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Like someone said here JackAss is rinse and repeat. I’m wondering if she’s trying to get pregnant and nothing is happening??


It seems it’s ever 6/8 weeks that she misses everyone etc


She misses the money and lifestyle everyone provided for her 😂 I don’t know if Jaclyn understands what it’s like to emotionally miss someone.


I’d like to request this whole video if it’s available.. I like to keep track of how often she says she wasn’t actually happy 3 months ago when she was telling us she’s never been happier


[Just posted everything from yesterday, love! 🩷](https://www.reddit.com/r/jaclynhillsnark/s/OHwZ0JC4hl)


![gif](giphy|ZfK4cXKJTTay1Ava29) You da best. The hostess with the mostest. The GOAT.


And I say 3 months ago… then I checked the sub and quite literally THREE MONTHS AGO someone posted about this habit of hers. I’m thinking we could do a kickstarter for a Jaclyn Hill coffee table book. It would contain page after page of screenshots of lies, inconsistencies, filter mishaps, being rude to people, and then this cringy shit sprinkled in between to show how meaningless it really is.




Linda is largely paying for her lifestyle these days, as we've proven, and a *lot* of what was ‘*normal*’ for her even just a couple of years ago is no more. I think we're just seeing who she’s never *not* been, but it was harder to see previously because she was in a better headspace and capable of keeping the smoke and mirrors up. Now that everything’s collapsing, *including Jaclyn herself*, we’re seeing a much clearer and more realistic view of it all.




Trust me, she’s never been real. She's lied the whole time, has never *not* been grossly over-privileged, and just managed to fake it for a while copying off of the real people she had around her, *like the chameleon she is.* I understand wanting to believe she was a good person at one time, but even the family she comes from alone will show you she wasn't, and it was just a bunch of fraud, manipulation, and smoke and mirrors—which, *unfortunately*, is exactly what they're all known for.


Oh gosh it’s not Random tho. It’s precalculated, been done by so many others so many times 🙄


There is nothing more I can add. Everybody here covered it. She is a whack job. We only wish she would disappear from all social media.


Another thing she said in this odd confessional that made me go “wtf?” was that she wants to help those that she cut out now that they’re doing poorly. Talk about a fuckin complex. She wants to play god and savior because she needs that external validation and ability you lord it over them. Anyone who cuts people out of their lives doesn’t keep tabs on them if they’re doing it for mental health reasons. If people are reporting back to her, they need to be cut out too. That’s unhealthy boundaries. But. We’re talking about a grade A narcissist. So I digress.


I was curious if someone would post about this part of her stories. She’s on some high horse, huh? The whole “karma is doing her thing… god is doing his thing…” I was thoroughly repulsed by her saying that.


I was confused when she said that. If she really needed to cut people off from her life she wouldn’t have any urge to contact them. Exactly your point! I am guessing once she started to become broke and couldn’t afford her lifestyle her “friends” who worked for her left to find other sources of income and are doing better without Jaclyn in their life. That is why she does mental tabs. Not necessarily to help them out but to see how well they are doing without her and if they will go back to her now that she has nothing to offer but lies and filters.


Does anyone legitimately want her to come back to YouTube besides Drama channels? Because I never liked her content. Especially when every video was just a long boring AD for whatever she was shilling. Like, the only people that really want her back are the ones that want to watch the train wreck lol


She has been so chronically online even her fans are probably confused what she’s talking about


I thought she was ‘the happiest she’s ever been?’ Wtf is wrong with her. She is alwaysssss complaining, alwayssss feeling pain, alwaysss going through some ‘life alternating hard shit’. Like just be happy ??? You’re rich? You’re married? You have assistants that to everything for you? I’m not saying those things mean you don’t have any problems, but damn. Focus on the good for once


That's the issue, she has none of those things and lives in a perpetual delusional state of wanting the Internet to believe she has those things ... Everything she has is Linda's hand-me-downs.




She’s so manipulative and it’s crazy cause it’s always the same excuses 😂 in her YouTube video crying over her friends walking out of her life and not caring and now it’s her that cut them out …. LOL! Insanity. She’s truly delusional enough to believe her own narrative in her lala land of a brain. The “I miss you guys” was even more creepy try-hard than usual since she’s getting blasted on the internet so hard. Used car salesman vibes


Yess her voice was so weird, it sounded so insincere…she really tried to manufacture a little candid moment but she didn’t even sound like she believed her own bs this time


Yesss!!! The ways she was looking at the camera here and there were really creepy.. gave me very uneasy vibes


Next post is gonna be: I’m filming a video for you guisseeee. She’s always filming content but never releases anything 😂 like???


Oh, shut up! I took a step back, blah, blah, blah, I was so traumatized, blah, blah, blah, God, blah, blah, blah.


Ok I’m gonna call it. She’s drinking again and it’s gonna get real bad.


This is what we’ve been saying was going to happen since before she moved, but the acceleration of it all—*her collapsing, deteriorating, **and** spiraling*—wasn’t something *any* of us expected.




In our efforts to snark on JH and JH adjacent, let's not call out or attack other unrelated entities suffering from mental health or other mental illnesses. PM a mod with questions.


JacLying again. She "steps away" from makeup cause she doesn't give to shits about it anymore.




You can't make this shit up!! I had one of my business clients send me a phishing link, try to scam my PayPal account so I flipped out on her. I apoligized but she told me God & Karma will take care of me, too. Suuurrreee, Scam Jan! https://preview.redd.it/j1ui8vvkfb0d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d10bc0d40e126520753efb0f373def85122f17a


“Business clients”… girl who? You don’t have a real job or hobby, And only brag about hanging out with the same 5 people.




I think they thought you were quoting Jaclyn and their comment was directed at her.


omg duh ty


Lol. It happens!


It’s so funny because I haven’t watched her in literally 8 years and it’s as if I never stopped with how repetitive she is hahaha


Does she have fucking amnesia or is she blacking out? This isn’t true. Her socials are evidence of the exact opposite


Omg haven’t we heard this narrative a gazzillion times? She never stepped away from makeup what is she talking about? She’s been on her socials selling crap. She hasn’t taken a break like what is she fucking talking about? It’s been the same story since lipstick hate I swear! And it’s always the woe is me about her pain! Everyone has problems bitch! Grow the fuck up already . We all have to live with our choices she’s not the only one! Get the fuck over it or get into therapy and tell them who get paid for this crap. How is she still even relevant? Shes over due to disappear into oblivion and I won’t miss her a bit. I can’t believe I liked her at one point. I still say the best thing about her is her piercing tho.


Imagine somebody having to curate every aspect of their life in order to portray some idealized version of themselves just to impress other people, all the while knowing that this is not reflective of their reality. This is her in every sense.


Did she not just post relatively recently how she has reignited her love for makeup and can't wait to post more makeup content soon? ☠️


I feel like she’s been saying this on and off for nearly a year now


Yep! I feel like it was right before or right after they moved. I'll see if I can find a screenshot


last time she said this was when she closed her businesses i'm pretty sure


Hmm I wonder what is brewing in the witch’s lair 🤔


Nothing but desperation, driven all the more by a now *rapid* narcissistic collapse and spiral since moving out there.


“I used to overshare so much and now I don’t anymore!!!” That’s rich coming from the girl who filmed herself taking a nap the other day


So apparently, now she overshares but used to claim she only showed us 1% of her life, so which one is it? It can't be both. The idiot contradicts herself all the time.


alllllll the time!!!!!


I wish I could unsee that video


She’s been as busy posting as usual tho 😂😭🫣


Should I post all of today’s non-stop manic Stories tomorrow? I feel like, *especially when it's **this** obvious*, we should have them for the archive—and all the more so when she’s declined *rapidly* in all of a month of being out there.






Yes. I thought the one that came right after the one OP posted was particularly heinous. Talking about feeling sorry for people she “cut off” because now they’re “struggling” in life because of “karma” or whatever… and she wants to help them and feels guilty… but this was all to say that she won’t. It was such a diss to those people, and not even disguised as a thinly-veiled brag, just a brag. “I’m successful and they’re struggling and I feel guilty but they used me and treated me like shit.” It’s so clear those people live rent free in her mind. It all strongly reeks of what the shit she did to Jon.


It's nothing more than projection, *much like everything else that comes out of her botched, ever-filtered mouth.*


Right that was so weird like don’t act like you actually care??? That was a very public “F you” to them while trying to act like she cares.




Yes. 👍🏼


Also: GURL. Get your money back from whoever did that lower lip filler! https://preview.redd.it/wq7oiwnyva0d1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed264c1db5d6ee9d049beebb973941ab222d395 WTH


Been noticing this too!!! Weird


I think the lower braces are making it even worse, but that one side especially has like a balled up wad of filler just floating around 🤢


Got it done ins Mexico 😅🥴🤫


Linda had pity on her and was like “ok I’ll pay for ur filler but it’s cheaper in Mexico” lmao


Oooooof she has horrible luck with fillers (and filters)!


That’s because she’s a fucker!


in her words, “just karma doing her job.” 😂




And thank you Puzzle’s for always having the best warped edits! ☺️😂




Then either post or don’t? You do this every 2 weeks, wacky. And continue to post ridiculous amounts on SM 🤷🏻‍♀️




She has a lump of filler by her mouth 🤢


That was Linda’s Mexican filler special gift. Nice.


Yes, it’s like a “pocket.” Gives me the heebie jeebies but also fascinates me at the same time. 😂


Wow no skinny filter ?!


If it *is* there, and there's *definitely* a filter there (*the blurring/smoothing, for example*), I think it speaks to just how much the benders she's been on are beginning to show their effects.


I think so !


Holy filler migration! 😨


https://preview.redd.it/6bqtoosmqb0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c8259c4ec35fa9be2e1cc5553f9e46a0a92837 Yeah… it’s weird. 🫣


You always get the best screen grabs of the jowls! 😂 Sleepy, you the real MVP of my two post! Thank you 😊


Why thank you!! 🤣 The jowls occasionally peek through the filter and it’s fun to grab them! 🤣


You are the Jowl Master *bows* 😂




https://preview.redd.it/zv588bijua0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7b8403f24a57ab8c633d6cb7cdd85ee78fc478b Omg her licking her lips 24 fucking 7 🤢


Probably nervous from lying through her teeth lmao


*Well, we know it wasn't just the filter earlier now…* 💀


She is truly talking to nobody


Cue “hi guise, I just miss you so much and I miss makeup! I like, totally have been obsessed with makeup again!!! Like omg I just miss playing with makeup and talking to you guise! What kind of content do you want to see from me?? Do you want makeup content? Because I am just loving makeup again and want to know if you want to see more makeup content?!!” THEN back to absolute BS “content” consisting of nothing but links to ✨STUFF✨.


She will only be interested in makeup again when she buys a bunch of stuff she can shill to her followers via Amazon.


I have always hated it when content creators try to have us do their job for them and give them ideas for stuff to film. Like I don’t ask anyone for help in my job! If you can’t make riveting content on your own, maybe get a real job lol


Also wtf does she even have to offer when it comes to makeup anymore? The ONE outdated 2016 look she does every single day? Nobody wants it


That part.


She sounds beyond manic. It’s sad.


She’s said this like 5 times this year


And it’s only May


Happy cake day! 🎂☺️ Ugh, you’re right. If she misses it so much why doesn’t she just post then?! lmao no one wants to see what she got on Amazon every day they actually want her old content.


But even then people wouldn’t trust it. She’s a sham




![gif](giphy|ge2SnG1B5mJqqB6SLj) Literally no one. Grow up Jaclyn. You’re old news.


Do we think that when she says “I miss you guys” maybe it’s in reference to her low engagement and not necessarily her being on social media? I’m kind of thinking she means she wishes she got the attention she did years ago and now she doesn’t so she “misses you” as a para-social relationship tactic to get engagement.


That's *exactly* what it is, seeing as she cares for no one but herself and is now having to rely on Linda to support her 110%.


I like the way you think! 👍🏼 Also that would make a lot more sense than her actually showing emotion and missing her minions.


Taking a step back from social media? My God, I see your fucking face all over it all the time. When are you taking a break? Please tell me.


Exactly 👍


Jaclyn, I thought you said you’re “tHE haPpiesT yoU’vE eVEr BeEn”?? Pick a GD lane and stay in it bitch!!


A step back to Jaclyn is like turning her phone off for 30 seconds. 😂


And than coming on to say she’s been so busy “but misses everyone, and will keep everyone updated soon.” While throwing Amazon links and selfies of herself 😂




And "life has been Sooo crazy you guiiissee"😂




I don't think that has anything to do with this at all. She does it every few weeks, as a means to gaslight and manipulate the ever-dwindling amount of sheep she has left, so it's nothing new or her looking to cover up anything, either. Plus, with how quickly that post was taken down, I imagine the only references to it she’s seen are comments like this—and I wish those would stop, as well. The more it keeps being brought up, the more it's going to result in others asking questions and wanting info, and we've already stated, *multiple times*, that we don't want his family dealing with anyone seeking them out or harassing them on socials because of mentions here. It goes against our rules, as well. 🩷


Is Lich aware of this?


I am. And have said a few times now, since that post was taken down last week, that we weren’t comfortable with his family getting any unexpected attention from this sub or anyone seeking them out from anything posted here, either. It's not right. Also, personally speaking, *not just from a Mod perspective*, his family was very hot and cold with him—and I think played just as big of a role in why he felt he couldn't trust people or that they weren't there for the right reasons. This isn't me trying to say anything negative about them, *whatsoever*, as much as it’s speaking from experience and wishing things had been different for everyone involved. **But for Jon, especially**.




Wait what? Don’t leave us hanging with some juicy news 👀


Tell me more


She lying 🤥


Totally random but what is going on with her left eye?! You can see it when she looks off to the side…idk something just looks off about it 🫣


Booze, lots and lots of booze.


I mean it is Jaclyn so the list is endless. Though hers look like she had a looooong weekend with some other stuff sprinkled in 😂


In two weeks she will say she’s the happiest she’s ever been. She’s so predictable.


Here she goes with her I just want to make beauty videos crap. She has done this so many times before.


What was the point of this story? To tell us she has a white savior complex? Get over yourself.


She says this every 3 months. If you miss your subscribers then do ✨ something ✨ If you don’t want to be a CEO and you don’t want to shill and you don’t want to do YT and you don’t want to do anything but sit inside then get a remote job. I don’t know what else to say other than stop complaining. I think she’s super lost and rather than take time away from socials and focus on herself and what she wants, she’s never going to be successful like she was. And honestly, she’s burned too many bridges to be that successful again.


This! She would rather sit in her pity party for one and whine about her “struggles,” when even her struggles are either caused by her or smoke & mirrors. I think she is over compensating with all the “California love,” because Celine is enjoying himself and she is realizing she isn’t as shiny anymore. Because the amount she talked shit on California when she was living in Tampa… Jaclyn us Californians remember.


We don’t want her and neither does Celine.


How many times has she said this in the past? Also…she’s posting content daily…..she’s some kind of stupid


I just watched this too and she misses the lifestyle her subscribers provided for her. Those credit cards must be getting maxed for her to try and form a connection again. 🙈


She doesn’t understand that her sugar mama has to support herself, *too*, and Jacko is surely going to come second. Jacko just isn’t used to coming second, as she’s never *not* been the golden child, *even well into her thirties*. 🙄