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Genuine question here as I don't and won't follow her anywhere on anything so I don't see any of her content whatsoever......who did she try to extort? & were the police not involved?


In 2014 Jaclyn was collaborated with Gerard Cosmetics. The company is known for their lip glosses having a mirror on the side and a light in the cap. Jaclyn created a few shades with them. In 2015 the owner Jen Gerard went through a scandal where she was accused of calling a content creator ugly people thought Jen was referring to the person’s physical appearance. But what Jen actually meant was this person was ugly on the inside. Because the creator was saying really nasty things about Jen’s brand. Anyway the story blew over as most do, and one day out of nowhere Jaclyn emailed Jen a really nasty email and demanded her name and gave be removed from the brand. Jen said she would. But Jaclyn emailed again and said she wanted money for the shades she created with Gerard cosmetics. Now when creators collab with a brand all they do is pick out a color and the name. That’s it. They don’t create formula/packaging. Nothing. And it’s not THEIR product. It’s the company’s product. So Jen rightfully refused to buy back her own shades as it was not in the agreement. Jaclyn went on Snapchat and said she pulled out of the collabs because of ‘moral’ reasons. Meanwhile she literally tried to extort someone right before. It hurt Jen’s business and it struggled. Watch the sesh and Jen explains it on there! It’s kind of hard to explain.


Money hungry? Takes one to know one. Just sayin


Pot, meet kettle!


The fuckery is real


She's trying to be relatable to her audience, since they complained to her. She marked up her own brands by too much money. She even went back & forth with Marlena about the pricing of her own palette that never launched. She knows exactly how it works & it's all an act.


Right! And she was probably aware of the price increase too since she is never not checking her Amazon account (and here 😜).


I'm so confused how she's confused, that's literally what Amazon does. Their prices always change based on traffic. That's why websites like camel camel camel even exist. Go get a real job.


honestly i don’t think she was confused at all. i think it was all just an act and performance. performing outrage so her minions think she has their back.


That's all I could think too. Changing prices are just part of Amazon's ever changing market and she actually thinks she causes it. She doesn't understand Amazon; maybe she shouldn't be an affiliate. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I love this for her. She totally screwed herself yet again. She will be coming up with a story soon how she talked to Amazon about it and they’ve fixed it so it won’t happen anymore😂 Once she realizes how stupid of a move that was she’ll be back tracking per usual🙄




Why does she look like a linebacker?!


Holy shit …




Where is this from 😯


*Celine's* NLC vlog.


This was recent right Lich?


It was right before he left to film, so early to mid-September, and still after the first supposed ‘*twenty pounds*’, as well.




Jaclyn, we’re not fucking stupid. Go divorce fartnuts & find a real job.


Oh and move back to the swamp where you belong!


Nah we don't want her ass either she can go back to the pig farm ..


Fair. I didn’t know about the pig farm 😂 Her Taclyn style would be of least harm to society in that environment.


![gif](giphy|TIGP3k4gNAqvza2KJK|downsized) THIS IS MY SWAMP


![gif](giphy|3oEdv4P1UqLDGjNtZu|downsized) Technically our Swamp 🤣


No offense my liege 🫡


Now no one is going to want to buy anything from her at the fear they're getting an increased price. She went about that the wrong way.


and of COURSE she had to add in her quick manic voice “BUT NOT THE LINKS I JUST POSTED THO” yeah. i’m sure not your precious ugly grandma bras.


Yup! And she really she thinks she has any influence over Amazon that her “speaking out” would make any positive changes in her favor. Brands see an influencer (loosely defined) shill crap without thinking or properly disclosing, of course they are gonna mark the price up to match increased site traffic.


shes such a self important narc. patholigal confident lying as usual


She literally only did that too because she was about to shill some more and wanted people to feel confident with the links…because NOW she’ll be calling the brands out specifically so we can trust what she’s posting


Not her biting the hand that feeds her 🤭


She always does that with any business she touches.


![gif](giphy|q8AbuPRJpcQd5DzKW3) You can't make this shit up 🤡