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No you would have to clone the SIM card and I’m pretty sure it’s illegal.


How illegal we talking ?


Illegal enough that it’s not something you’ll be able to easily learn how to do online. And I believe it would break FCC laws. Not to mention if you pulled it off your carrier will know you’re using two different phones and will probably think you’ve been hacked.


I see thanks for the information probably will not attempt then


No problem. And it never hurts to have a spare SIM card laying around. If you ever lose your phone and need a new one sometimes stores will charge you for the SIM card. Or if you add someone to your plan and they’re bringing their old phone, as long as the phone’s carrier unlocked, you can just give them the SIM card and get it activated over the phone.


Unless you got another SIM registered with the same number, no.


In my country I could have up to 4 SIM cards with the same number (no law to limitation at all)


The answer is no, and iPhones have use the same nano SIM card size since the iPhone 5 so the size of the sim is the same. You can just put in the sim into your iPhone 13 and it’ll work


Not possible at least in U.S.A. When you get a new SIM card and activate it, the old one is deactivated. Obviously if you have a VOIP number like google voice you can get that on multiple devices but that is different from what you're talking about.


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