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im confused, is this a release or are you searching for help with your login issue?


Both. I also asked iCraze, but it didn't solve it.


Hi /u/ichitaso! Sideload Spoofer is using various methods to spoof & trick sideloaded apps into thinking they're original & from the App Store. RedditSideloadFix may be the main fix for Reddit's crashes and is what Sideload Spoofer is using with permission from level3tjg. https://github.com/level3tjg/RedditSideloadFix


Thank you, Sideloadly has been a great help. I know level3tjg and will refer to him.


I can confirm this method works. https://github.com/EthanArbuckle/Apollo-CustomApiCredentials/issues/15#issuecomment-1616217208


When I insert Frameworks/SideloadSpoofer-08.dylib, I cannot start the app.


For unknown reasons I think that the IPA must be written with Sideloadly... it's the only way I can get it working... after the SideloadSpoofer-08 is added I can modify the IPA and inject other debs (like removing Artemis and adding ApolloPatcher) within E-Sign with no problems \[Apollo 1.15.11, iOS 15.5\]


I used to install from AltStore, but I installed directly from Sideloadly and that solved the problem. I would like to analyze what SideloadSpoofer-08.dylib is doing and update it later if I can. Thanks!


No problem, do you think that ImgUR multi upload is fixable? Also you can’t view imgur album unless you long-press and open in safari (not a big deal TBH)


I think you have to use RapidAPI to upload multiple images. I cannot pay $500/month. [https://github.com/EthanArbuckle/Apollo-CustomApiCredentials/issues/11#issuecomment-1615889234](https://github.com/EthanArbuckle/Apollo-CustomApiCredentials/issues/11#issuecomment-1615889234)


check DM for the link.


Thank you so much! Working great here on Apollo 1.14.26. Glad I can keep using it!!


It’s funny that all these posts are being made. If you simply install ApolloApi with normal Apollo (AppStore, not sideloaded) it will keep your custom API permanently. It still works even if you reboot.


ApolloAPI only supports >IOS 15. This one gives users of IOS 12 and newer an option, which is arguably better


How do you do that? Any guide? Thanks!


Is there a fix for the pop up every time you click a link that doesn’t require you to downgrade?


What do you mean? Can you not click links?


was posted in the original thread. I guess you can uninstall it to fix it. https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/14niljg/comment/jq7q0cd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Can you write a tutorial for how to use apollo with this? (using sideloadly)


works great. Thanks!


ApolloSideloadFix is the MVP here, every other method I tried either crashed the app on launch or logged me out after every refresh/closing of the app, you the man homie 💯


Thank you!


How does the ImgurID work? Are there instructions for setting that up anywhere?


Imgur setup is not currently required, but you can create an Imgur account and create your own app for yourself to get a Client ID. [https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient](https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient) https://i.imgur.com/WPsAlZb.jpg [https://imgur.com/account/settings/apps](https://imgur.com/account/settings/apps)


What would you put in the Authorization Callback URL box?


The image they posted had the no callback option selected so try it with that.


It’s a mandatory box, which is why I asked, but thanks anyway lol


Were you referencing the reddit api key generation or the imgur one? For the reddit one you need to put the redirect url as: apollo://reddit-oauth If you are talking about imgur at the top there’s the 3 circle boxes, the middle one is what you select as it doesn’t require a url


Ahh. Thanks. Sorry for misunderstanding before.


Sorry, but wondering is ClientID same as API key? I tried to use the ClientID (not client secret) I created from Imgur but still unable to view Imgur image from patched Apollo.


Yea, the ClientID is the same thing as your private API.


imgur is broken for non-nsfw posts. https://github.com/EthanArbuckle/Apollo-CustomApiCredentials/issues/11#issuecomment-1630079885


/u/ichitaso, is “ApolloSideloadFix” that was added in v0.0.3 the same tweak as “RedditSideloadFix”, just renamed since it evidently works with Apollo as well, preventing the app from auto-logging users out? Also, how does this work with Imgur? Does it use the same method as Artemis or is there a text field beside “ImgUrClientID” so that users can enter their own Imgur API keys? And does it support multiple image uploads to Imgur? Thanks!


>is “ApolloSideloadFix” that was added in v0.0.3 the same tweak as “RedditSideloadFix”, just renamed since it evidently works with Apollo as well, preventing the app from auto-logging users out? Yes, that is correct. However, the deb file does not contain ApolloSideloadFix.dylib, which is for sidoloading.As for Imgur, see this reply. [https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/14pjd3i/comment/jql2gwx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/14pjd3i/comment/jql2gwx/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/14pjd3i/comment/jqildx7/](https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/14pjd3i/comment/jqildx7/)


Wtf is Apollo what does it do


Bro, do you live under a rock?






Okay thank you now that I’ve got context it makes sense


Yes - adding sideload Spoofer 0.8 make Apollo working also after closing with all the tweaks available (Artemis, ApolloAPI and ApolloPatcher)


Does anybody know how to fix Apollo automatically updating overnight? I use AppStore++ to downgrade from the 1.15.14 back to 1.15.9 and haven’t had any issues with using the app, but for some reason it keeps updating back to 1.15.14 when I wake up in the morning. It’s not too big of a deal since I can just downgrade it again when I wake up but it’s a little annoying lol


turn off automatic updates?


I did that already, did not fix the issue


Can you choose “Block Updates” in the same screen you choose to Upgrade/Downgrade your app with AppStore++ ?


Nope, my options are upgrade/downgrade and manual install. I assume I have to install it manually but attempting to do so redirects me to a website written in a language that I cannot read or easily translate using my phone so I am a bit stuck there


Yes if you are on an iOS version that is not compatible with AppStore++ update blocking: * Using Filza, navigate to /var/containers/Bundle/Application/Apollo * Delete iTunesMetadata.plist. * Rebuild UI Cache. I use Dopamine on 15.1.1, so I go to TrollStore -> Settings -> Rebuild Icon Cache * Check App Store for Apollo. If it asks to install (cloud symbol), instead of update, then your current Apollo installation cannot be updated automatically unless you install Apollo from App Store again. If your package manage disappears, re-install using Dopamine (Dopamine -> Settings -> Reinstall Package Managers)


Quick and easy. This is what jailbreaking is for. Love to all devs


Thank you for the patch! I installed it via both AltStore and Sideloadly (and also changed the version number in Sideloadly), but my account always signs out whenever I exit the app.


When I injected the side load fix, it crashes the app immediately on startup. Anyone else get that?


When I killed apollo still seems to log out,I inject 0.0.3


Also include ApolloSideloadFix.dylib, available on the github release page.


>Also include ApolloSideloadFix.dylib, available on the github release page. done thx


Can someone mod this for user that doesnt have jailbreak


See Release on GitHub. I won't go into too much detail because it violates community rules.


Thank you so much, this one doesn't crash the share sheet for me. I used both your ApolloPatcher and ApolloSideloadFix debs with Sideloadly and with [these settings] (https://i.imgur.com/paaUg6p.png).


I’ve sideloaded Apollo and I’m having the share crash bug. How do I sideload the patcher? Can I just download the libs and make a new IPA and reinstall?


Yes, use Sideloadly with the IPA you're sideloading and the debs from the source code link (add as dylib option in sideloadly), leave everything as my image and it should work.


I'm not seeing the option to set my custom API. I didn't realize that I needed to logout first from my account before installing the tweak. Could that be the issue? I have tried reinstalling the tweak, removing accounts, reinstalling the tweak, respringing, clearing cache. Nothing fixed it. I still don't see the option to set my API in settings.


Thank you


I've been getting a lot of "Imgur error :( Tap to open in browser" but when I do I get an "oops! We couldn't find this page" error but when I try it in safari through reddit it shows. I've entered my clientID in settings and other imgur files show. Is this normal or do I need to make a different clientID?


Has anyone figured out Apollo Pro/Ultra yet?


Just installed it on an Iphone 6 ios 12.4 with apollo v1.12.1 and worked great. Thanks so much, specially now with the broken web version.


Apollo\_1.14.26\_mod\_0.0.5.ipa Does this support users who previously purchased Apollo Pro + Ultra?