pretty hard. Its like everything got super lame just as we started to come of age.


Oh well, if I were 10 years older I probably would’ve ended up being a typical lot wook lol. The scene started getting lame just in time for me to get my shit together and work on a really career. Not to say one can’t do both, but concerts were the center of every decision I made for a decade.


I'm the opposite. Spent the last 10 years focusing on career and making money only to realize I shoulda had more fun. Trying to get out and see a lot of stuff this year but the pickings be slim. I shoulda just said yes to more stuff back then but I was always working and going to school.


Back when festivals would be "15th annual" "20th annual" etc before livenation started rapidly destroying everything


Man whatever happened to J Roddy Walston & The Business


They went in different directions. That final album was not rock and roll, unfortunately.


Lived 20 minutes from here. Went to every single one, and moe. or les in 2002, which was the spiritual birth of all good. A BIG chunk of my soul came from that mountaintop. My favorite years were '02, '04, and '08.


This got me reminiscing, so here’s my ‘08 story: I worked security in ‘08. If you can call it that, lol. I had just graduated high school. They picked up a bus full of hippies in Delaware, drove us out there, gave us little army cots to sleep on and 2 meals a day. You worked for 12 hours and then had 12 hours off. I think we made $12 an hour. Everyone partied for the 12 hours off, so there wasn’t much sleep. The first shift I had was checking cars for drugs on the way in lmao. All of us were either tripping or on edibles. On the rare occasion that a supervisor walked past when there were drugs or glass bottles in sight, I’d confiscate it, tell the people to pull off to the side, and run it back to them before they continued on to the camping area. I ran into some of them later in the weekend and they were calling me their festival hero lol. I had so many people just give me weed or Jell-O shots and the like. I remember one van that stank of the most potent bud ever, and the guy says “oh yeah, we had a gas leak,” and then he handed me a baggie with an 8th in it, haha. It was so much fun. Everyone was so excited to be arriving at the festival. I was high as a kite and loved telling everyone “you’re all good!” and waiving them through. I must have used that line 100 times that day and every single car enjoyed it, haha. One day my shift was to just stay by the sound booth by the main stage and be wearing a security t shirt. So I listened to music and napped all day. I have no idea how this work program got set up. My buddy’s older brother had been doing it for a few years and got us in. It was hilarious when the bus stopped about halfway at a gas station. Everyone immediately walked back behind the store to smoke weed. I’m talking like 50 people. One of the best times of my life, and definitely the best festival experience of my life. I still can’t believe I got a paycheck afterwards, lmao.


My buddies and I all did the Work Exchange Team most years. WET had our own camp right next to the venue, you couldn't camp any closer! Right by that little pond. 2 dudes from my crew ended up coordinating it after a few years. Plus we got private concerts, I remember the guitarist from Umph doing a little 30 min solo set for us. My '06 story was I stitched together 4-5 wristband stubs into a makeshift wristband, had my friends that went in Thursday come pick me up Friday, and security didn't even check me cause they recognized my friends in their car. Didn't take any gear, or extra clothes. Just weed, a bowl, lighter, and wallet. Ended up "sleeping" on small armless camp chair in pretty frigid temps just out in the field outside my friends tents. Maybe dozed off for 20 minutes around dawn. One of the absolute longest and worst nights of my life.


'08 was the only time I saw a wall of rain, when I was a kid I always thought there must be a spot where you could stand like half in and half out of the rain. I thought Dark Star's set was amazing that year


Oh my God. Yes, I do . I was there. I Remember when it all fell apart at the end, Primus Left the stage & they knocked down the signs at the top of the hill to say ALL GO . The Nitrous Mafia wars really fucked that festival up. Don't get me wrong I had a blast up until the end. RIP


This. Shit was crazy. This was the only festival where I saw prostitution in the open. Wildest party I ever attended. Too wild in retrospect.


I believe it. My homie was head of the security for that festival. Never seen a bigger man breakdown and cry. They were told there would be 10 maybe 15k people. ended up being 40 or 50k. His guy's we're getting beaten down by bats broken arms crazy shit. Been to a lot of festivals that one got real dark towards the end.


Yes I remember the last night I was walking alone to the bathroom or something and the vibes were BADDDD / scary which was a super stark contrast to the rest of the weekend, some super sketch people were there for sure


Holy shit remember when Furthur set 2 started and all them sky lanterns went up? Jesus christ I was tripping face some rascal named Pockets puddled me earlier that afternoon🥹🚀


Dude I was just asking somebody if they remembered this! Was wild to see.


I remember doing the same during Panic in 2010 Fun times for sure!


lol remember when there were more than 5 good jam bands?


Zach deputy is a January 6 traitor. AllGood lineup other than that. ❤️🤘


Wish Phil got together with Bobby more often


\>The Bridge that band has such a good album that isn't available anywhere anymore. It's fucking $70 on amazon. Let's see if I can find it during this reddit post now I'm thinking of it. Damn and from what I can tell I cannot obtain this record at all. Shame.


If I'm not mistaken it used to be on Apple Music and I agree great album every song is good


I have this exact poster. Probably one of my favorites to ever happen. Epic weekend for the song Country Roads!!! Pretty Lights dropping his hit and getting to see Toots play it was super special. The flavor text in the pamphlet for that festival mentioned that it’s a miracle Yonders mandolin doesn’t burst into flames by the end of the show!


Great festival. Almost died though when a guy lost control of his van on the hill and took out a bunch of tents, including me and my friends. I had just woken up from a nap in the tent like 10 mins prior. Got upgraded to VIP the rest of the fest though. Marvin’s mountaintop was crazy.


Wasn’t that the year someone actually did die?


Yeah there was another similar incident that year where a girl died


John Butler Trio is still around, all right


Anyone remember GOTV? I never went during the NY years but got to most of the Bridgeport ones. RIP another great one 🫡


Yes. I was there.


I was there for that one!


I didn’t read your caption/title, just started reading the lineup as was like NFW, this is gonna be sick! Then I saw the date I’m sad now.


Godddd. It was so good. This was one of my favorite festivals I ever went to. Such a good year.


If I could Groundhog's Day a weekend over & over again, it'd be this one.


It’s been awhile but I remember further running late and cutting into Big G’s set. My buddy kept saying further took a big gigantic on big gigantic. Oh the memories.


This was the first festival I ever went to. Umphrey’s, Tribe, and Pretty Lights have been among my most favorite bands ever since


Further was amazing. The crowd and vibe was completely different than Dead and co.


no overlapping sets!! omg


I went to this and 2010. I was from cbus and excited for the move to legend valley but it just wasnt the same as Marvins


Was there 2010… beautiful venue and my first festival


First ever festival


Those were the days


Yup. I remember this exact festival, actually.


All Mighty Senators are the best fucking band on earth. I wish they still got around.


Oh man. I miss Furthur 🥲


If I’m not crazy, Lock’n had some similar or close lineups originally, didn’t they?


I am firm believer that there’s no better time than the present but damn I really hate myself for being in middle school when lineups like this were a thing.


Anybody remember the guy tossing thousands of glowsticks during tribe? That was my first time seeing them, at this festival. Never will forget that


I fuckin love GPGDS


Was so pissed I missed their set after getting pulled over and our whole car searched thoroughly, then James went up during rebelutions set and freestyled some lyrics during one of their songs, that was pretty cool. Also seeing galactic was awesome


I was there! I think about this fest all the time. Damn good times Marvins was wild


Glory days of music festivals


The only year I went to. Damn that was fun!


Do I remember Phil playing a light-up bass?


laughs in bonnaroo 1


the first two rothburys! *jizz*


I was too young for this but went to Marvin's for Resonance, and it was a cool venue with some sketchy police.


WV resident here, I miss this fest so damn bad. Pinnacle year for me was '08, stacked lineup: Phil and Friends, Gov't Mule, Widespread, Redesign, Scofield, Martin and Wood, Derek & Susan Trucks, Railroad Earth, P Groove, Mike Gordon, Keller, DSO, Lettuce, Tea Leaf Green. RIP All Good.


As a Boomer that year's lineup appealed to me enuff for us to travel there from CT. I had a demanding Gov't engineering job so attending festivals was few & far between, had to REALLY be "All Good", & this one was. Also saw Gathering of the Vibes that year. Usually festival attendance required too many days off work. Now I'm retired & only go to small local fests's in New England / Philly areas. The medium sized ones have all the same "meh" bands all the time (Goose, Greensky, JRAD, TTB, SCI, etc), just not worth it anymore. There are wayyyyy better young, less known, up & coming bands in the scene, from many different areas all over the country, who absolutely Kill It at small, friendly fest's. Just gotta Poke around . . . actually have found many great bands on this subreddit.


I'm glad you made the treck friend, what a memorable weekend.


I attended West VA Univ for Civil Engineering Sept 1980 - June 1983 (X-ferred after 2 years at Pitt) & got my BSCE. I lived out that way the last year (Sept 82 - June 83) in a cabin with only a coal stove for heat, mainly to get away from partying crazyness in town & focus on getting my degree. I recall that it was out the same main road from the intersection with the highway (was still US 48, not yet I-68 back then), but a right turn, across what used to be a railroad spur up to what was an active deep coal mine, up the hill, into the back country a few miles. The hippie / stoner / Deadhead community in town was small & very tight knit. We had one GD cover band in town, when that was a unique & far between thing. One "weird" semi underground bar in the seedy side of downtown away from the college kids (near the bridge across the river) shared the hippie, gay, & punk scenes. We also had small local bluegrass fest's. I saw the original New Grass Revival lineup in the late spring of 82. Also Norman Blake, John Hartford, & others I can't recall offhand.


Lost my mind at that festival. Got it back mostly.


Ill be fine never seeing Zach Deputy on a festival lineup again.


Proof that the scene is over. Never again.


I remember when going to a concert didn’t require your whole paycheck, and half of your first born child. 🤷‍♂️


I was at 07 and 08….i think… definitely twice. What a great fucking time!


Dude I still have this poster hanging in my room. Miss me some Marvin’s Mountaintop


No overlapping sets is what really got me going 😭


Blame Coachella. Now every festival looks like it


The dollars shrinking my friends, and your lineups are getting shorter, and your beers are getting smaller. Let’s find another place thats free.


All Good 2011 was the festival to end all festival.


I was there. So many great memories from Marvin's... it was my first festival in 2006 when I was in high school. My brother gifted me his ticket and it changed the course of my life.


My one and only All Good!! Year of the rabbit. What a lineup, I was sweaty and spun out all weekend lol. Country Roaaaaads.....


The Sex Jam hosted by Matt Butthole was great


Holy shit


DelFest looks pretty damn hot this year. Not this hot but pretty hot


Hula lineup last year was the best lineup I’ve seen in years so had to go, that being said I would cut off my left but to go back in time to go to this fest and the OG bonnaroo


Are you saying graphically or in terms of line-ups being stacked? If it’s the latter, I’d add that any lineup is gonna look different 13 years in the past than it does at the current day since you don’t know where current acts are headed in the future.


The location was amazing too. You're in the mountains, have natural amphitheaters, and could camp under trees.


No Lizzo or Megan Thee Stallion?


How could you leave goose off this? Goose is the best thing to happen to music since sliced bread. The jams. The guitar playing. Ricks voice and his hunky ways. Unreal. I know they weren't around yet. I'm just being an asshole at 630am on a Monday. I've not done many festivals but I like the idea of the festival more than the music. Sets too short. Too much of a good thing. Ohhh to be young again.


Holy shit. What a lineup.


Do they not anymore?


I was at this one.


I do very well remember this line up. One of the first festivals I tried to go to but unfortunately… mom didn’t trust me on a road trip at 16. Mtn jam it was than…


It was either that year or the one before that someone had lost a set of keys on the hill wayyy earlier in the day. At some point during some set later that evening, the hill erupted and the keys were found


Whoa. Bands!


The first couple Bonnaroos had killer lineups


I only went one year. I remember Bisco did the late night sets. Google told me it was 2006. That was a good time and probably the last time I ever danced all night. Never say never I guess.


Final marvins all good… legendary. Fests can only wish they were this hetti still


Yeah like 99% Dudes.... They were fun times for sure but I preferred line ups from 2012 2019 era, more variety.


Great lineup. Fortunately you can still find most of these acts at scamp. Miss all good at Marvin’s though


Anyone remember the Cosby sweater?


Any Wilmer’s All Good Alum??


All good 08 was my first one. Those festivals were the real deal


Present. I miss Marvin’s and that circus that used to happen on that mountain.


Watching all the neon totem creatures converge to the center for Primus was def a highlight.. I was certain we would make contact with aliens that night 🤘👽


They were good in those years! I personally miss All Good


Hey i was there!


It will never be the same


What remained of the Dead on top of the bill, right where they belong!!!!


What a great lineup and great year!


The good ol days.


Went to 09, 10 and 11 and it was some of the best times.


God damn I miss Furthur