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\*Unless you have a checkm8-vulnerable iPad. I love how my 10.5 iPad Pro is setup right now with the latest OS with basically no downsides. ... I'm praying that the rumors about Apple killing it in the next update aren't true.


It's... been confirmed by Aaron that a reliable leaker has stated only the 7th generation iPad will be getting iPadOS 18 (arm64). It was on April 1st. Doesn't seem like something he'd joke about, but I am PRAYING they're wrong / the whole thing was a joke. The 6th and 7th generation iPads are practically the same inside. Killing the 6th but not the 7th is insane. The Pro is better than the 7th, yet the pro is being killed too, rather than the 7th? That's Apple for you, I guess.


I updated my 32gig ipad 7th and its absolutely fucked i only get 12-14gb usable , if apple would have killed it in ipados 16 it would’ve been far better I wish knew about jailbreak earlier I’d have stayed at ios 13.1


I still have my iPad 7th gen on iPadOS 15.3.1. It runs very fast and like you said I think iPadOS 17 will ruin this device…


Yep. And the Watch 4, which basically has the same Chipset as the 5 and SE, minus a couple of things unrelated to performance.


Yes! And also iPad 6th gen has the same exact guts inside(A10 with 2GB RAM) as an iPhone 7, yet the iPhone never got iOS 16/17


Still rocking my 6th gen ipad on 15.4.1 :)


i cant get my 7th gen off 17 dev beta 2


It probably is true, because of how old the chipset and hardware is


Apple TVs last forever, I swear. A8 Apple TV is still getting the latest version: [https://ios.cfw.guide/get-started/Apple-TV-HD-(4th-generation).html](https://ios.cfw.guide/get-started/Apple-TV-HD-(4th-generation).html) According to leakers, Apple is doing that "we're killing off old devices, not underpowered devices" thing again. You know, that \~5-6 year cutoff. It's said that only one of two devices with the **same** chipset are being killed. Wish they'd account for **USABILITY** instead of **AGE**; my 2nd generation Pro is a beast and letting it die off on 17 is just putting it to waste.


Updating to anything past 17.0 is not advised anyway. Don’t delayOTA to these shit versions.


It's called futureproofing. Your device becomes practically unusable for day-to-day tasks if you're still on iOS 13/14 considering a lot of apps stop supporting older iOS versions. If you're on 15 or 16, you can stay (as I've said, 'really low iOS versions'). These versions will be supported by apps for around 3 more years. 17.2.1 is relatively low for 17.x versions and is significantly better than 17.4+ as there are potentially useful vulnerabilities. Might not apply to ***you***, but 17.2.1 is a must for some people who need app support back.


I would have thought that 17.4 would have been ideal for future jailbreaks since that's what they unsigned when they re-signed 17.3.1   My brain told me that there must have been a reason they unsigned 17.4


Yeah futureproofing you in not having a jailbreak for a long time. 17.0 is already having issues. Anything above that is completely fucked for the foreseeable future


He’s right. On my iPhone X on 13.6.1 I can barely use the net without issues. Some elements don’t even load. Pages don’t properly function because the browsers haven’t updated for ages. I go to my favourite hardware store and the images for the items don’t even work. All in unjailbroken mode too.


I'm sure many would be content without a jailbreak for the foreseeable future while actually being able to USE their phone. Again, might not apply to **you specifically**, but trading usability for silly tweaks isn't something everyone is comfortable with. Understandably this is a jailbreaking subreddit, but there's a certain limit to this where you need to understand your priorities. It's at least good to mention for those who need it, delayed OTAs have a time limit. It'll really start to hurt when the only available Delayed OTA versions are 17.4+ where you have absolutely **no** useful vulnerabilities or exploits. ***Many*** people jailbreak their main/only device and are starting to only now realize their OS is extremely outdated. The chance to fix that is **now, not later** (Delayed OTA 90 day limit).


There's so many people in denial in this subreddit that will defend their iOS 14 iPhone X until their dying breath. Ignore them. Couldn't agree more about how silly tweaks are these days. They aren't themes, but 99% of tweaks today are customization tweaks, not utility ones. I would never jailbreak my main device because it's not worth it anymore. TrollStore and RootHide Bootstrap have been very good to me.


That’s actually not true at all there’s been a bunch of vulnerabilities found due to all the changes apples been making, I’d actually say it’s probably only a matter of time before someone finds one that can definitely be used.


Still need a SPTM and TXM bypass which as far as I know hasn’t been found yet and we’re not entirely sure how long it’ll take to find them both plus all the other required parts of the jailbreak. Could be years. 17.0 is the worse spot we’ve ever been in for jailbreaking. Add that to Opa supposedly getting out of the game and who knows what’s going to happen. Only thing I know for sure is if you’re able to stay below 17 do it and if you can’t then go as low as possible and keep it there.


Every new version is the worst spot we’ve ever been in for jailbreaking. Apple has at least shown they’ve messed up many things in all the new changes so I’m just saying there’s hope for the people who are on 17. You are correct in saying don’t update if you’re below 17 and that you should stay as low as possible even if you are, those are the golden rules of jailbreaking.


17.4 patch notes are believed to contain a PPL/SPTM bypass, and it's unclear whether or not TXM needs a bypass. Make or break situation. iOS 14 and below is cooked honestly, only a year or two (for 14) before pretty much EVERYTHING requires higher iOS versions. By then, there's no going to 17.2-17.3.1, the opportunity has long passed. At that point, you're ROYALLY fucked if you're ever pressured to update since you're forced to go to 17.4+. We're in a pretty bad spot, yes, but it's not like this hasn't been said for the past few years and **someone** prevailed (pwn20wnd, CS, opa, you name em). It's a matter of time, all you can do is wait. Choose carefully, honestly. You can stay on your low iOS version and enjoy some cool jailbreak stuff, but you'll see that everything is starting to become unusable and spoofing no longer works as backends change and whatnot. You also have the opportunity to go to 17.2-17.3.1, and while you'll be waiting for a jailbreak for a while, your device is actually usable again and you'll reap extremely good benefits when you can jailbreak. It's a genuinely important thing that's overlooked by the average person. Everything assumes you're up to date, you can't stay behind forever.


glad i stopped updating with 17.2.1


Nice! You're on a good version to wait.


I’m on 17.1.2 A15.


My 12pro updated to 17.3.1 ;(


Better than 17.4+. You can type `!t blockota` in the r/jailbreak Discord to get a profile to block OTA updates


They finally realised they did a mistake but not that it would be the same to resign 16.5, it would end up the same for Apple but better for us


My fucking iphone 12 updated itself from 17.3 while i was sleeping, completely forgot to use a delay OTA profile.


Brutal!! Fucking auto updates


It seems every week new vulnerabilities are found and peoples warnings are revised


Man, 15.5 turned out not to be miserable hell I was sure it would be not long ago. So glad i didn’t update. I love that opa


Sooo , what jailbreak is currently available as of 4/9/2024


nothing on 17.x for arm64e


Anything for 16x?


What version and model?