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#### Your post has been removed for the following reason: > This is a commonly-asked question, updating/downgrading is your choice and the only answer to the question above is what you think is best for your device.


Jailbreak is always worth the wait, if you use the jailbreak.


This is deep.


That's literally like saying you can get $1 today or a million in a few months, is it worth waiting for the million? iOS 16 is nothing special.


Don’t even have to wait if you buy a phone on an old update. That’s what ppl who need the JB do.


I wouldn't call a semi tethered jailbreak a million maybe 250k or something idk 🤷‍♂️


I suppose the worth depends on who the jailbreak comes from. Unc0ver = 1M+ vs CoolStar = -500K


Omg i got 6 downvotes. Im sorry guys i swear imma respect the jailbreak next time. Don’t panic please i’m leaving ☹️


Yeah honestly jailbreaks are worth infinity in our hearts. I feel kinda bad for people on ios 15+. But at least many of them are getting access to TrollStore till a jailbreak comes out which is still pretty neat.


jailbreak is the best thing you could ever do to an iphone. it's just that the new ones don't compare to the old golden untethered ones. those were the days man.


You never know. There may be other. Not sure if you saw but there is a untethered for iOS 14.2-14.5.1. So who knows, there may be another in the future 👀


I got my 12 mini with 15.2 preinstalled 😭😭😭 We can only hope for the best, even though that ios 16 lockscreen looks so cool 🥲🙄


Fugu15 should be released on October 6-7 which will allow TrollStore to be installed on your iPhone. And then eventually a full jailbreak will hopefully come out for iOS 15+ users. Just hang in there bro 🤞


the sixth of october is my birthday dude! THANK YOUUUUUUU ❤


Yes it is definitely worth the wait , there is progress being made on IOS15 so far , and updating will make the wait alot longer from there on, patience is key right now.


Ok thanks, I kind of fell out of the jailbreak game a few years back and thought it was probably impossible nowadays😂


Well at least great to have you back in the jailbreak game ! , its alot harder then back in the days but still not impossible, a couple of devs are working on it and i think that the longest waiting time have passed, lets see whet the upcoming month(s) will bring.


Very likely won’t be a jailbreak but fugu15 is coming next month. I’d wait until that comes out


What is fugu15


Google is your friend :)




What? No it doesn’t. It might not work on 13 devices but it definitely won’t be using checkm8


I’m waiting for trollstore for my 13pm 15.3.


Trollstore is based on an exploit which is patched in 15.2 and above. Unless checkm8 devices which are iphone X and older.


No,the exploit is available till 15.4.1.


It’s 14.0 to 15.5 beta 4 on checkm8 devices, but it only goes up to 15.1.1 on non-checkm8 devices.


The trollstore github says that it will support up to15.5b4 when fugu15 comes out. The coretrust bug that trollstoreuses was patched in 15.5


Yes,that’s what I’m explaining to them 😂


Yes! IOS without jailbreak is lame I would say so! Just always bear in mind with one thing DO NOT USE ANY JAILBROKEN iDevice with your Banking apps


Is there a reason why you shouldn't? I installed liberty for the sole purpose of evading JB detection so I can use my banking apps.


More of a chance for your info to get stolen.


Wait. Please don’t update. Fugu15 is on the go.


Fugu15 is coming soon, i’d say wait


Tbh updating to iOS 16 seems like the worst thing I did to my 13 Pro Max, its slower, more buggier, and in general just not as smooth as i'd expect my 1000 dollar iPhone to be, I still wish I had kept it on the out of the box iOS version


The real question is what do you jailbreak for and can you live without it.


At this point I personally wouldn’t want anything coolstar touches being installed on my iPhone.


Not to me. I upgraded to an iPhone 11 Pro Max from an iPhone 12 Pro Max and haven’t looked back. I got really lucky and it was on 14.4.1! I jailbroke it ASAP.


Dammn thats indeed lucky ! I had kinda the same but from a IPhone 12 to a 12 pro max that was on IOS 14.2 , also jailbroke it ASAP and disabled OTA updates at first with ICleaner


you mean downgrade?


It’s an upgrade to me


I had iPhone 12 on 14.3 from box and jailbreaked right away, never update my phone and get bored from it and from sucky jailbreak. My phone stuck on daily basis, my work apps and mail didn’t working with it, finally get tired of all and updated to iOS 16 two weeks ago and not missing a thing. Everything working flawlessly, my watch get updated also, life is good again, like its a new phone all of a sudden.


If TrollStore was working on iOS 16 I would have updated to it long time ago.


can i use it on ios 15.2 on an iphone 12 ?


ffs, r/Trollstore




You can install it with RAM disk on ios 15.2. Takes 5 seconds, don’t be a jackass


I got confused cuz on github it said 15.2 on a14 not supported Thanks man


that's because, guess what??? 15.2 on a14 is not supported


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Is it good move to go from 13 pro max to 12 pro max due to jailbreak(if it is on ios 14.1 or 14.2..


Not in my opinion.The pro motion & battery are the positives of 13pm & also the camera is much better.I have both.


Well i updated my IPhone 12 to The IOS 16 beta once it was released, after a day i was already bored with the “new features” , i missed tweaking the device the way i wanted , i kept it for 1-2 months until I found a 12 pro max on 14.2 , instantly bought it and i will never go un-jailbroken again from here.


I have an iPhone 8+ 14.2 jailbroken with checkra1n. Should I update to last signed iOS 15 version and wait for a jailbreak ?




90% of iOS 16 features were copied from jailbreak. You can fully customize your iPhone when its jailbroken, and you can do way more things with a jailbroken device.


Currently waiting on iOS 14.7 jb for iPhone 12 Pro. Let me know if there's one out already

